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People Are Allergic To Me (PATM)

People are allergic to me. And a lot of other people around the world are suffering from this condition. Doctors do not beleive the reports, and most of them claim that we are crazy but we all know that we're far from being crazy. This condition causes so much heartache and stress. I have sent emails to CDC, NIH and WHO with no help. Would you please address this issue?
8814 Responses
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Hi, meowkitty,

You can see all of the threads in this community here:


Hope this helps!

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The other thing about GCMS is for the mass spec you need to have a really good and large reference library in order to find a good match. Ideally the matchability should be above 70 to 100 ( which is a perfect match) to be significant.

With collecting the breath samples that may  be hard as you do not want to contaminate the sample or have any other confounding factors. In a study I read using GCMS they cleaned the equipment with nitrogen gas first etc.

Someone once told me that a better type of equipment for analyzing breath besides GCMS is Fourier Transfer-Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) and you some way/how can just blow into the device rather than collecting a sample. Making it much easier to do the experiment.
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I have not used Nexium HP, but another product with the same effect, plus an anti anaérobic. No result as said before.

About the previous posts, some persons suggestion are diets, avoiding sugare, protein, L-glutamine powder, taking lemon juice, and the like.

So take time and read, mainly the most recent, an even older post, there will be useful and valuable info.

Good luck
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You said allergy shots helped. What allergy did you have?

What do you mean "react to themselves"? I do sneeze and sniffle sometimes, but it may be environmental.
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Has anyone of you tried a gut repair/reestablishing ? I'm gonna try it
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Hey guys I have been reading this forum for over a year, my first post though. I'm a 23 y.o. male and started getting all the PATM reactions about 2 years ago. There's a couple key events, maybe you guys experience something similar:

I don't notice a smell around me now, but around when it first started there was an awful fecal odour from my butt. Around this time i also noticed I had a small "blister" on my anus, which i assume was haemorrhoids. Haemorrhoids have been mentioned on here before as a potential cause - i remember reading that the anus can't properly close because of the bumps, and gas/feces leaks out. I recently had a flare up of haemorrhoids again. Anyone else have issues with haemorrhoids?

Also just before the time i started to experience PATM there was a huge water leak that soaked the carpet beneath my bed. I no longer live in that house, but wondering if mold from that incident might be around still, maybe in my clothes (clothes were on the floor too) and in my mattress. Has anyone tried to buy completely new bed and bedding? There is a heavy smell, not too strong or offensive, coming from my room and i kind of suspect my bed is the source. I bought new pillows as mine were soaked yellow with sweat, and i immediately noticed that i had way less dandruff/flakes. Maybe a whole bed would do the equivalent for my body.

I have been eating Greek yogourt daily for the past 2.5 weeks, and i actually notice a little change for the better - my friends who got the stuffiest around me don't have quite as bad reactions.

TL;DR - Anybody relate with haemorrhoids, mold exposure (bed, clothes)? I'm really glad this forum is so active, it is such a relief not to be alone.
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Hi, folks,

This thread will be closed to new comments today. With nearly 9400 posts, this thread has become difficult to navigate -- it's loading slowly for existing participants, and it's difficult for new members to find a place to jump in.  

Please know that this thread isn't going away -- it contains a great deal of valuable information that you've contributed over the past 8 1/2 years.  You'll still be able to view all of the posts for your reference, but this thread will be closed to new comments.

The PATM Community is still here, and will remain open.  To see all of the threads in this community, including the newest posts, click here:  

Please feel free to start a new discussion by clicking the "Post A Question" link near the top of this forum's page."  There are already quite a few questions from new members who are hoping for answers from those of you who have some experience with PATM.  This may also be a good time to start topical threads about PATM (e.g., "what is PATM?", "symptoms", "treatments that have worked", etc.)


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when there us a new thread someone post link here, i cannot lose touch with these people
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funny how you mentioned the cold air environment...the moment i walk into a cold grocery store, "it" fires off like a canon and makes somebody cough...every single time.  not sure if "it" doesn't like the cold (after all, we seem to generate a hot/stuffy environment around us)

anyway, i agree, we have to keep open minds about this, and remember that there may not be just one PATM, but several subtypes (electrical phenom. type, dust/fibers type, etc.)

my current research topic is that it inhabits the hair follicles (head/crotch), bacterial in origin, feeds off oil in follicle, doing experiments...

also, could be a bacteria that inhabits glands, working on that too
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It's not for you soilsystem, the interface keeps changing back and forth between the old one and new and it's confusing.
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One last thing, I want to keep an open mind, as there are people on this forum that have posted things that may or may not make sense or don't necessarily agree with.

But I want to say if you think its demodex or high  PTH levels or anything else. I strongly suggest that you see a doctor to confirm your suspicions/check it out.  Or even find a supporting article that may lead us to something. We need to work at this, I am tired of letting the days go by. I feel we might be close to it. We need to make connections to what others are saying and hopefully we'll find the answer.  If you can, see as many doctors as you can (sounds dumb) but you never know.

Lets not focus on one thing for too long, but instead keep it on the side while exploring/researching other things. For example, instead of looking at patm coming from inside us, maybe its from a bacteria on our skin. I recently learned that we produce volatile fatty acids on our skin (butyric, propionic and acetic acids) maybe we are producing more of one kind.  

This is just my plea, please don't take it personal or think that I'm suggesting you aren't working hard enough etc. I just want us to keep at it and not give up.

Thanks everyone!  
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Hi borntobe,

In regards to being allergic to airborne allergens, I have the same issue. It is weird because I have never had allergies until having patm. I went to an allergist the first time and found out that I was allergic to dust, pollen only. Then the second time I went because I wanted to try the allergy shots and had to do the skin prick test again and discovered I was allergic to more airborne allergens such as mold and more types of pollen!!!!. This is nuts.

My theory is whatever this irritant is, is effecting our mucus membranes, making them very dry and reducing their ability to protect us from allergens thus making us susceptible.

I was reading an article yesterday on causes of sore throat and interestingly enough there is a similarity between the mediated response to allergens and cold dry air meaning the symptoms are the same. I always hear people make an excuse that their reactions are related to being cold.

To answer your question about animals licking themselves etc. I have a dog and he scratches himself when I am near him, does the shake, and has a plugged up nose as well. This patm thing really ***** essentially we are attacking peoples immune systems and making them sick, who knows what the long term effects are.
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NEXIUM20 is prescribed with the doctor for me.
It is because there is a pain in the stomach. Moreover, it is light GERD
To our regret, it is not effective in PATM.
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Thank you for your response dude. I just came on this forum today and there are 9200 comments, so I don't really know which previous post you mean.
It would be nice, when you could tell me what you mean. Thx

And another question, from where did you get the Nexium HP? From your doctor? I can't find any in the internet.
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I am trying that for one week, no result. Will try other tricks and let you know. Also, some patmers have already posted some tricks that may help. Read the previous post.

Good luck
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I read that too, but no idea if it works or not, sorry for that. I wonder if it work.
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in some other Forum somebody is convinced that he has the 100% Cure. But I don't know if the medicine is risky, so I want to ask you, if it could really be the solution or if it's just a troll.  Here's the medicine:

"NEXIUM HP (it is a package medicine, inside: 1. Nexium 20 mg, 2. Amimox 500mg, 3. Klacid 500mg ) every 12 hours on empty stomach for one week! Then seperately FLAGYL 200gr every 8 hours for one week on empty stomach! I promise it is 100% CURE!!!! It got rid off just in one week! IF you still have you can continue second week, it depends which level you have the sickness!
Because we have bakteries and mushroom in our guts, nexium will soften your stomach and removes the mushroom and bakteries and Flagyl is antebiotic, it kills the rest of bakteries and mushrooms then you are healthy again. Enjoy life guys!"
That's what he posted. Do you think this could be really the solution?
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King2700 i was prescribed nexium by my ent doctor and later dyfilan by my gp and it did stop it while on the meds but returned once stopped. I had no intention of staying on reflux meds from now on. Silent reflux was a concern of mine at one time which i posted probably years ago. Still searching...
King2700 i was prescribed nexium by my ent doctor and later dyfilan by my gp and it did stop it while on the meds but returned once stopped. I had no intention of staying on reflux meds from now on. Silent reflux was a concern of mine at one time which i posted probably years ago. Still searching...
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Hello of you. I am PATMER that lives in Japan.
It becomes impossible to endure sniffing and having a fit of coughing and the nose from surrounding people has been stopped though it was a student. The bulletin board of Japan is talked about about PATM.
Everybody suffers. I seem to crumble, too. Please help.
I'm sorry by poor English.
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Hope everyone is hanging in there! I am still actively pursuing answers for this medical mystery. I like to think we were chosen to deal with this for a reason.

I am messaging because I would love to get together with a few of you guys!! Who lives in the Midwest United States?? I am in Iowa. I am willing to travel to neighboring states... Also- I travel often for medical conferences and for fun so I'd love to meet up with you if I am able. Please message me on this site and let me know where you're living. Would LOVE to get to know you guys more.

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Hey I'm new but I also have the same problem, I posted my detailed story in some german forums and don't wanna put it out. But in some other Forum somebody is convinced that he has the 100% Cure. But I don't know if the medicine is risky, so I want to ask you, if it could really be the solution or if it's just a troll.  Here's the medicine:

"NEXIUM HP (it is a package medicine, inside: 1. Nexium 20 mg, 2. Amimox 500mg, 3. Klacid 500mg ) every 12 hours on empty stomach for one week! Then seperately FLAGYL 200gr every 8 hours for one week on empty stomach! I promise it is 100% CURE!!!! It got rid off just in one week! IF you still have you can continue second week, it depends which level you have the sickness!
Because we have bakteries and mushroom in our guts, nexium will soften your stomach and removes the mushroom and bakteries and Flagyl is antebiotic, it kills the rest of bakteries and mushrooms then you are healthy again. Enjoy life guys!"
That's what he posted. Do you think this could be really the solution?
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hi sorry for my bad english hope you understand.
i have don all the test for bad breath but they say im good but when im round ppl i see them hold there nose and look at me.
do you think its not bad breath ?
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It is not bad breath. I ask everyone I am comfortable with whether my breath stinks and they always answer back no. I found out my immune system was very low. I started to become allergic to everything airborne. Grass as well. Which was very odd for me. So my allergist recommended allergy shots to build my immune system back up again.  I also decided to get the allergy shots because I heard that suggestion from another PARKer. Yes, I do have I.B.S which seems so smiliar to S.I.B., my gastrointestinal doctor told me that I may have I.B.S after I described to her the abdominal pain in under the belly button and the mucus in stool. Your stool tells a lot about your health. I have had my gallbladder taken out the test showed nothing wrong but he did tell my fiance that it appeared slightly not normal. I looked at the picture of it after the surgery and it only seemed a little dry looking. Otherwise, normal.  

I react to myself whenever I open my mouth really wide like, when I brush my teeth, I lean forward towards the mirror andopen my mouth wide, and instantly begin to rub my nose. My kids have actually told me whenever they are around me and especially when I talk, it feels like hairs crawling up their nose or tickling down their throat which makes them cough as well. I figured carbon dioxide does the same thing to people. I noticed that whenever I get out from surgery and have gas mask on. My face and nose itches like  crazy!! This is why gas pills seems to work for me a little. Gas can also have an effect from people farther away as well. This could explain why reactions are happening far away . Mucous glands could be where it is affecting. Which unfortunately are darn near all over the inside the body.

Has anyone noticed a change in their stool ? Who has silent GERD or Gerd that doesn't seem to go away with medications? Who has IBS or SIBO symptoms? Who has a vitamin deficiency? Who suffers from low immunity? Is the gender in this group a majority of females or males? Who notices animals licking themselves or shaking themselves off After coming in contact with you? Headaches from people around you? Dizziness and confusion from people being around you?
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Borntobe, never react back....
I know it's so tempting and gratifying, but just leave the person, have a positive thought and get them out of your headspace or aura...
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I read that gallbladder issues could relate to parasites. Im actually doing a parasute cleanse now and the first few days got lots of action in my body. In india some groups do parasite ceanses yearly.

Yes i react to myself. I make myself sneeze usually after a big yawn. A few tines while using oxypowder. I let out some huge loads, and whatever i relased was in the air and i had coughing attack.

Bornto be-were u tested for sibo,? im leaning toward that, seeing gastroenterologist Tuesday
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Stressing seems like it has a lot to do with it as well. Meditate, don't smoke, or drink. Try to not focus on it. I repeat whatever I see the person in front of me reactions was. Lol! It makes it fun.

Oh one question. Does anyone react to themselves sometimes?
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I have noticed the reaction being about 20 feet, when I am having a really bad reaction day. Those days only happens after I take a lot of medications. Medications definitely makes it worse!Eating junk food most importantly, gassy foods,makes the reactions worse.

I also noticed animals scratch or lick themselves constantly when around me.

One thing that I have also noticed is gas pills helps some guys! I take two at night and two in the morning. I also drink lemon water or tea with lemon juice. That helps as well. Eat. If your hungry eat. Calm down. Stressing out makes it ten times worse. Drink Apple juice. That seems to work for me as well. Also, taking a bath at night and shower in the morning also helps. Tongue scraper! That helps. Rest, and lots of it! Wash, all the time. Wear clothes once and wash.

I feel it may possibly have something to do with some form of morgellons. I hate to say it. The only difference is that there are no scars or open wounds.

I also believe it is some form of gas. This PATM happened to me right after having surgery. I haven't been the same since. I have paid attention to every constant changing thing happening to my body. It feels as if I am a lot older than I am. I have had gallbladder surgery believing it was bile acid. I have had a tonsilectomy believing it was bad breath from tonsils stones. An EGD believing it was some crazy SIBO infection or h.pylori, even an hiatial hernia. I have had a stool test, blood test, x Ray, and a ct. Scan. All tests comes back negative! How is that possible? I feel horrible!!!
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you get reactions with in two feet only! I get reactions like a 100 feets away!! Also I could be locked up in my room my family's reactions are still as bad out in the living room.

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