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People Are Allergic To Me (PATM)

People are allergic to me. And a lot of other people around the world are suffering from this condition. Doctors do not beleive the reports, and most of them claim that we are crazy but we all know that we're far from being crazy. This condition causes so much heartache and stress. I have sent emails to CDC, NIH and WHO with no help. Would you please address this issue?
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Yes I don’t agree with you totally and I question your experience as a patmer because of what you have just written.

Personally, I've never seen someone get sick or have a fever because he/she wants to. I never read in any text book of any case of anyone literally controlling when to get sick, have wild coughing fits and fever, and when to get well. That's not my opinion but a fact. To say that everyone on this earth is ready to play sick, fever & allergy game whenever a patmer is present is absurd. How does everyone around the world knows who is a patmer and who’s not, for the exclusive intention of playing games? And what for?

I personally have seen people take medicine and often visit the hospital more than I could possible count. I have cousins, classmates, friends etc. whom have gotten sick and have to be hospitalised and they recover, come back and get sick again.. back in the hospital. They can’t explain why and have often stated strange explanations such as superstitious interpretations like as if they’ve been cursed or my house is cursed of the weather is unclean and full of moulds. That’s why I question your experience with much scepticism because you lack a lot of the bits and pieces of what a patmer experience every day.

Now the lab technician that I work with is just one of the thousands that I’ve met in my life with the same experience. He has a bachelor in biochemistry and physics so certainly knows more than you and I, so I trust his judgement.

He was experiencing the same thing and couldn’t explain why he got allergies and fevers with no apparent reasons when he’s near me. He only started to experience these sickening symptoms right after our first class. I had already had a plan in mind so I asked him if I could work with him and get help at the same time at off-hours and pay him at an hourly rate, he agreed.. he didn’t know my true intention. It was after 3 days before I made my move. He didn’t believe me  when I alluded that I have observed for years everyone getting allergies and sickness around me if they happen to stay long enough regardless who they are, whether I meet them in a plane or restaurant in another country, it doesn’t really matter where, when and who. It took a long time for him to consider my claim a possibility after repetitive experiences, especially when he stayed home for a couple of days because of his sickness and only to return and get sick again but much worse.

At present, I don’t want to get into details when I am discussing things in this forum because first of all, it’s a waste of time and for other reasons I don’t want to reveal but if you’re an academic you’d understand, nevertheless I’ll share a few things just to let you know what we’ve done so far to establish that patm exists. The first thing for him was to establish whether the problem exists and it’s relation to me, before further progress. As a science person he doesn’t take empty claims without proof. He immediately suggested how to initially prove that I’m the cause of his allergies and sickness.  He had himself on an oxygen mask prior to calling me on the phone to come over. We worked in the lab for the whole night and sure enough his sickness & coughing never occurred once throughout the night. All that brutal headaches, coughing, sneezing, nausea he often complained about was gone. We tried it again 3 times in a row with different conditions to establish a solid hypothesis. We then took off the mask and on the first night he couldn’t continue without coughing his throat out and as usual, headache & drowsiness followed. We had to stop for a few weeks and discussed through Skype on how to progress from there. Funny thing about scientists is they are ready to test other ideas once someone suggested something. We’ve had to stop many times because someone else suggested something as he shares my problem with other people.  Anyways, we wanted to expand the experiment to 3 or 4 but haven’t tried ever since.

Anyhow, It’s this experiment that gave him the evidence my claim is most likely true. He was surprised by the outcome but the evidence was right in his face so had difficulty denying it. But sometimes he’d sit and suggest a pile of what ifs which I literally block by ears. Now that I’ve told you, you can try the experiment with any patmer and see for yourself. The result is undeniable! Put the oxygen mask on anyone which is completed sealed and call a patmer to come over and sit as close as possible to that person with the oxygen mask for 10-20 mins or more. You’ll all observe no reaction whatsoever from the person wearing the mask.

@everyone, Any patmer in this forum who wishes his doctor to try this with you, I guarantee you 10000% that any scenario following this procedure I’ve just explained will end just like as I said. Why? .. because we have tested it. Remember the mask must be in good condition and sealed completely not to let air in, except for the exhaust controller.

If you can afford a portable oxygen tank & mask, and have someone who’s always allergic to you wear it, you’ll observe him feeling comfortable as usually even when you are sitting as close as possible. After 30 mins, take off the mask and see him get sars symptoms once again from you..lol.  The only problem is that oxygen level regulator on portable equipments may not be present. I don’t know because I haven’t used a portable one so you’ll have to experiment. If you have the resources, do an experiment with 3-4 people on oxygen masks sitting around you. I expect they’ll be comfortable as ever and wonder what the **** is the experiment is for, until they take off the mask within your presence and have a nice close up chat with you for a couple of minutes..lol.
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I think there is a need to move to another webplace with structured forums, instead of this long single thread. Then we could more easily find information, follow up on different paths to getting better and also moderate unwanted posts. I think it is very bad for our cause to mix posts that are trying to find a scientific solution with the more cosmic/spiritual/religious approach.

As it is now, it is a complete mess and it doesn't help at all when non-patmers visit to get a grasp of what we're dealing with.
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I think what you're describing is definitely a regular part of our reality, but it's only a symptom of our underlying physical condition, which in reality is making people react. In other words, even if you didn't have PATM, you would still occasionally experience this in day-to-day life, because coughing can be used as a social intimidation technique in an attempt to assert dominance. Once you understand this, you might actually find yourself trying to contain your laughter about how pathetic and insecure the individual is to have to resort to such ridiculous tactics.

However, I'm quite convinced those with PATM are causing actual physical symptoms in those near them. Some of these people can suppress their reaction or delay it until you're not around, while others have no choice but to react on the spot. Even if they can suppress it, they might choose not to for a variety of reasons.

So mix my first paragraph with the second, and this is what you're probably experiencing.
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I know my wife and kids and everybody that I come up to including my parents, brothers, sisters, cousins, uncles grandparents, friends, co-workers would want to do me harm. You are confused and you are certainly not a PATM sufferer. You have no idea how we feel, I've had this for much to long to fall into thinking that it's a psychological illness. There not one day that does pass that I get reminded that I cause allergies. I just thank God that I have not lost my mind and that I know we will find a cure.
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I do not believe these people are LITERALLY allergic to us or LITERALLY get fevers or symptoms of a cold, so I do not believe that they are harming themselves. So when they sniff, cough, clear their throats, etc. I believe they are doing it intentionally to get to us. I believe it may have something to do with the possible fact that patmers give off a certain 'vibe', if you will, to these people and they take that as a sign that their behavior will 'get to us', so to speak.

It is EXTREMELY peculiar, and I am just expressing my opinion. You are entitled to disagree with me.
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So you believe the whole world gets running noses, allergies, sick with a fever just because they want to show cruelty to a patmer? Naturally if you are upset and want to be cruel to someone you want to impose pain on that person but not yourself. You are suggesting the opposite.

How do you explain everyone whether he/she has met the patmer himself gets allergies or sickness once within the range of a patmer? Are you telling me the whole world phoned each other years ago and exchanged photos of all patmer and decided to be cruel to us, but instead of harming us, they decided to harm themselves in front of our very eyes just to make us feel bad?
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