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People Are Allergic To Me (PATM)

People are allergic to me. And a lot of other people around the world are suffering from this condition. Doctors do not beleive the reports, and most of them claim that we are crazy but we all know that we're far from being crazy. This condition causes so much heartache and stress. I have sent emails to CDC, NIH and WHO with no help. Would you please address this issue?
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Thanks for the explanation. When you say to get your breath tested, What are we testing for? Is that test available in hospitals/clinics? If so how would you ask your doctor you wanted to get your breath tested? Sorry for asking too many questions! I wanted to see if it is something possible for me to do.
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VOCs would contain molecular species of a sample taken from anything that is capable of making VOCs. Concerning patmers, we are interested with only our sample in comparison vs. people who aren’t patmers. I suggested breath tests first, because it’s a narrower group to search through. This is because patm, if it exists, must use the only medium available – the air. Other bodily secretion could be used but it’s harder to find as there are numerous groups of other organic compounds involved.
It also appears you didn’t read my other comments concerning this thoroughly before you asked this question so I suggest you do.

Why is this important?
1. Patmers shouldn’t make empty claims. If patm exist, then it should show up in nature and can be verified with a scientific mean. If it’s almost impossible to test scientifically, it naturally begs the question whether is this real at all. The good news is, it can be tested. But testing like all things, always cost.
2. If physicians aren’t up for the job, patmers themselves should take up the task if getting an answer in our lifetime is important.
3. To make the problems easier we have to break it up to simpler manageable problems. There’s so many claims in this forum but impossible to test. I think we all know from basic rules of problem solving that it’s best to break any problem if possible to simpler ones and work your way through.
4. Comparing two individual VOCs against one another is the only one that could reveal the molecules of interest. It’s a matter of pinpointing which one. That can only be done by comparing a patmer’s VOCs profile to normal person.

What area to study?
1. Chemistry
2. Biochemistry
3. Environment
4. Physics
5. A combination of the above.

Areas such psychiatry, psychology, history etc. don’t have any clue about hard core sciences as they usually lack the mathematical rigorousness necessary to understand crucial details regarding the subject matter above… best to stay away from them.

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I understandthe stress connection. When i get stressed i feel this heat, raise to the top of my ead, my face gets humid air running through it, then people reactions ate amplified
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I used to love bacon. I watched a you tubevvideo where they took a pork chop out the package, poored coka cola on it, and a bunch of patasites jumped out of it. The lumigrate website and b oage shows all kids of wierd things insidevof them on skin, andin their house and v yards
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4274626 tn?1487889732
I know right!? I haven't gotten sick AT ALL in the past couple of years.  I thought it was weird I never got sick considering how crappy I felt.  But now it makes sense.  My body is chronically fighting off low-grade infections (probably SIBO along with other things, like parasites) so it is not strong enough to finish the war...it needs help.  I am now determined to get sick, as weird as that sounds!  I am doing all I can to support the immune system.  

The other thing that I do is I take HCl with meals because in school I learned that most people who live in the modern world are chronically low in HCl (because a poor diet and stress lowers HCl production).  Acid reflux is a sign of low stomach acid by the way, not too much.  It is very rare for someone to actually produce too much HCl.  Why is this relevant to PATM and immune issues?  Because one of the purposes of having adequate digestion (stomach acid) is to kill pathogens that we ingest.  First we have to get that in order and support those foundations.  The body only digests in a parasympathetic state, so we have to enjoy our meals and enjoy our company.  That is why low mood/psychological issues and stress contribute to some of PATMers cause of PATM---the sympathetic (fight or flight) part of the autonomic nervous system is overwhelming the immune system, causing chronic inflammation, depleting the body of nutrients.  Remember, you need to be relaxed and in a parasympathetic state more often to help your symptoms ("rest and digest" state).  This is advice for everyone, however it is especially relevant to those whose issues stem from a psychological connection.  Enormous amounts of scientific data are coming out on the "gut-brain axis".  Our modern culture has fallen out of this innate intelligence that our ancestors had of NEEDING to relax and socialize around the dinner table, letting your food digest.

For those who have neurological issues (back issues) or who had PATM start after surgery, you might want to research "peristalsis" or "gut motility issues" or "gastroparesis".  Low mood is also linked to "slow gut transit time" which contributes to SIBO and its high rate of relapse after antibiotic use.  Antibiotics address the symptoms but a lot of us need to address the cause, which is slow gut transit time.  

Here is the definition of "gastroparesis" (credit mayo clinic website):Gastroparesis is a condition in which the spontaneous movement of the muscles (motility) in your stomach does not function normally.

Ordinarily, strong muscular contractions propel food through your digestive tract. But in gastroparesis, your stomach's motility works poorly or not at all. This prevents your stomach from emptying properly. Gastroparesis can interfere with normal digestion, cause nausea and vomiting, and cause problems with blood sugar levels and nutrition.

The cause of gastroparesis is usually unknown. When this is the case, it's called idiopathic gastroparesis (IG). When people who have diabetes develop gastroparesis, it's called diabetic gastroparesis (DG). Some people develop gastroparesis after surgery.

There is no cure for gastroparesis, but changes to your diet, along with medication, can offer some relief.
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