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People Are Allergic To Me (PATM)

People are allergic to me. And a lot of other people around the world are suffering from this condition. Doctors do not beleive the reports, and most of them claim that we are crazy but we all know that we're far from being crazy. This condition causes so much heartache and stress. I have sent emails to CDC, NIH and WHO with no help. Would you please address this issue?
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Hello tamanna99. I can agree with your theory on "feelings" in that when I become extremely anxious or nervous and start to have a mini-panic attack (my heart-rate jumps, I breathe more heavily and start to sweat more) I notice the reactions appear to get worse (this is just based off my observations and not conclusive).

However, even if I am in the best mood and feeling optimistic and happy, people still have allergic reactions around me. I don't believe our thoughts or feelings are the sole cause of PATM, but I can understand if you say that if we experience extreme emotions that triggers a panic-attack, our bodies physiologically react in a way that causes more severe reactions in others.

Please don't take my responses as fact, they are just based off of my personal experiences and my interpretations of them. Regardless, a scientific approach to proving PATM is the best way to gain support from highly trained professionals who can hopefully find a cure for PATM.
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You are partially right on that. But it’s easier said than done. Your opinions in some manner express as if you haven’t any familiarity with patm or you may have a different condition.

Personally for me, if I don’t follow a strict diet and the supplements I take, other people will leave. They can’t stand the allergies and sickness they go through. The only good thing is that they don’t know that I have something to do with it. Anyhow patmers end up being alone anywhere they go always and I don’t think you understand that. I wouldn’t have foreseen that if I didn’t have the condition to experience it everyday. It’s a repetitive experience that each one of us can almost predict for certain how it will materialize in every social event. You end up being alone regardless what you do.

The strict diet and my scientific understanding have helped me minimized patm to a manageable degree. It is not fear, anxious, anxiety etc. as you claim that pressure patmers but a normal humane understanding of our reality.

The easiest way for anyone who understands is, try stripping your cloths and go shopping then come back and tell us how you feel. Do it for a week and try to control your feelings. Its perceptible people will swear at you or even chuckle while pointing at your private parts, but just ignore them and continue on. They are just feelings so it shouldn’t be that bad.. just try and tell yourself that it isn’t happening and continue to assure yourself that you’re happy though you’re crying in disgrace. But let’s say, add on something a little more prominent like, imagine you’re likewise so unattractive (obese and limping etc.) that people abundant the area where you go then that feeling will get even worse. That’s almost equivalent to how patmers feel but it has lasted for years for some.

Also feelings are caused by stimuli which are as valid as any other received through senses on your body. They all travel up on nerve endings to your brains regardless where they start but brains can only take so much stress from any negative stimuli.

If the condition (PATM) is real, then questioning about feelings is irrelevant at this point. Patmers should be left to feel whatever they want because that’s up to each individual. The problem here is not to ask whether patmers should feel that or this. No, that’s not the problem. The problem being discussed is, how are we going to get rid of this condition and be normal like everybody else. To solve the problem, the causation itself must be identified.

To point to mental stress and anxiety as the ultimate causation of PATM with confidence would be almost arrogant on our part because nobody knows at this point what it is PATM. No one has done any experiment to thorough understand patm.  If you ask any doctor what experiment they’ve done to verify whether patm claims are real or not, they’d go mute!! ..because they haven’t done any. Goldbricking around with the stethoscope on the patmers *** does not count as experiments – even my baby dog can use the stethoscope….hehe… it’s a no brainer. Science is about experimentation before conclusion and not the other way round.

In addition if anxiety was the causation then why isn’t anyone being cured? Everyone is still the same regardless whether they believe it or not. Antidepressant etc. don't work one bit. If someone walks into a room with a cure to a disease and gives it to sick patients but they all end up dead within a few days then whatever it is, we can’t accept the cure is real, particularly if it’s being tried again and again with repetitive failures. In principle we should look somewhere else.
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I can agree with you for the most part but if i mind you I I shall add that I have not given up hope but still go by the idea that it has 'feelings' drawn up to it. When I feel a certain way (if I'm calm) then everything' is alright. Even if somebody was coughing I wouldn't be the slight interested. My focus would be placed elsewhere. However science is also important in understanding this patm better. I do encourage you to do what you're doing and I am glad to say that you are doing it well. However lets not go of the idea that feelings has a major play in this. Forget having thoughts feeling is what drives this patm. Feeling scared, anxious, worried whether you realise it or not drives this thing.
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Thanks Free_From_This. You are right about caused by a "negative" outlook. I ignore some of these comments because they aren’t science people and they’re just tired from years of suffering. I have sympathy for them as I truly understand their suffering. It’s unfortunate and it’s quite natural that when you run out of understanding, reasons and the spirit is broken, you tend to look at alternative means even if it doesn’t make any sense. In history, you’ll find this happening a lot. People run out of hope and reasons when they can’t understand something critical to their survival therefore finally fall back to superstition and magic.

For instance, when the bubonic plague wiped out half of the world, people tried all kind things including existing medicinal practices and traditional remedy but when all hopes were gone, they had nothing left but to withdraw back to superstitions. It came several times starting from the 6th century to as late as the 19th century. People didn’t know what to do anymore so end up doing all kind of silly things. Some sacrificed their children or people that were believed to be manifestation of evil and demons etc. but it only seemed to escalate the number deaths. It’s normal and we all go through that. I’m really sad to see some of us going through it now. They are beginning to lose hope and I don’t blame them. Sometimes I feel like that too.

Fortunately I’m a science student. In science there is always a natural explanation and if you can’t find it, it only means you have fallen short of finding the natural explanation, but it’s always there. Because the same atoms that makes us is the same atom that combines to make patm molecule that causes allergies on others. So if patm is composed of atoms then it has a natural explanation. Science predicts there’s always a naturally explanation to everything and throughout history it has always won this claim against superstitions and folklore.

So the problem for me was how to find the quickest path to understanding PATM. I’ve looked in all direction and come to the conclusion that isolating VOCs from patmer’s breath is the simplest and most predictable route to take in understanding what PATM is, though it will take years. So now, I’m moving in that direction and always looking if there is a shortcut but so far none. If someone is already in front of me then we expect to know sooner and I really hope that is the case. I read some earlier post of someone claiming to have a Bachelor in Biology. I hope he’d continue with a masters and do a research and possible have access to such equipment.

I believe I’ll have access to such equipment within my third year, but since I’m taking courses one by one as I major in something different, it will take years.

How I wish I had a family member who worked in this area… I can easily convince or pay him to do the experiment.
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I am of the same mindset as freeland1924. Please everyone, if we want to get rid of this I believe we have to take a scientific approach to first understanding this disease.

Whenever we have the time (myself included), I think we should research as much info on allergens, the human biology, etc. (if anyone has any suggestions on what they think might be useful to research on please let our PATM community know) and post some updates. I plan on

Whenever we have the opportunity to seek professional assistance, hopefully we take it. I know the majority of professionals will just shoot us down, but maybe one won't? I know how it feels when no one believes you and I've had my doctor question my mental fortitude (when I told her about PATM she flat out asked me if I had any real friends and if I'm social; she was hinting that I might have depression/psychosis or some other mental disorder. The frustrating thing was that she was having some allergic reactions when she was saying it).

I've honestly and rationally gone back and forth if PATM is all in my mind and I don't believe it is (logically, it is extremely unlikely that everyday nearly everyone experiences some level of reactions when I am within close proximity). If it's not all in my mind, then some real and physical allergen must be causing these reactions in others.

I apologize if I offend someone but I have to disagree on the theory that PATM is caused by a "negative" outlook towards life and people. I have contemplated on that theory a lot, and while many of us may have a negative outlook or maybe even "fear" of people (although I can argue that it is because of PATM that we start to develop a negative outlook or "fear" of people), that does not explain the sneezing and other unusually high number of reactions we witness every day in our lives.

I hope no one takes this message in the wrong way, I just want to help all of us get cured and I believe the if we are all onboard to help scientifically prove the existence and cause of PATM, it will only expedite our journey to cure PATM.
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For me, there’s two way to approach this problem. Study hard through college until you have enough knowledge and proper access to the right equipment for the diagnosis.

Second, if you can’t study through college, try and persuade experts to do the test for us. But here is the thing, I socialize with experts and researchers everyday and I can tell you that it’s very difficult to persuade them because you first need two things. First, you need to understand what you’re talking about in the first place. Most people here in the forum don’t realize their explanation of patm doesn’t make any sense to a scientist at all. Second, you need to provide a big fee because expert service pays. They always demand a fee, just as airlines need a fee before a flight. There are no free lunch. So eventually studying through college appears to be the only logical path to take.
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