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People Are Allergic To Me (PATM)

People are allergic to me. And a lot of other people around the world are suffering from this condition. Doctors do not beleive the reports, and most of them claim that we are crazy but we all know that we're far from being crazy. This condition causes so much heartache and stress. I have sent emails to CDC, NIH and WHO with no help. Would you please address this issue?
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There’s an existing product called Soylent. https://www.soylent.com/
It’s even on Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soylent_(drink)

I presume Soylent gave James Collier the inspiration to create Huel. I’ve tried Soylent for health reasons. I have also tried blending my vegetables and other stuff in the past which is the same thing. It certainly is healthy but as far as my patm was concerned it didn’t help and I wasn’t expecting it to.

However, it’s always good to try out things as there’s nothing to lose. If you have the money I suggest you go for it because you never know, perhaps there’s an ingredient in Huel that’s hasn’t been tried by anyone.

Here’s the ingredient list. http://huel.me/pages/nutritional-information-and-ingredients
It’s good to look through it and see if you know which ingredient is doing the magic… and even if it doesn’t work for patm, there’s still the healthy and good looks to gain.
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if anyone is from Toronto and wants to meet that would be helpful. I'm just entering my second year of university and this is quite possible the worst thing ever. Im only a couple months into this, and im feeling the impact already. Hopefully i can figure this out.

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Got this from their site - I'm afraid it's based in the UK but I'm sure they do similar shakes in the US.

It's been formulated by the renowned nutrition expert James Collier BSc (Hons), RNutr to include all the protein, carbs, fats, vitamins and minerals that your body needs. James has over 25 years of experience working in nutrition and dietetics, including 7 years as a Clinical Dietician in the NHS. Covering an array of clinical areas, he worked with people with a wide range of ailments and food intolerances. He also has an Honours Degree in Nutrition with Dietetics.

Huel provides at least 100% of the UK Government's 'Reference Nutrient Intakes' and the European Union's 'Daily Recommended Amount'.

Huel contains: No added sugar, no meat or animal products, no dairy, no soy, no eggs, making it suitable for those with even the most complex dietary requirements.
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Where do you buy this shake and do you know who makes it?
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You'll notice that the reactions are worse once you've eaten or have tucked into junk food or sugary stuff.

Think we just need to clean out our colon and by going just liquid for a few day it gives your system a chance to clear up all the junk in there.

Just my theory & its working for me.

Good luck to you all
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I don't want to get too excited but this is looking good and will update again next week.
I've been on this shake for a few days now and have notices 0 reactions.
I live in England so not sure of this is sold abroad or not but i'm sure there are similar stuff. the shake I'm taking is called HUEL and it contains all you need nutrition wise for the full day. I drank it 3 to 4 times a day for 4 days then started having garlic or onion soup for lunch and introduce just one meal a day after that. I believe that this is a fungus in your gut and you need to starve it out. This will depend on how long you've been dealing with this and how sever your fungal infection is.
It's difficult as you will get some serious craving the first few days but it does get better.

Good luck
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