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People Are Allergic To Me (PATM)

People are allergic to me. And a lot of other people around the world are suffering from this condition. Doctors do not beleive the reports, and most of them claim that we are crazy but we all know that we're far from being crazy. This condition causes so much heartache and stress. I have sent emails to CDC, NIH and WHO with no help. Would you please address this issue?
8814 Responses
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I think oil pulling is amazing.. it definitely works.

Trying magnesium at the moment. Feel completely revitalised, less anxious, and moods much more stable , slept for 14 hours which I think means my hormones were being regulated, helping nerve signalling.. and I'm notably less depressed .. no reactions so far.. feeling really good! They say we're all hugely deficient in magnesium,

I also think we're pure souls, everyone else reincarnated here multiple times through different dark ages. Picking up demonic , survivalist traits through their different past lives.. so the theory goes , and this is my next message... we are here as pure souls, our first life here reincarnated for the coming Golden Age..

So again, it's just a theory, we're here specifically for now.
Multiple people have told me to hang on as this problem won't persist. We have to just hang on...

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Hi, how are you going?! Actually, I've doubted the PATM have many things to do with the tooth fillings for a long time. what kind of thefillings did you have before? Is it Silver amalgam fillings?
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So thats what happened..thanks for sharing..please do share with us as well what exams or tests were u given...probably we are not metabolizing well something in our body thats why were emiting the odor and the odorless patm gass...i pray that therell be some medicines if doctor sees abnormal results.  I promise to pray toGod..i dont want this disease to reamin untreatable by doctors.ill pray to God real bad.huhu
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Ammonium not from bacteria, ammonia from raising thymine and adenine in the gene Gilbert
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RATM- gas bubbles from the urethra and anusa.bubbles evident in the bath.when you are sitting in the water.
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Hey guys!

Please don't get lost in all the different options you find on the internet, I know how devastating this can be.

Anyways just something I'm really trying to fix is that I'm not really breathing air true my stomach when I breath (which helps with my symptoms). It seems hard to breath through my stomach maybe you guys have the same?

But just to share you guys since I have tried so many things, I remembered that there was a time I drunk sea salt and vitamin c and I had no complaints anymore.. After I went on antibiotics and things came back..

Just took good sea salt with vitamin salt (the tablets that resolve in water are the best).. The crazy think is that breathing through my stomach goes automatically easy/ right now!

Just saying that this is the best "remedy" I have tried in all my years with this ****. On top of it is really cheap..

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