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People Are Allergic To Me (PATM)

People are allergic to me. And a lot of other people around the world are suffering from this condition. Doctors do not beleive the reports, and most of them claim that we are crazy but we all know that we're far from being crazy. This condition causes so much heartache and stress. I have sent emails to CDC, NIH and WHO with no help. Would you please address this issue?
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More test results today... dioxyde sulfate = 4+
Which is the highest you can get...
Anyone else got tested for this?
Apparently it is all linked with candida, gut dysbiosis, Leaky Gut. Signs that the food is not digested properly and creation of a lot of toxins in stomach.
I better get this sorted asap before the wedding, no way my guests will feast on champagne and foie gras and me with lettuce!
Good bye to all.
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Just read your comment.
Allergy to food is different from Intolerance to food.
You can not have any allergies to food but be intolerant to certain foods - research this. This could be helpful. As eating food you are intolerant to will prevent you from curing your stomach condition.
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sorry guys I meant 'indoxyl sulfate' not 'dioxyde sulfate'.
The indoxyl sulfate urine test is a cheap (paid 18 euros) and sure way to test gut health.
I highly recommend it - again with a doctor who actually knows what he is talking about.
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Hey Bee46!

But then if I would do the indoxyl sulfate test?

Are they giving you then a medicin?

Is there a medicin for a food intolerance?

I'm actually taking a probiotic right now that should support the food intolerance for already 1 week. Helps a little bit..

I found some interesting things in a book from my mom about Candida: eat 2 times a day Probiotica yoghurt and take Vitamine C and B (not too much).. This can kill the fungus (Candida)..

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Hey guys I must say I'm using Coconut oil today for the first time..


This is wonderfull stuff..

I also read a lot about Coconut oil, this stuff is really good for everything.. It kills candida.. Even in your gut.. You can cook with it..



Don't worry if you will get Herxheimer's response  it is a reaction to yeast but after you will feel better.

we all have gut problems and Coconut oil kills the Cadida, helps with leaky gut!

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Treatments for Leaky Gut Syndrome

This is only a list; each individual will need a different protocol. Working with a naturopathic physician is recommended for best results.

    Remove the cause
    Reduce stress
    Repopulate your bowel with high amounts of probiotics. A high potency product with 15 to 20 billion bacteria is the therapeutic dose recommended.
    Rebuild gut integrity: Increase secretory IgA (see below)
    Test for food intolerances and remove problem foods
    Take digestive enzymes
    Stimulate healthy mucous production in the bowel using botanical medicine such as slippery elm and marshmallow.
    Lower cortisol levels using botanical medicine adaptogens such as Ginseng, Eleutherococcus, or Rhodiola Phosphatidyl serine can also be effective.
    Increase insoluble fiber like psyllium or wheat bran
    Support liver with botanical medicine such as Dandelion, Milk thistle, Yellow dock, beets, broccoli.
    Quercitin to decrease the immune / allergic response of food sensitivities
    Multivitamin and Essential Fatty Acids / Fish oil

The following have been shown to increase secretory IgA

    Glutamine is the amino acid that feeds the cells of the intestinal lining. It is also a precursor to glutathione, which is the most important anti-oxidant in the body. Powder form is available and should be taken between meals.
    Medium Chain Triglycerides are found in butter, palm kernel oil and coconut oil. They are available as a supplement. Healthy bacteria / probiotics produce these short chain fatty acids. Like Glutamine, they are food for the intestinal cells.
    Exercise moves the lymph system and therefore helps detoxify the bowel It’s also a wonderful stress reducer due to the stimulation of endorphins.
    Healthy mucous lining can be re-established using botanicals like Slippery Elm and Marshmallow.
    Colostrum is from mother’s milk. Mother’s naturally produce IgA and deliver it to baby during the first few days of breast feeding.

The most important aspect of the healing process of intestinal permeability is to remove the irritating factors. Next important is to protect the lining and then rebuilding the cells integrity with the nutrients they need. Finally, lifestyle changes that can sustain your gastrointestinal health include a high fiber diet, anti-oxidants, essential fatty acids, a daily exercise regimen and stress reduction.
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