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People Are Allergic To Me (PATM)

People are allergic to me. And a lot of other people around the world are suffering from this condition. Doctors do not beleive the reports, and most of them claim that we are crazy but we all know that we're far from being crazy. This condition causes so much heartache and stress. I have sent emails to CDC, NIH and WHO with no help. Would you please address this issue?
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I have not used Nexium HP, but another product with the same effect, plus an anti anaérobic. No result as said before.

About the previous posts, some persons suggestion are diets, avoiding sugare, protein, L-glutamine powder, taking lemon juice, and the like.

So take time and read, mainly the most recent, an even older post, there will be useful and valuable info.

Good luck
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NEXIUM20 is prescribed with the doctor for me.
It is because there is a pain in the stomach. Moreover, it is light GERD
To our regret, it is not effective in PATM.
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Thank you for your response dude. I just came on this forum today and there are 9200 comments, so I don't really know which previous post you mean.
It would be nice, when you could tell me what you mean. Thx

And another question, from where did you get the Nexium HP? From your doctor? I can't find any in the internet.
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I am trying that for one week, no result. Will try other tricks and let you know. Also, some patmers have already posted some tricks that may help. Read the previous post.

Good luck
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I read that too, but no idea if it works or not, sorry for that. I wonder if it work.
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in some other Forum somebody is convinced that he has the 100% Cure. But I don't know if the medicine is risky, so I want to ask you, if it could really be the solution or if it's just a troll.  Here's the medicine:

"NEXIUM HP (it is a package medicine, inside: 1. Nexium 20 mg, 2. Amimox 500mg, 3. Klacid 500mg ) every 12 hours on empty stomach for one week! Then seperately FLAGYL 200gr every 8 hours for one week on empty stomach! I promise it is 100% CURE!!!! It got rid off just in one week! IF you still have you can continue second week, it depends which level you have the sickness!
Because we have bakteries and mushroom in our guts, nexium will soften your stomach and removes the mushroom and bakteries and Flagyl is antebiotic, it kills the rest of bakteries and mushrooms then you are healthy again. Enjoy life guys!"
That's what he posted. Do you think this could be really the solution?
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King2700 i was prescribed nexium by my ent doctor and later dyfilan by my gp and it did stop it while on the meds but returned once stopped. I had no intention of staying on reflux meds from now on. Silent reflux was a concern of mine at one time which i posted probably years ago. Still searching...
King2700 i was prescribed nexium by my ent doctor and later dyfilan by my gp and it did stop it while on the meds but returned once stopped. I had no intention of staying on reflux meds from now on. Silent reflux was a concern of mine at one time which i posted probably years ago. Still searching...
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