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People Are Allergic To Me (PATM)

People are allergic to me. And a lot of other people around the world are suffering from this condition. Doctors do not beleive the reports, and most of them claim that we are crazy but we all know that we're far from being crazy. This condition causes so much heartache and stress. I have sent emails to CDC, NIH and WHO with no help. Would you please address this issue?
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Hi Free_From_This, yes we have considered portable VOC sensors unfortunately most of them were made specifically for a group of VOC.

I believe if PATM molecule is within the range of a particular portable VOC sensor is testing for, then yes it will show up. But we also have multiple VOCs in our breath, any one of them can trigger the sensor and how would we know that is what’s responsible for patm?

So unless you have one at hand, I wouldn’t recommend buying one just to test out because it’s a waste of money since we can’t be sure. There’s too many loop holes.

“”Additionally, in my research, environmentalists have many extensive tools that measures the air quality and different chemicals that are present in the air we breathe. They are very sensitive and might be a great tool to use to help understand PATM. Maybe all of us PATMers should visit our local environmentalist to see if they will let us borrow their air quality sensors?? ””

LOL.. that is very true. I remember a student, who is also an environmentalist, told me about what they d. Such equipment can measure for a wider range of VOCs… that’s what we need. If you have access to one then we are in luck. Like you said, the next step is getting at least one of us to check his breath against a normal person’s breath. So we need at least two people. What we need is one patmer and one normal person as control.

The patmer and the normal person must eat normal food a few days prior to taking breath samples. The reason for taking breath instead of blood, urine etc. is because VOCs are the molecules that can get airborne. Whatever we have must get airborne to get to another person.
The normal person could be a cousin or a lab technician but it doesn’t really matter who. If getting a normal person involved is difficult then we can just illuminate that part out. After the experiment, I expect VOCs graph profile of the patmer to map almost exactly like the graph below to a normal person eating the same food. By comparing the patmer and the normal person’s VOCs profile, the VOC responsible for patm should obviously spike out of proportion. Once that is identified, I think the rest is easier to deal with.


If you have access to such equipment then ask your supervisor how much would it cost to use for our private research.
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Hello eva25. I apologize if I offended you and your outlook on life, as that was not my intention. My intention is to try to understand PATM in a way where we can prove it to medical professionals to hopefully find a cure as fast as possible. I understand the struggles people with PATM go through, and I want us to be cured.

Greetings freeland1924. In the little free time that I have, I have been researching on Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC's) and came across some VOC sensors that some companies such as Valarm and BAPI sell. They are small in size and anyone can buy them. Some even interact with smartphones to obtain readings on the air quality. These sensors are able to record the amount of VOC's present in the air and they also perform other more advanced data analysis that I simply do not understand at the moment.

In your hypothesis, do you believe that if a "PATMer" is present while one of these VOC sensors is performing an analysis on the air quality, the readings will show an unusually high amount of VOC's in the air? If so, what would be the next step? To try and determine each VOC that was present during the air quality reading? Perhaps our bodies are emitting an unusually high amount of VOC's? Or perhaps our bodies are emitting one specific VOC that is causing all of these reactions? Please don't mind me, as I am just brainstorming and throwing out ideas.

Additionally, in my research, environmentalists have many extensive tools that measures the air quality and different chemicals that are present in the air we breathe. They are very sensitive and might be a great tool to use to help understand PATM. Maybe all of us PATMers should visit our local environmentalist to see if they will let us borrow their air quality sensors??

I encourage everyone to google and youtube Volatile Organic Compounds and just report what they learned and what they think might be useful in our quest to understand PATM. I have "googled" and "youtubed" VOC sensors and came across a lot of interesting and educational videos that might be of use. From the VOC sensors that I came across, some of them are very pricey (between $300 - $500) and some of them are not (I typed "VOC Sensors" on Amazon and some cheaper options appeared).

I honestly don't know if this will lead us to understanding PATM, but it will not hurt to try.
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Hey eva, how are you doing? I read your post. Very interesting but I cannot comment on the validity of your claim as it’s outside science itself, however, I do share your sadness. I understand what PATM can do to anyone especially long duration of suffering.

By the way, you mentioned you had a partner who has patm as well. Is he still with you?  Are you allergic or immune to each other? Do you have any kids, if so, does she/he have patm as well or not?
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If you want to save your life, look at why nature insists on giving you a hard time.. karma:-).

Why, did you give up on being the real you? Did you deny the world your intelligence and leadership? Do people copy you and you're causing them to want to be anti nature, because they  replicate your desire to be in the flock?

If you were born to be assertive and  a powerful person people copy, then pray to nature because it's annoyed you're not using your gifts. Say you want to start being pro nature and not betraying the world of the real you. Say you're really mad at how anti nature the world is.. point to patm reactions as evidence.
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To  have to have done an experiment though?  What if it's stigmatic to even approach..

You have to go by what makes sense, what makes sense beyond that and then beyond that.. critical thinking.
No one's saying anxiety is the cause or lack of confidence..

But I know that when my karma is good , I'll be grounded, less 'me me' and kind of peaceful, not hostile... when my karma is bad again (when I get reactions), I have no control.. i'm ungrounded, all over the place, aggressive,  ego attention seeking.. I've had patm long enough to know it's entirely about how grounded, less attention seeking.. (respect, not attention). But sometimes , nature seems to want me to get reactions so will make me behave a certain ungrounded way.
That's just the 'way'' it is..

You have to look at what makes sense.. no one knows what patm is , but excluding the imagination, metaphysical theories etc, you just retard a more intelligent look at things.
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So, I have to disagree with you when you say that PATM goes away when we think positively and are calm. Why? The reason being, in my experience when I am happy and in my best mood with my family and friends, I may not dwell on the allergic reactions around me because I am too distracted or happy to care if they are there or not. I recognize someone rubbing there nose, sniffling, and sneezing, but I am too carefree to worry about the reactions at that moment. Often times, I simply ignore the allergic reactions and like you said, I would not even be slightly interested in them. However, it does not change the fact that there are still allergic reactions around us.  We are just simply ignoring them.

It sounds like you are still going back and forth on whether or not PATM is an actual real thing, or all in our minds. I can understand where you are coming from because I often do the same (simply because if you really think about it, PATM is an extremely strange/weird concept to grasp). I mean, it's hard to believe that nearly every person can be allergic to me and you, right?

However, wouldn't you agree that everywhere you go there are people that have allergic reactions when you are within close proximity? Wouldn't you agree that you can predict nearly every person you get in close contact with will either cough or sneeze or sniffle? I understand that coughing, sneezing and sniffling are all symptoms that are normal for sick people to have. But when you take into account the fact that this happens, and has happened, with nearly everyone, everyday for the last several years, something is not right.

Additionally, at the small office where I work my co-worker has clearly stated in the past that she only experiences allergic reactions when she is at the office. When she is away from the office, her allergies are gone. Just last week we had a conference in a different building that I went with the rest of my co-workers. Guess what happened? She and the rest of my co-workers experienced allergic reactions there as well, and I just happened to be there. This has happened seemingly countless times in my life where people only experience allergic reactions when I just happen to be there. This has been going on for the last 7 years of my life (whether its in classrooms in schools, offices, homes, etc.). This is why I believe PATM is a real thing and not only in my head. I would like to believe that I have rationally and reasonably thought this out and I am not crazy when I say PATM is a real thing.
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