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People need to stop saying it's all in our heads on here

I've seen a couple posts by people who seem to think our minds create all these reactions & symptoms. Maybe you have mental health problems but for a lot of us this problem is real, so please keep this false information to yourself. The only explantation is this is a physical problem with our bodies. My theory is systematic fungal infection (won't show up on a blood test). To say our minds are creating illusions because we are anxious is absolutly ludicrous and won't help us that really want to get better. Please if you suffer from psychosis go see a doctor but don't spread false information.
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Fungus and/or mold is pretty much my guess too.
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I'm almost certain. Read up on reactions to Mold. Basically same as our reactions. Also read up on aspergillosis, I beehive that is our condition.
Everything that I have researched about fungus points to people with weaken immune systems. I don't hardly ever get sick and I don't suffer from diabetes or any other debilitating disease. Strange.....
Maybe out immune systems were compromised at the point of infection but has since recovered and now our bodies don't see the mold as a foreign invader..
Ok, guys. I know this is all a mystery for all of us. But because doctors can’t find a cause . That tell me it is either something simple or rare. I’ve always thought it is diet related. I have always suffered with bad breath. A bad smell in my nose and sinus problems. Although the ENT doctor can never find anything wrong. I have had CTScans on my sinus, nothing. I read an article on Histamine Intolerance. Check it out. I have all the symptoms plus . There is also a form where people talk about having bad breath for years and after taking a supplement for DAO enzyme deficiency it disappeared totally. I think the smell is all coming from my stomach and lungs which is caused by my digestion due to this histamine intolerance. Do your research and tell me what you think. I am going to try the histamine diet and start a multivitamin. I will let you know how it goes.
ray2502, я тоже не болею простудами, диабета нет. А есть липоматоз поджелудочной железы, при котором инсулярные клетки сохраняются. И липофусциноз печени имеется. Кортизол утром высокий.  Заметил, что среди нас много азиатов, африканцев, метис. Как правило астеники, слабая мышечная масса из-за кортизола или гипертензии. Гипертонус сосудов, у некоторых субарахноидальные кровоизлияния. Мозг страдает. Я даже колол IgG, чтобы снять интоксикацию тумана в голове.
Аутистов лечат с помощью IgG.
А  полиморфизм фолатного цикла - аутизм. ФОЛАТНЫЙ цикл нарушение обмена метионин. Метионин имеет неприятный запах. И ещё кто-то писал про индол в моче нашли-так это ПЕЧЕНЬ. Вообще это неизлечимо.
Я уже много раз говорил, что запах исходит из анального отверстия очень маленькими пузырьками газа. И из уретры исходит газ, пахнет мочой. Мы скунсы, это не лечится. Не насилуйте себя лекарствами. Лекарства убивают митохондрии. Убитые митохондрии это липофусцин. От лекарств запаха больше, люди больше реагируют.
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No it is not in our heads. I get the same response. Coughing, sneezing, I think people with respiratory problems cough more than those without.
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Биохимия кала сдавали-нашли избыток уксусной и Пропионовой кислоты. Отсутствует масляная. Спросите у химиков как пахнет пропионовпя кислота и как раздражает слизистые. Поэтому и кашляют и чихают.
Crazeek anything come of it?
I strongly believe it is something going on in the sinuses. I did a salt rinse in my throat and a lot of mucus comes out my nose. I hold my head over the sink and use a counter top water pik flosser. It seems when I start stirring it up the smell gets worse. I woke up this morning and I smelled a sewage smell. I know it was coming from me because everywhere I went I still smelled it. I can really smell it when I have my mask on. It is horrible. No wonder I get the reaction from other people because if what they are smelling is the same thing I smell I now understand. I just started this routine. I will go out and see if I get a negative response and I will let you humus know my routine.
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You are talking to the wrong person because I never said it is psychological.
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