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Possible fix to PATM

I bet youve heard this phrase a million different times reiterated in a million different ways so if youre down to try this just do it. So i think that patm is related to the oil on your skin/sebum and in my personal experience it has helped me tremendously so it might help you too. I dont really want to get into the actual theory that i have because i want to save it for a different post but this post will be about what to do in order to get rid of the sebum on your skin. So there are many different skin types and getting rid of sebum may be easier for others so just keep this in mind. Ok so sebum is produced by sebaceous glands that are all over your body and the amount of sebum they produce is dependent on a lot of different factors but right now the most important factor is the hydration of your skin. In order to get rid of sebum you have to hydrate your skin and you can do this by switching shampoos specially made for hydration but some shampoos might say "Hydrating" when they arent any different from any other shampoo. You will probably want to steer clear of sulfates because sulfates strip away the oil from your skin which might sound good because thats the whole objective but its actually bad because when you strip away the oil/sebum from your skin, your skin overcompensates by producing even more oil than you had to start with. The purpose of sebum is to add a protective layer between your skin and anything that might damage it so when you start to introduce hydration your body stops producing as much sebum because it already has a layer of protection. I dont really know what shampoo or body wash to recommend so you might want to find one thats right for you but i think a good one is CeraVe but im not sure. Also some general advice is to avoid using 2 or 3 in 1 because they have harsh cleansing chemicals that strip your skin of oil and also when you take a shower be more gentle on your scalp and dont scrub really hard. Some other things you can try is increased sun exposure that has been explained in a previous post and you can use lime or lemon directly on your scalp or skin but for me it stings a lot so i dont do it but it was pretty effective the 3 times ive done it. If you have any questions ill try to answer to the best of my ability.
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I forgot to add that you should never try lime and using the sun at the same time because its dangerous. Another thing is that it might take you some time to find out what works for you. One thing you could try is using dawn dish soap because it gets rid of sebum very effectively but if it doesnt work for you or makes your patm even worse then that means you know that you should stay away from harsh detergents.
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