10533519 tn?1418457393

Proof that PATM has nothing to do with smell

Just like all of you I experience coughs/sneezes everywhere I go. I work in an office setting surrounded by professionals everyday. Believe me when I tell you not a single day goes by without me obsessing about finding the root cause. But one thing I can say for certain this godforsaken curse has nothing to do with how you smell and this how I know:

I speak to countless people over the phone who are located in different states and none of whom I have ever met in my life. If the conversation goes long enough each person will eventually cough or clear their throat. On days when I feel more anxious or nervous the cough or clearing of the throat will happen almost immediately when the conversation is starts on the phone.

Try it for yourself. Next time when speaking to someone just wait for the cough or clearing of the throat. If you want to discuss email me at ***@****.
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Good morning,
may i first begin asking you your age and what year your PATM began?
what do you think started your PATM?
how do you cope?
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10533519 tn?1418457393

I am 27 years old. Before January 2013 I was fine. Absolutely nothing. I didn't even know this debilitating condition existed. In January 2013 doctors discovered a brain tumor and removed it. I went back to work in May of 2013 and that is when it began. I am convinced for certain it is related to severe stress/anxiety. From my experience people can sense (instead of smell) stress/anxiety/fear which is why people from forty feet away will cough as soon as they see you. Or the person on the phone on the other side of the world will clear their throat when they hear you speak. Why? It is because stress/anxiety/fear shows on your face, in your body language, and through your voice/speech. Don't bother calling people on it. My own parents deny that I am the cause of their coughs. Even my doctor could not stop coughing during my appointment. Unfortunately I have no secret for coping. I avoid almost any social function. I only work because I have to. "IT" has destroyed me piece by piece. Nevertheless I was born resilient. I fight my own thoughts with the energy and motivation I have left. My life will not end like this. I am getting closer to grabbing this thing by the throat. It is a hormone. I will do anything necessary to corner this elusive enemy.
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I wish that were true for everyone.  People can smell me and I can smell myself. I have lived with this for more than 30 years. I have had people literally run from me because of the odor!!!! This is not a joke. Even though we all may have PATM in no way are we all the same.  There are varying degrees of odors according to what I have read from others. I would put my condition in terms of odor off the chart sometimes. The type of odor varies. I have no way of getting a job in this condition. Entire rooms are filled with this odor. The neighbors are complaining about the odor as they walk by my friends apartment. This is vicious stuff were dealing with. This maybe my last post ever to this forum. This Sunday I will literally be on the street!!
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Yes. Many people suffer from the smell component, yet others do not (they are more fortunate than the rest of us). I have had the same issue for the last 16 years. I tried modifying my diet, which helped but has not cured it so far. I recently started a new job after 6 mos of unemployment and reactions erupted DAY ONE. So, I'm frustrated to say the least and understand what you are going through. I've been laughed at in my face and ridiculed behind my back over the years. I've jumped from job to job with periods of unemployment in between.

People hold and rub their noses (essentially saying without words that I smell bad). People also cough, sneeze, etc., but that reaction has reduced since my diet change. However, the smell part persists. I strongly believe that it is a gut issue caused by a myriad of things (candida and/or other fungal overgrowth, bacteria (stemming from contaminated foods, dental probs, etc.), environmental exposure to mold.

You must not give up!!! You have just as much of a right to a normal life and basic needs (food, shelter, love, companionship, employment) as anyone else. Continue living where you are if you can until you can find other arrangements. Find a job that you don't have to work around others for all or most of the day. Outside sales, delivery service, home or remote telemarketing/customer service, or pretty much any job that allows you to be out "in the field."

Try to find an efficiency apt in a decent area . That will eliminate the need for a roommate and give you privacy and reduced stress as you work on getting better. Start attacking it through diet first (cut out carbs, sugars of all kinds, diary, starches, and wheat). Start inundating yourself with probiotics - supplements with billions of strains. Get plenty of sunlight and allow yourself to sweat out toxins. Drink plenty of water to flush out your system. Take antifungals such as Oregano Oil, Caprylic Acid and others. Find a Wholistic MD - a licensed medical doctor who prescribes medicine for illnesses other doctors refuse to recognize. See a dentist whenever you can afford to, and repair all cavities and oral issues. Bacteria travels through the gut via saliva.

Fight this!!! You can and will get better. Just don't give up. Remember, you weren't always suffering with this. You can fight and overcome this. Keep posting here (free wifi in libraries, starbucks, fast food restaurants). You'll need the support from others who understand to motivate and encourage you as you get better.
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Hi getonyourgrind, i think it's good that you are willing to fight it. but don't make the mistake to "want people not to cough on you", because you won't stand a chance in the beginning. my progress of getting better started when i wanted to be neutral to people coughing at me. i started working on meditation - which helps to just let things happen without touching or hurting you. i can't prevent people to subconciously noticing my anxiety, but i can influence my way of coping with it. stay strong!
btw, i experienced the same thing with the phone calls in the past.
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