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Patm the cause or reaction in my home please help


I hope to keep this short.  There is so much to say.  What I need is an opinion from someone who knows patm.  Here is my delema.  What are the chances of this being contagious?  I live with my 4 small children and wife.  They all react now.  1 of my son’s more than the others.  He is now under doctors care now for PANDA(S).  I believe that it was caused by living in such close quarters with me.  There is a possibility that we were exposed to the same thing and it manifested differently in both of us.  All of this is new and unnatural to us.  This is my second group of kids. My first group (21,18,16,15) are all away from the home and healthy. My younger ones live here (7,5,5,1).  The problems started with them just a few months ago. They were all extremely healthy before this. Reactions to me peaked outside and inside the home.  We homeschool but that just keeps the kids around me more. It’s to the point I can’t stand around them and teach anymore. Just opening the door to look at them when they are asleep can cause them to react. (Grabbing at they’re ears and eyes).  Let me stop there or I will write everything and I don’t have the time. It’s almost 6am. I’ve been up researching sense 3am.  So my question is did my 7 year old catch the same issue as me and it shows differently or is what’s coming out of me cause this?   I knew right away all this wasent normal. I worked with kids all my adult life.  At the public schools, coaching sports, everything I could. Being a dad is all I have.  The younger kids have not had a cold or anything in 1.5 years.  I though I was doing good. Now knowing what patm does I worry. I’ve spoken to a few patm people who also don’t get normal sick (cold flu). Because of hyperactive immune systems. I been praying for green snit so I know my kids are ok as strange as that sounds.    I’m getting a lot of great info from here at medhelp patm pages.  Is there any other groups or sights that patmers frequent.   I will do anything to figure this out. My life was great before all this.  Now so many questions.  Life has changed.    I have videos and other info if anyone can help me in anyway to figure out a plan of attack.  Thank you for reading and believing.  I’m sure I will post more in the future. It’s only my lack of typeing that’s holds me up
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I don't think we will be able to find the answer until we actually convince enough of the medical / scientific community that this actually exists and isn't just a delusion.  We need to start creating videos of these reactions, before we enter a room, then after.  If we have enough video evidence it will be much harder to discredit.
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Even if you prove it to someone, they will just find a different reason to explain it or justify it. People don't believe in ghosts because they cant see them, same with PATM.
18751818 tn?1482352552
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I am only writing all this to find help.  I tried the doctors 1st and got nowhere. 2x psych referrals back in August.   I pushed on them and finally got some tests done. My stool came back negative (even though there are pinworms in it).  On my blood test my sugar was very high ( I’d been fasting and veggies for a month already). And my lipase was very high 165.  I told the doctors about the pain in my pancreas beforehand so at least it put a little validation to my claim sense they didn’t believe anything else.  All doctors have been reacting and denied it.    My 7 year  old went to 3 doctors and the ER 2x.  One said nothing wrong, one said viral infection it would go away and the 3rd said bacterial for sure but then decided not to send in the culture.   I was and am so frustrated.  They said his tics are normal and will go away.  What planet do these docs live on? I’m a veteran parent who’s with my kids 24/7. Why not listen to what I say? Finally a family friend got my son an appointment with a out of town doctor this week.  Noticed and acknowledged the tics and symptoms right away.  Took blood,stool,urin  for testing.    The strange thing is my wife said the doctor was reacting to him.  I was not there to see so I’m hoping she was wrong.  The doctor said “panda(s) right away but is waiting on some results to confirm the diagnosis.    I have patm bad and I can prove to anyone on any day.   I hope this did not harm my child and cause this.     Just researching pandas there are a lot of similarities.  I don’t know where I’m going with this but I have so many things in my head just trying to find pieces that fit.  I know by reading this forum there are people in the same spot as me.  Just trying to find the elusive answer.  
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