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HELP ME harassment by suffer PTAM

Hello it wanted to tell them my history with the PTAM, pardon if I am wrong but am of Colombia and am not very good in English I have 16 years every empezo one year ago and a half they all those who were approaching me were feeling irritation initially ignore it and he was thinking that he was not I who was generating it later I saw that if he was studying and the whole world was generating irritation one day when I went out of the school went home and saw that me aunt who is allergic to everything I saw since it was sneezing and thinking that he was not I until I worsen everything the neighbors started me doing bullyng always I am shouted by things like that I am rare and vile things I am tired I have social phobia and depression my neighbors threaten me and I know that it is not in my head he says that if they see me in the street they will do something to me and I am it afraid and condition thinking to do the diet of morgellons please ayúdemen I am suffering a great harassment they want to know everything what I do and once they recorded me I do not know what to do I am suffering

2 Responses
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Be mostly vegan start today only drink water take a multivitamin and walk daily start with this first then read old blogs on this site for what to eat so on
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Thank you very much
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Yes, Patm is making social life hard for all of us. I felt harassed many times by people who see me on regular basis and start realizing that I cause their allergies. For instance, hearing my college peers talk in malevolent tone about the air being stuffy so that I could hear. Or forcing their coughs  to sound more loud as a way to show dislike...
Then I try to forget and leave the grudges behind. After befriending some of them, they   hurt me less.

My neighbors also clear their throats as soon as I leave my house or open the windows. They have noticed that it happens whenever I'm around. How does it happen and how is it possible seems to be puzzling them. Me too!

It is all passive aggression, no confrontation. It is causing me a lot of pain.

I'm sorry for not being able to offer an advice to you. Only some understanding. Talking to someone you trust about what you're going through may be helpful. Keep strong!
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This is causing a lot of suffering, only someone wanted that I understood myself if podés to spend some type of social network to be able to speak with you and to share ideas I would like much
The window thing is the worst. you would just want to kill your self at that moment

You are reading content posted in the People Allergic to Me (PATM) Community

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