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The 2 types of patm

    There are 2 types of patm, patm on your skin and patm in your gut, let me explain. Many patmers have said that after they took a shower, their reactions went away for a few minutes and this only applies to when they first had patm, so we can deduce that patm is a polar substance since soap(a non-polar substance) gets rid of it. One certainty is that patm is a gas, but if that gas was being emitted from our skin then a shower would do absolutely nothing so that means that patm is actually something that is on our skin and evaporates into a gas over time. Polar substances are also soluble so anything that has water can have patm, not necessarily produce it, but store it and this is really bad news for us since we are mostly made up of water. With all this in mind, we know that patm is soluble, is a polar substance, evaporates over time, and replenishes itself. Patm is on our skin during the beginning of our patm journey but it slowly transform to a combination of both your skin and your gut.

    Like i said previously, patm is soluble and that means that anything with water can contain patm and that applies to the inside of us so our gut is full patm. Im not sure how patm gets in your gut but there are 2 possibilities. The first possibility is that after enough time the patm you constantly emit slowly dissolves into your saliva which then gets carried down into your gut. The second possibility is that you dont wash off the patm completely so it sticks to whatever you touch momentarily after you take a shower and then the things that have patm start to also emit patm over time which then gets dissolved into you. Also not washing off patm from your hands means that you touch your food with hands filled with patm then you ingest it.

    The patm that most people have is the gut type mixed with skin but the gut is much more dominant and so this lead to a lot of confusion when i saw a lot of people talking about their gut while i was seeing results by just changing things on my skin. I dont think our gut health affects patm but rather the amount of patm affects our gut health, i dont think that taking any supplements to better your gut health will do anything besides being placebo. One big problem is that the patm in your gut is much more potent, its has short bursts of an insane amount of patm, and its harder to treat since its inside of you.

    I dont think anyone knows what the cause of this type of patm so it makes it insanely hard to treat, but one thing i learned after a lot of testing is that acidic foods help a lot and especially lime and lemon. Today i had my most up and down day with patm, in the morning i had almost 0 reactions but slowly throughout the day it went from 0 to the whole room with an accompanied smell of poop which is probably the worst my patm has ever been and the morning was probably the best its ever been. I think that what happened is that i got rid of a lot of patm so my body was returning to normal but then a small amount of patm irritated my stomach and it snowballed from there since my stomach felt like it was going to burst. I also remember that one of the first signs of me getting the gut type of patm is that i threw up really bad the days before i started with it.

    Im fairly certain that these are the only types of patm and feel free to disagree with me because in the end our end goal is the same, to cure patm. If you guys want to try this you can, have a waterbottle full of natural lime/lemon water and drink it throughout the day but make sure the water is still pretty acidic and not over saturated of water. I hope any of this helped, and if it did please let me know.
2 Responses
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Have you thought about the correlation between mold and fungus in the intestinal tract and PATM? This would explain many correlations. If you’d like to talk more message me I can send you my number.
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I think that patm might compromise your intestinal tract which may lead to more fungus and mold. What correlations are there between mold/fungus and patm? Im pretty interested in any analysis that other patmers have come up with. I might give you my number soon but ill think about it.
Spend a few minutes to read 10 years worth of medhelp on here.  I'm trying to save you time
If you are really convinced that you are right about patm then please write a post that describes your theory in full detail, otherwise its baseless conjecture.  
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Radio signals from bacteria.  Look it up mold and fungus grow on microwave waves. Yeast and mold grow 600x faster in this environment.   This is how it goes through phone lineshttps://www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.1080/15368378.2020.1803081
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Patm does not travel through phones and it would be physically impossible for that to happen
You must be from USA public schools.  Brainwashed    man o man.  Goodluck
alright let me break it down. Ok well if the assumption is that patm is able to be carried across microwaves and then reaches the receiver through patm being carried through those waves then thats impossible. Microwaves are everywhere so that means that our patm would be an equal amount of strength regardless of distance because if we imagine that patm is being carried through microwaves then everyone that is currently using a phone is being affected by patm which is not true. Since microwaves are everywhere then that means that everyone in the country would be affected equally not just the one person you were calling. Look i will give it to you, public schools in America are fu*ked and most kids in school arent anything extraordinary but this applies to every country, everyone is mostly normal but there are some people that stand out. I can assure you i am not brainwashed i was just taken aback by a claim that is contrary to everything i understand.
lemon is alkaline
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