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These things might help

Im pretty sure all patmers will benefit from these things: essential oil diffuser, cleaning your matress and walls, having natural lime/lemon water in a water bottle, rinsing your mouth with water. The essential oil diffuser will help with the smell, i dont know if essential oil diffusers are the only thing that works but it does and you may not notice it but if your reactions go away if you cover your mouth then your breath is bad which probably makes your room smell bad maybe even your house. Cleaning your mattress and walls are pretty normal and i think that since patm is a gas, that gas probably sticks to your matress and walls while you may not notice. Natural lime and lemon water is a must have because it gets rid of my reactions almost entirely and basically what you have to do is rinse your mouth with the water when you wake up then brush your teeth and after your eat breakfast then drink some of it but make sure you rinse out your mouth thoroughly. Rinsing your mouth periodically with water is also a must because over time the bad breath starts to come back so rinsing your mouth every 1-2 hours is a good idea and at least for me whenever i gargle and rinse my mouth, the water i spit out is grey so i know my mouth is clean once the water is clear. I would say the most important thing is to carry around lime/lemon water but also airing out your home and getting an essential oil diffuser is pretty important. I hope this helps.
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I just learned that overusing your oil diffuser is actually bad for patm so use it maybe like once or twice a week im not sure. Also dont diffuse too much oil either because thats also bad.
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I know that PATM is somehow linked to smell because I do smell foul after like 3-4 hours after washing my mouth. And when I first contracted this disease six years ago, I smelled terrible. How do I know? I literally got comments from people who sat beside me. This was especially true when I was in stress. I started being obsessed with hygiene and after a while, People stopped complaining about the smell when my PATM activates, even when stressed, but they still cough and complain about itching in throat, chest, and nose.  Just without the scent this time. So even though I believe smell is linked, I think the primary cause of PATM isn't smell.
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I just had the worst but also best day with patm. In the morning i drank some lime juice and i left the house feeling great and people in the morning barely reacted to me but then later in the day it was worse than ever and i had no way of fixing it and everyone said it was an unbearable smell. It was the weirdest day ive ever had with patm but tomorrow ill be able to continue to have no reactions because im going to drink lime juice throughout the day. I also noticed that the amount of pain in my stomach is directly correlated to the amount of bad smell there is.
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