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Apple Cider Vinegar

I tried every single method suggested here or there to cure this god damn condition without any success.
The only thing that helped me is drinking one or two tablespoons of AVC with a glass of water before and after each meal. I am not suggesting applying AVC to your body as this could make things worse than ever.
Good luck to you all,
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Are you now cure by drinking ACV?
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The reason why it's working is because it's helping digest the food you are consuming instead of it just going to your gut indigested while fermenting and feeding off the bad bacteria. Also try consuming warm lemon water with pink Himalayan sea salt first thing in the morning and also through out the day which greatly helps with digestion. Other things to add include HCL capsules or HCL liquid to get the acid in your stomach going and ensure your food is properly digested as the acid will kill any bacteria that comes in contact. ACV has an effect in the stomach that helps it alkaline in which bacteria can't live. I recommend getting raw unfiltered unpasteurized ACV which has all the best nutrients and effect on the body. You can also add digestive enzymes which help too. PATM in my case I think comes through my mouth and nose more than anything and while I eat. Doing the stuff above along with other supplements and a clean cut diet keeps PATM low and tolerable.
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Dear damnpatm1991,
It is too early to say I am cured but  in addition what betterdays put forward above, whatever you eat, please eat it slow, chew as much as possible. I think this is essential to have good results.
I will let you know when it is possible to draw any conclusion from my experience.
Keep in touch.
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Try activated charcoal. I suffer from this problem too. I tried charcoal in the capsule form and that didn't seem to work. Recently I bought a bag of loose activated charcoal. I take two teaspoons every morning before work mixed in a glass of water and then immediately drink another glass of water. It's not the most pleasant thing to drink. It has no taste, but it's gritty. It has been two weeks now with low to no reaction.  I don't know if this is healthy for the long term, but if your'e looking for immediate relief... you should try this. I purchased it from Amazon for about 18.00 for a 1 lb bag. At this rate it should last me at least a couple of months. Keep in mind that the pills didn't work for me. Good luck to you.
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