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We actually have good attributes from this

I ve found out when being happy and taking good supplements for your body actually makes other people around you happy more talkative and in a better mood I have had it for like 4 to 5 years so that might come from the later years but maybe we are real powerful god people just being tested by God to be humble like everything he brought on Paul in the bible maybe we're being tested like that. Actually going thru this I've been more closer to God getting signs and it's like what Eva smell we a mitt it triggers emotions in people like either being friendly or mean mugging looking. I know I used to drink a lot before patm and I know I got into a lot of stuff doing a lot bad health things patm might be the only way I'm still alive to stop me from drinking and other things I feel health better more active so please peoplet see some kind of blessings of this even knowing it's hell. And I'm trying to figure like the good people to me I see in life don't really get phased by this but like the ones I know kind of evil they read it and it's like they try to make me sad like it's their agenda or something. Just got a sign today to turn into this pastor on television and which he was talking were meant to be humiliated to make us stronger and humble. Evil doesn't care about humility but the Lord does to keep us humble and show are true strength at are weakest I've been on the website about 5 years searching for cures man I don't know if we gone see one folks but I'm hoping but until we do we got a get are body right from all these evil stuff surrounding us god has put us as chosen people not to go down with this world but do his duty by spreading what we think is terrible putting a smile on are face and being a soldier to heaven eyes and to whoever in the future gone get this. If we gone die like this let's just make sure we due heaven due where we ain't gotta go thru hell ever again and let's show the world are spirit of grace and strength and spread it thru others because of us. Sound like most of us was on the wrong track to death or something but the Lord loves us so much he wouldn't let us so let's embrace what Eva this is find this cure and tell the world wwwere real soldiers liven a everyday life thru this sickness I promise you we all will be awarded just don't let the evil world do thier due getting to ya It's a sense why we have this and why evil wanna mess with us they know we're worth more than average people don't be average show your power which is shown thru weakness and get in them bible scriptures listen or read cry get your self right you'll see the getting better I promise you
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Yes, there are pros to weigh out the cons. For example patm has taught me alot of things. Of course its debilitating to have this condition and its taught us some very valuable lessons. I am a stronger person mentally with this condition. Of course it drains your mental state, in some sense it adds to the effect that patm can make you mentally mad or mentally happy. What I've learned from having this condition for 10+ years is that naturally forgetting about it (which is no easy thing to do) takes a lot of time and dedication. But its no real cure because this has been infested into our brains. Also I've gone through the initial stages of going to doctors and other professionals only to be labelled a mental criteria. Not ruling out mentality has anything to do with it but I've seen therapists and what not and the problem still remains. I've zero social life. What's kept me sane is a tricky question. Becoming mentally strong is something you will have to learn to take on to survive in this world. I would one day like to meet with a patmer who experiences this and is genuinely baffled as to why this or such a condition exists. It would be my dream to one day get married and have kids but patm is making this a harder deal. This is a human type condition. As long as you're human you stand the chance of developing such a puzzling condition and leading this dilemma of a life. Good regards everybody!
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I've been dealing with this for 30 years.   I have my good and bad days.   Doing stuff outdoors really helps.  Deal with less people and exercise releases stress.  

Last couple months were tough.   Feel like I could do so much more for God if I didn't have this.   I know he wants to build my faith but this *****.  I realize we were built to have relationships.   And this patm makes it impossible.  I have plenty of shallow friendships but my heart desires more.   It's like being tortured in a sense although I know God always does what's best.  

So what has gotten me this far.....taking it one day at a time.  Matthew 6:34
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