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When you stop breathing through your nose, do you still make others react?

I feel so happy now as ive finally figured out where exactly this odorless gas is coming from and a decent way to control or reduce reactions.

It comes from your nose, and when you breath strictly through your mouth you too will feel a bit of a tickle in your throat.

Try it and please drop a Yes or No whether breathing through your mouth eliminates reactions from others.

I confirmed this at work, at home and at a crowded restauraunt. I did my best to breath through my mouth and for the most part, PATM reactions were GONE. I only heard a few coughs while eating because its hard to breathe through your mouth and chew at the same time.

One last observation, the more you "hold in" whatever fumes are coming from your nose, the WORSE the reactions will be when you finally exhale nasally. I tested this in a vehicle, I breathed only through my mouth and as soon as me and another entered a vehicle I began exhaling through my nose. The driver began sneezing, and not just 1 sneeze, like back to back sneeze-fit.

I am telling you, its not the mind its not the spiritual nonsense, the answer is literally plastered on your FACE.
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