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Anyone from Germany?

Hi to everyone. I'm wondering if here is someone from Germany, we have spring 23 now. I am female. I live near a center for rare diseases. I am in contact, we talk about TMAU, which is related to it in my opinion.  
Wouldn't it be good to connect? But i'm also afraid, don't wanna get into trouble, this is all difficult enough.

2 Responses
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Hi Veganforever, I visit this forum now and then and I'm also from Germany. :)
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Hi cecco,
your answer makes me happy :)
did not really expect that.
For me it always feels some kind of surreal to talk about this.
I think i just get used to it.
Vielleicht hätte es irgend einen Nutzen,wenn wir uns über diese schräge Sache austauschen. Vielleicht können wir gemeinsam von einem der centers for rare diseases in Germany Hilfe bekommen (oder einklagen, haha)
Zb. das Zentrum für. s. E. an der Charité. Oder Heidelberg, Tübingen.
Ist das naiv? Ich kämpfe die ganze Zeit alleine mit dieser Sache.
Ein Uni-Klinikum müsste darauf aufmerksam gemacht werden.

Hi cecco,
your answer makes me happy :)
did not really expect that.
For me it always feels some kind of surreal to talk about this.
I think i just get used to it.
Vielleicht hätte es irgend einen Nutzen,wenn wir uns über diese schräge Sache austauschen. Vielleicht können wir gemeinsam von einem der centers for rare diseases in Germany Hilfe bekommen (oder einklagen, haha)
Zb. das Zentrum für. s. E. an der Charité. Oder Heidelberg, Tübingen.
Ist das naiv? Ich kämpfe die ganze Zeit alleine mit dieser Sache.
Ein Uni-Klinikum müsste darauf aufmerksam gemacht werden.

Hi Veganforever,

I guess if we try to explain this phenomenon they'll just brush it off as a psychological condition which they are not responsible for unless we find physical symptoms we got in common.
Yes, of course, i totally hang in the psychological system, that's the only way everybody can accept it and feel bearable.
Otherwise it's simply too scary and complicated.
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Wanna say that i read the comments in this forum from a guy named cecco. He isn't active anymore here, the latest posts are from 20.  I got impressed of what he wrote, it's sad he isn't active anymore.
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