
People Allergic to Me (PATM) Community

This patient support community is for discussions relating to PATM - People Allergic to Me.
Hi Guys, I'm currently researching for cure for this condition as there are a lot of denial in the medical community. I studied functi...
My PATM started after trying to fix a what I truly believe was a vaginal fungal infection that kept reoccurring so I would take boric aci...
Morgellons fibers gone and PATM reactions gone. I can't believe it. Expose head and privates to sun, 2 times per day for about 15 min. Ma...
A couple of weeks ago I had a toothache. The problem turned out to be serious: a large cyst under the tooth. The surgeon removed and pr...
Let me narrate my life story for you guys. PATM started when I was 13. Before that, no one ever called out my smell. I don't even thi...
My PATM started about 3 years ago, I can remember the exact day that I first became aware of it and it was a happy, normal day at work. ...
Popular Resources
Find out what causes asthma, and how to take control of your symptoms.
Find out if your city is a top "allergy capital."
Find out which foods you should watch out for.
If you’re one of the 35 million Americans who suffer from hay fever, read on for what plants are to blame, where to find them and how to get relief.
Allergist Dr. Lily Pien answers Medhelp users' most pressing allergy-related questions
When you start sniffling and sneezing, you know spring has sprung. Check out these four natural remedies to nix spring allergies.