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Can someone please assist with Halitosis?

I have been suffering from Bad Breath for years. My Doctors nor Dentists don't have a cure.  It's ruining my life. Afraid to talk and even if I don't talk they still smell it. I get Bullied at work and people talk and laugh at me. I tried everything from Rinsed to home cures. Please help, getting depressed!
4 Responses
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Have you checked with your doctor if you suffer from tonsil stones. If you do suffer from stones you should do this in front of a mirror and use a flashlight to locate the stones. Use the wet cotton swabs to loosen the stones and then remove them gently from the tonsil walls. Once you are done, you should gargle your mouth using salt water or mouthwash to remove remaining particles and other debris. I had my tonsils removed but what very painful procedure and not to mention 10 days of excruciating pain after procedure when your trying to recuperate. Good luck.
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No I haven't tried that. I suffer from frequent soar throat.  My Dr. says that it's either from Acid Reflux coming up or Post Nasal Drip going down into my throat. On Medications to treat both but It still continues and and my voice is hoarse first thing when I wake up. I heard someone make a rude comment when I was speaking that it smells like butt. I'm tired of taking all of these medications getting dry mouth behind them. I will try checking for the stones. Thanks so much for responding I really  appreciate it!
My mouth is dry all the time and drip. I use bioremediation tooth paste and emergen c vitamins. It helps dry mouth and bioremediation mouth wash
Thank you so much for responding I appreciate it I haven’t been on in awhile I gave up.
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Yes organic peppermint tea & off course deoderizing from inside -- eat CLEAN ONLY - GREENS 1 gallon water per day lemon water NO fast food NO sugar - problem solved in less than 2 years--AND yes there is NO instant cure for longterm damage - 2 years min to repair
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That's one of my issues as I eat alot of baked goods like cookies,  cakes and donuts and such. Need to cut out so much junk food.  Since you say it's not a quick fix,  I will just have to be patient and change my eating habits. Thanks so much for your assistance.
Try taking a parasite cleanse. My ex bf suffered from really bad breath, I never told him though but I bought him a parasite cleanse from organic Olivia and it definitely made a huge difference. It never cured it completely but the smell wasn’t as strong. I broke up with him shortly after so I don’t know if he would have eventually been cured after continued use. But it’s worth a try.
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Buy a tongue scrapper, youd be surprised how much crap is on your tongue.
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Ok so there is like a routine that you have to follow in order for the bad breath to go away but the routine isnt that intense. You need to get some sort of acidic liquid for this to work so i have been using lime but im pretty sure anything will help out including lemon, apple cider vinegar and probably some other ones. When you wake up the most important thing to do is to not swallow at all because your spit is what is causing this. You need to brush your teeth and then rinse and gargle the acidic liquid for about 1 min and then rinse your mouth for about another minute and make sure your spit is clear. Drink some of the acidic liquid, maybe like 1/8 - 1/4 of a plastic water bottle, then drink it every 2-3 hours and be weary of your spit because i have noticed that whenever i swallow my spit for some reason my stomach start hurting more and i start to get more bad breath. Im still trying to get rid of bad breath permanently but this is a temporary solution that works for a day then it stops working if i ingest too much of my spit without drinking the acidic drink but then it comes back in the morning. If you have any more questions or you want me to go more into detail then just tell me.
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