148691 tn?1260194903

Third freak-out in less than a week! =S

Alright, this is getting really old....

I got my third freak out in less than a friggin' week! I swear my hormones are over the roof, I am just not myself when I get the 'hormone attack', and it's getting more and more as I get closer and closer!
First one was thursday when I came home from work and was gonna have dh's cousins over (from CT). It's bad as it is since all the rooms in my house are disaster zones. Maddie's room is under construction, the other guest room is packed with baby stuff and just cr**p in general..., and they were gonna have to stay in the living room... (yeah, where we left Maggie, my stupid dog, hang out while we were at work).... not the best move ever...., I came home and found my couch's cushion ripped in pieces (mind you, those couches are nice and almost new!!!), cushion case ripped and bones everywhere, shoes everywhere, and that nice dog smell all over the place!!!!!

OH MY GOD.... I just couldn't help it for freak out! dh was golfing, I tried calling him, didn't answer, i started getting so mad... what if something happened and there's dumba$$ golfing!!!?? without cellphone???

Needless to say I had to work my @$$ off to clean the room, scrub floors, repair couch, wash blankets, shampoo rug... blah blah blah... by the end of the day, I kid you not, i had bright red balloons for feet...

Second freak out....

So dh leaves to go to his dad's with his cousins and leaves stupid dog in the house without confining her (I was upstairs in the potty), and this lady at work made this EXQUISIT apple bread for me..., she put the time and the thought for me and i just felt so good, the bread was AMAZINGLY tasty so i decided to just cut a little piece so i could have it longer....
yeah right....

I come downstairs to find the bag the bread was in.... all ripped in pieces on my recently scrubbed living room....
and the dog licking her chops....


I called dh and ripped his head off!!!! why in the LIVING HELL would he do that??? he knows!!! that damn dog is evil! and he leaves food on the counter where she can reach? not to mention leaves her unsupervised?!?!?!?!

Third freak out.....

Last night... I asked dh to cuddle with me and he got all grumpy and barely passed his arm over my back..... then i asked him what he felt for his daughter (since he never puts his stupid hand on my belly to feel her, nor he kisses her, nor talks to her!!!) and he just said 'oh... i dunno'....
I said 'why are you so afraid of being affectionate with your unborn child?!?' he goes 'im scared'... i said 'i am too, and that doesn't stop me from loving her!!!!' he goes 'im scared you'll freak out on the baby like you freak out on the dog'.....

And im just thinking... 'freaking out on the dog is a lot different than with my child!!!!'.... plus, yeah, i might freak out, burst, get over with it... and keep going! where as him, he freaks out 'calm', swallows it and lets it out caving up and being a jerk!!!

We spent hours talking, crying, yelling..... argh!!!! Our intimate life is down the toilet... (TMI..we haven't had any 'encounter' in like 3 to 4 months!! last time we tried I was too tired, told him i couldn't and ever since he just refuses to start anything!!) our romantic life is non-existant and with baby and parents coming... guess what!?!?!?! my marriage is F'ed up!!!!!


I feel so ill today... we went to bed by 1am... and got up by 5:40 this morning! my stupid dog has stinky anal glands that not only explode every 2 weeks now, but in less than that she had an 'accident' again! so now i don't know if we need to take her to the vet to squeeze those damn things every week?!?!?!?! 15 dollars each time?!?!?!?! We do NOT have money!!!!!

I am so upset girls... i know i am being VERY stupid, and I feel LIKE A HORRIBLE MOM for making my baby so upset... she was squirming around the whole time!! and one time she kicked so hard i could actually HEAR! the kick!!!


Anyways, thank you for 'listening' girls!! i needed to vent really bad.....
27 Responses
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322529 tn?1224945949
I`m not 38wks pregnant AT THE MOMENT but I have been in the past,and didnt take it out on the dog (occasionally the husband tho :-) ) it just sounded like you were being mean to the poor dog in your post. The bran should help a lot once the anal glands have been emptied but may still need emptying occasionally if bad. Im a veterinary nurse and have done a lot of anal glands, you dont actually have to stick your finger anywhere..just put on gloves, big wad of cotton wool or better yet a small baggy up against the anus, then lift the tail and feel for the "grapes" at 8 and 4 o`clock then milk them upwards. Get hubby to do it to save money...and punishment for leaving the bread out at the same time lol. wishing you well for your pending delivery.
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296076 tn?1371334474
no I wish.. dh keeps buggin them but I think they are discouraged now... I hope they do it soon... I would like them to come for a while.. I really like them, they are great people!
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148691 tn?1260194903
I told dh i'll get the extra tight gloves to 'get' his 'goggie'.... he wanted a boxer after all....


no, really she's a good puppy... she's very affectionate, but she's way too stubborn and way too human like! i mean, she could almost talk!! my goodness! that dog has 'special needs' i swear....

Mommy and daddy get here.... TONIGHT!!! yay! they are gonna burst in laughter when they see this big ole' belly! i'm taking the camcorder to video tape the reactions! hehehe
I really can't wait to see them... i hope they don't have a hard time like last time at the damn airport... =S

meli, have you had any news about your inlaws applying again for their visas???
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296076 tn?1371334474
hahaha.... so funny!  when does you mom get here?  how many days are left?
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208686 tn?1293030503
ummmm yeah.. I was thinkin EWWWWW!!....hehehe
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148691 tn?1260194903
hehehehehe are you pregnant??

if so, are you 38 weeks, ready to burst, having up and down hormones and freaking out over your ability to be a good mother???

hmmm..... yeah..... that's my case...

I actually didn't get mad AT the dog... I just freaked out... and, if you go back and read, I said I actually freaked out AT dh for leaving the bread on the counter where she CAN reach it.... see?

I thought about the all-bran thing... she'd eat everything anyway...

and lastly but not least.... HELL NO!!! I aint sticking my (very pregnant and nauseus) finger up anybody's a$$!!!! lol

;) thank you anyway... =)
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322529 tn?1224945949
You shouldnt get mad with the dog for a) eating food that is left in her reach and b) for having a problem with her anal glands, why dont you try putting a teaspoon of bran in her food ever day and ask the vet or nurse to show you how to empty her glands yourself?
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296076 tn?1371334474
hahaha... I can't wait to see your baby girl!!!

how many more days?
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148691 tn?1260194903
hahahahahaha!!! you big dummie!!! it's a vanity desk! lol

now, come to think about it... that's not a bad idea for my office! that way i wouldn't have to patch up the trail I had carved over the past month from my office to the toilet!!!!

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296076 tn?1371334474
you have a desk in the bathroom haha.. the image of someone dumping and working at the same time hahaha
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148691 tn?1260194903

Oh my gosh, you guys made my day!!! i couldn't come back yesterday to check the thread, but holly cr&p! this morning I was cracking up just to see all the comments! you guys are great! =) thank you so much for making me feel not-so-crazy about my freak-outs and not so lonely after all....
Dh is 'doing his best', but ya know, for us women sometimes is not in-tune with what we expect/want, or like our (yeah we are going to the shrink....) the couple's councelour would say: the way you show your love is not the same way he perceives it and viceversa...

hehehe, this past weekend I set up the crib beside our bed, and my rocking chair, and the changing pad on our desk in the bathroom and all the diapers and up in the diaper bag thinguie... so most of the stuff is ready to go... and of course damn cat LOOOOVES to jump up on the crib!!! (mind you, I already washed and ironed all the bedding.... grrrrr).
This morning I wake up and the crib starts moving and sounds coming out of it (it has a canopy, so i can't see inside too easily, plus I put my boppy pillow in so that -according to me- the damn cat would not jump in....

yeah right...

here he comes out of it stretching and with a nice satisfaction face!!!! I'm just like: 'you bast*#rd!!!!!'


oh lawd.... what am i gonna do with this zoo??!?!?!

i just  thought well, maybe i can buy some shear fabric and put it on the canopy to keep him off, but then again.... SIDS is in the back of my mind! and I know! once Maddie is sleeping there and the dumb cat gets used to her, he's gonna want to snuggle with her and cover her face with his damn fluffy tail like he does with me! =S

there we go... one more think to keep me 'entertained' on...

And yes... that latino heritage is kicking my bee-hind! ;)

Love ya'll!!! =))
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328630 tn?1213620350
I dont think for a minute you over reacted your about to squeeze a watermelon through your vagina in a couple of weeks or sooner, so of course paitence is the last thing on your mind, your DH is not used to haveing to be the one who needs to take lead and step up to the plate , I know honey you Mexican and you wait on him hand and foot (cuz I do for my hubby for over 20 years now damn hispanic latino heritage we where brought up with) and when it's our turn they dont know what to do with them selves and catch a tude like a little kid , I wouldnt worry much if I where you once that little princess comes all will be as if it never happened , here kicking is a way to remind you both she really gonna show you both who's boss. LOL, I cant wait for her to come gotta see those eyes
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254689 tn?1251180040
Vanessa -

HONEY!!!  Those f$ck$n hormones!!! aauugghh!!  

I'm so sorry that Maggie misbehaved and dh's being a little **** right now.  He'll straighten up - remember he's just not going to have the bond that you have w/maddie IMO of course.  It's been my experience that guys just don't relate to their unborn children until after they're born.  I think dh has trouble expressing his feelings and he's very worried about you and not just your 'freak-outs'.  I think he's afraid of losing you.

V - ya know I love ya!!  You're going to be a FABULOUS mommy!!  Try not to stress too much.  Remember 'things' can be replaced although it's harder than h e l l to keep perspective when you're cleaning up all kinds of sh!t after everyone messes up everything you're trying to accomplish.

V - i wish I had good advice!!  I can't wait to see lil' Maddie - I'll text or have Becca (dd) text you tomorrow after Noah's born so you know everything's okay!!!  Remember, you're going to be GREAT!  Keep venting - don't hold back - that'll save your sanity & reduce your stress level.

Keep Maddie in a little longer - you and Patty are the next to go!!! - jen
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114809 tn?1449684996
D^^^m those female hormones, i can relate, i remember when i was pregnant and very young (19) i thought everything was a potential threat to my unborn baby, i was freaking out too! As my infant daughter grew my hormones adjusted and i was back to normal almost immediately! You will be too!
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121828 tn?1333464491
Hey Patty, don't you dare leave me out on any drinking parties!!  The key to letting the dog out is a doggie door! It made my life a whole lot simpler. We have a panel in our bedroom that goes into the sliding glass door. Its also my 18mo dd's favorite place to poop in front of, ha ha!!  Also, when all else fails and everyone is fed and tended to, the guinea pig chirps up and wants attention too, are you kidding me? ugh...
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208686 tn?1293030503
Vanessa Vanessa.. my dear things will work out in the end. You have to remember all this is new to DH too.. he just doesn't adjust well like you do!

My DH gets yelled at for leaving a paper towel laying on the counter after drying his hands as if he just blew his nose in it too.. ahaha OH.. this morning, DH was brushing his teeth, he just spits in the sink and then walks away.... I said did you just spit in the sink, he said yeah, I said well are you going to rinse out the sink now? He said do you want me to? I just glared at him.  He rinsed it out and then scrubbed it out with dish soap! I guess he knew that would be coming next and took it upon himself to just do it. Then he looks at me and says, are you going to be grouchy when Brayden comes? I flew off the handle.. Ok Hormones are really raging now and maybe I shouldn't have said all the things I said (like, well if I have to take care of 3 kids instead of two, and I know it isn't too hard to rinse out a sink after brushing your teeth, and do you expect me to do everything for Brayden, Andrew and YOU after he is born?? and Are you going to be like this after he is born?? because if so then I will be grouchy.. ) but dang, some men just don't think! We women are just too hormonal right now and they should understand that they need to be a little more compassionate for just a little while longer!

The animal thing, girl I have 1 dog and 5 cats, and let me tell you THANK GOD all of my cats use the bathroom outside, because lord knows I am the only one who tends to the animals and would hate to have to do all that while trying to take care of a baby too! Now my dog, as sweet as he may be, he just needs to learn that I am not the only one who knows how to open the door to let him out. Gosh, it can be 3 am and he could be sleeping right next to my son or on top of my DH's head (not that he ever does, he has his own bed) but who does he come to to let him out????? ME..... GRRRRR!!!! As if I get tons of sleep now... I'm telling you, I feel your frustration!! Once we have these little babies I think You, Jen, Rebecka and Myself should all get together and have those drinks that we have been aching for for months!!! hehehe!!
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242143 tn?1215470308
Dogs!  I know how you feel!  I have a 2 year old rottweiler..  He's the sweetest dog ever.  Listens to dh and I like he's in the army. But those hormones are still making me freak out once in awile for absolutely nothing!  Just the fact that I have to vacuum every day because of him makes me ill. He goes outside, plays in the backyard without bothering anyone and when he comes in, I just freak because he's sooo dirty. I'm soooooo discouraged because I have to clean the whole house AGAIN!  And spring is the worse... He stinks! And I can't wash him...try putting him in the bath. He won't go by himself, he's scared.. (poor thing)  And here I am the other day yelling at him to go in and he kept running in his cage because he was afraid of me!  I'm really starting to wonder if I'll be able to keep him once the baby comes.  When will I have time to take care of a 100..pound baby!?

Believe me, if my dog ate my food (which right now is the most precious thing to me...lol) or ate my shoes and furniture..the dog would be history!  So, it really has nothing to do with us not being able to handle our babies when they come! Wouldn't it be great if our dh could live in our pregnant bodies for a week?!  We wouldn't be having this discussion!!!

As for your marriage, just relax a bit. I'm sure everything will fall into places once baby comes. It'll bring you two back closer together. You know men sometimes are afraid of change and makes them act like such a$$holes! Again, how would they react if they were the ones about to push a watermelon out their $#*%#    LOL

Melanie 33w2d
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150483 tn?1212168556
O.k don't hate me,,,but remember what you would tell me when I would freak out when pregnant with Julie,having problems with sex,hubby unattached,sickness & stress? You would say "Your baby is worth every darn freak out,sickness,etc''.ready to recieve your treasure! Just put the dog in a room or outdoors,in the back.Sit & relax.I just got a new puppy "CHICO" & he's driving me nuts!! And I'm not prego :).About the mess,the company,the remodeling it will all fall into place.Maddie will not need anything BUT mommy & Daddy.Dont worry about the room not being done,the $ ,etc.I COMPLETELY understand were your coming from wanting everything DONE & perfect for Maddie.And it will.My dh even with the 3rd would be so UN-affectionate with my belly.He was scared SH**less.After ouor loss he was scared & guarded.Even when she would go nuts in my belly just by his voice..lol.Men dont feel the same as women,we get attached the second that baby is concieved.Men its the second the baby is born.V,if you would see my dh face when he 1st held Juliana.The 1st time she said DADA(yeah,that was her 1st word..**rolls eyes**)I just know 100% that once your hubby sees,holds Maddie he will not let go!Get ready to be 2nd in line..lol.
About the not having sex,Girl what is sex?We had non for the ENTIRE pregnancy..lol.First bc I was scared to m/c or bleed.Then bc of my darn morning,noon & night sickness.Then bc my belly was SOooo huge  that it was just plain uncomfortable & gross.But girl...TMI alert.....After baby stitches & all,We did not even wait the 6 wks!!! 2 wks we waited.And my mom was in the house(the next room)..remember..lol.There's nothing sexier than a daddy holding his baby.And about your mom visiting & taking over.Girl somos mexicanos.I would not expect any less..lol.Julie was my 3rd & my mom PLUS MIL(I was out voted) still thought I knew nothing. But when she left,I was all tears.And you will learn ALOT from them.After all you came out O.K.Like I said,RELAX,breath,enjoy your belly.I already miss mine.The mess will still be there.The rooms will get done.And you hubby will turn into mush when he mets his ''Mini him''.Porque va tener ,your beautiful face,pero guerrita con ojos asules"!And you sex life will be AWESOME!
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296076 tn?1371334474
ok I have no dog... but it sounds like it is time you made him an outside dog haha...  

you are going to be a great mommy... don't even worry...

I hope things will get better, dh will come around once that baby is born...  just have to stick it out a few more days... you are almost there...

when does mom come??
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148691 tn?1260194903
Thank you girl! =) make 'em margaritas for me please!!! (yum!)
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148691 tn?1260194903
Tina! you just made me laugh and breath girlfriend! =) i knew it was stupid... but now i know it is COMICAL!!! i am so darn anal about everything.... ya know? it's just been hard for the past 2 years (five if you ask me... since I met dh and came up to a lovely, but different country!)
First trying to adjust to our marriage, not having money, then the loss of our little one..., then my daddy's surgery, then my mom's accident... and slow recovery (and seeing her suffer so much)!!!!  and then the complications and aches and pains of this pregnancy...(don't take me wrong, i'll go thru this and more for my princess any day!)... and trying to educate a puppy that is massively destructive and hyper.....

OH GOSH! it had taken a toll on me!

still funny tho, i'm glad you came and gave me your words... it's good to see it from an outside point of view, and realize that one day i'll look back (maybe even tomorrow?) and laugh about these cr%p...
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148691 tn?1260194903
Thank you Jenny! makes me feel like im  really not that crazy after all.... ;)
Man! i know exactly what you're talking about! I would freak out too! I have a cat (indoor, thank goodness) and two ferrets... yeah, we are crazy, we love our fur babies and they are so special to us! I would never get rid of my dog, or cat just for these kinds of things, so i can completely relate to what you're talking about... but at the same time, i want to prevent baby to crawl over cat puke, or where the dog had scoot!...
I guess we will learn to live with all this like Kellie said, and we will make it work, but in the mean time: I wish i could just put my baby in a crystal bubble and isolate her from all germs, dangers and nasty stuff! =S my mother makes fun of me saying that when I change a diaper or when the dog licks her I'll dip my poor kid in desinfectant! lol...

Hey, that doesn't sound too bad of an idea after all! lol ;)
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I'll have 3 drinks for you!!! Cheer up.....you almost have that precious baby in your arms.
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178239 tn?1277405491
I think you have all the makings for a great sitcom! You should call NBC and see if they want to buy your ideas, lol.

Seriously though, I am sorry it is so hard right now. You must be an emotional wreck! The things we tolerate for the love of our pets. I have 3 cats(one nasty mean old bit@h), a tortoise, an 80gal aquarium and a betta. I feed about 40 squirrels in the back yard every night, too. (still miss the Wee-man) Tim doesn't like animals and I run a freakin' farm. We clash at least once a week on the animal issue.

I think we all want our moms there, then worry if they will try to take over. You worry about every little detail and think the worst case scenario for each detail. Truth is, it's all going to be fine. You're going to be a great mom, the dog is NOT going to eat your baby and things will get back to normal eventually. Dh is going to love that little girl more than life itself. He's scared too. Men just don't act/react the same as women do. Once that beautiful baby is in his arms, he's going to melt away.

As for the puppy hiney, it's a necessary evil on some dogs and believe it or not some cats. One of mine has to have it done, too. Fortunately, only like once a yr. But, many dogs have it done every week or two. My friend has 2 dogs that need it regular and he started doing it himself. It's quite icky, but can be done at home if you're not faint of heart. ((((hugs))))

Find yourself a happy place for a while and just unwind. In the meantime, I'll have a drink for you :)
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