384896 tn?1335294331

Circumcision Decision.

I'm having a boy and I'm glad because I already have a girl. But it's also my worst nightmare because now I gatta deal with my problem with circumcision.

Most places do not generally offer any sort of pain killers for the procedure and I think that is TERRIBLE.

They are human just like we are, and feel pain the same as we do!!!
Why don't doctors get that!?
Yeah, it's a quick procedure but god dammit it still hurts them!!!
I can't stand to think about it.
I don't want them to hurt my baby.

I know all the pro's and con's of being circumcized and uncircumcized, and I'd like it done because it's easier to keep baby clean, but I don't want it because I can't stand to think about what they're doing to him.

Hubby says he's getting it done whether I like it or not, because when he was a baby, he was too sick and didn't get circumsized till he was 14 years old, and doesn't want his son to have to deal with all the issues with not having it done like he had to.

So I'm wondering, if maybe I could somehow DEMAND my son get some sort of pain killer or numbing stuff for the procedure?
Has anyone else done anything like that and did it work?
58 Responses
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172826 tn?1423422956
well see this was my personal view on it...i mean you do what you do what you feel is right for you...talk to your dr etc...

my sons father is circumcized and i did not want my son circumsized...his view on it was what if it needs to be done later...my answer was well it will.. here they now charge 600$ to get your son circumsized because they do not want you doing it...it used to be free and in 2 years it went from 400$ to now 600$...the way i seen it was he is born that way...thats it...thats all..if he needs it done it will be done.. i mean how often do we have things that need to be done...a baby should be born vaginally but sometimes it doesnt happen now does it? to me personally as long as you keep it clean and push the skin back(of course you cannot push it all the way back until much later) but still...the foreskin is there to protect the penis from infections...you should maybe talk to your hubby about this too..he may have a view on this...my father was imminent that it would not be done and he would make sure of it...and like him i didnt believe in it.. some people say it looks better...i find it looks sickening..my friend had her son done and i wanted to puke when i changed his diaper...to me it just breaks my heart and i mean after having had your baby do you really want to cause pain...here they offer a general anastetic and still to me its a sensitive organ it may not hurt while but what about after...ugh i wouldnt have been able to change his diaper...i would have just cried and so well he is not circumcized but i think you need to do whats right for you and your son and your family regardless what people say..
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750055 tn?1364771370
I got my son circumsized the next day he was born and as soon as they were done with him they brought him back to my room with no trears once soever and didn't even looked like he cried at all that I even had to ask and make sure they did it. They've  been doing this for years. He doesn't remember it at all and I really DON"T regret it. I think that if it really hurt them a lot and had some horrible sides affects they would provide some medication before the procedure but I think that circumcision is kinda like little baby girls getting their ears pierced. It happens so quick. Best of luck on your decision.~Kelly
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750055 tn?1364771370
I as a mother wanted to do what was best for my son, not for me or my own personal feelings or views on this issue. I didn't want him mad at me at the end of the road if he needed it done when he's older. My brother was NOT circumzied until he was 4yrs old. I remember him complaining cause it really hurt him to pee. He couldn't barely walk. My mother had no choice but to get him circumzied. It was more painful and till this day he does remember it a little and is so thankful my mother did it for him. He's now 21yrs old.
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1039620 tn?1272594004
I think this is a very personal decision that you and your husband need to make together. There are pros and cons on both sides. I have three-year-old son who was circumcised at birth and I do not regret it. Just remember that there is more pain and more discomfort if they do need to do it later in life. They will not remember it if done at birth, but they will if it has to be done when they are later. Always remember, do what you're comfortable with and don't let other persuade your decision.
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873692 tn?1337275733
i have 3 boys and i had it done for all of them of course now you have to pay for it but i think its the best thing my fiancee now hardly believes in hurting anything anyone especially a baby i mean we had major discussions about vaccinations as he didn't want them for our child but i told him it help him but the circumcision he was all for couldn't see the baby not getting it but yet again it a personal thing that you both are going to have to decide on  good luck
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384896 tn?1335294331
I see alot of you saying that it causes more pain and discomfort when they're older, but the only reason we dunno how painful or discomforting it is as a baby is because they can't tell us. Whether you remember it or not, it still hurts.

I really dunno what to do.
Hubby's gunna fight with me till it's done and I don't think I'll win.
I guess when I see my doc in 2 weeks for another ultrasound I'll ask her about it.
It's gunna hurt afterwards yeah, any surgery is gunna hurt. What bothers me is my baby having to feel them actually cutting.
I know what it's like to feel someone cutting you open.
It happened to me with my last c-section cuz they didn't do the epidural right and hadda knock me out after I started freaking out cuz of the pain.
I don't want my son to have to feel like that. It makes me feel sick to my stomach just thinking about it.

But this $$ thing... they're charging you to get your baby circumcized at the hopital now???
I thought it was spozed to be free??
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363110 tn?1340920419
Riot~ They used numbing stuff with TJ, sure it hurt beacuse it was a shot in his weewee, but it wasn't too bad. I wasn't there when they did it since he was in NICU, but he was really swollen after and they said it was due to the numbing shot

TJ's was covered by insurance, but we will have to pay to get Mason circumcised. apparently it's not "medically necessesary" anymore.
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384896 tn?1335294331
I hate my life.
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800427 tn?1324945719
if i have a son im not getting him circumcised because my fiance isnt. i dont think it looks weird and he's never been made fun of or had any problems with it or anything. the way i see it is this used to only be done as a jewish religious thing and now people started doing it because its "cleaner". but if you teach your son to properly wash his penis as a young boy nothing is going to get dirty. Also, the baby is born with the foreskin so obviously its there for a reason or why would the big man on top put it there? we dont cut off a piece of a little girls vagina do we? we dont cut off any parts of them....because theirs no need. you teach your children how to properly clean themselves and you wont have an issue. i believe in it for religious reasons OR if the father himself is already circumcised only because i wouldnt want my boy growing up thinking he looked different than his daddy and not wanting to be that way. otherwise, i wouldnt be able to change a single thing about my baby boy...right down to his little man parts lol
p.s. have u watched a circumcision video? F that!! lol it looks like it hurts and the baby screams its head off...and then the penis peals and stuff for like months its really yucky and i would worry about THAT getting infected. but if ur husband is circumcised than i think u should go ahead and get it done so he doesnt feel different when the lemme see daddys convo comes up lol
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363110 tn?1340920419
I feel sunkissed's reply is a partly inaccurate. Sometimes there are issues with repeated infections, and it can happen even if the foreskin area is cleaned properly My middle brother wasn't circumcised until he was a year old due to some mixups at the doctors office. (he was supposed to get it at 6w)
My mom was going to leave it and just teach him how to care for it, but even though she kept it VERY clean he began to get repeated infections of his foreskin and it would swell up horribly so he couldn't urinate. The dr's didn't know why for sure.   She finally got it done when he was just over a year and she hated getting it done that late, but since he was getting infections back to back it was the best thing to do.

The penis DOESNT peel for months usually at least not in my experience. my son had his, where they did the plastibell procedure and then once the ring came off and the scab went away (within a couple weeks) it was and is fine.  We do plan to get Mason circumcised, at the same hospital and the same way (plastibell), and for us it's about $300 out of pocket
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800427 tn?1324945719
sorry if my information was incorrect....im only speaking within my experience. none of the boys in my family or DF's family are circumcised and have had no problems...i wasnt aware that it often caused issues. and i meant that Sometimes it can peel for months and i said that because the twins i nanny for that ive been taking care of since they were born and theyre 5 months now.. and one of them still has little peelys around the ring area that i have to be careful of while wiping. i think it must be different for each baby...i was only trying to suggest my feelings and experiences i didnt mean to come across as that is the only way...its just not something i want to do because of my feeling and experiences. sorry if you or anyone else was offended.
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I wouldn't circumcise especially if because it's easier to clean is the only excuse :

1. An intact penis doesn't require special care, it just 1 second to wash under shower. Cleaning girl's vagina is harder, would you cut a girl at birth because it's easier ? No, so why do it for boys ? 80% of men in the world are intact and don't have any problems. Cutting off isn't the way to go. I'm curious if there are other part of body that should be removed because it's easier to clean.

2. Circumcision is permanent and removes the foreskin, it isn't a useless piece of skin. It's the most sensitive part of body with 20,000 nerve endings. It was performed in US in late 1800s to decrease sexual pleasure and masturbation. It used to be a barbaric practice that now has become a medical procedure with pseudo health reasons. It's just a cure searching for a disease.

3. I don't understand the idea that it would be more painful to get it done later in life ? What makes you think that if he isn't cut at birth, he will need it later ? For every story about someone who needed later in life and it was really painful, I can tell you a story about botched circumcision. Also, it's really rare when circumcision is required later in life. Infections can be treated with antibiotics like girls. Most men you know who have been cut later in life should could have been treated with a less invasive procedure. It's really rare when circumcision is the last resort.

4. Circumcision is painful, people recognize it' hard to get done when adult but claim it's painless for babies ? Adults are under general anesthesia and don't feel anything during the procedure, it's more uncomfortable than painful. However for babies there's no such thing. Sometimes, they use local pain killers but it's almost ineffective
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568659 tn?1256139982
My insurance covered it w/ both boys and we have state insurance. even if you dont believe that circumcision cuts down the risk of infections and STD's (which I do) there are still reasons to do it.  My sister is a nurse, she sees old me come in to the hospital all the time and need to be circumcised because they are no longer capable of cleaning it on their own and are getting infections. That alone was reason enough for me, I also dont want to constantly be on my son's a$$ about cleaning his penis properly......I also have an issue with the cosmetic aspect of it, not a fan of how a "natural" penis looks (sorry if that offends anyone, just being honest).

All I had to do to care for it was put some vaseline on the head and pull the skin back at every diaper change.

Good luck with YOUR (and hubby's) decision.
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568659 tn?1256139982
BTW-Neither of my sons had issues with their penis' peeling.
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280369 tn?1316702041
It's completely up to you, but we made the decision to have it done. Jeremiah had it done right before he was 3 weeks old and we had no problems whatsoever. We actually called a mohel (no, we are not jewish) and he did a wonderful job and I loved that he came to our house to do it. I would hate to have to take my child to the doc and then drive him home like that, so it was convenient and it cost us $300. It was originally $500, but my husband talked him down a bit, and he was very happy to do so. It literally took 30 seconds! Jeremiah cried for a few seconds and then was fine. It looked great after just one week, if that and he had no issues with it at all. I was very happy. We plan on getting Jesse circumcised, hopefully next week by the same guy. He didn't use any numbing stuff, but gave him some sugar water before hand. He nursed right after he was finished and told me to hold him normally and he would be fine. Also, for the first 3 days we had to put gauze on it with tons of A&D then after the 3 days no more gauze and just A&D. Never had to pull anything back or ever mess with it. It healed and looked great (according to my husband, he would know better obviously)  It worked. I figure a mohel does this sort of thing a LOT, so I trusted him.
I hate the part right when it's being done, but it's literally over in seconds. As a mother, we never want to see our children in pain, but for our family, we want our boys to have it done, mostly for cleanliness issues. Everyone has their opinion on it and I hope you can figure out what you are going to do.
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363110 tn?1340920419
Sunkissed~ i was not offended, lol. I too was only speaking of personal experiences. and I agree that babies are probably all a little different when they heal.

Grose~ i've actually never personally seen an uncircumcised man, lol. (Sure I had BF's before DH and got a peek 1 or 2 times but they were circ'd and DH IS the only man I've ever been with intimately... I also have never really been a porn watcher.)  guess I'm a little sheltered, lol
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She isn't asking for opinions on whether to circ or not! She already stated that she is going to circumcise him so stop trying to change her mind, people! We all think we know what is best but in the end, it's a personal choice that she and the father of the baby have decided on.

What she wants to know about is PAIN RELIEF for her child.
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212720 tn?1304375415
My son will be having a circ done when he is 1 day old in the hospital. I am going to request that he does get an inj of anest for numbing purposes.  I can understand your concerns regarding pain relief.  No one wants to see their child in pain.
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384896 tn?1335294331
I went on you tube and watched a circumcision video on a newborn with hubby.
We've decided NOT to get him circumsized UNLESS they do offer some sort of numbing agent or anesthetic.
That video actually made me cry I can't put my baby through that!!!

Hubby wasn't circumcized till he was 14 and knows how to properly clean an uncircumcized penis, and so we can help teach him how to keep his penis clean when he gets older.

And if it doesn't work out because he keeps getting infections over and over again, I'll be more than happy to pay for him to get it done at an age where they WILL give him a numbing agent or anesthetic.
My mother said my brother wasn't circumsized till he was a lil kid and the insurance paid for it because it was a medical necessity cuz he kept getting infections.

So if the insurance sees it as an issue, they might pay for it.
If not, then I will.

Or if he's older and wants it done for himself like his father, then we will gladly pay for him to get it done.

I agree that if we're born with it, it should stay there unless it's a hazzard to you or your body.
I just can't do it. I can't.
That video was horrible. I can't do it.
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800427 tn?1324945719
its your decision as a mother and whatever you and your husband feel comfortable with is the right answer! im glad you two came to an even ground...(i told you the videos are awful!) my mom said when they asked her if she wanted to get it done for my brother in 1988 at the hospital (she was 18) she said she didnt know very much about it ...so they showed her a video....she didnt do it either lol! there are other health videos that explain the benefits and the cons and not just the violence of the cutting as well but they scared the **** outta me too. i really just think its a circumstantial prefference thing. im sorry if i scared you out of it by telling you to watch a video....but i wouldve wanted somebody to tell me that. Anyway, congrats on your baby boy! i bet you just cant wait to meet him!
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My son had it the day after he was born, he looked just fine after it and it healed very quick!  
Its your and you  hubbys decision, dont feel pressured by anyone else, good luck!
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384896 tn?1335294331
I'm glad you told me to though I never thought to look for a video.
I didn't want it done in the first place because I knew that they don't usually offer anything for the pain, but hubby was fighting me on it cuz he wanted it done.
But once be saw the video, it kinda startled him.
I guess he really didn't know and hadda see it to believe it.
And now he agreed to not doing it unless they offer something for him.

I called the hospital I'm delivering at and they do charge.
I have to wait till Monday to call the billing office to find out exactly what it's gunna cost but she said she thinks it's $300.
Then I gatta call my delivery doctor and the pediatrician I chose for Aiden Monday as well because the lady said they both have to be there for the procedure?
And I gatta ask the pediatrician if he offers a numbing shot or an anestheic.
If not I'm gunna ask if I can buy a numbing shot for him to give to Aiden before the procedure.
If not, then it's not getting done.

The insurance should pay for it if it becomes a problem later on in life.
If not, I will.
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1039620 tn?1272594004
Where I live they automatically use a numbing agent. My husband was with our son when it was done and said he only whimpered, never even cried. I would definitely insist on something for pain if you do decide to get it done. Best of luck and I hope all works out well for you and your son. :)
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470885 tn?1326329037
I agree with Sunkissed - my DH isn't circumcised and so we didn't circumcise DH.  Also, our son had to have eye surgery when he was 2 weeks old - we didn't want to throw another (debatably "necessary") procedure on top of all olf that.
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