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6 weeks preg., no embryo seen and worried

This is my first time on here. I found this website while looking for some information about my pregnancy, and I am very excited to know there is a place like this with people going through some of the same things.  I am 25 and pregnant with my first child. I went for my first ultrasound on May 23rd thinking I was 6 weeks by my LMP, (however my periods are not regular).  All they saw at this visit was the gestational sac and said that I was probably just 5 weeks or so.  Well, I went back on June 2nd for what should be my 6 week visit ( and I know I am at least 6 weeks going by the earliest point you can have a positive preg. test) and the gestational sac had grown and they saw a good yolk sac but were unable to see a fetal pole or hb yet.  This worried me bc everywhere I read it says that almost always at 6w. you should see the fetal pole.  Has anyone else definetely been 6 w. but unable to see the baby yet.  Should I be worried?.  I have also had some cramping similar to period cramping in my lower back with light spotting, sometimes reddish and sometimes brownish. Has anyone had this as well and yet everything be ok. I have to wait  a whole week to go for another us, and it is just so hard to wait and not know if any of this is normal. Please give my your honest opinion. I dont want false reassurance. Thank you very much, Beth
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Update? I am in pretty much the exact same boat x
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I've got some hope after reading these! I have my dates worked out to a T. But somehow I am measuring behind. LMP was 14th Nov. Had ovulation pains 29th Nov. BFP 14th Dec. That should make me 6 weeks 5 days today (Thursday). On Saturday I started to spot brown. I was out of the country til Sunday night, then Monday was a bank holiday so I rang midwife Tuesday and she booked me an emergency scan for today. Technician said I was measuring about 5 weeks (not possible due to my dates?!) sac is there, yolk is there, no baby though. She said it's normal for what I'm measuring at (5ish weeks) and booked me for another scan in 11 days time. I'm still bleeding - it's dark red now. I also have cramps since the ultrasound (internal). I promise I will update when I know, even if it's bad news. Good luck everyone x
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I had the same problem. my LMP was 07/07/2015. I checked my pregnancy on 14/08/2015. but there were no sign of pregnancy. again i checked on 27/08/2015 and it was possitive. Then i visited my doctor on 02/09/2015 and he said that am 5week pregnant, i went for 2nd scan on 30/09/2015 and still there was the sac but doctor said there is no embryo. he asked me to abort the baby. but i said no and i will be waiting for the natural miscarriage. this is my 1st child. it is very hard for us. just advise me that is this can be happen??? i dont feel that i have lost the baby. pls help me whether i can keep my hopes for my baby...
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I'm in that same position rite now as i am typing this message   am so worried.... I'm 6 weeks pregnant, the sac is there and no fetus is in it.
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Thank you so much for this post. It gave me hope, I went to the doctor 4 days ago and they told me they saw a gestational sac but no embryo. They dated me at 5 weeks and scheduled me for an ultrasound in 2 more weeks to see if we can find a heartbeat at that point. My husband and I thought I
was so much farther along and were devastated by the end of our visit thinking we had lost our 1st baby. But we are trying our best to stay calm and have faith that our baby will be just fine and we'll hear our "Jelly Bean's" heart soon. Thank you for this huge glimmer of hope.
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10923318 tn?1413848635
SOMEONE PLEASE HELP!!! My last menstrual period was september 11th and when october 11th came around i had no period. I tested positive on 2 home dollar pregnancy test friday night and saturday morning the 18th..but later that day around 8pm i started bleeding. worried of a miscarriage i went to the ER.. they did blood test and vaginal and regular ultrasound but said everything came negative and didnt see anything in my ultrasound. is it really possible i had 2 false positive or a miscarriage??? But they would have been able to tell me if i had a miscarriage right? The doctor said it was a late period! something tells me different.....HELP i need answers or someone who can relate!!! maybe i ovulated late...im questioning everything.
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10855965 tn?1413321988
Im 6 weeks four days pregnant and on saturday oct. 11, 2014 i had cramping but no blood. Then later on that night, after intercourse i noticed that it was pink on the tissue after i used the bathroom. So today oct 14, lastnight during intercourse, he pulled out and blood was all over. After about twenty mins, i washed and noticed there was no more blood. So i went to the emergency room. It was very confusing...when he said he sees a yolk sac but nuthn inside. It scared the hell outta me. My LMP was august 31st so 14 days from then means i ovulated on the 14 or 15. The drew blood and seen that my hormone levels are high showing that i am 6wks4days. But aint no tellin where the blood is coming from. They did a pap smear to see where the blood was coming from.but nuthn.  Im totally confused. How can they see a yolk sac but no baby inside?? Anyways, they want me to go every 48 hours to check my hormone levels. I pray everything is ok. I go see the doctor oct 23 @ 1 & again on the 28 for an ultrasound. Please pray for me. I have a 6 yr old daughter and a 2 yr old son. They wantd another sibling...i pray i can give it to them.
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10757665 tn?1412565436
i woke up 6 days ago bleeding just now stopped it was alot of blood kinda the first day then affter that just really light i went to the hospital and they said my pregnacy test said i was pregant but then they did an Ultrasound vaginaly and on my belly and they sad there was no baby in there at all they said eaither its way to early to see anything or i miscarried i would be about 5 or 6 weeks now..I go in tm to find out if i lost the baby has anybuddy ever had anything like this im only 18 years old and i have a one year old she turns 2 this month but ive never had anything like this happen before im very scared ive been trying to have a baby for 5 months now with my husband and just dont understand why this is happening to me???Does anyone no if this is normal?
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susan tony my tubes where tied 10 years back after my second child with my ex husband hoping i will live with him all the rest of my life but later we separated until i met this lovely and wonderful man without a child who love to have at list 2 kids but my tubes where tied , when i was on the babycenter i saw how so many women testify how they got pregnant with prophet james roots and herbs which i never thought it will ever work with his email address to reach him so i contacted him and order for the roots surprisingly i got pregnant 1 months and 2 weeks after using the herbs and now i am 7 months pregnant hoping to put to birth soon. so i could not keep this to my self than to testify how he also help me with his roots and herbs .you can as well reach him too on his e-mail  ***@**** or cell phone +2347035825346
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Hey Im just wondering if anybody has gone in for their ultrasound and been told that the gest. sac was 7-8 weeks with only a fetal pole and if anybody has had a baby showing at the ultrasound two weeks later. Just wanting to know if somebody has had a similar experience and if they had a healthy baby or if they miscarried.
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I know it is a long time ago but I am facing exactly the same thing. Can you let me know how it went for you. I am back at the docs for an us next week but next week seems like forever.
Will be glad to hear from you
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I'm 45 and I've been trying to get pregnant for 10 months I'm ovulating and twice I believe I have had implantation. Has anyone else out there had children at my age? I was pregnant 2 1/2 years ago but miscarried. Is there any hope for me to conceive a healthy baby
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I am going through that right now and heard the same thing,I have a ultrasound to do in a week or 2 and all I can do is hope and wish for the best..and I am pregnant with twins
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I'm 5weeks n went in for my 2nd ultrasound today of course I'm freaking out they still havnt seen a baby but they do see yolk sac I go in next week for another ultrasound so I'm praying they see something or I'm going to try another doc or try a ultrasound tech people say ultrasound tech are better to go to
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Hello everyone I just went in to the E.R. for light bleeding and brown spotting. I was told that I was 12 weeks by my LMP. But the ultrasound confirmed I was only 7 weeks. She saw a sac but no sign of a fetus and took some blood to confirm that I was 7 weeks and I was still pregnant. She didn't say threatned miscarriage but she said my diagnose was Bleeding during pregnancy. I am scheduled for another ultrasound in 1 week. This is my 7th pregnancy but the 1st with these symptoms.  I pray that my pregnancy continues and my baby will be healthy. I am so grateful that I found this site and I will update my information soon.
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I have been so scared because I thought I was at least 7 weeks LMP was 5/11  but I am irregular. And when I went for a regular check up 4 weeks ago (didnt even consider being pregnant) they ran some tests and did a pap smear and did a routine PG test. and it came negative. But a couple of days ago I took a PG and it showed positive. Went for an US and you can see the sak but foc but no fetus at all. So im going back in THREE weeks. SOOO scared and nervous.
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HELLO GUYS i am 6weeks pregnant i had my tvs ultra sound yesterday but they didn't  found a fetus or sac or a heart beat,,,pls help me i want ur advice
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I literally found out i was pregnat like four or five days ago. i was going to find a ob and start prenatlesand what not. however the day after i had a clinic visit to prove i was pregnant, i cramped some for about teo minutes ant then it stopped, i checked and i was bleeding, it was a pink at first, then it was a dark brownish red, i went straight to the er and they told me it was what they call a threatened abortion and my hormone levels were low for being pregnant. however i wouldnt be far along at all, i had my last day of my lmp wich was march 5th 2013. i should havestarted my period aroundthe 28th of march. but it never came. i took three home tests all positiv the clinic one was positive. Anyhow back to the er. they said i had to.come in two days to see if my hormones had doubled or anything the next day i was still bleeding not a lot at all but enough, soi went to a diff hospital, they did and ultra soundand didnt see amything in my uterus at all. an they said the same thing about the threatened abortion. but it could alsobe  i could have a tubal pregnancy or its just to early to see anything because i could kust have a couple cells in my uterus and they cant see them.yet.. i had my.blood taken again today wich is april 6th and i go in to review them on monday the 8th.and see the ob they referred me to, i get to see an ob instead of a er doc. maybe they will tell me some better news, fingers crossed!
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Based in my LMP, I thought I was 6-7 weeks.  I went to the bathroom and had bright red blood when I willed which scared me.  I went to a GYN since my OB was closed on Fridays and she did a vaginal ultrasound and found an empty gestational sac.  She told me that I was either only about 2 weeks along or that I would have a miscarriage.  After the ultrasound I had some light brown spotting and have continued to have it in very small amounts each time I wipe.  I'm continuing my prenatal vitamins, using 25mg Progesterone suppositories once daily and praying hard.  
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Wow... great to hear someone who's story is similiar to mine. I obviously tested positive the DAY I got pregnant too. according to my last period, I should be 10 wks today but the measurements said 6 wks 4 dys. the first visit was an empty sac. Yesterday there was signifigant improvement & there was a pregnancy inside it, but couldnt register heartbeat yet. Id been wondering if anyone had ever been as far off as me too. Thanks!! How did Urs go??
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Hi I am also in the same boat I am 6 weeks and 2 days and went for my first ultra sound and all they seen was a ges sac and yolk sac but no fetus pole they told me that I should be miscarring soon but I haven't bleed or had any cramping and my cervix is closed tight my hcg levels are 13,000 and last week was 3,900 so that is a big jump from last week and this week so I don't know what's going on can somebody give me some good advice please....
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I am 8weeks & 5days pregnant & went to The e.r. With bleeding & clotting,thy did an internal & external ultrasound & found no fetal pole or,heartbeat only a sack.thy said The bleeding is My body trying to pass it on like a miscarriage & thy want 2 schedule me a d&c this friday
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  Just thought I would put my two cents in here having just gone through this. Desperately two days ago I was searching for stories similar to mine and really just found more questions without answers. Lots of people had post there concerns and not updated. I was hoping they came back with happy news.
  Mine was happy news. So I thought I would post so others who are looking for some comfort will find comfort in this....I went in two days ago for my first ultrasound at 6 weeks and 2 days. The NP did a trans-vaginal ultrasound and couldn't find a baby, just an empty sac. I was panicked to say the least. She checked my hormone levels and they were at 36,000 so she said we definitely should have seen a baby so she immediately sent me to an imaging clinic.
   Long story short...heartbeat 143!! This was the very next day. Me and my husband (who is a doctor by the way) can not for the life of us figure out why professionals do ultrasounds this early on so many women. I can understand in a lot of cases why you would need to, but for a lot of us, it just sends us through unnecessary stress, which our body and baby don't need.
   Trust me when I say ladies, go back in a week or two. It IS normal not to see anything this early, especially with the ultrasounds they use at lower specialty clinics. Don't stress yourselves out like I did. Relax and think positive thoughts. I wish I would have read my own post two days ago...would have saved me a world of heartache and panic..

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Can you update me on what happened to you? I'm in the same situation and have my follow up scan in 5 days. Just curious and trying to stay positive.
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Im in the same boat,went for ultrasound today due to spotting of brownish discharge but NO pain.mw thought i was 8weeks by last period but he said sac was only measuring 5 weeks but no embryo :( i have another scan in 2weeks... Im worried sick but really wishing i didnt have scan now!!
Iv already got a 2yr old boy and never had anything like this but saw a heartbeat and baby at 8weeks 3days.trying to stay positive
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