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Can hcg levels rise slowly, then double and still be a normal pregnancy?

I found out I was pregnant and we were so excited; things seemed to be going so perfectly in our lives.  The initial bloodwork showed that my hcg levels were low and my doctor became concerned.  They were at 196 then 2 days later at 254, then 3 days later 500. At that point my OB was certain I was going to miscarry and suggested a D&C.  Before I would have it done, I requested one more blood test.  It doubled to 1000 (2 days after the 500 titer).  My doctor seemed dumbfounded.  I'm going crazy worrying about if I am  going to miscarry or not and if not, could there be something abnormal with our baby?  I have not had one other symptom indicating a possible miscarriage, in fact I feel as pregnant as a woman in her third trimester!  I believe I am about 5 weeks pregnant.  When I took the first blood test I was just exactly 4 weeeks pregnant, although it's possible I am off by 5 days (previous period was 33 days long as opposed to the normal 28 I am).  I'm still having more bloodwork done every 2 days and (haven't received the results) and schedule for an ultrasound in 1 1/2 weeks.

So..any suggestions?  ANYTHING good or bad would be extremly helpful.
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If I'm 2to 3 weeks pregnant and 3 days ago my hug was 126 2 days later they were 142 is that normal
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Hi, My LMP on 10.01.2017, ovaluated on 23.01.2017, undergone IUI. please let me know when is the better time to have a HPT.
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Im not pretty sure of my lmp as i have irregular periods...in between i domy pregnancyurine tests which showed negative..then i went to doc and had scan done and started with meprate for 5 days.even after 7days i did not bleed.so again i took urine preg test which showed positive.scan was done and showed adnexal mass cystic lesion near to ovary,no geatatinal sac..endomet thickness 2.1 cm.hcg was  done first showed 184..repeated after 48 hrs showed 521.is this normal or is there chance for ectopic pregnancy or is it too early for thegestatinal sac to appear...im confused
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I am going through something similar.  I had a Mirena for 4 years and suddenly started to experience abdominal pain.  I knew some if wasn't right so I headed to the OBGYN.  He Diagnosed me with a cyst and came back in afterward and told me my pregnancy test was positive.  He sent me to do an HCG which was 154.  Two days later it was 264.  He then decided to pull my IUD (which I bleed very heavily after that for about 4 days) and ordered another HCG be done two days later which was only 315.  The doctor advised that it was non-viable and versus getting a d&c done to wait it out and see if it goes away on its own.  He told me to return 10 days later to repeat a urine pregnancy test of which should be negative.  I waited 7 days and the urine test was positive and hcg level was 820.  The doctor told me my numbers are still very low and he's 98% positive it's a non-viable pregnancy but we will do an ultrasound to see if we find anything.  Still pending on the ultrasound of which will be done tomorrow.
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I am going through something similar.  I had a Mirena for 4 years and suddenly started to experience abdominal pain.  I knew something wasn't right so I headed to the OBGYN.  He Diagnosed me with a cyst and came back in afterward and told me my pregnancy test was positive.  He sent me to do an HCG which was 154.  Two days later it was 264.  He then decided to pull my IUD (which I bleed very heavily after that for about 4 days) and ordered another HCG be done two days later which was only 315.  The doctor advised that it was non-viable and versus getting a d&c done to wait it out and see if it goes away on its own.  He told me to return 10 days later to repeat a urine pregnancy test of which should be negative.  I waited 7 days and the urine test was positive and hcg level was 820.  The doctor told me my numbers are still very low and he's 98% positive it's a non-viable pregnancy but we will do an ultrasound to see if we find anything.  Still pending on the ultrasound of which will be done tomorrow.
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Hi. I see all these posts and pray for all of you. I have a crazy situation. I became pregnant in August 2013 ,in which I shouldn't have. I only have one tube and the other was cut (tubal ligation) back in 2009 due to many ectopic pregnancies.  Well I went to ER with extreme stomach pain. The doctors and everyone else (including me) were completely shocked.  Of course I just assumed it would be another ectopic because my tubes don't work. Low and behold, the u/s determined there was one in my uterus..what a shock. Anyways a week or so later started spotting . Realized there were two. One ended up in my abdomen. I started to miscarry the one in my uterus too. So after many weeks my dr was following my HCG levels. When I found out  I was pregnant levels were at 8200.  After 6 weeks  Hcg finally was down to about 20 but I started bleeding. After 5 days it stopped and hcg was at 11. Not sure if that was my period or not because I didn't think you can get one until hcg reaches zero.  Anyone have a period before hcg went back to zero?Now I'm waiting to see if a pregnancy happens . We obviously we're not trying before but no we are hoping for it to happen.
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I don't have any advice; as you can see I am going through something similar. This has been going on for me over 2 weeks of spotting and yesterday I started bleeding and passing clots; this morning I passed what I thought was a clot, but when I pulled it out of the toilet(yes I went in after it) I noticed it was white in colour with what appeared to be viens - I can only assume that is the amniotic sac that no one was able to find on my ultrasounds. I have an appointment with the EPAU(Early Pregnancy Assessment Unit)..they are going to check to make sure that my pregnancy has ended itself or what is going on.  My hcg levels are increasing and actually doubled in 24hrs!!! Went from 1745 to 1946...I am at a loss.
My advice to you would be to NOT let them give you the run around, and to get checked out ASAP - if you have to demand to be seen by the EPAU in your area!
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I found out I was pregnant Oct.17.2013.In the er they said I might be a threat in miscarriage my hcg level was 939.It scared me then.I went to my obgyn this Monday  oct. 21st..the obgyn said my level went up to 1300  something but he said it should have doubled or tripled.So I had to come back today in make sure it wasnt a tube pregnancy.He gave me a ultrasound in he couldn't see anything.I am early only like  two wks maybe earlier I'm not sure.my last period was Aug.twenty first but I just recently conceived.I'm scared I'm going to miscarry because I haven't doubled or tripled.When I got a ultrasound today he said my ovaries was fine but the mucous was thickening...beer wit me if I'm not saying it write my 1st pregnancy.I in my husband can't stop worrying or thinking about it.has this happened to anyone else.....please help
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Ladies I need all your knowledge and advice I'm going to post my situation
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Hi there, need serious help regarding hcg levels in pregnancy? I'm on my 9 week now having all possible symptoms of pregnancy but sadly my hcg levels are not being detected by the urine test? Is it possible to show up within the coming weeks? anyone whose had the similar case? Please help & suggest as the doctor won't agree on doing a blood test despite requesting and this will be our 1st baby and my hubbs and me are so looking forward to the arrival and a safe pregnancy .... :(
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Hi there, need serious help regarding hcg levels in pregnancy? I'm on my 9 week now having all possible symptoms of pregnancy but sadly my hcg levels are not being detected by the urine test? Is it possible to show up within the coming weeks? anyone whose had the similar case? Please help & suggest as the doctor won't agree on doing a blood test despite requesting and this will be our 1st baby and my hubbs and me are so looking forward to the arrival and a safe pregnancy .... :(
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I Bled 4am wednesday 16th Oct clots bright red blood. My period was due 24th september, I had already been confirmed pregnant prior to this at the Dr and numerous pregnancy tests but after this night I panicked and was certain I had miscarried I had an emergency ultrasound on the 18th and it showed nothing I should have been 7+3 days so they told me It didn't look good.. Anyway I had bloods taken and they said come back in 48hrs to get results and bloods drawn again so I went on the 21st for results and blood was still 175 the fresh blood drawn that day indicated 281 in the blood which meant it was steadily going up and I just wasn't as far on as I thought I was. Booked in for another u/s as they can only pick any image up when levels are above 1,000/2,000 but yeah I am still pregnant! Miracles do happen do not give up hope.
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My beat hcg levels have increased since my post. I had bloodwork done on Oct 16 and it showed levels at 1745. I had more bloodwork done on Oct 17 and will find out Monday what they show. I have no cramping or pain...I am still spotting on and off and passing mucous like strings but nothing significant!!
I am so confused - and actually now feel like they doctors have no clue what is going on. My family doctor told me Thursday. " I have never seen anything like this before" wow - that is re-assuring!!!
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hey, im michaela, yesterday the doctor tried the same thing with me, i think im about 5 weeks and on thursday my hormone level was 3000 and yesterday it went up to 4000 because it didnt reach 6000 in 2 days he wanted to do keyhole surgery, me and my partner refused because we have been here before in june and tho then my hormone level was so low and dropped i excepted we had to get the injection but because it has still gone up this time we still have hope. i have no pains or signs of miscarriage. also on thursday the other doctor i seen tol me if my level was 1500 or above it was a good sign, im so confused
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I had my LMP on Aug 18, 2013 - I took a home pregnancy test on Sept 24, 2013 and it showed pregnant 1-2(which meant conception happened 1-2 weeks prior to the test date, which would have made me 3-4 weeks pregnant). I went to the doctor on Oct 1, 2013 and did a urine dip test; the doctors office has faulty tests because it came back negative. She sent me for bloodwork to make sure 100% that I was pregnant. My bloodwork came back on Oct 3, 2013 showing that my Hcg level was 405. I was doing well all that week, until Thursday Oct 10, 2013 when I started having light pink spotting on the toilet paper. I called my doctor got in right away and had more bloodwork drawn the results were 1566, and had 2 ultrasounds on Friday Oct, 11, 2013 - and they showed and "empty" uterus! I was so scared that I went and took another home pregnancy test and it showed pregnant again this time the result said 2-3(which means I was about 4-5 weeks pregnant). I continued to spot with periods of bright red bleeding(caused by the trans-vaginal ultrasound). I went to the ER on Saturday evening, they did repeat bloodwork and my Hcg levels were 1486 so they dropped, they did another ultrasound and it again showed empty uterus!! I was told that I was having a miscarriage and it could take a couple of weeks to complete the process. I should expect heavy bleeding and horrible cramping! I am scheduled to get follow up bloodwork done Wednesday to make sure the Hcg levels are continuing to drop - what happens if they begin to rise? Does this mean I have not miscarried? Does this mean eptopic pregnancy?
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Hi tere... 8 wks n went for scanning but doc can't seem to detect anythin in sac . Took blood test it showed I m pregnant ..took another blood test n came to baby's hormones are rising but rather at a slow rate.. too confused n stressed. Just hoping everything is going to be fine. My first baby n I dun want to lose it
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So I have some encouraging news about slow-rising hcg levels! I recently found out I was pregnant with our second baby and we were ecstatic! I requested that my hcg levels be drawn purely for my benefit (I am a nurse and unfortunately know more than I would like). Anyway, I got the first lab draw last Friday and it was 1042.5. I had another lab draw on Sunday and it was 1190. I immediately freaked out because I was expecting a lot higher level. I called my OB after hours number and the nurse basically said there was nothing they could do and I may be about to miscarry. I went to my OB the next day and basically was still in the dark because no one could give me clear cut, black and white answers. I just wanted to know if I should still have hope or if I needed to prepare myself for the worst. My dr. couldn't give me the answers I wanted and basically said that my levels weren't rising the way he would like them to but that he wanted to repeat the level again the next day. He said he couldn't do an US until my levels reached 2000. I went home confused and very sad and prayed so hard that I would get an answer the next day when I got my lab drawn. I prayed that the level would either be really high or that it would go ahead and drop so I would know one way or the other. Unfortunately, I didn't get what I wanted again! My level the next day had risen again but still not where it needed to be. It was 1335. The plan was not to get any more labs drawn until the following Monday to give my body time to figure out which way to go. Well the next day I get a phone call from my OB office and the nurse said that the doctor changed his mind and wanted to try and do an US the next day to see if we could see anything. I went into the office with much trepidation. Lo and behold, the US showed a strong heartbeat and a little peanut tucked away inside a sac!!!!! I was sooo thrilled. I had a f/u appt with my midwife and she said that she couldn't explain why my levels didn't double but she also told me to not worry about it! She said that since we found a baby in there, the US would be the best way to determine if there was anything wrong in the future anyway. She said they usually don't get hcg levels on someone so early in pregnancy unless something warranted it. I have never had any bleeding, spotting, or cramping. Nothing to indicate something is wrong except for my foolish need for information. I wish I had NEVER gotten my levels done in the first place because I have been driving myself CRAZY all week wondering what was going on with my body. I went from having no hope and thinking I had a blighted ovum, chemical pregnancy, ectopic pregnancy, etc (all possibilities mentioned by dr and good ole google) to seeing my little baby's heartbeat. One reason I think everything was off was because I am not as far along as I thought. (Thought I was 7 weeks and baby is only measuring 5 weeks). This is very possible since I was on Clomid which makes you ovulate later and althought I didn't take OPT, I know I ovulated later. The bottom line of my story is this: everyone is different!!!! Some stories I know end in heartbreak but other stories end up just fine! I realized I was making a huge mistake in comparing my first pregnancy with this pregnancy because each pregnancy is totally different and can have different s/s as well! I regret putting my baby through so much unnecessary stress. I feel like I totally wasted a week of my life and a week of my pregnancy in worrying and stressing and crying! I am not saying that hcg levels don't matter because I know they do tell us a lot of important information, however don't rely on numbers alone! Keep the faith until there isn't anything there to fight for anymore and just when you think you are at your lowest, a miracle may be right around the corner! I hope this helps someone out there....
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Im concerened that i may be having a not so normal pregnacy. I went in for my first OBGYN apointment on tursday June 25 2013 and i did an ultra sound i was in beliefe that i was shy one day of 8 weeks which i didnt understand bc i had a full period in may and my boyfriend and i didnt sleep together close to the middle end of the month. so the only period ive missed so far has been June. So when i did my ultra sound they seen the sac but couldnt see an embreyo so the first thought was that im nit as far as i thought. so i dook my blood that day to see my HCG levels it came back at 9,000 than i came back two days later which was thursday June 27 2013 and they were reading at 10,023 so they didnt double but they did go up a little. i was told that this isnt a normal pregnancy i dont go back to the doctors until tuesday May 2 2013 i am gunna request another blood test and ultra sound before i decide anything. after readying all these i do not want to do a d&c without giving it some more time. if im gunna miscarry it will happen on its own. Im not having any signs of a misscarridge no spotting no bleeding or cramping. So i still have faith. the last misscarridge i had i was bleeding and my HCG levels were going down and in my ultra sound they couldnt see anything not even the sac so i have faith.
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Im glad i found this site. i took 5 pregnancy test (home) all positive faint line on tuesday-wednsday. I have been bleeding for about 5 days now Very light though. I had 2 negative test when i went to the clinic wed and thursday. they took blood test thursday. I got my results on saturday that it was positive. Im still bleeding light and lower back pai and pain on left side. I went to ER and nothing was in my ultrasound (vignal). they did blood work and my level was at 35. they say i can be early or threatening a miscarriage. this is my first pregnancy and i am sooo scared. is there any hope, can they be wrong i have been throwing up, nausea, bowel movments, and headaches. i feel like im pregnant.
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Im glad i found this site. i took 5 pregnancy test (home) all positive faint line on tuesday-wednsday. I have been bleeding for about 5 days now Very light though. I had 2 negative test when i went to the clinic wed and thursday. they took blood test thursday. I got my results on saturday that it was positive. Im still bleeding light and lower back pai and pain on left side. I went to ER and nothing was in my ultrasound (vignal). they did blood work and my level was at 35. they say i can be early or threatening a miscarriage. this is my first pregnancy and i am sooo scared. is there any hope, can they be wrong i have been throwing up, nausea, bowel movments, and headaches. i feel like im pregnant.
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I also went on to have a healthy baby girl after my dr. wanting to do a d&c I refuse and delivered on time. So dr don't know everything sometimes you have to use your on instinct.
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I just want to say this was such a lovely message, and my thoughts exactly! I am having some spotting and hcg levels not quite doubling and this board has been so helpful and really makes me feel less alone.
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The first day of my last missed period was May 1, 2012 I should be 6 weeks tomorrow. I took a hpt May 30th it was positive. Then on June 5th I started spotting. I called dr she ran blood work that day she said my levels were 1455 she said she wanted me to come in on sat. (June 7th) to have blood work and ultrasound. So i did the found a sac. :) but my levels had not doubled they were only 2400 so i have another test tom. and another ultrasound one week from tom. !!!! I am still bleeding (so i have been bleeding for 5 days) my dr didn't seem concerned with bleeding or ultra sound just the levels. I have a 3 year old son and with him i did bleed some due a blood bubble that was formed and burst when he attached. But she didnt see a bubble this time and my levels were always doubling. Not only that i have slight cramping. Since my numbers are increasing and the sac is in the rights spot should i be scared? I just want to tell my husband something. He has no hope. he deosn't see how this can be healthy and I am scared. Please someone with a similar story update me on what happened so I can have a ray of hope or can start to prepare myself and my hubby thanks
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Hi ladies.....if only the girls with older posts would come back & post their outcomes. I only wonder how many of us in this situation back then, actually went on to a successful pregnancy??? I am 5w6days pregnant. Had some spotting last Thursday...went to the ER...my hcg levels were 390, u/s did not find anything, but dr said that u/s could not see anything anyway unless hcg levels were at a minimum of 1500. Ive had no spotting or cramping since, I want back 2 days later for more blood work & my hcg is 500.1. Doctor does not seem very optimistic at all...he said that im in the process of miscarriage and he asked that I follow up with my doctor ASAP about a D&C. I told him that I wasn't bleeding or cramping and I still felt all my pregnancy symptoms & he said that I could possibly have a missed miscarriage. My heart is broken, as this would be my third miscarriage, if I miscarry.
I hear these stories about women who go on to have a healthy baby after going through this, but I wonder how many of us actually made it there. I go back to my doctor in two days. I'm still hopeful & I hope to beat the odds. I hope we all beat the odds!! Any thoughts??
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As of right now I am sort of in the same position.   This past wed night I was in the ER fri
Bleeding.   ER dr sent for ultrasound.  Said they could not find anything on ultrasound and my hcg levels were very low.  His best guess was a miscarraige.   Wanted me to follow up with obgyn for another titers today.  Went for blood test called back two hours later for results.   My hcg levels were rising but not doubled.  The nurse was as dumbfounded as I was.  When I asked. What that meant. She said at this point she has no idea. So we go Tuesday for more blood test and an ultrasound to make sure it is not ectopic.  We are holding out hope that God is working a miracle for us.  We have been married 6 years. And this is our first pregnancy although we have been trying nearly the whole 6 years.   I have normally low. Messed up hormones anyway   So many prayers to those here and askin for those in return:)
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