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Cornual pregnancy - any chance for good outcome?

I am 33 y.old. We were trying to get pregnant for 3 years. Finally I went to see a fertility doctor in October 2004. Before starting an ovulation induction we did a pregnancy test and it was positive. However, it turned to be an ectopic in my right tube. But we caught it in time, so laparoscopy was done and my right tube was repaired. A few months later we did HSG which showed that my right tube is fine. In February I went for ovulation induction with gonadotropins and got pregnant. Hormones are rising fine, but ultrasound on the 5th week gestational showed right cornual pregnancy. Now I am going to ultrasound every week (I am 6 weeks gestational). My doctor tells me that I still have a good chance to have this pregnancy as successful, but there is a chance of life-threatening uterine rupture.  When I am trying to read about corneal pregnancy, all I can find is info on ruptured uterine wall or laparoscopy about removing it. Did anybody have a positive outcome of corneal pregnancy?
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Hi. I can see that this post is very old but im in this situation right now and wondering the exact same thing. Can i ask you how it went? It would help to hear from someone that has gone through the same thing. Thanks!
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I had a cornua implantation that was not known , my OB did a quick ultrasound at 6 weeks to decide when i\I conceived and then never another one till 20 weeks. She didn't look at placement and missed that it was a cornua implantation. I started heavily bleeding at 24 weeks on the day. By the time i made it into the ER , which was 6 hours later since my OB staff told me to come into the office , by then I was having contractions every minute. I was starting to go into labor. They were able to slow down the contractions but sent me home the following day. I returned the next day with contractions every 4 minutes. They sent me home again on procardia and told me not to return unless I am in pain. I continued to have contractions every 3 minutes for 2 days. I called them and asked my OB what to do, that this could't be normal. She said I HONESTLY DON'T KNOW . I decided to go to a different hospital and they saved my life and my sons. They stopped my contractions , they kept me monitored, and were shocked I had been sent home bleeding and contracting. I had progressed in labor by the time I went into the new hospital. I ended up having an emergency c-section at 25 weeks and 5 days. I delivered my son , weighing 1 pound 12 ounces. We spend 105 days in the NICU , and he was 2 weeks shy of being 4 months when he came home. When they did the c-section they realized it was a cornua and were amazed I had made it this far in my pregnancy. They did not know how I didnt fully rupture when I had started bleeding. Looking back now, I only have God to thank for not letting me die. Even the cord was attached in a poor area on the placenta. Nothing was right and somehow I have a gorgeous little boy. I most likely lost my chance to have any more kids because of the cornua implantation but I have my life and his. It is SO HIGH RISK and the cost is high. I am 28 and cannot have more children now. That is heart breaking but I also have a child. Could I have had a healthy next pregancy and multiple pregnancies had I terminated? I wont ever know.
Thank you so much bleubirds for sharing your story.  I'm sure it will help others!  I'm so glad your son (and you) are alright!  Miracles happen!!  Are they telling you that you should not attempt another pregnancy?  Anyway, again, I'm glad this has a happy ending in terms of your beautiful son and hope all your dreams come true if you do want other children.  
15440850 tn?1440560457
Update.  I am 12 weeks pregnant tomorrow, and still going in for weekly ultrasounds. The fear of a cornual pregnancy is still present, but sleeping on my right side has helped!!!!  The very next week, it started moving into the uterine cavity!  The doctor says he's becoming more and more happy with it every week.  I am very happy I came on here and read that one comment that started as a joke from a doctor.  I'll come back on to update, good or bad. :)
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15440850 tn?1440560457
Ladies, it is so good to hear all of your stories.  I have been unable to find a lot of information about this subject. I had surgery to remove 6 fibroids in May, so we started doing ultrasounds to check implantation at 5 weeks 4 days.
At our first appointment, we were told that my bloodwork looks fantastic, but it implanted very high.  I didn't really see that being an issue, so we went home happy.
At 6 weeks, 5 days, we went in, and the U/S tech said "this may be considered cornual".  We asked the doctor, and he said that it was nothing to be worried with. They were just not completely happy with where it implanted, but they were going to watch it.  I hesitantly felt better and we went home satisfied.
We went in today at 7 weeks, 5 days, and again the U/S tech said it's probably a cornual, and it appears that it's growing in the wrong direction.  She said it was "worrysome".  Then, we had another talk with the nurse, and she says, "it's nothing to worry about. It's just not exactly where we would like it, so we have to keep an eye on it."  

So, I'm not sure who is right, but I am just going to sleep on my right side, lol, as one woman did here. I'm so lost.
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I had a cornual ectopic pregnancy. Had to have a two and a half hour op to remove pregnancy, 4cm of uterus and right Fallopian tube. I'm now 5 weeks post op and had my first period. I was told to wait 3 months / 3 cycles, whichever came first, before ttc.
I don't know about you but I was told my fertility would only drop slightly, by about 20%. I tended to fall pregnant fairly quickly. I have two sons age 9 and 5. The eldest took 8 months ttc, the second took 4 months ttc and the ectopic took just 3 months ttc. I'm 30 now, 31 in March, so I hope I haven't missed the boat!! But after reading some of these posts I am now terrified and feel my baby days are over.
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Hi I am currently experiencing a corneal ectopic cnt find info on this would you discuss yours with me thank you
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I am five weeks pregnant and told that it's a cornual pregnancy. I was told to come back in a week to do an ultrasound again. I'm concerned why the doc would wait and watch rather than offer the option to terminate ASAP if it's a risk. From what I am reading the outcomes are not good for both mother and child. Also why is a D&C not offered and why would drugs be offered first? Isn't it a cleaner faster procedure with less risk of bleeding ?

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Hi, How are you now? i've similar situation.. Can you please share your experience?
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can you please share your experience, if you pregnancy was successful.  in my case doc said it's intrauterine but near right cornual end.
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I know this is an old post, but this is my share:

Hi all. I went in for a 7 weeks 2 days scan and the ultrasound showed a baby with heartbeat 130+. However, they said it was eccentrically placed near the cornua--was in the same location as my last pregnancy that never developed beyond a yolk sac and ended in miscarriage. They were concerned it would be cornual or grow into the tube (apparently very hard to determine for sure at this point). The sac was near the upper right side of my uterus and near the cornua. I went back a week later at 8 weeks 2 days and they said the sac had grown into the uterus instead of into the tube, so they think it is growing the right direction (heartbeat also 170+ and baby measuring correct for dates), but will check again in 2 weeks. They also mentioned that perhaps I had a heartshaped uterus and didn't know it because I had never been scanned while not pregnant (apparently scans of uterus shape while pregnant or right after pregnancy aren't accurate as to uterus shape, according to them). The one thing they did mention is that there is less blood flow up near the upper right hand corner near the tube and that that can sometimes cause problems. This is actually what they said to me about my prior pregnancy, too, which they thought maybe didn't develop in the same place due to the lower blood flow. But, they said sometimes it works out in that location and sometimes it doesn't. Keeping fingers crossed.
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10679660 tn?1411952214
Wow! I believe I will be the oldest survivor of this plague yet.  I am 42 years with no Bio's as a result of a ruptured Right Cornual Pregnancy in 1992. My GYN was also my OB, so when I came in with bleeding, I was sent home because he thought it was hereditary because my mom continued menstruating throughout her entire pregnancy.  While in the midst of an ultrasound administered by a catheter, The tech left me hooked up turning her head all the way around, and calling in a more seasoned tech to help her interpret the findings. While I laid there in pain & horror, my doctor was being paged over the PA to the OR and I was being ordered to be transported to "ADMITTING!" What this tech was not saying, was that something was definitely wrong. And although still considered an "Ectopic" situation, I'm lead to believe that this was the tech's first time witnessing a patient who embryo has actually passed fully through the Fallopian tubes but was dangling about the endometrium cavity against time that was too late, and at this point 12 weeks in, it was either him or me and if more time passed, it was going to be BOTH. Keeping in mind the several days I laid bed-written with my feet up, hoping that the pain and bleeding would subside.
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i am 6 wk pregnant now,but unfortunately it's on left conual side of uterus.no heartbeat heard on tvs and i had abdominal pain and little bleeding once a day.doctor advised me to wait untill 8 wks and do scan again..now 10 days more to wait.i am afraid of rupture and bleeding,i am alone in home while my husband on job..i am really scared,i am afraid of dying.....i don't know what to do
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9035388 tn?1401304065
I was suffering from a corneal pregnancy and after 5 weeks it ruptured. I was in pain and had to have surgery. I lost a lot of blood by thankfully I was at a wonderful hospital and they took really good care of me. I just came home today and other than being a little sore I'm doing fine.
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I was diagnosed with a cornual pregnancy in an early stage (HCG: 3500). I had 6 shots of MTX in a period of 2,5 months. (HCG decreased to 40)  After that I had several IV's MTX. (HCG: 0). I had no surgery, but it took 3 months to go from 3500 to 0.
I was very lucky to have a very good gynaecologist who wanted to try MTX so I didn't need to have any surgery. It took a very long time, but I was glad to have no surgery.
Now I have to wait a long time to become pregnant, to avoid problems when I get pregnant again. It has been very long and difficult, but we are almost at the end of the waiting period.
We hope for the best...

It is indeed hard to find any information.
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Hi lady's: I'm a mother of one and has 2 ectopic pregnancy. I'm on my fourth pregnancy and it's not looking good. I went for my second ob appointment today. I found out that I'm having a cornual pregnancy. I am 6 weeks. Looking at all your post I am now terrified. I have already had my right tube remove. Me and my boyfriend has been together for 4 years and we do not have kids together, as a matter of fact he does not have kids at all. I am now emotionally drained, heart broken, and depressed. I am wondering is the baby still alive inside of me and somehow can it be moved to the right position? I know he is being strong for me but at the same time I know he hurting it's written all over his face. My next appointment is Friday the 26 that's a week from today. I'm scared, will anything change drastically from now until then? Should I go in to Er? Will they tell me anything any different?How would i know if anything ruptured? Please any advice will help. Thanks for listening
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I am 7 weeks along and was just diagnosed with a cornual pregnancy. My Dr has referred me to a specialist who I will be seeing sometime next week. I am very worried about what coming my way and there aren't many stories with a good outcome. Well, at least none that don't end in bleeding out, surgery, or cancer drugs! Excuse my little rant, I'm just very nervous.
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I know this is from many years ago but I have just had a cornual eptopic with rupture and am now still finding it extremely hard to find any information on it.. do you by chance remember the name of the doco because I would love to watch it..
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Jan of 2012, I knew I was pregnant, I was waiting for my 3 month to go to OB but started to spot and went to ER. They told me that my baby sounded great and the bleeding was because they spotted a cyst near my placenta.  That next week I went to my new OB and I was diagnosed with a twin pregnancy not a cyst, and the one was considered to be a corneal.  I was three months pregnant.  Corneal was considered deceased but the other was great.  Being preg with twins, its an all or none situation.  There is no survival rate for corneal and with having one of each this corneal was threatening to rupture.  Leaving me to bleed internally to death and obviously killing the live fetus.  I was referred to specialist who was just as concerned as OB and immediately told me to go to hospital to decided whether or not to terminate both while under medical supervision.  We went to hospital and made the decision to terminate both.  I am 35, I have two sons and a husband and the idea of being a ticking time bomb wasn't something I could endure.  We prayed and cried and made the decision to terminate before I ruptured endangering my life.  My dr decided on a full hysterectomy to eliminate any future surgeries.  That next day I was told there was a one percent chance that they would open me up to find the corneal in a non-life threatening place.  Our prayers were answered.  45 minutes into surgery, they held my uterus and after 3 drs, determined the corneal was not bulging and sewed me back up.  I woke up pregnant, with both.  One alive and one deceased.
After healing from 28 staples went home a week later and a week after that, went to post op appt---I had been breathing heavy and having difficulty getting around without getting winded.  Spoke of this to my dr and she sent me for a ct scan to check for blood clots.  Unfortunately I was diagnosed with saddle clots, meaning in both lungs.  The surgery had given me a clot in my groin and that clots opened and sprayed my lungs.  I was admitted to ICU and later placed with a filter in my chest to catch and threatening clots that may dislodge.  I was put on lovenox twice a day.  I inject these.  Sent home a week later, breathing better but seeing a ton of drs.  Baby is doing wonderfully.  
Each dr helped me relive this situation because of the pic they see...no one has ever seen a twin preg with a corneal.  They immediately freak out and tell me that I can rupture and need to take immediate action.  I am now 6 months and just a few weeks ago we found out that the deceased fetus sack has doubled in size instead of resorbing.  I am trusting in our lord and the medical ability that my ob has made the right decision to leave this in my uterus so we can have this beautiful baby girl in July.  Although I can feel it push out at times, and it is scary I believe that with prayer all things are possible.  Right now I am viable and if something were to happen with the deceased fetus---I pray I would be able to catch it before rupturing and I have faith that our little girl would make it.  Ive been told I am case study.  None of the drs I have seen have seen this and have absolutely nothing to follow as far as a text book.  Not only am I carrying both, I have endured clots in my lungs.  This baby is a miracle baby and we can not wait for her arrival.  Continue to pray.  Continue to trust your body and your doctor.  I trust that our new bundle will arrive safely.
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just to add one more advise...
i remember that during my ivf that resulted in cornual pregnancy, i slept more on my left side after the transfer.   this was because i thought that i had no more tubes on that side, so i thought less chance of ectopic.. i was very surprised that ectopic can also happen in the cornual part, where i got the tube cut off.  
the following ivf, i slept alternately on both sides after the transfer.  i was so scared that it could happen again....fortunately it did not...
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sorry i got the dates mixed up......i had cornual pregnancy in october 2008 and got it removed in the same month.... and then i got pregnant again in october 2009 and gave birth to my baby last year in may 2010
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hi everyone...i just want to share my experience and encourage you all who has had cornual surgery in the past.  
i had cornual pregnancy back in october 2010, it was the result of my 3rd attempt of ivf.  it was a healthy normal pregnancy, heartbeat detected, normal bhcg level, but unfortunately it implanted in my left cornu.  i had my left ovary and left tube removed long time ago, it was very rare that the embryo could implant in the cornu area, where my left tube used to be near the uterus..... this means that you can have ectopic/cornual pregnancy...even if you don't have any tube....
it was detected quickly in my 6th week scan, and i had laparocopy done in my 7th week by a very brilliant surgeon in my country.  i was not in pain or anything...it's just that the baby was bulging outside the uterus...the doctor said that it might rupture as the baby grew bigger, so best to have it removed immediately. my uterus was cut and some part was removed and then stitched back by laparoscopy.  
then i waited for exactly one year after the surgery to start my fourth ivf.  in between that period, i had seen other doctors for advise, and a few of them said that my next pregnancy would be a difficult and high risk one.  even my ivf doctor even doubted me, saying that i should not have the laparoscopy, he preferred me to do open surgery, because it will be easier to stitch, etc.   other doctor told me that they were concerned that my uterus cannot hold the next pregnancy and might rupture, etc.  i had few detailed scans to see my uterus,  the shape was a little bit distorted, but inside the uterus was ok.  so i decided to go ahead with my next ivf.  to make the story short, i got pregnant again, and finally the embryo implanted in the right place.   i was scared all the way throughout pregnancy, but actually my pregnancy was very smooth sailing. no contraction or bleeding whatsoever.  in my 34 week i have even rented out a place near the hospital so that i could go to have c section immediately.  and still everything was very smooth sailing....finally i decided to have elective c section at 37 week...so that i can see my baby sooner... :)  so good luck everyone....don't be discouraged by what other people says...just make sure you go have check ups more often...and make sure you get the best surgeon to do the cornual surgery.  
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I am also a ruptured cornual pregnancy survivor. 8-10-11 was my rupture date. I have also undergon 5 miscariages and 3 rounds of ivf.  the 2nd round did deliver me a beautiful big baby boy in aug of 2010. I have a hx of ectopic tubal and had both my tubes removed in 2008. This cornual pregnancy was a one in a trillion acroding to my ob/gyn and RE.  I ruptured just over 6 weeks pregnant and am lucky to be here as well. I am encouraged by your successful stories of pregnancy after this and hope  I am still morning the loss of another little angle but the thought of still having more children does help me more than any medication will be able to.  PLEASE keep posting successufl pregnancies post cornual resection surgery!! SOOO nice to hear! Baby dust to you all!!
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hi, i had a cornual pregnacy in oct 2010, it was in the right side & resulted in surgery where i lost my right tube & part of my uterus!  i was told to wait 6 mths before trying to concive again , but am very aprehensive & scared as they told me i was very high risk & another told me not to try again ( i have  3 healthy kids & wonder if i'm being greedy, but wld love another ) it's been so difficult to find ANY information about cornual preg & have only managed to find 1 other lady through the ectopic web site, so have found this web page a god send, especially drikka who seems to have had the same surgery & a fantastic outcome!!
please could drikka, austin79 & godsfaith let me know of there recent outcomes? and any others who share this condition!! thank you carly x  PS can u tell me where you are from ? ( helps to know where experienced docs are )
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I just had surgery to remove a right cornual pregnancy. The doctor that I saw is the same one who saw me when I had a miscarriage at 8 weeks about six months ago. He was very unsympathetic and didn't tell me I had any choices. My second sonogram showed that my baby had a heartbeat. (I was about 8 weeks again). My husband and I have been trying to have a baby for over a year. I'm 29.
I had no pain, no bleeding, no signs that anything was wrong, just that the dr. couldn't find the pregnancy at our first ultrasound. He made it sound like if I didn't have surgery, the baby and I would both die. He scheduled it for the same day, so I didn't have the chance to do any research. I'm horrified that I may have terminated a pregnancy that could have survived.
He did say that doing the surgery early meant that I probably won't have trouble getting pregnant again, but it IS possible that I could have another cornual pregnancy. He had to block my right tube, but everything else is healthy and in tact since I didn't have a rupture. I'm terrified of going through this again.
Reading through your experiences has been both encouraging and heartbreaking.

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I had a Cornual Rupture in June 2009, after conceiving through IVF.  It happenned very suddenly at 14weeks and I was rushed in to hospital for emergency surgrery to remove our baby boy and repair my uterus.  I lost over half my blood and was put onto transfusion.  I was told another half an hour and I would have also died.  However, as sad as I will always be at loosing our fist so longed for child I fully revovered and I was advised to wait six months before trying IVF again and that I would have to have a c-cetion at 36 weeks.  We tried IVF in March 10 and was unsuccessful so took a break from it all.  This Jan 11 I went to a new IVF clinic and the doctor there advised me to have my tubes fused to avoid another Cornual Pregnancy, so I did this 4 weeks ago.  Afeter the surgey he told me that I have a small hole in my uterus and I sould not get pregnant.  I took a the cd of this procedure and have obtained a 2nd and 3rd opinion and was told the hole was nowhere near the rupture area and was probably caused by one of the instruments used in the Lap I had last month.  The doctor that carried out the procedure said this was not the case and said if I do get pregnant again it would be a very high risk pregnany and that I may have to stay in hospital for the third trimester.   We are so so confused and dont know where to go from here.  I am currently waitin on a 4th opinion..It seems all these doctors have a different take on this subject, as it is so very rare.  However, after reading some of these experiences you have all been through it does give me lots of hope.
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