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Dermoid Cyst while Pregnant

My OB doctor has been monitoring what he thinks to be a dermoid cyst on my left ovary which is 3cm in size.  The size of it has not changed in the last two and a half to three months.  I am 14 weeks pregnant and my doctor whats to make an open incision from just below my belly button to the top of my pubic bone to get inside and remove it.  This concerns me because as my belly grows the scar will stretch even more.  Do this dermoid cysts grow rapidly or could I wait until after the baby is born to have it removed?  I am concerned about the consequences if I wait and it grows and possibly ruptures.  Any advice???
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i found out about 3yrs ago that i have a dermoid cyst after deciding to do the surgery April of this yr, i found out i am pregnant. I am currently 12 weeks on my doctor wants to do the surgery in my second trimester. But i leave it to God i don't think i can do that. I am to see him in a few days to let him know my decision. The dermoid is 9cm but i have faith in God and at my next ultrasound no Cyst will show up.

anyone had given natural birth with the kind and size of a cyst like what they say i have.
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samething happened to me I had a 6cm dermoid cyst on my right ovary and had a misscarge at 7 weeks but they said it had nothing to do with my cyst
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hi, what are the cow dairy? does it include anmum? enfamama? thanks
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I have had three dermoid cysts so far--one when I was 11, one when I was 15, and now (I'm 18). For the ladies that were concerned of them being cancerous, they hardly EVER are (less than 2% of the time). Mine is now 4cm in size, but I am going to try and get pregnant anyway. From what I've read, most doctors want to monitor the growth of the cyst throughout the pregnancy. I only have one ovary left and I am adamant about having a child of my own. The worst thing that could happen is that I will lose my ovary and not have a baby--the best possible outcome could be a baby! So we'll see. I am trying to stay optimistic.
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Doc's found a 16.5cm*15.5 cm dermoid on my left ovary at our 12 week scan, we are pretty sure it has been there a while though.

I am being monitored but on finding out about the cyst, I immediately went to see a licenced herbalist and I am taking a herbal concoction to reduce the cyst size and have also been told to change my diet, no pork or lamb, very little beef unless it's organic, no cow dairy, sheep or goats ok.

At my last scan the cyst had reduced in size by 3cm and I am due another scan next week so I am hoping it will have shrunk more as well.
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Hello I have a demoid cyct- I found out about it after i had my 1st miscarrige. I want to know has anyone gotten pregnant after finding out that they had a dermoid cyst? If so how long did it take because me and my BF have been trying for about 3 months.
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My wife was 6 weeks pregnant when she suffered a bleeding scare.  A scan revealed two cysts - 4cm each.  A week and a half later, one had grown to 10 cm and the other stayed the same size.  This was really painful and we were advised to monitor the situation in case it became even bigger.  The hospital declined to operate due to the risk to the pregnancy (8 weeks).
A week later again, my wife had the stabbing pains and went to hospital where she ended up lying on the toilet floor due to the pain.  She had emergency surgery the following day and they removed a 15 cm cyst, described as being as large as a melon!  They had to remove the dead ovary as well.  The cyst had turned on itself three times causing the pain.  The other cyst was removed and was the size of a large orange.  The other ovary looked to have been saved but we won't know for another two weeks until our 12 week scan.  She was prescribed Progestorone, hormone substitute to make sure baby gets whats required in case ovary is damaged.
We had a scan the following day and there was still a clear foetal heartbeat, but we have to take each day as it comes.  Doctors are not hopeful of survival.
Don't mean to scare anyone but if nothing else, please please please make sure you keep getting these cysts checked out.  Don't take the initial brush off and seek a second, third, fourth opinion if you need to.
Good luck to everyone!
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I had my first child Jan. 21, 2009.  I did not find out I had a dermoid cyst on my overy until I had an emergency c-section.  My little girl was born a month early and the doctor said he could not see why I could not have a little 5 lb. premature baby.  When they did the c-section they found a 12 inch dermoid cyst that was keeping her from being born, it was taken out after my baby was born.  I had no idea I had the cyst before I was pregnant and I was never told about any problems when I was having my check ups before my pregnancy or during my pregnancy.  When I was in the delivery room fore the c-section the doctor did another ultrasound and he thought what he saw was just a fat pocket.  I also had other complications and I do not know if they were the result of the cyst or not.  Thank goodness we are both doing well now and I have a beautiful baby girl.
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When I got my first scan while pregnant with my little girl, August 07, they noticed I had a cyst and confirmed that it was a dermoid cyst.  At the time it was 5cm; they did another scan after two weeks and confirmed that it hadn't grown therefore they would leave it throughout my pregnancy (unless I experienced any pain) and take another look after I had my baby.

I had my little girl in April last year and had no problems whatsoever throughout my pregnancy.  So as long as they monitor the cyst you should be ok to continue your pregnancy with the cyst still there.  That's just my opinion though because that is what I experienced, however your doctor may have reasons for wanting to remove your cyst and I would ask him to explain this (especially with the cyst being small still).

I had another scan in November then got word through to speak with my consultant as it turned out it my cyst has grown to 6cm.  I was told that the best option now would be to have it removed however they would also have to remove my ovary although they advised that this would not affect my chances of conceiving again (even though I also have PCOS).  I said I would go ahead with the operation however I didn't feel comfortable with my decision and decided to speak with my own doctor.  My doctor also advised that he thought I should have it removed however he did advise that my chances of conceiving would be halved.  Therefore I have decided to keep the cyst, try for my second child now which is earlier than we planned.  If I'm not pregnant within 6 months I will get another scan and if the cyst has grown I will get it removed but if not we will try for another six months and so on.

So I am hoping to fall pregnant again with my cyst and have it removed after this pregnancy.  
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I had two dermoid cysts when I was 13, one on each ovary. They were taken out via c-section cut and my ovaries had to be reconstructed because the cysts were the size of cantaloupes. Then when I was 21 I had another dermoid grow back on my left ovary and what looked like to be another one on my right. I went back under for another c-section cut but the doctor discovered it was one large dermoid on my left and he had to remove me left ovary. Now 6 months ago I discovered I had one on my right. It was removed through my belly button. I ony have my right ovary and I was going to start the in-vitro process and just found out 4 months after my last surgery I have another dermoid growing back on my right side. So they can grow back on the same ovary. I've been told it's not a text book case but in my case it does happen. There is a 30% chance you'll get one on one ovary and if you do there's about a 30% chance you will get it on the other. My advice for anyone dealing with this whether it be your first time or fourth.... Go to a fertility specialist. They have come into contact with these problems  a lot more than regular gynos. Plus they are extremely careful to not remove ovaries and/or atleast leave pieces so further down the road you have what you need to get pregnant some how.
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I had a dermoid cyst removed on my right ovary 4 years ago....Now It seems I have another cyst...my dr still doesn´t know if its a folicular cyst or a demoid...He asked me to take birth control to see if it disappears....My question is, how often can a dermoid cyst appear on the same ovary again...I´ve heard of it appearing later on but on the other ovary....Do you know of anyone having a dermoid cyst twice in the same ovary??????..Thanks!!!!!
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yes there is nothing impossible with God!! I just recently found out I have a 5cm (they think dermoid cyst) on my left ovary. I am scared but at the same time I know God is in control. I go tomorrow for a CT scan to make sure of what it is. I am only 21 and have been married for 3 yrs and want to have a baby soon... we just started to talk about becoming pregnant. just please pray for me. I could see your faith in God through your comment. God is awesome and he is the reason I'm on this earth! thanks again!
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Hi everyone.... I am 24 years of age, and 5 weeks pregnant and as I found out I am pregnant, I also found out that I have a dermoid cyst, the size of a pea. My doc is not worried about it, she says we can either remove it during pregnancy (if I have C section) or little later after I give birth. I am a little worried, as my mom had brast cancer and I am scared that this dermoid might turn into cancerous one...
On the other hand, my doc told me that if she thought it was something more serious, her attitude about it would be completely different. For now, she just wants to see me in three weeks time when I would have my first sonogram and exam.
I am thinking to get a second opinion, just in case...
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hi i am 6 weeks pregnant and i have a cyst on my right ovary this is my second pregnancy but this is my first time having a cyst and i am really worried about my babys well being and i dont know what to do i went to my doctor four months ago when he found it it was the size of a pin head and now after 3 ultrasounds within 2 weekss the cyst has grown to size of a small orange and i am really worried about it affecting the baby and my health cause it may be cancerous i really dont know what to do please give me some advice......
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hi! i also have a fist-sized dermoid cyst on my right ovary and almost 8 months pregnant. the cyst, which used to be as small as a pea, was discovered during my 2nd month of pregnancy. but it was growing rapidly and i was then advised by my obgyne to have it removed surgically before the 14th week (by then it had grown over 5cm). after 2nd, 3rd and more opinions from various doctors and obgynes, who agreed with my obgyne to have the operation, my husband and i decided to follow our hearts and hold on to our faith in GOD. inspite of my doctor's assurance that our baby would be fine throughout the operation, deep inside me, i wasnt very comfortable with the thought of being cut-open in the middle of the early delicate stage of pregancy. so after much thinking and praying, i finally told my obgyne that i decided to wait until i give birth and have the cyst taken out at the same time. my doctor finally gave in to the same thought, just reminding me how i should be more careful of myself throughout my term. i should be extra careful so the growing cyst wouldn't rupture, otherwise i'd really have to be cut-open ANYTIME. right now, thank GOD, i only have a couple more weeks and very much excited about our baby's arrival. the cyst and the baby are being monitored regularly via ultrasound..and the cyst couldnt be seen anymore as, the doctors say, it has already been covered by my enlarged uterus...somehow my husband and i are pushing further our faith in GOD and saying to HIM, "lord, while you're at it, please make the cyst totally disappear."   just sharing my experience. there is nothing impossible with the lord. GOD bless you.
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thank you for sharing you ideas im a 7 weeks pregnant and my ob told me to have a surgery if the baby is 4-5months already im scared what it would cause to my baby..and im planning to get rid my cysts after i deliver the baby.Hope my cyst will be gone also.
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I am 22 weeks pregnant with a cyst the size of a large orange. My doctor has also suggested removing it. I have made an appointment with a Perinatalist on Tuesday to get her pros and cons. I sought care from a gyn/onc because my ob/gyn thought it looked suspiciouse. It was the Onc whom suggested I get a second opinion about the surgery because he saw my concern about the baby. But, because I feel compfortable with him I trust his decision. He was also the one that made the appointment to seek a Perinatalist. I'm not sure if you experinced the pain of the cyst turning, but my experience was awful. Thi is how I found out I had it. I felt like I was in labor and it's part of the reason I might go thru with it sooner rather than waiting. I definately don't want to feel that again, and I rather be in proper hands than have it rupture without being prepared. Good luck!
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108334 tn?1253644395
One of my friends had appendicitis when she was 5 months pregnant and they did an abdominal incision on her and it was fine the rest of her pregnancy, but her surgery was also urgent. I agree that you should get a second opinion before doing anything! Good Luck to you!
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I got pregnant with a 4cm dermoid cyst on my right ovary and a couple more on the left. I was scheduled for surgery for the 4th time when we got pregnant. My doctor cancelled the surgery saying there is no need for it because I got pregnant. Becasue the dermoids are on the outside of the ovary and this will not interfere the pregnancy. Now, not to scare you, I miscarried at 12 weeks, doctor so far does not beleive it is cyst related. Maybe I should get a second opinion. I am looking into this with my speacialist.  At 14 weeks I would not go for surgery. You will have to go udner anesthetic which can be harmfull at this stage(so I've been told). I would definately get a second opinion. Best of luck to you...
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97615 tn?1212678589
hi, i dont know anything about a dermoid cyst..sorry.  i just wanted to say maybe you should get a 2nd opinion if you dont feel comfortable.  i wish you the best!!!
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