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Heavy bleeding during pregnancy

Okay--I am a bit freaked out. My husband and I had been trying for 18 months to get pregnant, and as we were going in for a laporoscopy, we found out we were pregnant. I am 7 weeks (but measuring 6W2D). I have had bleeding and spotting the WHOLE TIME. I have had 2 ER trips with clots the size of golf balls--anyway--they found the following: a polyp on my cervix, and a sub chorionic bleed in my uterus. The baby is measuring fine ( my levels were 22,000 on Sat.), and the heartbeat was 119. Has ANYONE experienced both of these things??

ALSO--to those new mom's out there experiencing the true scare of bleeding, there was an explanation for me (two in fact). BUT, I had to keep asking questions.
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I am 6 weeks and 5 days with my second baby I started bleeding at 4 but it was only light bleeding then at 7 it started to get heavy and iv now got back and belly pains they told me that I have gotan water infection I am booked in for a scan 2morrow to see if the baby is okcan someone help and put my mind at ease as I am really scare I have been given some tablets for the infection thanks
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Hi my Name Is Janet I'm 1 Week And 4 days And I had heavy bleeding during. My pregnancy I'm worried And im about to break down in tear hoping everything Good with me in my little one. Can anyone help me
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At 13 weeks pregnant i suddenly started to bleed very heavily, pouring, went to Liverpool womens hospital in an ambulance. I was told at the hospital after being examined by a midwife and doctor that i had miscarried, i was then put on a drip to make my womb contract to remove anything remaining and scheduled for a D and C the next day, i was in complete shock and foolishly trusted the professional experts of whoms care i was in. The next day the midwife in charge decided i should have a scan, i had lost so much blood she thought maybe a D+C wouldnt be necessary. That midwife saved my little boys life, he is now three years old and his strong will and stubborness may have saved his life as the drip i had been put on could have caused a miscarriage! I immediately thought the worst how could i bleed so much and my baby be alive, why would i question the expert professionals they do this every day. I still feel guilt over my trust even though i had a happy ending it could have been so different x
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I too discovered I was miraculously carrying twins at 6wk and 2 days in a visit to my OBG. Both had great heart beats per minutes thanks to God. Shortly after the visit I started bleeding/spotting lightly which led to heavy bleeding with clots and what not but no cramping or less-really scary. My Evangelist, husband and I prayed and continuously for God’s intervention. I did a follow-up visit two weeks after the initial one with my OBG and an ultrasound showed an empty womb, I have miscarried the twins. Am still bleeding or spotting lightly brownish. What shocking news and sadness and confusion replaced our miraculous joy. We really want two more kids-we already have our lovely blessing from God, our beautiful boy 2 years old. Yet, reading the blogs and account of some of the women with experiences similar to mine, who prayed to and hoped in God and miracle of life continued in their womb-inspite of doctors telling them they’ve miscarried only to discover later they are still pregnant is giving me so much HOPE in God. Assuringly, whatever the lots may be God will make a way, in Jesus’ name AMEN!!!
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Hello, I was just wondering. When you heard your little ones heartbeat how far along were you? Thank you in advance
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I need help , I'm a month pregnant and I'm bleeding if I were on my period ???
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I am 5wks 6d. I started spotting on Saturday. It was bright pinkish reddish spotting. Later that evening it turned to bleeding as a normal period with blood clots. I went to the ER and they checked my levels, gave me an ultrasound, and pelvic exam. They saw nothing. The Dr said that either the pregnancy ended earlier (chemical pregnancy), it could be another ectopic (had one 2 yrs ago), or that it could be just too early to see anything. They sent me home and asked me to go back for labs that Monday. I went for hcg levels then went home. My Husband kept praying and prophetically speaking over the pregnancy & our child. So, my testimony is, my levels doubled, my baby is perfect and we're blessed by God! Ladies, bleeding and blood clots does not mean it's the end. Women have normal babies all the time that bleed the whole 9 months. Be not dismayed or allow negative thoughts take over your mind. Cast negative thoughts & emotions out as 2 Cor. 10:5 declares. Also speak those things that be not (or seem odd) as though they were. I pray that this will encourage a Mother. My Husband and I have been married for 8 years. Our first pregnancy ended in an ectopic. Now 2 years later we're pregnant again and finally are about to have our first child. To God be the glory! Amen.
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Saturday i missed my period, by Wednesday i took 3 preg tests and they all came out positive. I called my local obgyn office and set up my first appt for monday. The very next day i felt like something was wrong. A pain/numbing feeling on my left side
Belly down my leg. I called they got me in that day for a u/s. They saw the sac where the baby is but above t they saw a mass. Doc said it was free flowing fluid/blood. Little concerned they sent me for blood work. Hcg was 319. Told me to wait till monday. That night at work i started bleeding very heavily. Went to the er was examined and told my cervix is closed it was concerned a threaten abortion. To all my doc office in the morning. Doc office said to wait till monday all weekend i was cramping and bleeding bad!!! Went in today (monday) and my hcg is now 609. Im still bleeding like a period. Help!! Anyone have this. Was told now i have to wait another 72 hours for blood work.
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Saturday i missed my period, by Wednesday i took 3 preg tests and they all came out positive. I called my local obgyn office and set up my first appt for monday. The very next day i felt like something was wrong. A pain/numbing feeling on my left side
Belly down my leg. I called they got me in that day for a u/s. They saw the sac where the baby is but above t they saw a mass. Doc said it was free flowing fluid/blood. Little concerned they sent me for blood work. Hcg was 319. Told me to wait till monday. That night at work i started bleeding very heavily. Went to the er was examined and told my cervix is closed it was concerned a threaten abortion. To all my doc office in the morning. Doc office said to wait till monday all weekend i was cramping and bleeding bad!!! Went in today (monday) and my hcg is now 609. Im still bleeding like a period. Help!! Anyone have this. Was told now i have to wait another 72 hours for blood work.
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I am 6wks pregnant and last Tuesday I saw what was like the beginning of a period. I was devastated and was torn to pieces. I called my Gp who said I was having a miscarriage. On Wednesday even more mess coming out but not blood, I was in tears on the phone to my Gp who saw me for a chat. No examination just assured me I was miscarrying. He booked me with emergency gynae for a check and scan on thursday. Urine sample was positive for pregnancy. The u/s showed a small sac but was told it is too small for 6wks and looked abt 4wks old. They took blood and had to wait. Then Friday night I did not sleep as I was cramping way too much, it was so painful. I called emergency doctor went to see them but all je gave me was paracetamol for pain but to let it all happen. I spent the Friday resting and crying. I was passing huge tough tissue, a bit squeshy but quite tough. Today Saturday went for blood test to check the hormones are going down. From the blood taken on Thursday my progesterone was lower than that to sustain a pregnancy and my hcg levels were not for 6wks but 4wks pregnancy. My mum and I are praying hard that there is something left in me that is still growing.
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Well I think I may be about 4 weeks and I had a light period with cramps & then it got a little heavier but not even close to as heavy as it used to be. I have had bright red blood. 'm really not sure what to think. Is it normal to get a period or I think it's a period..
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I'm haven a slight problem I had my last period Oct 27 me and my hubby had sex Nov 2 3 and 5 all unprotected but yesterday (Nov 23) I started bleeding really heavy wit little clots and am not expecting my period til the 27 but I'm hoping to be pregnant whats happeing
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Hi, I've never been pregnant before but since I've been with my bf four wks ago, I started experiencing all the symptoms of pregnancy. Swollen breasts but they weren't sore, frequent urination, constipation, fatigue, etc. I took a test 4 days before my period was due but it was neg. I can't help but feel like I'm pregnant. Now 2 days later I started some light bleeding, pink and brownish in color. However, now the bleeding is heavier with cramps but no where near the consistency of my regular period. So I'm at a loss as to what to expect. The pregnancy symptoms haven't really gone away but I wonder if that is just wishful thinking. I'm not filling up a pad but the flow is somewhat heavy. However, my regular period which is always consistent, is nothing like this, its always the same and I'm not passing any clots which I always do, along with tissue. It's thought that I may have endo, which is why my cramps are bad now but still the bleeding isn't consistent with my normal period.

So, I can't help but wonder if I'm pregnant and if this is just some kind of breakthrough bleeding. I plan on taking a test after the bleeding stops, just to see. But I really felt pregnant so I am really concerned, because I really wanted this to work. The messed up part about this is that I just got dropped from my mom's insurance and I've had to pick up my own but it won't be active until november, so I can't see a doc just yet and if I go to the ER, what am I suppose to tell them? I think I'm pregnant and I think I may be having a miscarriage? My nerves are such a wreck because I don't know what to think.

Any comments would really help.
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Hi, I've never been pregnant before but since I've been with my bf four wks ago, I started experiencing all the symptoms of pregnancy. Swollen breasts but they weren't sore, frequent urination, constipation, fatigue, etc. I took a test 4 days before my period was due but it was neg. I can't help but feel like I'm pregnant. Now 2 days later I started some light bleeding, pink and brownish in color. However, now the bleeding is heavier with cramps but no where near the consistency of my regular period. So I'm at a loss as to what to expect. The pregnancy symptoms haven't really gone away but I wonder if that is just wishful thinking. I'm not filling up a pad but the flow is somewhat heavy. However, my regular period which is always consistent, is nothing like this, its always the same and I'm not passing any clots which I always do, along with tissue. It's thought that I may have endo, which is why my cramps are bad now but still the bleeding isn't consistent with my normal period.

So, I can't help but wonder if I'm pregnant and if this is just some kind of breakthrough bleeding. I plan on taking a test after the bleeding stops, just to see. But I really felt pregnant so I am really concerned, because I really wanted this to work. The messed up part about this is that I just got dropped from my mom's insurance and I've had to pick up my own but it won't be active until november, so I can't see a doc just yet and if I go to the ER, what am I suppose to tell them? I think I'm pregnant and I think I may be having a miscarriage? My nerves are such a wreck because I don't know what to think.

Any comments would really help.
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Hello, Im 18 years young, a freshmen college student and I just found out I was pregnant. I had went the ER a week ago for illness with body aches,pain in my stomach, and just didnt feel good......They told me I was pregnant, they didnt say exactly how far along but just a couple of weeks, so small you couldnt see. a couple of days after i went to womens clinc to get another test, just to be sure and it was postive as well. So after that I get into Im becoming a mommy sense. Me and my current boyfriend did have sexual intercourse and after there was some pinkish spotting but it stopped after like 5mins after that. The next morning we had another sexual intercourse and it started again with the light bleeding. Later on that day I felt terrible and went to the ER and they gave me a pelvic exam and took some blood,,and found myself wearing super pads because of the heavy bleeading and clots...it been for about two days....Im filling up a super pad no wings in 10mins......everyone Ive talked to said thats not good....I go see my OBGYN tomorrow to see if the levels of something is causing a miscarriage or something is going on.
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Hi im currently pregnant and well i found out on a day i got hit by a car. Pretty scary finding out like that but this is all new to me im 18 years old and pregnant with my first child. I started bleeding last night and immediately started freaking out i woke up this morning hoping for it to be gone but to my disappointment it got heavier it feels n looks like a regular period and iam just scared is there anyone who has a similar story or who can help me.
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My period was 8 days late and I was having pregnancy symptoms. Fatigue and nausea. Took a HPT and it came out negative. 2 days later I started having a little bit of brown discharge. The next day there was more pink blood and then the next 3 days I had heavy bleeding, clots, and cramping. My husband and I were really discouraged, we've been TTC for 8 months. The bleeding ended about 4 days ago but I still have symptoms. Could I be pregnant? Or am I just psyching myself out? Any advice or comments would be appreciated.
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Also had some clots
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I am about 4 weeks pregnant don't have a appointment with my doctor till Thursday the 17th of may I took a digital test on may 1st but Monday may 7th I had brown stuff in my underwear when I woke up the following Tuesday afternoon I started bleeding no cramps till later in the day today the bleeding is still there like a period cramps and all but not over powering I did miss my period for the mOnth of April I'm worried and freaked out its my first pregnancy
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i found out im pregnant neally a week ago and the doctor thinks im around abt 6 weeks and 2 days .Just yesturday night i started bleeding light then got heavier so went to ER and took my blood ,heart rate and blood pressure and also a wee sample .All they said was that my heart and blood pressure is good and if i aint passing clots or very bad cramping then its normall and to come back if it lasts more then 2 days .In the morning it stopped and has started again looks like a period on and off but i havent had any clots and belly just feels same as usall i have a scan to check everything in 3 days im going out of my mind and im so convinced i have lost it already !!!!
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I am seven works pregnant with my first child. Ten days ago, I noticed brown discharge when I wiped. Called my ob, he assured me it was fine. Three days later, I noticed some pink blood when I wiped. Nothing on my underwear or anything, just when I wipe. I called my ob again, and again he assured me everything was ok. The whole week off and on, I would spot and then stop. Yesterday, I called my ob again, this time they told me to come on in today. Last night, the blood turned bright red and is in the toilet when I pee. This morning I passed a tiny rust colored clot, then went back to the bright red bleeding. Now I am using pantiliners to catch stray drops of blood. I saw the doc today and he did an u/s and I saw my little bean's heartbeat. He reassured me once again, and put me on antibiotics. I am also on pelvic rest and am to rest as often as possible. He did not give me a reason for the bleeding. I feel a bit better because I saw the heartbeat, and I have a couple of friends who spotted during early pregnancy. What has me worried is the bright red blood. Any other women have a similar experience? This is my first pregnancy, so I can't help but worry. Thanks and God bless
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I am bleeding a lot. I don't have any clothes tho. I have no idea what's going. I had a miscarrage my frist time but I still feel pregant.
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hi my last period was on jan 30. last march14 i took an over the counter pregnancy test and it came out positive yesterday (march 17) i started bleeding. and today (march18) the bleeding got worst it has some clotting and an elongated thing (i dont know if its blood) was also in it. i havent go to a doctor. i read all the things posted here and some resulted to miscarriage. i dont want to lose the baby. i am really afraid, can anyone tell me here if its normal to bled like that. do i need to go to a docor?
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hey im currently 5 weeks pregnant right now and just went to the Er with the same exact problem, people is saying that im miscarrying but for somereason i dont believe them cuz my cramps are not as bad as they should be is i was having a miscarrage i do have some back pain but im not in pain to were i cant handle it, im just puttin all my faith in god right now that my baby makes it,,,
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