341551 tn?1266980730

Another Week! January 20th-Weekly Check-In

Another week has gone by ladies!! How is everyone feeling? Getting anxious? Any new Symptoms? Tell me your thoughts and feelings this week!

Nothing really new to report on my end. I thought for SURE that I would have had my little boy by now but I guess he's going to come when he's good and ready. I feel great though, so I can't complain. I get a little uncomfortable at night when I sit too long and I've been getting more BH contractions..stronger ones too. So I know its my body just prepping itself. So I'm just as anxious as ever! I'm sleeping fantastic, passing right out, peeing every couple hours but still sleeping awesome. My appetite has increased these last couple weeks but I've also been getting really BAD acid reflux...it burns and makes me want to yack! So on one hand I'll be hungry, on the other I won't want to eat because of the aftermath. I've had my days too where I am just completely exhausted but for the most part I am bouncing around getting the house ready for Caidens arrival.

Oh yea and Caiden is still soo very active! I don't know if he still has room in there or what but he is always moving around..or punching and kicking!

So just waiting and waiting!
Were in the process of interviewing Pediatricians right now and we haven't found one we like. I think I'm being too picky..its such a tough and important decision! Other than that, just looking forward to my Ultrasound on Friday, finding out his weight, position and hopefully a lot more information! I just can't believe I'll be 39 weeks in 3 days!! The end is near!!

Hang in there girls! Let me hear your updates :)
29 Responses
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525485 tn?1314361301
I just got back from my appt as well and nothing new to report. I am really getting sick of all the tests and things.
My fluid check came back at 13 today which is good. NST came back good after poking and proding around at her to move.....and overall I am doing good I guess.
I have lab work and another NST at the hospital on Sunday, and as for next week, an u/s, and ob appt and 2 nst's. I am just really done with all of the tests and want this baby to come out already!!!
Im done being pregnant!
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514428 tn?1287598456
SARgirl~Yes the inside of my vagina is swollen~It's horrible!!  But that means the baby's head is resting in the right spot :)  That's crazy  SARgirl because I had the same thing happen...I feel asleep about 4:30 after taking 2 tylenol for my headache and pasted out until 6:30 to get my son ready for school...WEIRD!!  

*I just got back from my Dr. app...Well, NO CHANGE!  So I'm happy about it because i want the baby in for atleast a week or two more, just to make sure the lungs are developed...other then that I'd LOVE for it to come out.  LOL  So, I'm stuck at 1cm and 50% effaced...I guess that's better then nothing :)
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643558 tn?1258402509
I am there with you Momof threecrazykids.....last night was hell...I was having contractions, upset stomach, back pain, bad heartburn, nausiated, everytime I got up to pee...every hour...it felt like I was going to blop him out in the toilet....I felt like I had to go number#2, but nothing would come out!!!  Pressure, Pressure, and more pressure!!

A new symptom as well...I noticed last night my vagina is swollen!!  Yeah, when I sit on the toilet...there is a big buldge that I can feel just above the lips...almost as if I was constipated and plugged up....I guess they call it "cheesburger crotch"...I didn't have it when I went to the OB on tuesday...I guess it is from him being so low, and all the weight pushing everything down....

I thought for sure last night was the night.....but I guess I fell asleep finally around 4:30 for a good hard sleep, woke up at 6:30...and nothing.....
Man, I want him out already....Bring on the PAIN!!
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514428 tn?1287598456
I have my appointment today~so I'll update later~

I've been up all night with cramps and contractions once again (hasn't happened since I went into L&D 2 weeks ago)  I'm feeling pain on my cervix and feling like she's wantingto come out....I was 1cm and 50% effaced when they sent me home that day~and I really haven't had problems until lastnight...I'm 36w3d currently, so like I said, I'll be back on to update today's appointment.  Just wanted to let you know how I was feeling and maybe it means something!  Got that darn GBS test today, but looking forward to the internal :)  
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487124 tn?1256654549
just got back in  from my dr appointment 35wk appt well  good news is  the baby is doing great they decided to hold off on the  the strep B  test until  next week when i go  back on  the wednesday. Again  i measured at 42 wks  instead of  35 but hey always measured  big while preggo. WEll bad news is the  BP is  up and i apilling protien in my urine which mean  I am  offically  on  leave as of  today  but my company  took it better than i thought they  would. and i will still have my job when i  go back after she is born  when my leave is up .  So i am home on  almost bedrest  as much as u  can with two other kids at  home. They are est her size today at  close to  seven pounds. So they are going to do another u/s on the  2/3 and if they  fear she is to big they are going to  induce any time  after 37 wks  that is my  BP stables out well hope all u ladies are doing  good
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231441 tn?1333892766

37 3/4 weeks and baby is still staying put after all the fuss of the last 2 weeks.

Walking is very painful.  Waddle is a graceful way of describing my walk!  Pubic pain is excrutiating and moving in bed interesting in a painful way....  Feel like I am walking with a melon in my vagina.... am peeing frequently but it's always only a dribble.  Reckon baby's head is pressing on things...

Baby dropped about 4 weeks ago and I've lost my plug.  So reckon it shouldn't be long...  but they stopped the contractions well and good. Hardly even having braxton hicks at the moments.  But feeling lots of pressure down there and shooting pains in my lower pelvis.  But nothing like the contractions that they stopped before...

Have lost weight (about 3-5 lbs), and the swelling is back and increasing (after reducing when on complete bed rest).  That means I have gained no weight this 3rd trimester.  But am monitoring BP and it's still normal so I'm not too worried.  No appetite.  Having trouble controlling blood sugar too (it's going high and low)...

My obe told me she didn't want me to go too much over 38 weeks.  That will be this Friday.  But I have no appointment with her any more.  She just said "see you in the delivery room".  I guess I'll have to call her clinic if baby is still in place by Monday.

After being really constipated for the past weeks am finally moving again today.  Hope that is a sign that things will happen soon.

And am super tired.  Still doing work stuff remotely and trying to pop into the office daily to check what's up and sign things and direct people (office is only 5 minutes from my house).  But also catching extra sleep.

Am so looking forward to baby, but it has not been an easy pregnancy and I am so looking forward to having my body back and returning to my active lifestyle.  My first trimester was major abdominal pain and "morning sickness", which turned out to be appendicitis and amoebiasis.  My second trimester was recovering from the appendectomy/laparotomy, and this 3rd trimester hasn't been comfortable and is getting worse.... plus also having problems with what my doc thinks are adhesions from the surgery... with major tummy pain again...

Please baby come soon!  I love you so much already, but you've had your time in my belly and it's time to safely be born and join the world and grow into the person you are meant to be.
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