341551 tn?1266980730

Another Week! January 20th-Weekly Check-In

Another week has gone by ladies!! How is everyone feeling? Getting anxious? Any new Symptoms? Tell me your thoughts and feelings this week!

Nothing really new to report on my end. I thought for SURE that I would have had my little boy by now but I guess he's going to come when he's good and ready. I feel great though, so I can't complain. I get a little uncomfortable at night when I sit too long and I've been getting more BH contractions..stronger ones too. So I know its my body just prepping itself. So I'm just as anxious as ever! I'm sleeping fantastic, passing right out, peeing every couple hours but still sleeping awesome. My appetite has increased these last couple weeks but I've also been getting really BAD acid reflux...it burns and makes me want to yack! So on one hand I'll be hungry, on the other I won't want to eat because of the aftermath. I've had my days too where I am just completely exhausted but for the most part I am bouncing around getting the house ready for Caidens arrival.

Oh yea and Caiden is still soo very active! I don't know if he still has room in there or what but he is always moving around..or punching and kicking!

So just waiting and waiting!
Were in the process of interviewing Pediatricians right now and we haven't found one we like. I think I'm being too picky..its such a tough and important decision! Other than that, just looking forward to my Ultrasound on Friday, finding out his weight, position and hopefully a lot more information! I just can't believe I'll be 39 weeks in 3 days!! The end is near!!

Hang in there girls! Let me hear your updates :)
29 Responses
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543966 tn?1234735968
I'm so excited for everyone!
I had a routine appointment yesterday, where I met with an OB instead of one of my midwives, and I didn't care for him at all. When I told him I wanted to try going natural, he burst out laughing, and sat there giggling for like 5 minutes about how he heard that all the time, and then spent another 10 minutes trying to talk me out of it. Not a very favorable impression, but I really love the midwives there.
I'm still only having occasional braxton hicks, which is a little discouraging. Terrible pubic pain at night.....like Hope said, rolling over in bed, getting out of bed, and shaving are all pretty excruciating right now! But I think the worst thing is the Restless Leg Syndrome I started experiencing last week.....it's AWFUL, is anyone else struggling with this?? I've had a terrible time getting to sleep at night because of it....I just found out my sister had problems with it too, and I know it's supposed to run in families. Anybody have any suggestions on coping with it? I read that it's sometimes linked to low iron, but I'm taking in tons of iron, and my levels were fine two weeks ago. Do you think I should ask to be tested again?
Anyway, I can't wait till things get going...I'm due in two weeks, but if she is two weeks late, I am looking at the possibility of being pregnant for almost another month, which is an extremely discouraging thought right now. I'm so jealous of all of you who have stuff happening! I know my time will come sooner or later.

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514428 tn?1287598456
I'm just 36 weeks and I have an appointment on Thursday for my Group B test and an internal, so I won't know much until then.  I'm going to be talking to my doctor, again, about induction.  I talked to him about it when I was about 12 weeks along and just wanted to make him know that I worry about being home with my other three kids and the weather is horrible...so hopefully I'll find out more with my internal exam and see if my cervix is favorable.  If not this week, then I'll know more next week.  

It's crazy to know that we'reall so close and over the safe point now to have these babies :)  

BH and some back/hip pain have been my biggest problem still...I'm really outgrowning my sports bras.  LOL  I went out and bought a couple nursing bras from Target...SO COMFY!!  My bags have been packed for a couple weeks now.  I still find myself putting clothes in there for the baby.  LOL  I'll end up taking three or four bags by the time I really have to go.  :)  Oh well....Being dizzy, sleepy or having this huge burst of energy at times just are signs that I'm almost done :)  This poor house can't get clean enough for me and I freak out.  Hubby and the kids don't help, so I'm finding myself stressed abou the place, the van not being clean...little things I really shouldn't be freaking over about.  

This baby is all up in my ribs when it stretchs out, but mostly just hangs out in my pubic area.  I can feel the head turning under my pubic bone and a arm/hand in my hips...I can't wait to see what she/he looks like and just hold it in my arms.  :)  I still haven't gone out for blues or pinks because I've still haven't gotten the *100% sure* thing on the gender yet.....so those are things we have to do when it's once born :)  Hopefully I have family to help out~

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I am now 36 weeks.  I go back to the doctor's on Thursday where I'll get my Strep B results and hopefully another internal exam (he said he'll do one depending on how I feel, but I am going to request that he do one).  I have been feeling really crappy the past week.  I am nauseaus all the time.  My acid reflux is getting worse (I've had it bad through the whole pregnancy), so I resort to taking a Zantac every so often because if I don't then I can't eat - which makes me feels worse.  I am sooooo uncomfortable all the time and can't sleep well at all.  My back pain has increased and I get these pains downstairs as if I just did a workout down there! LOL!  I also feel what I think is the baby's head pushing down on my pubic bone, so hopefully with all these symptoms I am somewhat dialated or on my way!!  
The nursery is pretty much done, hubby put up the plantation shutters and framed the window yesterday.  So now all we have to do is put some things on the wall like the letter of her name and some shelves.  I am gettting more and more anxious to meet this little one and become a mommy :)  I think that all the sleepless nights I get are just preparing me.  It's funny because my dog has been doing things to prepare us also, like roll around in his own poop (NEVER been done before until recently) and hacking all night long keeping us up because we are worried about him.  
Well hopefully I'll have some good news on Thursday after my appointment, because my bags are packed and ready to go!
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151668 tn?1239921105
I'm just over the 37 week mark. Feeling pretty miserable most days, but some days are good. I think taking care of a 21 month old is to blame on that! LOL

I have an appt today to see if I've dilated at all...which I'm keeping my fingers crossed!

Claire is moving around a LOT, and will suddenly press on my bladder to the point I have to freeze for fear I'll pee myself. Everyone says it looks like I've swallowed a basketball because she is right out there in front (I was more "rounded" when I carried Levi). Even the doctor told me last week that I am ALL baby this time around. So I guess that's a good thing! Hopefully I won't have to work as hard at losing the weight this time.

Other than that, it's the usual...peeing every 1 to 1 1/2 hours each night, hips hurting every hour, can barely roll over, can barely get out of bed, and having a really hard time shaving my legs! LOL And acid reflux rears its ugly head constantly, which makes Tums Smoothies my best friend again.
I think that's about it on my end. I'm just so glad we're near the end! Good luck to everyone!
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354219 tn?1259981842
I have not much new to report. I am still having lots of BH and or contractions. I have a doctors appt tomorrow for an U/S and an internal exam to figure out if i am dilated more and Logan's position. According to my family, my belly is dropping and i am noticing the pressure in my body getting lower and lower. Add to that the dizzy spells are back. So now i no longer drive anywhere. Everyone thinks Logan will make his appearance at the beginning of Feb.

On this past Sunday i had my baby shower. It was great we got so much and only have a little left to get. Its amazing and overwhelming to think that he is coming anytime now and that we are preparing his room. His room is about 75% done we are just finishing some final decorating things. His back is just about done being packed for the hospital and mine will be done tonight.

My last day of work is 1/30. With all the pain and the dizziness the DH and I decided that the 2 extra weeks would be good. Plus we may go early anyways. So for now i get driven in and out of work because of being dizzy and don't want to cause any accidents.

Thats all for now. Updates will be up tomorrow after the doctors appt and U/S.

Good luck all,

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