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218701 tn?1248226255

Nervous, Anxious, Excited? How are you Mommies feeling?

How are we all doing now that we're nearing the end of this journey? I must admit, I'm feeling a little bit of everything but mostly anxious to meet my baby girl already. Physically I've started to slow down a bit, I take a nap once a day now but I feel great overall. I'm really trying to prepare myself mentally for labor and what can happen. I can't wait! So how are the rest of you feeling? And what are you doing to keep your mind off the big day or to pass the time? Can't wait to hear from you all and hope you're all feeling wonderful. Take care ladies. WE'RE ALMOST THERE!!! Woohoo.
16 Responses
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514585 tn?1328740013
no you are not wrong for wanting your princess to come early... i would love to have this baby come a additional week early as with things that are going on right now, it would really solve alot of issues..lol and next week (our 37 weeks) IS considered full term.

NO they havent cleared up the "mystery" yet... hopefully they will at my appt on friday...
i have NEVER dealt with this before.. usually if they say girl it is a girl and vice versa...lmao
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218701 tn?1248226255
I know exactly what you mean!!! I just had an appt on Wednesday, next is scheduled for Monday and it feels like they scheduled them too far apart...LOL. I noticed a decrease in movement recently as well. She has her days when she's very active and rolling around and then there are days when I'm on pins and needles cause she doesn't move at all. I think they're just resting up for the big day! Do you think it's wrong that I would really like for her to arrive before my due date? I just really don't want to go past June 2nd. I think I'll have an anxiety attack if I keep thinking that's a possibility, LOL. Hope you're feeling well and that the days fly by for all of us! :)

Have they cleared up the boy/girl mystery for you yet?
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514585 tn?1328740013
no clue what is going on in there aside from the fact baby is moving around....not quite as much as normally (few weeks ago) but still quite a bit... havent been checked internally yet, so dont know if i have dialated or effaced or anything like that... will have my appt a week and a day from today... ugh 8 days sometimes seems like eternity... but then again so does 25...lmao
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218701 tn?1248226255
I'm getting pretty anxious!!! It feels like these last few weeks are moving ever so SLOWLY...It's like I want her to come out when she's nice and ready and yet I want her here right now. Anyone else feel this way? Strange. LOL. So I'm 1 cm dilated as of my appt yesterday, dr. didn't say anything about being effaced. How are the rest of you holding up? :)
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514585 tn?1328740013
i am due to have my csection june 1st... and i still have not gotten my hospital bag packed yet... i am such a procrastinator.

i know what i want to take, i just havent gotten around to packing anything yet... i am awful...lmao

i cant sleep well, i might be in bed for 10 hours but i only get about 4 hours sleep with all of the tossing and turning, and getting up to go pee... ugh.
hopefully things will get better soon. 30 days and counting.
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519260 tn?1244644534
zazou im the opposite to u i cant sleep at nite yet all i wana do is sleep during the day!
nausea and intergestion im dealing with again i have been eating no where near as much as normal because of it because it puts me off alot of the time :(

i think my partner is pretty nervous but at the end of the day it will all be worth it lol
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615752 tn?1361867986
I'm not apprehensive at all, I'm glad when it's over because then I finally get to meet the little one, My husband is more scared, he dreads the moment when I tell him that I think it has all started, as he fears he will go into a panic! Cute thing. My maternity leave starts on Tuesday and then my birthing class the day after.

I can't sleep during the day, and I'm almost always on my feet and they get really fat at times! The little one is still extremely active at times, although she has been head down for a few weeks. The nausea and sometimes vomiting has been back since a little over 2 weeks. I have a lack of appetite at times, it is decreased in comparison to 2nd trimester. Heartburn is there, though has nothing to do with the foods I eat. Contractions are coming QUITE often, I hope I last until week 38!!

She will be sharing with us in the beginning, due to breast feeding, so I have bought a special bed where it will be attached to ours as I want her close to me and my midwife highly recommended it as well.
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218701 tn?1248226255
I almost forgot reading material!!! Thanks for the heads up. As far as cash, I expect my husband will remember to grab his wallet, LOL. I didn't list a pillow/blanket for my hubby but it's on the little side note of things to grab at the last minute. Plus we only live about 10 min away from the hospital so he can come pick them up if he forgets. I definitely need to get some nursing pads as well. I'm planning on doing all that I can to breastfeed successfully. So...it's a little over 4 weeks to go for me, ahhhhhhh!!!! It's so exciting! :)
When is your baby shower?
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686463 tn?1249916779
To nsrchofbaby:

U didnt overpack!!!! U are fine, I added to my bag a little pillow for myself and blanket- June ussually is hot and they have AC working and Im cold. Dont forget also nursing pads. Something to read its a good idea too and cash ( not only a card). Im taking pajama and sleepers too.
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218701 tn?1248226255
I'd thought about doing that, like bringing it up casually just to hint that they need to get a move on it. But I think that would hurt my DH more than it would actually cause them to think they should do anything. So I'm being patient. I'm not sure that me losing pieces of the plug means I'll be going early but if she arrives sooner than expected, I just hope everything is okay. I'd also send my husband or my mother out to get a crib if she was born and my in-laws hadn't taken care of it yet. I'm not sure what they're thinking but in the last month it really is like 'any day now'...haha. How have you been feeling lately? You always seem so calm and collected, it's amazing. :)

Ladybugbob - I can definitely understand the anxiety that a two week deficit would cause. That would be like telling me that I'm due sometime in the next two weeks or so! Ahhhh. Scary but exciting. LOL. Take a deep breath and try to focus on the big picture, your little one will be here soon.
Here's what I've packed:

Baby Aaliyah's bag:
- 2 possible coming home outfits (just in case we have an oopsie before we leave the hospital)
- 2 pairs of socks
- diapers/wipes (just because I figure the bag should be ready)
- 1 receiving blanket
- a hat daddy picked out for the outfits
- a pair of mittens
- baby brush

Mommy/Daddy's bag:
- Hair brush/hairspray/headbands
- Tooth brushes/tooth paste
- 2 outfits for each of us
- bras/undies/socks
- shampoo/conditioner/soap/razors
- pads (I hear the ones at the hospital are horrific)
- contact case/solution
- deodorant/makeup
- insurance card
- camera w/extra batteries
- bottled water/snacks
I also made a note to pack cell phones and chargers at the last minute. I may have overpacked but I want to be prepared. :)
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94902 tn?1330479667
Well, I was doing fine in the nerves department until yesterday.  I am now back to a June 23 due date (after a switch to a July 6 date) after my Dr. appt yesterday.  Now my mind is in overdrive for everything that I need to do!  Only problem is my body isn't cooperating - I am SO tired when I get home from work!!!!  About half way through the day I feel like I need a nap, but I gotta work, so what's a girl to do.  I am also really getting scared about the labor and delivery!  What if something goes wrong with baby? What if something goes wrong with me?   What about the pain?  I was so calm about the whole thing until yesterday - its like taking two weeks away from me triggered something mentally/emotionally.  The room is ready, however I don't have a bag for the hospital packed.  What do I need?  What does baby need?  
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519260 tn?1244644534
imo id just be like oh i am thinking of going out and choosing a crib and see what they say LOL

could that mean ur going to be early nsr because of the plug and all?
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218701 tn?1248226255
Yeah, I'm just waiting on the crib for her room. My in-laws decided long ago that they should be the ones to get it for us {rolls eyes} but haven't jumped on it yet. I appreciate the thought, but sometimes I just think that my husband and I could've gotten it done a long time ago and that because it is our first, it would've been so special to have it be something WE chose. But oh well. Her hospital bag is ready!!! Yay. Now I have to pack for myself and my husband.

Due date: June 2nd

I think I'm starting to lose pieces of my mucous plug! It's that or I'm just passing large amounts of mucousy discharge. Guess we'll see.
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519260 tn?1244644534
im not scared about the labour, im more excited about it and i cant wait to meet our boy! have some things ready some other things i still need to get, stil a few wks til our baby shower (24th may) hope im still pregnant then... LOL
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686463 tn?1249916779
I cant wait either!!!! Her room is almost ready, we are just waiting on crib and on my baby shower:) Im nervous and I do have a feeling I will go earlier. Im fine with this as long she will be healthy and be able go home with me. Im a little scarred of labour but there is no other way to get her here, right? She is already 5lb.
We have some work schedule to be done at home for next 2 weeks, after this around May 20th I can go.
My due date is June 10th.
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552389 tn?1280546208
I love this post.  I am exhausted but ready.  Work has been brutal lately, and the 12+ hour days will continue for a couple more weeks I'm afraid.  I am ready for labor, but mostly I'm just ready to have him here.  My 2 year old is so excited, and he asks me all the time if the baby is big enough to come out yet.  He tells everyone that the baby is in his tummy.  My only problem is that we don't have the room ready yet.  We ended up having surprise visitors in town, and that slowed down our "getting ready" schedule.  It will get done, but it's just slow.  Take care, and we can't wait.  Also, let's post our due dates again because I can't remember everyone's: mine is June 22.
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