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6 weeks pregnant and no fetus on u/s

I'm new to this forum but it seems pretty informative.  I've had one hell of a day.  I'm 6 weeks pregnant according to my lmp, so around 4 weeks post conception.  I had my first dr visit today and he did an ultrasound.  There was a distinct black area but no sign of a fetus.  This concerned my dr and he sent me to another place that did two more u/s, one vaginally and one from the outside of my stomach.  This place supposedly had better equipment but they still could not see anything.  My dr claims that maybe I have a blight ovum or maybe it's too early to see a fetus for one reason or another.  I've read a couple posts on here with similar problems and it seems that it could be either very bad or nothing to worry about at all.  Does anyone know if this is normal to not see anything at this stage of a pregnancy?  I'm so freaked out and my husband and I are very concerned.  Thanks in advance for any feedback.
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10165853 tn?1456333837
That's why Im waiting til Im 9 weeks to call and make an appointment. So I'll be able to see the baby :)
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I'm pregnant with my 1rst baby.  I went to a out patient clinic and they said I was 7 weeks going on 8 . well they found the sac but no baby. Went to an ob and he wants to do a d&c but no blood work has been done , what should I do .no cramping no bleeding ..
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sorry didnt know it posted twice.
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My wife and i were told by our nurse that we were about 11 weeks along. at our first appointment with our doctor he said the size of the embryo's wall suggested that we were 9 weeks along. the problem was that there was no visable embryo in the sac. we were devastated to here that. we are not really sure what to do, so i decided to ask if any of you have encountered the same thin and later found an embryo. it might be denial, but we dont want to give up yet. any advice, tips are greatly appreciated thank you.
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Hello. My wife and I just had our first appointment with our dr. we were told from our nurse that my wife was about 11 weeks pregnant. at our appointment, the doctor said the the our baby's wall suggested we were about nine weeks pregnant. the problem is that there is no embryo. immediatly we were devastated, and we have no idea where to go from here. I'm here asking if anyone here has experienced this and later found an embryo. It might be our denial but we kind of want to wait and see if the embryo shows up at our next ultrasound. any advice, or tips are greatly appreciated.
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I went and got an ultrasound done and they saw nothing.. I even went to the hospital and they diagnosed me with a misscarriage. My doctor had me do blood work and my hcg levels were going higher and higher everyday.. my doctor didnt really see anything till 7 weeks so u may be earlier than u think because I was off by about 3 weeks.. go get ur bkood work and that way u will be able to tell better. I wiukd wait another week for a vaginal ultrasound also. Good luck mama and u will be fine :)
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I thought i was 6 weeks and when i had my first transvaginal u/s there was no fetal pole either.. when i went back a week later the fetal pole was there and turns out im just a week behind what i had thought. Musy have ovulated later in my cycle.
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I am 33 and have had two uncomplicated pregnancies which both babies are now 5 years old, not twins Irish twins which are 10 months and 28 days apart. After my youngest was born in Nov. 2008 I had a Mirena IUD inserted. I never had any periods with the IUD. I had it removed Aug. 14, 2013, no bleeding or cramping that night or any thing. I had symptoms as if I were pregnant then AF showed up on Sept. 14, 2013. It was a normal AF. Then in the beginning of Oct. 2013, my breast became sore and I was sensitive to smells. No morning sickness or anything. I got my BFP on 10/8-13 with the EPT. I had minor cramping 10/19 so went to ER they said I was 5wks and couldn't see anything due to being too early. Made my first OB appt. then he scheduled an US at 8.5wks I measured at 6wks 4 days which then they said it was a blighted ovum. No fetal pole present. We tested my HCG levels they were rising but slowly. SO we done another ultrasound 11-15 and still no change. They still say it's a blighted ovum. My concern is I would be 11wks today if it was a viable pregnancy but since it's not I haven't had any cramping since early Oct. when they said that was from implantation. To this day no cramping or bleeding. My next OB apt is 12/11/13 and hoping they get this figured out so we can start the new year fresh.
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I'm 8 weeks today, so I think going off of my LMP. I went to the doctor yesterday and had a transvaginal ultrasound. Doctor said he could see a sac, but no baby. I had a bunch of blood tests done, but haven't gotten the results yet. I'm a little worried! This is my 4th pregnancy and my other 3 I breezed through them. I am pretty petite even at 31, but just wondering if I am going to miscarry or could this just be because I tend to always measure smaller than I usually am? If anyone has any advice, I would really appreciate it! I go back to the doctor in a week.
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M 8 wks preg bt i startd bleeding frm past 15 days..
Can any1 tell is this a major prblm...
M worried whether my baby will b normal..
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i am the same way i went to the er because i had alot of pain they did to ultrasound  they said the couldnt see a baby but my blood work and urine test came out positive my doctor said it could be to early or it could be a miscarriage im so worried ive been wanting my second baby for 3 years now.
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I went for a follow up scan on Monday, but the pregnancy hasn't developed any further.  I had a d/c the same day.  We are devestated and trying to come to terms with our loss.  Its hard but I believe everything happens for a reason and we will pick ourselves up and try again.  I wish you all the very best in what you are all going through.  Us women are tougher than we give ourselves credit for.
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Hi I ve just been told the same thing.  I could be having a molar pregnancy.  Having hg levels tested again tomorrow.
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Hi, I completely understand what your all going through.  I did 4 positive tests 6 weeks ago tomorrow which all showed 1 week pregnant.  I was called yesterday for my first uktrasound scan at what I thought was 10 weeks.  Should be 10 weeks judging by my last period,but I am very irregular.  I had a small show about 5 days before doing the tests.  I thougt it was my period but only lasted about a day.  
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This is very hard. Had been trying to get pregnant for months and finally got an early positive. The same day I get a positive test I begin bleeding (was a Sat night). That Monday made a doctors appt and they did blood work Monday and Wed. Showed my HCG levels were fine and so we scheduled ultrasound at 6 weeks pregnant which was last Thurs. U/s showed  the sac but no baby and no heartbeat. Dr. said I was going to miscarry but she wanted to take my blood to confirm that my  HCG levels were more then likely dropping. Go home and cry all morning into the afernoon and then doctor calls informing me that I am still pregnant. My levels looked great. I go in for another ultrasound this Thurs and I am very scared, anxious, overwhelmed, and sad. I definitely feel pregnant. Clothes getting tight, breasts tender, nauseated every day, tired. I don't know what is going on. I have three beautiful, healthy children and I have never had something like this happen before. Will post outcome of appt. in two days.
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So now after yet another Dr no baby on scan and bloodwork was 64000 this time! They tell me I have a molar pregnancy and there may have never been a baby ;( words can't explain how upset I am! Sitting here now waiting to have surgery.
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* yolk sack instead of toll and till. Sorry. Any info would be appreciative. I'm on Facebook under ***@**** plz add me
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So I got pregnant with my fourth baby. I went in thinking I was further along. They couldn't tell me how far along I was. Could only see what was maybe the beginning of the toll sack. Bloodwork showed somewhere over 18,000 for beta count. Two days later it had only went to over 21,000 came in for another scan they saw basically the same thing, but jumped me from being 7 weeks pregnant to 5 weeks in just 2 days apart. By Monday (3 days later) my beta was rising slightly. I went to a new Dr he did scan and said we will have to wait and see. Wind up at the hospital a few weeks ago they did ultrasound baby was 7 weeks they found they heartbeat and bloodwork was up to over 32,000 right after that my Dr did an ultrasound saw the heartbeat and till sack but couldn't see baby. He said we see the heartbeat don't worry. Heartbeat was 109 bpm. I went yesterday he said baby had only grown a little over an inch and couldn't find heartbeat. He said I will eventually miscarry and there is no hope. I can't accept this. And I don't understand this. I'm beyond heartbroken.
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So I got pregnant with my fourth baby. I went in thinking I was further along. They couldn't tell me how far along I was. Could only see what was maybe the beginning of the toll sack. Bloodwork showed somewhere over 18,000 for beta count. Two days later it had only went to over 21,000 came in for another scan they saw basically the same thing, but jumped me from being 7 weeks pregnant to 5 weeks in just 2 days apart. By Monday (3 days later) my beta was rising slightly. I went to a new Dr he did scan and said we will have to wait and see. Wind up at the hospital a few weeks ago they did ultrasound baby was 7 weeks they found they heartbeat and bloodwork was up to over 32,000 right after that my Dr did an ultrasound saw the heartbeat and till sack but couldn't see baby. He said we see the heartbeat don't worry. Heartbeat was 109 bpm. I went yesterday he said baby had only grown a little over an inch and couldn't find heartbeat. He said I will eventually miscarry and there is no hope. I can't accept this. And I don't understand this. I'm beyond heartbroken.
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Hi there,

I just want to reassure you that things may be completely fine. I had a scan at 7 weeks from my LMP and it showed no heartbeat - just the yolk sack. I was asked to come back a week later, and spent the entire week worrying. However I had a scan yesterday and it shows everything is fine - I'm just a lot earlier than I had thought (6 weeks 4 days). So please be reassured that no heartbeat doesn't always mean no baby. Thinking of you.
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I never had a period after my child birth.  It has been 7 months & 3 weeks since I gave birth.   I started to have some nausea and went to check pregnancy, the result was positive.   Is there a way to know or guess the date of conception?  I had un ultrasound test 4 days ago but the doctor couldn’t see anything.    I am scared not to have a miscarriage.  
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I foundout i was pregnant last week and 4 days ago I started havin severe sharp pain I went to the hos. and they said my hcg was 3300 afterwards  they did a  u/s and said there is no baby.........I went back 3days latr (with mild to light bleeding which is sometimes brown in color)  my nxt hcg level went up to 4400...again  i did a u/s and this time i was told 3 different conclusions within 10mins....1st it was " theres no baby...2nd it was 'theres a sac but you are miscarring right now...and finally they said 'there is a baby but hes in my tubes which they rushed me to the er area to get ready for surgery.......I just have 1 question...R THESE DOCS INSANE OR IS IT REALLY ME....at least I have enough common sense to not trust ONE who is indecisive and inconsistent .......I'll be real honest ......I KNOW MY BODY and trust me i know you know yours too.....I did alittle eval and realized that sharp unbearable pain is GAS....YES PAINFUL BUTT KICKING GAS!.....AND THE BEST WAY TO GET RID OF IT IS TO GET ON THE FLOOR ON YOUR HANDS AND KNEES AND ROCK BACK AND FOURTH UNTIL ITS RELEASED....AND THHIS WORKS TRUST ME....NEXT THE BLEEDING IS FROM EXCESS BLOOD WHICH IS CRADLING THE BABY...FOR YEARS IVE HAD IRREGULAR PERIODS WHICH KEPT ALOT OF BLOOD BACKUP ABD NOW THAT IM PREGNANT THE EXCESS IS NOW FORCE TO BE RELEASED.....AND LASTLY DO TO MY INITIAL PREG TEST..IAM 4WKS OR LESS WHICH MAKES MYFETUS HARD TO SEE MAINLY BCUZ I CARRY SMALL ANYWAY...I HAVE 2 BOYS AND  I DIDNOT SHOW WITH EITHER ONE UNTIL 7MTHS  BUT ITS TRUE SO COULD YOU IMAGINE LOOKING FOR A WK OLD FETUS ;0 GOOD LUCK TO THOSE WHO TRY :)  well anyway im going for a second opinion before my final decision....AND TRUST ME WHEN I SAY .....THE DOCS MAY KNOW THE BIG MEDICAL TERMS ...BUT NO ONE TRULY KNOWS YOUR BODY LIKE YOUKNOW YOUR BODY...JUST EVALUATE THE SYMPTOMS ...EVALUATE WHAT GOES IN AND OUT ....AND ALWAYS STAY CALM  becuz stress does change your mind and body literally AND KILLS HUMANS AND EMBRYOS........And dont get me wrong you can trust doctors ONLY IF you can trust yourself first............................GOODLUCK TO YOU ALL AND GOD BLESS @~
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hello to everyone in here..i have the same delema as every woman in here.i had my last menstruation last april 19.and after month  that was may 19 i dont have any menstruation so i took a HPT and it was negative.i've waited another week to take another HPT and it has + sign but the line is not so visible..im still doubting so i took another test after 2 days and it was positive...but last couple of days i was experiencing pain in my lower right side abdomen and lower back pain in right side also.yesterday we went to the doctor and had a test for infections and transvaginal u/s but the doctor said that he cannot clearly see any signs of pregnancy and he suggested to take some blood test..im going to get my blood test result tomorrow.fingers crossed hoping nothings wrong with me...my husband and i are very worried of what could be posibly wrong.and im hoping that i am pregnant....Btw, its so nice to hear stories from you girls...that im not the only one in this sittuation. :) i hope you can help me.
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