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I wanted to share my story, and see how many other women are going through what I am; I just found out 2 days ago, that I am pregnant with my fourth child, while on the Mirena IUD! This was quite a shock to me, since I have had the Mirena for almost 5 years, and a day before I had the pregnancy test, had received a call from my dr. to set up the removal and replacement of it for Feb 2012. At my last annual exam, I had discussed the option of tubiligation versus IUD, and was convinced that Mirena has the SAME effectiveness as a Tubal, so I decided to stick with the Mirena. Since finding out I am pregnant, I have done a lot of research, and had a lot of testing done, which I am still in the process of...once I got the positive urine test, had to make an emergency appt with my doctor to see where my IUD was..to my surprise, it was EXACTLY where is was supposed to be! so a blood test was done to check my hcg level and to confirm the urine test. before removing the IUD, my doctor wanted a stat ultrasound to rule out ectopic pregnancy, which can occur if you get pregnant with Mirena. Unfortunately the U/S didn't show anything except a cyst on my left ovary, which is due to the fact that my hcg level wasn't high enough, and I wasn't far enough along to see ANYTHING, so I left the doctors more confused and with no answers to how, why, and still in utter shock! Due to the High Risk of this pregnancy being either ectopic, misscarrying, the reccomendation is to have the IUD out ASAP. So, I had the IUD removed, but because I caught this pregnancy so early (at 4 wks and 4 days!) I have to go for repeat bloodwork today to see if my hcg levels are doubling like they should in a normal pregnancy..if so, my chances are good that the pregnancy is in my utuerus where is should be, and hopefully we got the IUD out in time. If my levels are low, that is a good indication that I am either carrying an ectopic pregnancy, or will be miscarrying...I'm curious to hear what others have gone through. Have you had a confirmed pregnancy? how did you handle it? what was the outcome? I'm glad to be able to share my story!
26 Responses
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5239193 tn?1366982279
I was gonna get it...now I am not!
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This is happening to my Daughter right now!! She had Mirena implanted after the birth of her first Miracle baby 2.5 yrs ago (tried unsuccessfully for 10yrs finally gave up and signed up for special needs fostering W/adoption possibility and found out she was pregnant a few weeks later!) the Mirena has worked fine for all that time though her periods have been irregular and she's had a lot of discomfort and other issues relating to the IUD but no pregnancy scares! She had a period the beginning of March and then didn't have one in April that she can recall and she began feeling like she might be pregnant so she took two home tests around April 20th (one at night and one in Morning) both were positive and she went to Docs two days later they also confirmed her pregnancy. Doc did an Ultrasound to check placement of IUD and rule out ectopic pregnancy. The IUD was in place but she couldn't find the "baby" though she wasn't concerned about this since she felt my Daughter was VERY early in her pregnancy (she felt April was conception not March) My Daughter ended up spotting that Friday evening while at her second job (works as a kindergarten Teacher in the day and as a Hairdresser at night and on weekends however she was fine the rest of the weekend and had been working on her feet all day both days!! Doc terrified her into getting the IUD taken out immediately saying leaving it in a day longer was extremely risky for her and Baby!!  Before researching this I thought that advice was BS and since researching it I know it was!! Especially when you consider that my Daughter sought care several weeks if not a couple of months earlier than most do (especially those with the Merina IUD as they experience pregnancy symp's while on it and don't get checked til they experience later signs or symptoms! Many Women have carried to term successfully with IUD in place too!! I also found many lawsuits against Bayer for Merina because of pregnancy while on it, and injuries caused by it moving or migrating to other parts of the body...the FDA is investigating because of the false and misleading info regarding its effectiveness and minimizing  or misstating the severity and frequency of the side affects experienced by people!! This makes me wonder if the Doc was trying to make her miscarry!! She began bleeding about 30 hrs after getting it removed and continued to spot and bleed for a few days so she believed she was miscarrying and her next blood test seemed to confirm this as her numbers were heading back down again. She was resigned to that fact and went in for a final blood test (to make sure she expelled everything) about a week later (a few days ago) and was told her numbers had risen again!!! She freaked out because she was sure she had miscarried and she was afraid to hope again only to have her hopes dashed one more time!! They took another blood test that day and told her Today that her numbers have dipped again rather than doubling as they should (wonder if the high stress of the situation altered her results?)  The Doctor tried to talk her into taking a pill that would make her miscarry today (thinking that it might be an ectopic pregnancy) but she doesn't want to do that until they can prove the pregnancy isn't viable because she could never forgive herself if it turned out that she was just too early or that her pregnancy isn't following the "normal" course but will turn out okay in the end (start out as an ectopic and implant normally eventually or some other explanation for why her numbers keep going up and down, we've heard tons of different scenarios that turned out okay in fact the tech that takes her blood just told her HE came from an ectopic pregnancy!!)  so now she has to wait to get her blood done again Monday and depending on that or what happens over the weekend (if she miscarries) an Ultrasound Tuesday!! She's a basket case!! The Doc says she's never seen anything like this and was sure my Daughter became pregnant again after bleeding last week but thats absolutely impossible unless shes the next Mother Mary lol because she hasn't been near a man since finding out she was pregnant! Will keep you posted....but will add to all others reading this STAY FAR AWAY FROM THE MERINA IUD, do your research dont' rely on the Docs or Drug companies information alone!!
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I am sorry if this comes across as offensive to anyone, but honestly don't blame the birth control or you doctors, if you didn't do enough research before getting it. It is your responsibility as a consumer/patient to be well informed as to the pros and cons of a contraceptive before you decide to get it.

It even says in the pamphlet you are given when you get an IUD that 50% of all pregnancies from an IUD are ectopic pregnancies.
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Mirena almost destroyed my uterus I had it for a year and it caused me crippling pain. I called the dr who put it in and she said oh it's uncomfortable for a while and I got to where I couldn't stand up. When I went to have it removed by a different dr it took 3 hours to remove it because I had severe inflammation and he had to sedate me due to the pain. After that inexperienced 4 years of excruciating pain and periods. In 2010 I bled for weeks and so doc put me on the pill( we went thru 3 diff kinds)to stop my period. I had a heavy period for 3 months and i hemorraghed and started bleeding out in January of 2011. I had emergency surgery and the Mirena had left scarred tissue throughout and my uterus wasn't expelling lining only the blood. They cleaned out my uterus and pretty much told me that due to Mirena messing up my uterus that I wouldn't be able to carry any more children but wouldn't do a hysterectomy because I was only 21. One miscarriage and 1 live birth later I am expecting my second miracle baby and my third child in total. I know Mirena works for many women but I will never recommend it to anyone!
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5371784 tn?1370824532
I was on implanan when I got pregnant with my son n had been on it a yr. It never fell out or anything n the doc had me on the dot to help stop my periods. That was a patch used on women when they were going threw menopause. They did ultrasound n MRI on my arm tryin to find where the implanan went n they never found it. Lol pregnancy happens miraculously in some cases.
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I have had my iud for 4 years come September, well i started what i thought was my AF on 4/20, (i always had my cycle with merina in place) so it was normal the first 2 days but on day 3 when it was supposed to stop it all of a sudden got heavy where i could feel it when i was standing. I sat on the toilet and i just looked in shock because my AF is usually light where i only need a panty liner and I'm good for the whole day. But being that i didn't tally get AF in March i figured my body was making up for that. But once day 8 came and it still didn't let up i went to the ER, i read having back pain and pain in my left side. When i got to the ER they did a urine testy and blood test. 3 hours later they told me that i was pregnant and did a stat ultrasound. They said nothing could be seen on u/s except a fluid collection between my right ovary and uterus. Which is an ovarian cyst I've had awhile. They told me my hcg levels were at 500 and i had to have repeat blood work done in two days to make sure the pregnancy wasn't ectopic. 2 days later this past Thursday (5/2) they told me my levels went down to 120 which meant that the while almost 2 weeks i had been bleeding,i was miscarrying. I was almost 2 months. Today 5/5/13 makes 2 weeks and the bleeding is finally slowing to a stop. I'm heart broken
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I have had my iud for 4 years come September, well i started what i thought was my AF on 4/20, (i always had my cycle with merina in place) so it was normal the first 2 days but on day 3 when it was supposed to stop it all of a sudden got heavy where i could feel it when i was standing. I sat on the toilet and i just looked in shock because my AF is usually light where i only need a panty liner and I'm good for the whole day. But being that i didn't tally get AF in March i figured my body was making up for that. But once day 8 came and it still didn't let up i went to the ER, i read having back pain and pain in my left side. When i got to the ER they did a urine testy and blood test. 3 hours later they told me that i was pregnant and did a stat ultrasound. They said nothing could be seen on u/s except a fluid collection between my right ovary and uterus. Which is an ovarian cyst I've had awhile. They told me my hcg levels were at 500 and i had to have repeat blood work done in two days to make sure the pregnancy wasn't ectopic. 2 days later this past Thursday (5/2) they told me my levels went down to 120 which meant that the while almost 2 weeks i had been bleeding,i was miscarrying. I was almost 2 months. Today 5/5/13 makes 2 weeks and the bleeding is finally slowing to a stop. I'm heart broken
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4922269 tn?1367813296
I know what birth control I'm not getting! I can't believe they actually put this out there for women.
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Ive been on mirena for 4 years,  and it's been over 4 since I had a period from my last bc... 3 weeks ago I started getting sore breast and one even doubled in size. I was feeling bloated and had headaches... today I started spotting and cramping. I took 2 tests 2 weeks ago, and last monday I went in for a professional test. All negative. She told me that it can take up to 4-6 weeks for the prego hormones to show.  I'm so confused and worried.  But it's Saturday and no place is open.  Not sure what to do.
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This scares me so much. I am so sorry you had to go through what you did, and so sorry for your loss. I currently have my 2nd IUD put in. It's been about a year so far on my 2nd one. The whole first five years on the IUD, I didn't have my period AT ALL. As of 2012 I started getting my regular period back for 6 months. My last cycle was on August 21st, and it's now October 8th, and I still have not had my period. I feel like maybe I'm just paranoid, but I feel like I'm pregnant. I'm tired, SO hungry, and not having my period makes me wonder. I took a pregnancy test on Sept. 30th, and it came out negative. I don't know what to do, and I'm so scared I'm pregnant, I would never want to experience losing a baby, or dying because of this, if I were to be pregnant!
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I'm so happy I've read your post. Sorry for your lost. I was going to get mirena next week and this definitely has stopped me!!!
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I'm so happy I've read your post. Sorry for your lost. I was going to get mirena next week and this definitely has stopped me!!!
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There is always a risk when a foreign body is inside your body. However, it seems the risks have not been explained very well by physicians.  So sorry for your loss.
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1816154 tn?1463430018
i had the IUD the same one and i saw on the internet that it showed it went through and into the uterus but it was causing me problems so i got it taken out 6 weeks after it was put in. my doctor MADE me after having my 2nd baby get on birth control when i didnt want to and he told me i was not allowed to go out until i was on something so i chose the IUD and it was causing alot of problems for me again so instead of me going to see him to get it out, i took it out myself. probable not the right thing to do but i did and there was nothing wrong after that=). and i heard the same thing that you went through when you got pregnant with the IUD that happened to one of my friends, her friend and her daughter is 9 months old now. and no i would never get it nor will i tell other women about the IUD. to me the IUD is just scary to have.
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I'm very sorry for your lost n very thankful you are here for your 3 children!
I had the iud for about a year 1/2 it was giving me problems I did my research (should have done it b4) and it just scared me so I went to get it removed when I did the "doctor" acted like a complete b**ch she did not want to remove it I finally got mad at told her I was done talking to remove it or call someone who will...I WOULD NEVER GET IT AGAIN AND DO NOT RECOMMEND ANYONE TO GET IT!! I had it removed in August and in December I got pregnant with my second child I'm 16 weeks bby is due in August lol
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1395792 tn?1358115792
I am pregnant after have a tubal ligation on oct 27th 2011..I just dont understand that! I am pissed about it as me and hubby already have 4 children and didnt want any more. After finding out I learned that many more women than they tell you about get preggo after a tubal I just wished I wouldve know b/c I would have used back up birth control.

Im glad you are alive as that would have been devasting to your other children!  If I dont have a m/c Im hoping that my ins will cover a hysterectemy (spelling) as I dont EVER want to go through this again
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Sorry u had 2 experience such a episode but I'm happier u have survived 2 be there 4 your family in good health best wishes on a smooth recovery
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I'm so sorry 2 hear that but so glad u r ok. I hope u r feeling better soon and I wish u the best
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I'm very sad to report that I am no longer expecting. The IUD caused me to have an ectopic pregnancy, which caused me to begin bleeding internally, and I had to go for emergency surgery to remove it. I am still in the process of recovering, and am devestated that this could have taken my life, and destroyed the lives of my 3 children. I am thankful to be alive today, to share my story, and plan to be an advocate for NOT using the IUD as a method of birth control. Just the research that I have done since finding out I was pregnant-MOST of these things I wasn't even aware of until 5 years after having it? The company obviously didn't do a good job with their research and letting people know what the ACTUAL  risks were to using it. I was told 1 in 1000 women get pregnant a yr on it, then after I became pregnant, the doctor tells me the statitics are different- about 5 in 1000 women will get pregnant each year, and of those 5, 2 will have ectopic pregnancies...I honestly think the risks are higher than either of those numbers, based on all the different blogs and posts I've read over the past week,with other women going through similar symptoms..
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Wow... I had mirena for 2 years and it was the worst thing ever! I gained so much weight.. and thought I was pregnant every month! Which I wasn't... jus hit my 2 yr mark when I started havin serious abdominal pain.. and was rushed to the hosp wit a fever of 104.. turns out I had tons of cysts on both ovaries! Stayed a week in the hosp on an iv to shrink the cysts.. thnx to mirena.. I had it removed the day I left the hosp.. wish I never would've gotten it... BUT I kinda see it as a blessing in disguise.. I already have 3 lil boys... and always wanted a girl... 10 months after getting it removed I found out I was pregnant! And its a girl! I'm now 27 weeks :} good luk to u!
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I plan to embrace every bit of this miracle. I hope that all continues to go well for me and the pregnancy. As you have read, I am already a mother to 3 beautiful children, and this just adds one more precious gift to my life! Today I had my repeat hcg level, and while it didn't double in 48 hrs as it should have, it almost did, which according to the doctor increases my chances to about 70% of it being intra-uterine, but still of course chance of miscarriage. I have to go on Tuesday for repeat bloodwork again, and we are looking at a repeat ultrasound later in the week, once my hcg count reaches a min. of 1500, which will hopefully be Tuesday!
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When a pregnancy happens that is unplanned, it is unfortunate - but also a miracle. The best b/c is to not have sex at all, and I tell everyone the same thing : don't have sex unless you are willing to take care of a child. Just keep in mind that there is a lot of women who can't have kids, and try for years.. so embrace it.
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1839656 tn?1329183801
I got pregnant with the mirena iud after 1 year, guess was I was 7/8 weeks and we removed it 3 days later I lost the baby. I hope your baby stays put and you carry to term. The woman who cuts my hair got pregnant on it 3 years ago and was able to carry her daughter to term with the mirena still in place.
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I would think that it would be more likelihood to become pregnant toward the end of the five years. The mirena releases so much horomone over a five year span. I would think it was possible that by the end the amount could be far too low to prevent pregnancy. I had a mirena for 2 and 1/2 years. I had it removed in June because it was messing with me. I wish you luck. Hopefully everything will go okay for you and the baby.
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