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280369 tn?1316702041

Inducing labor...honest opinions....

I am just about 35 weeks and I get off of bedrest sept. 1st. I am so excited! I am 4cm now and I am hoping once I am off bedrest, things will move along. I am pretty sure the meds I am taking are keeping the contractions away, so maybe once I get off of them, things will start. But ya never know! My son was 2 weeks early and over 8lbs!
My midwife seems to think baby will be ready and big enough by 37 weeks. And if nothing at all has picked up by then, I could pick a day and she said she could strip the membranes and see if anything starts. What are your views on this? If you had the option, and baby was ready, would you try it? With my son I had contractions for 2 days and labor was still sporatic but I was already 5-6cm. To get them more consistent, we did castor oil...and while it did work, within an hour, I hated the effects of it!! So I am NOT going to do that this time around. What are your views on naturally inducing labor when you are so far dilated already? Do you think it's worth a try? My husband thinks I should just wait it out, but after all I have been through with this pregnancy, I am ready to have my baby safe in my arms! (maybe that's selfish, I don't know) I am willing to try it at 37 weeks, not sure if I would before then though. What do you think?
23 Responses
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280369 tn?1316702041
that's what I'm thinking! I started walking like a mad woman at 36 weeks with my son (things started happening) and I had him exactly 2 weeks later. Hopefully I will have the energy! I love walking.
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796506 tn?1370188305
get out and walk til you can't walk. They made me do it with my first son and it totally worked for me!
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280369 tn?1316702041
Thanks everyone! I appreciate the advice! =) Just wanted to add that because I am seeing a midwife, she can't induce me with pitocin or anything (won't be a hospital setting), it would only be natural methods used, such as tea, other natural supplements, castor oil (which I am not doing this time around) and stripping my membranes or breaking my water. IF I decided to do something around 37 or 38 weeks (but for some reason I can't imagine I will even make it that far) then I would opt for stripping the membranes because I know that it doesn't always work if baby isn't ready, so I really have nothing to lose.
I also understand that some babies' lungs aren't always developed by 37 weeks and I know my midwife wouldn't do something to me if she thought the baby would be in danger. It's one of those things, I want to wait to see what happens, but I'm not sure I want to wait past 38 weeks. So we'll see. Right now I am taking pills to stop my contractions, I've had 2 sets of steroid shots, other shots to stop contractions...it would be hilarious if I stop the meds and baby decided to stay in...lol. =) After next week, we'll see if anything changes with dilation and whatnot. If I get to 5cm and things are still sporatic, I may do something to move it along at that point (like I had to do with my son). But I have heard of women being 4cm for weeks (which I have been for about 3 weeks now).
It's probably best to wait....I more than likely won't try anything until closer to 38 weeks if nothing has changed. So we'll see. I'll keep you all posted once I'm active again.
At this point, I'm just dying to get out of this house and do something. haha
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202436 tn?1326474333
I had my membranes stripped at 38 wks 2 days with my oldest son.  I went into later 4 days later...active labor was less than 3 hours.  With my last I was induced on my due date becuase i was miserable...throwing up, not sleeping, bad hip pains, etc.  It was an overall pleasant experience...a TINY part of me wishes I had waited to see how it would happen on its own but i really can't even explain WHY.  My induction went smooth, labor from the start of pitocin to birth was 7.5 hours.  So, I say, if doc is comfortable and you are comfortable, then you do what you need to do :)
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558787 tn?1327785288
Hey hun, its your body and your baby, if you feel its ok to be induced then go for it, i know  that if i could be induced i would jump at it. I know how you feel that you want your baby in your arms safe and sound im the same. As you know i cant wait for next week when i have my stitch out, on the hope i go into labor. Maybe when you get back to normal it might happen. Kelly x
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284738 tn?1283106819
I had Aubree at 37 weeks 3days and she was 6lbs 5 ozs... soo tiny! They induced me.. and with this baby i will not get induced again unless i have too.. it was aweful i was in labor for 4 days!  i think once sept 1st gets here with yo being able to move around again that things will get moving all on their own.. i dont see you making it past 38 weeks!
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710653 tn?1253191019
in my opinion i would probly wait till u come off the meds n c  if nethin does happen but if not i would probly go for it specially if  id had a tough pregnancy. that mite not sound fair to some ppl but thats what i would personally do myself. but what ever u decide goodluck.  oh an if ur midwife is hapy with it then  it should b fine so let me no wot u decide.
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I think i would waite and let baby come when he/she is ready, and don't worry too much about labour this is ur 2nd baby and it should be easier (at least that is what they say)

which ever way you go, wish you best of luck
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376148 tn?1309899577
i read someones comment above and im not going against you or anything but at 36-37 weeks they say that your baby lungs are indeed developed but i dont believe that! I believe that every baby develops at that own rate! One in which a doctor can not say or your baby is ready to ocme out! If your still waiting for your due date to arrive then your not ready which is why they give you that due date!! I guess its just my opinion but you know baby will come when he or she is ready..my daughter was born at 37 weeks becuase docs rushed her out not taking precautions and she wasent breathing when she was born! I just wouldnt want that to happen to anyone..scariest thing i have ever had to expierence!! But like i said its totally your decision...do what you feel is best for yourself and baby!! :) Mamma knows best right!! lol
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280369 tn?1316702041
thanks Joy! I will most likely wait to do anything. I have a feeling baby will come on it's own, but I have to wait and see. I am just hoping that being active again will trigger something. =)
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I didn't read the other comments.

If I were in your position, I would wait. Even at 37 weeks a lot of growth is still going on with baby. I'd let baby come on their own time. I think at 38-39 weeks I would do the membrane stripping.
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280369 tn?1316702041
I know Latrice! I guess I'm just so anxious! The fact that my son was over 8lbs at 38 weeks....is kinda scaring me a bit! My last u/s baby was measuring ahead, but when my midwife measures my belly it's always off now...but I think that's because baby has dropped. My OB thinks baby will be 8 or 9 lbs by 37-38 weeks and my midwife thinks this baby will be smaller. I hate when I get 2 different stories! I feel this baby may be average...so we'll see. I've been told I grow babies quickly...lol. We'll see when baby decides to come out!!  I have been watching baby story and deliver me everyday now...and I get so discouraged by watching them. It seems like more than 75% of them end up having a c-section. I have to turn it off or else I start freaking out!
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906854 tn?1304360960
To be honest from a medical stand point.. at 37weeks your baby is fully developed. Your midwife would never offer you an option if it was going to put you or your baby in danger. My uncle's girlfriend had her baby at 32weeks.. she had to have the steroid shots but after she recieved them, they let her have him. He was perfect..tiny only 4lbs 10oz but perfect did not need a ventilator or anything. he could breath on his own, move, cry, pooh.. everything. He did stay in the RICN for a week but only because he was so early. So it is your choice...everyone says to wait.. cause your baby will come when they want too.. but at the same time your midwife would never do anything to harm you or your baby. either choice is honestly a safe one. Your baby is completely developed at 36 weeks. his/her lungs are working fine.
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I agree with everyone else even though im so ready and want to be induced also.  We just have to hang in there chantal until babies r ready, you can do it:)

Dont feel bad chantal, im ready for baby to come out to, i even asked if i can be induced, ob said NO, we will wait for when the baby is ready unless you are 1 week overdue.  I have a feeling she is going to come after her due date, dr assumes baby is almost 7lbs, as if there is a scale in my belly and reading off baby's weight, she is going off of what she feels lol.  My son was only 6lb 6ounces and went to 40 weeks.  I just dont want to be tryn to push out no 8lb baby lol(think i watched to many deliver me episodes lol)
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280369 tn?1316702041
Thanks girls! It's so hard not to go crazy at times. I guess we will see what happens! Everyone seems to think once I am active again, things may happen quickly. But I am so weak, just standing to brush my teeth is a major task anymore! It's like my muscles have gotten so weak in the last 2 months.

bimbi...I have never heard of rubbing castor oil on your belly, how does that work?
You will have your baby soon enough I'm sure! =) Sorry you are in so much pain!! =(
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644974 tn?1312758070
well im in the same boat as you chantal im 36 wks + and im getting membranes sweeped next tuesday! in so much pain no feeling in my hands due to carpal tunnel and my si joint dysfunction is bad! had a scan baby is already over 7lb! my other boys were over 9lb at 39 wks
but i just read an article that suggests rubbing caster oil into ur belly and laying a warm towel over it apparently this works, im going to try it :) do what u feel is right x
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715930 tn?1338722436
oh and don't feel bad about being impatient!  trust me i totally understand, I am 37 weeks and can't wait to not be pregnant anymore, and I can't even imagine how frustrating bedrest must be!  
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715930 tn?1338722436
I read that article too sweetangel, that even 1/2 week can make the difference between spending time in NICU and being born healthy.  Also, since all pregnancies are different, it's hard to say definitely that this baby will also be big/ready at 38 weeks like your first.  Unless there is a medical reason for you or baby, I would let your body decide.

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280369 tn?1316702041
I know you guys are right, I'm just anxious I guess. With my son, I was in labor, it was just so sporatic for 2 days, that's why we did something to get them consistent, but we only did it because I was 5-6cm. I know it's best to wait. I guess if I start having contractions the way I did with my son, then we will probably do something, but if not, I will wait it out. I also really want my midwife to deliver me, and she is going away the 3rd week in sept. But she is pretty sure I will have the baby before then just going by my previous experience and because I'm already dilated so much. Also, I know there are other methods such as walking and having sex (something I have not done in FOREVER...poor hubby!) that are suppose to help in the process, but would only work if baby is ready to come out. Ultimately, baby will come when ready, I'm just being impatient. Being on bedrest has made it felt like I've been pregnant forever. lol
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435139 tn?1255460391
I agree...let baby come when ready.  I JUST read an article...wish I could remember WHERE, but it was about the new importance of carrying to 40w.  Just like rdh said, every DAY counts...no matter what your midwife says/thinks about it being big/ready etc.

Now, if you go past your due date, I'd recommend an induction...I had one and I'd do it again.  Good luck!
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In my opinion, I would wait and let it happen naturally.  I think that as soon as you are able to get up from bedrest, everything will go very quickly - - remember, this is a second child and they CAN go fast (hopefully that will be the case for you).  Plus, as soon as you start wandering around and taking care of your precious baby boy, your body will react and start getting warmed up.  I bet you have that baby in the next two weeks.....
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229760 tn?1291467870
I know you are anxious, but I agree with Rosa! You should wait as long as your baby says to!!!  Everyday makes a big difference!!!

Your little will be here in no time, I promise!!!!
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376148 tn?1309899577
Well lets see...i would just wait it out! I know how hard it is and no your not being selfish but if your willing to do w.e it takes to keep baby healthy then i would just let nature takes it course! I mean if you go in labour then you do but if you dont i wouldnt try and induce! Let baby cook for as long as possible..if you can wait till your 40 weeks then wait..just my opinion..i know how hard it can be too but if baby wants to stay in them let him/her! Its really alll up to you but your midwife can never really  be positive that the baby is healthy enough to come out! My friend had her baby at 38 weeks and the baby had to be rushed to the janeway because her little lungs were not developed!! Soo thats y i would wait ..lol...but like i said totally up to you girlie!! W.e you think is best for yourself and baby!
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