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Is this a miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, or normal pregnancy?

Hi.  I’m 28 and wondering if I’m having a miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, or normal pregnancy.  The following is a timeline of things that have been going on.

April 15th:  First day of my last period.

May 17th:  I begin lightly bleeding brown blood and tissue.  The brown bleeding continues, without pain, for 8 days and then turns red on May 24th.  

May 22:  I test positive for pregnancy and continue to bleed brown with tissue.

May 23:  I see a doctor because of the bleeding, and she tells me it’s a miscarriage.  I take a blood test and my hcg level is 967.

May 24:  I get a vaginal ultrasound.  The doctor finds nothing in my uterus and tells me I have had a complete miscarriage and that I was probably 2-3 weeks pregnant.  Later that day, I start bleeding a moderate amount of bright red blood along with clots and some tissue that looks like nothing I’ve seen before (like gum when it’s stretched out).  

May 25:  I get another blood test.  That night, I have moderate cramps and lower back pain.  

May 26:  Today, the cramps and back pain are gone.  However, I continue to bleed bright red blood.  The bleeding is light to moderate, and there is no tissue.  I also have sharp shooting pains in my vagina and pelvic area.  The pain is worse when standing, walking, and right when I sit down.  When I sit down, it feels like knives are going up my vagina.  The pain is moderate.  The doctor called and said the results of yesterday’s blood test are positive for pregnancy, and that my hcg levels are higher than they were at my first test.  She said the fetus (or whatever) is still viable, and that I’m probably only 1-2 weeks pregnant (and that’s why they couldn’t see anything at the ultrasound).  However, she’s worried about an ectopic pregnancy and said to come in for a blood test in a few days.  She keeps saying that this isn’t a normal pregnancy, and that I’m either miscarrying or having an ectopic pregnancy.


1.  Why does the doctor insist that this isn’t a normal pregnancy, if the ultrasound was too early to find a baby and my hcg levels increased?  Is it because I’m bleeding?

2.  Is it possible to bleed a light to moderate amount of brown and then red blood with tissue for 10+ days and still have a normal pregnancy?

3.  Are moderate sharp shooting pains normal during miscarriage?  Ectopic pregnancy?  Normal pregnancy?

4.  If I had a complete miscarriage (as diagnosed on 5/24), then why did I continue to bleed tissue after the ultrasound and still continue to bleed today?

I need answers!!!  The wait is killing me.  Thank you so much for your help.
29 Responses
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Hello this is the first time I have posted anything on one of these sites. Here is my story, last year I became pregnant with an etpoic that ruptured and had one tube removed. I am now pregnant again about 8 weeks and once again they were unable to see the baby. I began to bleed and clot on the 25th of this month and went to the st where I was told I had a miscarriage but something just didn't fell right so I took a home pregnancy test that was  positive so I returned to the doctor and was told I was still pregnant with a threatened miscarriage and that my levels had went from 45 to 30 and back up to 65 with no signs of an etpoic, this is a horrible experience an  do not want yo go through with

another rupture scared with no answers what could it be???? Please if anyone has any feed back.
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I found out i was about 5 weeks thursday. I had some spotting but it got heavier. Its worrying me like crazyyy! I have cramps like im about start my period kinda deal. But no cloting. The first time i went to the e.r. my hcg level was low it was 72 went thursday and its now 1900 can anyone help me? Havin a nervous breakdown!
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I have been experiencing irregular periods for the last 3 months or so and i am on the pill, this month i cam on 3 days late bled enough to wipe (ive had cuts that have bled more) and then nothing through out the rest of the day, friday i bled a little then nothing again all night and nothing all day saturday or sunday and then sunday evening i felt like i was going to wet myself and went to the toilet and had 2 little clots and it was dark redy brown and gooey and i havent bled since. I am currently getting lower back pains and stomch cramps and i am really worried. I have phoned the nhs line and they said i should see a gp asap but didnt give me any clue as to what it could be. Everyone keeps saying i could be experiencing a misscarraige or its impatation.
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Im havin tht same problem cuz I had iud and I got pregnant and they couldn't find the bby and my hcg level keep goin higher so does it mean im still havin a ectopic pregnancy
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can someone please help me ! i missed my period . had sex last saturday an it still havent came on. i starte cramping in my lower stomach today, light red bleeing, and a little blood clots. What does this mean?
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Im so sorry just read your post properly and youre 12 weeks or more. Well, does that rule out ectopic Pregnancy? Wouldnt the tube have ruptured by 12....
A misscarriage is all I can think of hun I really do hope youre okay! X
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I havent experienced what youre experiencing but sounds like a misscarriage? Im sorry thats my best guess seeing as U\s shows empty sac right? Because you could still have positive Pregnancy test, seeing as hormones are still in your body at that point, i could be wrong but i hope everything's okay with you! Could also be your baby is growing inside your tube instead which is why doc cant see baby in uterus? There could also be many other reasons, mind you, im only stating what Ive researched recently so im sorry if this has upset you im sure your doc will help you and your bf. I hope and pray all you ever wanted happens.
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Hi, I'm 22 with 2 kids. Youngest is just turned 1. Ive been late for my Ps for 2 months. Ive taken 4 HPTs, first two were two weeks after missed period, third on the third week and latest was two days ago at the Docs. All NEGATIVE! ALSO, had a pelvic ultrasound same day as last PT and Nurse told me I have an empty uterus with blood build up. Im confused! I took a blood test straight after my U\S and am booked in to see a Gygno on the 6\1\13 which is two weeks from now. Im freaking out because I feel pregnant. Breasts are definitely tender, sensitive, nipple area darker. I am bloated to the point if I drink two glasses of liquid im instantly bloated (which is exactly the feeling Ive had with my two previous Pregnancies) Not to mention mood swings have been up and down ever since my missed period. Blue veins on breast and arms are more visible! Btw last period was end of nov. Doc says Im definitely not pregnant! I feel 'different' and I dont understand what is going on I havent ever missed a period before and now Im two months late with neg pt and u\s results. Hoping my blood tests show what is happening, im scared i am pregnant and the fetus has grown inside tube or that Ive misscarried without realizing? Ive had brownish discharge a week after missed period for two days then on second week of missed period it was clear to yellow discharge with itching and an odor which worries me. Now Im getting clear discharge with slight abdominal cramping and on my back, my gums are even bleeding. Im so confused my body is going through the symptoms of early Pregnancy but so far tests are saying neg. Is it possible my blood tests will detect Pregnancy with an empty uterus or could it be the doc couldnt see fetus coz too early????????? I need answers, this stress isnt helping at all. Anyone experienced anything similar please let me know. Thank you.

Doc referred me to Gyno before having blood taken. 'Gyno' spoke to me for five mins and mentioned i could possibly have thyroid\fibroid??? Not sure she rushed me to the pathologist so quick. Lol. Ahhhh
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hi can some one please help me. am 24 and my first pregnancy i am 12 weeks but started spotting two days ago, i started with pain during the night so i went the doctors who then sent me hospital. to be told thery cant do anything till monday, so me and my bf paid for a private scan to make sure, she told me nothing was there i was heart broken. we rang the womens hospital and asked if they had done a pregnancy test, which we hadnt so they said take a other test if positive to go see them, we done a test which was positive but then the hospital nurse was confused, so i have wait till monday to see what is happening but has any one ever experienced this? very confused as to have had an scan and only the sack to show but have a positive test as well need advice thanks emma x x
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4043310 tn?1355912647
God it sounds like an ectopic pregnancy thtz why they cant see anything, and sharp paina r common in both ectopic and miscarriages
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Hi I'm in a little bit of the same situation. I've been spotting since the first of this month. Nothing to fill up a pad. The only pain I had was lower back pain. I didn't start passing clots until two nights ago but I don't have no tissue coming with it my hcg levels are dropping an the doctors don't know if I'm miscarring, it's in my tube or it's going to be normal at the end. I was put on bed rest ontil further notice of what's going on. I been in the hospital twice, an the first time they told me I had a spontaneous miscarriage, I go see my dr the next day he ran test an said I didn't, I go back to the hospital they tell me they not sure I could have had a miscarry but not sure so I'm back in forth now getting blood working wondering what's going to happen next. So good luck hope everything works out for you. I know the frustration. I'm going threw it to.
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I have an issue, I had a Miscarraige on Sept. 21/12 and then I went 4 weeks and had a period now I took three home pregnancy tests and all were positive. I went to the doctor yesterday and the doctor told me that I am probably not pregnant it might be the HCG levels from the last pregnancy. What doesn't make sense to me is that I had one period and now I don't have a my period and I am never late with my period, it is always on time and when I got my period last month I thought for sure everything was back to normal. Has anyone experienced anything like this before? Oh and now I have to wait over a week to find out if i'm pregnant.
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3763041 tn?1354906251
Head to the doc, this would mean that you are 12Weeks or so already and they should be able to see the baby and heart beat, at this point you should be monitored if miscarrying, but you very much so could still be pregnant and having problems with the placenta. Keep us posted on your outcome. Good luck
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I took a pregnancy test yesterday because im two months late on my period it was positive but today i started spotting dark red blood and a one lil gush of dark red blood no tissue came out im cramping a little and my breast is still tender. I have had three kids previuos with no bleeding what could be going on could i still be pregnat
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Hi,wat were ur results after going bk to da doc?I'm having similar pains n cramps.I also had 1 episode were der was a stringy almost tissue like discharge in da red ,sumtyms dark red blood.my first test sed preg 1 to 2weeks.da next day I tuk a midstream home test and it was neg.my partner says dat e dsnt trust dose test and we are gona get the clear blue test agn and see wat the outcum is.
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Hi, i am looking up certain, things my key words bein, Bright red blood, tissue passing and prolonged, worsening cramps. about five months ago i had a mirena IUD placed, my doctor said that eventually my period would lesson and quite possibly cease all together, i have not quit bleeding more then one to two days since then, i dont know whats my period or if im just bleeding from the mirena placement still. my periods before the IUD were irregular going between eachother about four months in time,never experiencing cramping...i have had one miscarriage,but believe it was early on enough that i didnt experience the full effect. i do have two children and aborted my last pregnancy, please dont judge. the last week and a half ive been noticing bright red blood, tissue and have cramping that is only getting stronger. lasting the entire day. if anyone out there has experienced this please share with me what, your diagnoses or opinions may be. Thank you.
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3123171 tn?1342171042
hi everyone i had a period on the 26 june but found out  on the 10th july i was pregnant i have had a little bleed but no pain my hcg levels are 1250  i had a scan but they could not find baby dose that mean i have misscarried please he;p
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1614914 tn?1325560559
How far along were you when you had your ectopic? I had one when I was 18 and what I'm going through now seems extremely similiar. With my first ectopic it was misdiagnosed as an irregular period I was almost 4 months along before I had a positive pregnancy test. As of right now I'm guessing I'm somewhere between 2 and 3 weeks along, ultra sound showed nothing. My tubes are even tied however, for the first time in 6 yrs my obgyn was worried about a pregnancy test being positive. I do have a cyst on the left ovary which it all happend the same way 10 yrs ago with the first ectopic pregnancy...I hate waiting to see whats going to happen, do you have any suggestions?
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hi..i actually have very similar condition as yours. i had one blood test done after i missed my period end of last month but i was spotting. test came out positive and i was told that i am pregnant four weeks but due to the spotting i was asked to do another blood test a week apart and given progesterone to help reduce spotting. done blood test a week after results shown my oestrogen is drop but hcg still increasing. was told it is not an ongoing pregnancy. stopped progestrone supplement. had bleeding straightaway the next day. more bloods and cramp that normal. having blood test tomorrow. hopefully everything ok. hcg back to zero. otherwise a scan need to be done.
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2109562 tn?1347253848
I was also going to mention the twin thing.
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1181036 tn?1367368640
As far as bleeding, light to moderate bleeding is normal in pregnancy but not for an extended period of time like you and it shouldn't be enough to fill pads or anything. With my son I had like a blood cyst thing in my uterus that caused me to bleed bright red blood occasionally and once it was actually like   a huge gush...but yeah your bleeding definitely is not normal.
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1181036 tn?1367368640
Usually there is a lot of pain and/or cramping associated with ectopic pregnancy, so it's unusual that you haven't felt much pain besides the stabbing vaginal ones. I definitely think you need to go in SOON to get another ultrasound and blood test. Best of luck
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2095738 tn?1339825243
Wait..if dates switched could u have gotten pregnant again through all this? My brain is fried from dates so maybe someone else can check that..if when u miscarried it was 2-3 wks but more recently you're being told they're higher and only 1-2wks?
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2095738 tn?1339825243
The twin thing is exactlty popped in my mind too. May be why doc is scratching her head at this as well and just didn't think of it.
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