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pregnant-questions about cystic hygroma

Hi I am 19 almost 20 years old and about a month and a half ago I found out that I am pregnant for the first time. Then a few days ago an ultrasound confirmed that I was pregnant with identical twins and that i am about 11 weeks along. Unfortunantly, on one of the babies (BABY B) they found an abnormal mass on the back of its neck and head. The other baby is perfectly fine and absolutly normal. The doctor wont make an actual diagnosis until i meet with a specialist. But she did say that it could and most likely be cystic hygroma. I have reasearched it on the internet and found alot of scary things about it. Now I am absolutly terrified about what is going to happen to one of my babies. Does anyone know any good things about cystic hygroma?? Am I going to have terminate that baby?, and if so will i have to terminate both or could the healthy one still survive? They share the same placenta but are in different sacs. My husband and I are so scared please any help will be greatly appriated.
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I have some info on the cystic thing. Many women had had baby with that and had there babys then was removed. Sometimes some of them have developed Turner Syndrome. SO I will pray for and u do not have to terminate your baby!!!
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It really depends on what mass it is. Sometimes they might have to go in while the baby is still in u and do the surgery in order to save the baby. There is one called cervical teratoma look it up on the internet. When you look up cystic hydroma look under yahoo and look under ( cystic hydroma on neck of fetus )hope this helps!!
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thank you very much!!
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Hi Momma2b,

I am 33 years old and I became pregnant on my 3rd IVF transfer.  My husband and I were so thrill to find out that we were expecting indentical twins.  On my 10th week of pregnancy my doctor saw a cystic hygroma on the back of one of the babies kneck.  My doctor told us that seing in that in the fetus that she didn't think that the baby would live longer and if the fetus with the cystic hygroma died that the other one would also because they were also both sharing one placenta but were in their own amniotic sac.  Well, I kept having weekly u/s to see how the cystic hygroma was, if it was growing, and also if the fetus was still alive.  We prayed and prayed and talked to God and told him that if he knew that the babies were going to be sick and suffer in this world for him to please take them because me and DH could not make the choice of terminating the pregnancy, after trying for so long.  Baby A didn't show anything that made the doctors think that she had Turners, but baby B the cystic hygroma kept growing.  At 17 weeks I had an amnio done and the results came back that I was carrying Girls and that only one had Turner Syndromes and the other one was normal.  The doctors than told us that after following up with my pregnancy that they saw that they babies were also in no risk of also having Twin twin transfusion syndrome, thats something else that you have worry about when carrying twins. The doctors had given us some hope that they said that if baby B were to pass away that baby A would live, that just when I had the baby that the other baby would just be attached to the placenta.  Well, after accepting what God had gave us, we were so happy and exciting about starting to fix the girls room, we were picking everything, the color, what to put in the room and everything.  My husband would talk to the babies everyday and would give them each one of them two kisses.  He was so excited knowing that he was going to become a daddy and we would just lay in bed and just start picturing our girls coming into our room and just laying in bed with us and just hugging us and kissing us.  Me and my husband had picked the names that they would have.. (well actually he did and I just liked the names he chose) their names were going to be: Kaylah & Kahmeel.   Well, on Dec. 1, I went in for my regular u/s, I was 23rd weeks pregnant and they saw that both my babies were dead.  They both didn't have a heart beat.  My heart was crushed, I couldn't beleive that all the appointments and test that were done to me and the babies, that the doctors didn't really have a reason why my babies died.  I knew that there was going to be a chance of the sick baby dying, but not the other one.  All my doctors told us was that maybe when the sick baby died that they other one wasn't strong enough and she died also.  This has being the hardest thing I have ever gone through in my entire life.  My husband is coping with it a little bit better than me.  He keeps telling me to be strong and that God had a reason why he took our girls from us.  They took my babies out last friday Dec. 9th.  They put me to sleep and they said that the process took about 3o minutes, when I walk up my babies were not in me anymore.  Right now, me and my husband are going to take a break for a little bit, and maybe we can decide later if we would like to try again on starting a family.  I hope and pray to God that your two beautiful babies make it through full term and you get to hold your babies in your arms and take care of them.  At first when I found out about turner syndromes I was so scared because I read what kind of symptoms my babie could have, but after seing how calm my husband was and how he never talked about what our daughter had and how she might live her life, all he did was love our babies, kiss them everynight and talked to them, I realize that what ever God was going to give us that we were ready for it.  But, right now our girls are up in heaven, they are two beautiful angels that God needed.  If you really want your babies, be strong and always have faith in God.  Love your babies and talked to them and let them know how much you love them.  God Bless you and your two beautiful babies.
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Hi I also forgot to tell you that since the babies are sharing one placenta that there is no way the doctors can go in and just take the sick baby out, they would be able to do it only if both babies were in their own placenta.  I know this is a very scary moment because I lived it.  Just know that if you are caring girls that the baby may end up having turner syndrome.  I found a few websites regarding Turners and it was very informative.  A lot of girls that have Turners do not show it at all, but some due, they may have a webbed Kneck (thick kneck) and be very short in height, they may grow to be 4'9, but they can take hormone shots so they can grow a few more inches.  They can be infertile, may have heart problems, kidney problems.  I first cried when I read all of this, but just seing my girls growing in me, and seing how much they were just dancing inside my belly and just twirling around, just made me love them and want them more. They were two little lifes that were put in me to take care off.  They didn't know what was going on with them... they were just enjoying each other, I saw that they were playing with each other.  I thank God that he let me be a mother to my beautiful girls for the 23 wks they lived in me, me and my husband would've loved it if it would've being for a life time, but we know that God had his reasons why he took our girls.  Please let me know if you want the sites I found regarding turners.  May God Bless you and your two little miracles.
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I recently found out that my baby has a cystic hygroma.  Unfortunately everything I've read has been bad news.  The doctors told me that my chances of even delivering the child if I continued the pregnancy was very slim, and that if I did deliver the child that there was a zero chance of the child being born without a major defect or chomosonal disorder.  My chances for miscarriage and stillbirth were very high, and the main reason they gave for that was because the hygroma puts so much pressure on the baby that it eventually puts a major strain on the baby's heartbeat, etc.  I wish I had better news for you.  It was very hard for me to hear.  I just found out last week and sat there hysterical crying and in complete shock.  My faith is what gets me through this situation.  Whatever you decide to do my thoughts and prayers are with you.
Good Luck,
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I am 13 weeks pregnant with identical twins. two weeks ago we went for a 3-D ultrasound (for a different reason altogether, i had radioactive idione thryoid treatment 6 months before becoming pregnant) and there was fluid beneath the scalp and neck in baby B (baby A seems to be okay so far) they thought it was the twin to twin connection. but today we went back again and now the perinatalist is saying that its Cystic Hygroma. I am having the amnio done on thursday per his recommendation. I read all of youre guys post and couldnt beleive that other people are going through this too. Is there any chance of a good outcome? The twins share the same placenta but different sacs. I dont know anything about this and would like to know alot more. What can happen? if both babies live, what would the outcome be for Baby B? (i.e. what kind of problems could he have?) When i look this up they keep mentioning Turner's disease..what is that? My husband and i have so many questions and we just have to keep waiting for the answers, its getting really hard. How often do you have to get the ultrasounds? The first time we went Baby B's heartrate was 170 which is high, now its lowered to 150..did this happen to anyone else? i would appreciate any answers that i can get, i keep thinking of more and more everytime i leave the drs office.
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ps i wish i had answers for you too but i dont have any at all. I am waiting for my regular ob to call me back and maybe he can explain things better to me and i can share what he says with you. Have you seen a perinatalist yet? thats where we go now for the ultrasounds and who will be doing the amnio. I know what you and your husband are going through..its really hard but we keep trying to think positive.I hope that you get some anwers soon..i know i feel like the waiting is never ending right now, that i just want to know something, anything at all. We are scared about the amnio too cause this early theres a higher risk for miscarraige and then with twins, the risks is even greater.I dont know, i wish i had some advice to give you but since we are going through the same thing, its hard to give. I hope that everything turns out okay for you.
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I wish I could tell you that the babies are going to be ok, but only God knows if your babies are going to make it through this.  I know you must have 101 questions about whats going on with baby B.  I know that if the baby ends up having Turner syndrome that that means that you are carrying girls, because only girls get Turner's.  With the amnio they will see if both babies have it or only baby B, and than they will know what stage of Turner's the baby will have.  I had my amnio done at 17wks and my baby was missing all of the X's on the pairs, so she would've had Full blown Turners. Me and my husband were ok with that because to us our baby was still perfect.  If you decide to keep going with your pregnancy, there is a high risk that the baby or babies may die in you, or just the one with the cystic hygroma.  My doctors had told us that if the baby with the turners were to die that the other baby was going to be able to make it, but they were wrong.  You can see a million doctors but only GOD knows if your babies are suppose to come into this world or just go and be guardian angels.  My babies died at 23wks, I keep constantly saying why didn't I tell them to do this, how come they didn't tell me this.. just a lot of why's... I kept saying to myself, why didn't my babies make it to the 24wks and like that they would've being able to save my other baby.  But I have read stories that when babies are born that premature that they may suffer and end up dying or being born with a lot of problems when they grow up.  God must have known that thats what it would've happend to baby A thats why he took both my girls.  I started going to weekly ultrasounds from week 19 of my pregnancy.. I remember that the first thing I would always tell the tech. was to show me the babies hearts because I wanted to know if they were still alive... I would be in peace everytime I saw their little hearts flickering in the monitor.  I know that sometimes the cystic hygromas just disappear.  I hope I was able to answer a couple of your questions... if you have any other questions please let me know..  You and your babies are in my thoughts..

Mom to two beautiful angels - Kaylah & Kahmeel..
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Just to clarify to the origional poster: A CH does not mean Turner's Syndrome. There are many reasons why your baby could have this issue and I'm sure your doctor(s) will suggest tests such as amnios to figure out why. If you want to read more about TS because it was brought up here, there is a decent "non-medical" explaination on this site: http://www.turnerspregnancy.com/During%20Pg.htm. However, don't assume TS because honestly there are many reasons why a fetus might have a CH.

To the TS identical twin pregnancy folk: I'm amazed to see at least two or more people who went through the same scarey situation I am currently dealing with Turners in identical twins. I am in week 22 and an ultrasound yesterday confirmed they are both still alive so far. My next ultrasound is Tuesday and I'm petrified.
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Hi I am sorry that you are going through this tough time.. you must be having a hard time trying to enjoy your pregnancy and dealing with this situation.  Do both girls have turners? do they/she have a CH on her neck?  What stage of Turner's does the baby have?  What are the doctors telling you.
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Heya silvee7161!

Only one of my girls has Turner's. She has CH, Hydrops and acities (spelling?) all diagnosed as "serious" in the 1st trimester. We were told she might live about 2-3 weeks. However we had some good news yesterday at an ultrasound that indicates (for the second time) that those symptoms are almost definitly resolving by themselves. The doctor's are now saying we *might* be raising twins after all and everyone.... doctors, genetics experts, our family... we are all in shock.

When this started, I found a discussion group for TS pregnancies here if you are interested: http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/TS-Pregnancy/

Most of my what has been happening to us is there. Also, there are a bunch of supportive folks with information and stories of their own. Everyone is different but I find talking with people who went through or are going through similar situations has helped.

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I am so happy to hear your good news..Congratulations!  Thanks for the group, I will check it out and see who I meet.  
God bless you and your two beautiful babies..
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Momma2be- I am sorry about your news. I really can't offer any good words on Hygromas except that I have heard from others that they can go away. If that happens, the survival rate increases; however, it does not mean that your baby still may not have something wrong with it.What are your next steps? Are you going to have an amnio or any other testing?

My name is Amy. I am 15 weeks pregnant with mine and my DH's first. I went in for my first u/s at 13 weeks pg, only to verify how far along I was. My pregnancy had been going great so far. Well, they found a cystic hygroma and sent me to some perinatologists. To make a long story short, I had a CVS and our baby girl has been diagnosed with Turners Syndrome. I am continuing my pregnancy as long as God will allow and pray that his will be done. But, I really hope he intends to heal her. I know she will of course have Turners Syndrome but, I really hope her hygroma will go away. They also noticed some issues with her heart and lungs but, since she was so underdeveloped and small, they can't tell us exactly what was wrong, only that they did not look normal.

Silvee- I am so sorry about your experience with your 2 baby girls. I can't imagine how hard that would be to go through all that to get pg and lose them :( So sorry.
Patrice- I'll be praying for you to have peace with the news of your little one. Are you going to be having any testing done?

Adele- I am also sorry to hear about your baby. The first time I heard my baby's heartbeat, it was 174.. the next time was a week later, it was around 165. The next time was when i went in for my level II u/s, the next day and it was 189 :O. Yesterday, I had a follow up visit (been 2 weeks since I last heard the heartbeat) it was 155. So, it can vary.. I don't think it necessarily means anything is wrong.. maybe the baby was just getting through a hard summersault workout :)

Dee- What wonderful news you have recieved! I pray that both your girls will make it ok!
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I'm 29 years old,15 weeks pregnant with my second baby which was diagnosed with cystic hygroma at 12 weeks.I asked for second opinion and it was confirming.I underwent amniocentesis just yesterday.Official ultrasound report says-bilateral al nuchal cystic hygroma septated with thickened nuchal folds.I'm devastated and so is my husband and have no hope.Termination is the last thihg I consider but sometimes think it's really best thing for this poor little baby.I belive in God but in this situation I doubt that He is Good,Loving Father.I pray for this baby but not sure what should I actually pray for?Happy and healthy life(that's what all parents want for their children) or....death?Miracles happen for those who belive in them and I already had one in my life(I realized that few days ago).
P.S.I'm sorry for my english.I came to US 6 years ago and still studying.I'm aware that I make a lot of mistakes.I could not find support groups or even valuable info about CH in polish.
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I'm so sorry for what you all are going through.  But my first child was also diagnosed with a CH at 11 weeks gestation.  We did all the testing, her chromosomes were normal ... and she was born full term with no traces of the CH left!  Now she's 10 years old, and is healthy.  I've contacted others who also had a child with a CH that disappeared prior to birth.  It doesn't always happen BUT IT CAN.  I hope this gives you some hope.

On a strange note, my daughter was also a twin pregnancy.  The other baby never grew, the sac was there, but no baby at 11 weeks.

Please have hope.
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Belive it or not-cystic hygroma is gone!!!!!Amnio results are OK and it's a girl!!!!I'm the happiest person on the Earth!!!!Miracles happen!!!!
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Ela- That's amazing! Thanks for the update!!! What a miracle!

I am going in for another ultrasound today. I too hope that the cystic hygroma is gone. I am now 18 weeks pregnant, with a Turners girl. I have started feeling her move in the last couple weeks which has been so reassuring.

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Ela_W - I am very happy to hear about your daughter.  Miracles due happen, you just gotta faith and God will bless you.  Hoping for a healthy & safe Labor.. Congratulations!!

Amy - I hope you receive good news on your Ultra sound.  

God Bless you and your unborns.
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I have a 16 yr old son who was born with cystic hygroma of the neck area. He's had many surgeries but lives a very normal life. He has normal intelligence. He's just like any other teenage kid his age. We love him dearly. Here's a great site for you all to visit: http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/lmsupport/  There are other parents of children with cystic hygroma (LM or Lymphatic Malformation as it is commonly called). There are photos, advice, and stories to read. May God bless you all! Michelle
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A great place to find info on Cystic hygroma (Lymphatic Malformation)  http://groups.yahoo.com/group/lmsupport
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Last week my husband and I went in for my appointment and found out that I was 13 weeks pregnant.  We were so excited to see our first baby on the ultrasound.  Then our doctor said he wanted to send us to the hospital because he saw a bubble and he was hoping it was on the placenta.  After having another ultrasound he came over to the hospital and told us that our baby's head didn't fuse shut and the bubble that we saw was our baby's brain that came out.  That was the worst moment I think I have ever had because he said there is no chance of survival for our baby even though it seems healthy now it wont live for more than a few moments if I even make it to term.  We have had 4 different ultrasounds and they all show it.  Every doctor I have talked to tells me to be on 4 mg of folic acid on any other pregnancy's that I have after this one.  They said that folic acid will help fuse the baby together.  Has anyone else heard that?  My heart goes out to all of you who are going through this too because this is supposed to be a happy time not a time of not nowing what is best for your baby cause there is nothing you can do.
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Last week my husband and I went in for my appointment and found out that I was 13 weeks pregnant.  We were so excited to see our first baby on the ultrasound.  Then our doctor said he wanted to send us to the hospital because he saw a bubble and he was hoping it was on the placenta.  After having another ultrasound he came over to the hospital and told us that our baby's head didn't fuse shut and the bubble that we saw was our baby's brain that came out.  That was the worst moment I think I have ever had because he said there is no chance of survival for our baby even though it seems healthy now it wont live for more than a few moments if I even make it to term.  We have had 4 different ultrasounds and they all show it.  Every doctor I have talked to tells me to be on 4 mg of folic acid on any other pregnancy's that I have after this one.  They said that folic acid will help fuse the baby together.  Has anyone else heard that?  My heart goes out to all of you who are going through this too because this is supposed to be a happy time not a time of not nowing what is best for your baby cause there is nothing you can do.
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Hey everyone I gave birth 2 my daughter on Nov 12th 2005 at 5mos 1wk she was 13ounces and 8 1/2 inches she was my first and only child she suffered from Turners Syndrome,Cystic Hygromah,Ascities. I found out at 13 wks but decided to continue the pregnancy anyway with the hope that they were wrong unfortunately I lost that battle but I wouldnt change it for the world. I was strong in the begining but I came to my breaking point when I couldnt go another day not knowing if she was alive or dead inside of me so I got on my knees on Nov 10th and prayed to GOD to take her now if she wasnt going to make it because my sanity was at stake and that night I dreamed and I could see my daughters face and I held her while sitting in a park on a spring afternoon and she was beautiful and when I woke up on Nov 11th I knew she was gone but I was ok of course I cried and was upset but I was at peace on the inside I knew I tried my best and gave my all so I went to my ultrasound appt that day where they confirmed what I already knew and I was induced and had her at 2:58am Nov 12th I got to hold her kiss her tell her i love her and I remember it clearly 2 this day and she will always be remembered and loved and today at 3 months exactly I wake every morning sure I did the right thing in not terminating because if I had I would have always wondered what if, but know I know for sure what the outcome would have been, I chose to have her cremated and her ashes lay in a white wooden box with a brown teddy bear carved into it in my room as close to me as possible and the nurse took pictures of her and gave me a memory box with all of her id bracelets (never used) and my id bracelet (never used) and her hat that she wore and a outfit donated by a charity to babies stillborn. I said all that to say make the right choice for yourself I refused to let any doctor and his statistics make my choice for me have faith in your child but most of all believe and have faith in GOD that he may help you choose the path and the direction for you, he is never wrong NEVER... I wish everyone the best and I pray that your outcome was better then mine but I am comfortable and at peace with my outcome in the begining it felt like I couldnt breathe and my heart was so heavy but I understand now that she was to perfect for this world and she will never have to endure pain or suffering she is were she belongs HEAVEN...

If your outcome isnt the one that I know everyone wishes for a word of advice if you can if possible hold your child it's the best experience and it's one you will regret not doing, it doesnt have to be immediately but please hold your child look at his/her face for your own personal memory nobody can take that from you Please hold your child...

Trinity Breyelle Smith
June 2005-Nov 12 2005
Your Mommy loved and loves you still I thank you for the little bit of time I was blessed with I enjoyed and cherished every second and im so glad I took every opportunity possible to tell you I love you while your heart was still beating and even now 3 months later every chance I get I look to the heavens and remind you my heart will always beat for the both of us until we meet again sweet angel, you will always be the love of my life...
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