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Constant phlegm in throat

For about a year now, it feels like I have phlegm/mucus stuck in my throat and can't completely clear my throat. Also when I cough, its a lil wet and there is phlegm.

When I started to have the problem, I went to the doc and he said it just may be sinuses and sent me on my way... but never went away.

I went to the doc while I was in Basic Training in SC... then went to GA for 4 months... back to FL for a few months (where i use to live) and now I am in NC.... never went away so I don't think it has anything to do with sinuses...?
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I would like to know how your situation turned out. I have been having the same problem for more than 5 years. In fact, coughing constantly at work made it seem like I had some horrible disease and I am sure it caused me to lose the job.

It seems doctors can't do anything for you unless you are really at the point of dying. Go figure!

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I think you are on to something i have what feels like a soft marble in the back my throut that makes it hard to swallow sometimes. the doc said its all in my head  and i just ate 2 pickles that seem to helped the swallowing im not having any trouble right now and breating feels alot easier then 10 minutes ago (i am 16 used to smoke weed but recently stopped cause of chest pains that the doc said was acid reflux) so any one else with same marble feeling try eating a pickle or 2 and see if that helps and we can really say madplows on to something
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10373317 tn?1409670494

I'm not exactly sure on the time, I think I had some light coughs around age 20, 21 and that was a side effect of my Blood Pressure medication.

I was able to link it almost completely to the foods I ate. Now think about this for a minute. It was around that time in my life when GMO's started becoming all our produce. And I'm sorry to say even though the studies done showed it cause tumors or cancer inside mice at alarming numbers, they still went along with it. Eat a store bought tomato then eat a homegrown natural organic tomato it will blow your mind (if you didn't like tomatoes before you will then), same goes for all other produce. And Its not just the taste, its the color, texture, smell. Its almost so fake its recycled paper transformed I mean come on people. But Ill be honest and say they don't give me this phlegm issue they are just are horrible product made by a company that contracted with the military who also created "Agent Orange" that was used in Vietnam to kill just about everything and continues to do so today. I want real food not fake food D&Mnt. (interesting fact: my dad had a military PT outfit, one i was young i took a look at the tag and it said 99% Cotton 1% Agent Orange) what that's all about i wouldn't know but logic tells me is they probably did that thinking it would get the soldiers acclimated to a chemical they may or may not be exposed to hoping to lesson chances of visual exposure. Any way moving right along.......

When I ingest something that has ARTIFICIAL SWEETENERS OR CORN SYRUP and products containing PRESERVATIVES found in almost anything some more than others, I'm not sure If the BPA from canned goods cause me phlegm issues because i try to buy fresh. It can be expensive but its almost like buying your medicine at the same time. The worst reaction or attacks tend to come from FAST FOOD and microwavable meals. By experience I don't feel it so much the microwave as it is all the extra preservatives those meals get dosed with.

(FUN FACT: Do you know what they use to keep shredded cheese from sticking together? WOOD PULP)

If you haven't tried this on your road to helping your situation, give it a shot. I feel so much better when I make a meal from scratch or at least cook a meal my self using only canned or fresh items. I like to make BASIL Pesto Pasta because it tastes so good its also healthy for you as well. Basil has many benefits especially for the hear and lungs.

I've don things like cut salt or sugar out of my diet completely only to have headaches or feeling weak from eating only vegies without meat. So I'll make a good Beef Stew or something like that well seasoned every once in a while to maintain balance. Because believe it or not your body need salt, iodine, sugars, fats, proteins, etc. The trick is balance and moderation.

I find taking a stomach ACID REDUCER at night before bed or when other wise needed, also making sure I don't over eat or go without eating I wont have phlegm issues, throat clearing, etc.

What I do at home is simply use a special ALLERGENIC AIR FILTER for my central air, they cost more but they work much better and your prolonging the life of your A/C.

When I'm having issues that are worse or "an episode"  I spend that excruciating 30-60 minutes of excessive fluid, phlegm, choking doing what I can to get all I can out even if it triggers a gag reflux and have to throw up even all that seeps inside my nose. I know It just comes right back but I'll do it until I fill its isn't so heavy and when i can safely keep something down. I do this because I then take an ANTI-ACID (the calcium chews) with constant sips of water until I go through about 20ounces minimum then......comes.... the


For me the work to cut through the phlegm the same way a menthol cough drop cuts though a cough. Not sure why but they are just soft enough to go down easy, while just hard enough to agitate any build up of phlegm and the brine liquid that's full of electrolytes seem to break it down further. I and instantly feel better but a cure.

I would recommend having regular checkups with your doctor including urinalysis and blood work. Which is usually basic tests to check your health, this would include things like liver function, kidney function, white cell count, etc. But if your sexually active you should probably have them test for that to but its not automatically done when you go for lab work, you have to tell them you want those tests done too. This way they pull enough samples, to run everything. Some illnesses including STD's will stay dormant only to show on a later test, that's why its important to have tests done regularly.

There are other things that can cause this issue, off the top of my head I would say a suspect would be yeast infection. Ill mention a little about that then Ill let you go cause this is getting long. CANDIDA is a bacteria or a "yeast" that naturally lives inside you, it has its benefits but sometimes it can get out of control leaking into your blood stream and cause problems. It thrives on the sugar you eat and If I'm not mistaken i think it is what causes you to be flatulent. And when you die it is what decomposes you from the inside out. I know this yeast hates APPLE-CIDER VINEGAR and GARLIC. Also eating good bacteria for your digestion such as ACTIVIA YOGURT. That could be a remedy if CANDIDA is your problem.

Thank you for reading my contribution, I welcome all replies and communication. I hope this helps you and if it does PRETTY PLEASE let me know about it so I can say "ah we're on to something here!"
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Thank you for your time and input, sure sorry your dad had to wear that uniform, my UNC died recently from complications from agent Orange exposure in Vietnam,  our problems really seem minor in comparison,we just can't clear our throats" ,,, I will stop dairy too, try pickles,, and have my adnoid removed,,,fixable,,Thanx!
That is a lot of helpful info.  

With regard to the pickles or olives, maybe the acidity in the pickle juice is the thing that helps????

You mention GMO's.  They are awful on our health.  And then there is cloud seeding.  There is a constant haze that lingers in the sky and then eventually falls to the ground.  Some people have taken air samples in for testing and found some pretty bad stuff in the chemicals used.  I can't imagine how much more individuals with respiratory conditions suffer now than before cloud seeding began.  

Another thing to consider is humidity.  There are so many different sources for information on all topics.  Some will tell you that humidity solves a lot of health issues and others will tell you that humidity is bad for you.  I think monitoring the humidity level in homes is important.  

I have a friend who has been using a netti pot along with his wife.  They do a lot of research on various health issues and treatments.  He has shared that since starting the use a netti-pot that neither has had sinus issues whereas they had them prior to using it.  

Try natural remedies at home before going to a doctor.  Some of these include (not all remedies will work for every person):
1.  Gargling salt water - clears mucous from the back of the throat and soothes a sore throat
2.  Drink plenty of fluids - this thins mucous
3.  Nasal irrigation (i.e. Netti-pot) -  check your local Dollar Store (ours has them) - I have been told to NOT use tap water.  It is important to use the solution that comes with the pot.
4.  Steam inhalation
5.  Increase intake of Vitamin C

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I was diagnosed with broccial infection and since then been suffering from Post nasal drainage. This was years ago. I stay away from  dairy and is taking Aliplex from dr and it helped some..at first. Now and also then, it feels like I have a lump in my throat. I can actually feel the drainage and has to spit it out regardless of where I am. It is disgusting and I am trying everything, non-meds. My primary tried to prescribe me with meds that had all sorts of wild side affects. I use nasal spray that helps a little. I even tried allergy meds like Claritin-no good. My main lacking step is drinking at least eight glasses of water. I really wants to get rid of this problem. Due to the thickness, I have upchucked a few times and has developed a phobia of clearing my throat. Sad.
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So after multiple doctors including an ENT I found out my phlegm problem in the throat is caused by acid reflux or in my case silent reflux which feels like post nasal drip. I got a prescription for acid reflux and I also used Prilosec but what helped the most by far are these simple things:

- Pro-biotic pills (14 billion cultures) one pill, once a day

- High pH alkaline water. Icelandic bottled water is 8.8 pH as well as Evamor. Look for any bottled water of 8 or higher pH.

- Limit intake of coffee and alcohol.  I only drink one cup of coffee a day and when I drink alcohol it's only white wine or vodka. For me beer real brings up the phlegm in the throat.

- DO NOT eat 4 hours before going to bed.

Since I simultaneously did all these at once I'm not too sure if any work better than he others but together it seems to be helping so far.
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thank you, your post has been helpful to me.
Very interesting, thanks!
In my case it is "silent reflux"  Symptoms also include food getting stuck in my throat and difficulty swallowing. It's controlled through diet. There are lots of websites with dietary information. It starts with NO acidic foods or food additives, including citric acid, which is in almost everything.
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I grow up all my life with dairy and never had problems like this. So, no dairy in my case...
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