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can't get a satisfying breath

My daughter is 16 years old.  She does not drink or smoke.  On Dec. 7, she told me that she felt like she couldn't get enough air, so she was yawning.  On Dec. 9, we were in the ER because she felt like  she couldn't breathe.   Tests were run.  X rays were taken.  The doc pronounced her okay.  She had been taking Birth control pills for 2 weeks.  We feared PE, but that was found to not be the case.  She was taking the hormones to regulate her cycle.  She had been having 2 periods a month for a couple of months.  Doc advised to take her off new medication.  

Followed up with PCP.  Did lung function test.  It was fine.  Did thyroid test.  It was also fine.  PCP suggested anxiety.  Put her on Atavan.  She took for 2 days, but side effects made her feel worse.  We reduced stressors in her life, but breathing is still not good.  She knows she is getting 100% oxygen, but she feels like she can't get a satisfying breath.  She wants help, but I don't know where to go.  She says that she doesn't feel anxious.  Breathing problem is all the time, in all places, under all conditions.  

I have asthma, but all docs have dismissed this due to x-rays and lung function tests.  She did have tonsillitis at the beginning of October.  Took antibiotic and had a steroid shot.  After that, periods became heavy and often.  Was also being treated for skin condition on fingers at about the same time.  Using Halobetasol Propionate Ointment nightly.

Uses Zyrtec nightly to control allergies and eczema.

Please help us.  We need to know where to turn.
48 Responses
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I never thought that there would be so many people experiencing this same problem. I've struggled with this for over 20 years and, I'm sorry, but it's nice to know I'm not alone! I do have asthma but know the difference between this and the symptoms of my asthma attacks. I am so not one who is prone to anxiety, I am super chill despite all my health problems (everyone tells me I'm too chill) but I must admit, this one is scary. You really feel like you're drowning and no one who hasn't experienced this, including doctors, can really understand. I found a lot of these answers intriguing but one really stood out to me. Most people don't drink enough water and I am definitely guilty of that! I was just having a particularly severe episode where I was gasping to get air (like a fish out of water) and I too, like the nurse who inspired this answer, have a pulse oximeter so I know my o2 levels are fine. So, I decided to test it out and guzzled about 8-10 oz. of water and my severe episode stopped!! After drinking that much that fast, I started burping which also seemed to help. Perhaps for me it's a combination of lack of water and gas built up, which would go along with someone saying indigestion or gerd. Just a thought for someone else out there who might not get enough water. Also, sometimes sucking on a piece of hard candy helps me a little, just a thought. By the way, I've also had someone tell me it's from untreated sleep apnea so this might be a test you all might want to get, it certainly can't hurt. I don't know that there is one answer that will help all of us but this one has really helped me today. I haven't gasped since drinking all that water! I pray for everyone suffering with this because it truly is awful. God's speed to all of you!
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Deviated Nasal Septum can be the reason.
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Hey, don't know if anyone else actually is still reading this but I found my solution, sorta. So I think this is my second time round, I used an inhaler at one point when i was younger and I specifically remember feeling a circle of soft pressure in the centre of my chest and yawning A lot sometimes. I don't remember when that was but 21 now and I've got the circle of pressure again, started yawning, very very unsatisfying breaths. Its been only happening at night in my apartment for the past few days and as a note I do vape, slightly important later.

I was vaping, not heavily but often, before it really hit tonight so I stopped vaping, did and bunch of googling and got to here.

I read a lot of posts on this page and then looked around my apartment, opened windows and made a breeze because there was nothing before, got two fans on with a small one blowing in my face. Also got a cap of salt and licking at it every now and then cause I read the answer about maybe Iodine deficiency. Tonight was the worst its felt for me which I am thankful has not been anywhere as bad as some of yours have been, I am deeply humbled by your vigour to live through this condition and you have my deepest sympathies.

It hasn't gone away as of the writing of this but it is far improved for me, I can breath through my mouth without utterly hating existence and I only have a deep, needy breath every few minutes and often but not always I do manage to satisfy it. Breathing purely through my nose and only about half breaths helped a lot earlier when it was worse and now there are no needy breaths when breathing through my nose.

The note about vaping, I changed the flavour I had and didn't hit it for about half an hour. I can easily vape again without any difficulties at all in my breathing. So yes, might've purely been my vape flavour but my apartment literally had no breeze or fresh air coming in so I do think it could be a small build up of CO2 as well. Hope this helps as many people as it can and that all your hardships become lighter if not go away altogether.
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If I wasn't nearly 70 years old, I'd say OMG.  I've had the exact symptoms many of the people on this blog describe - the unsatisfying breath syndrome where a "good" breath is 110% satisfying and an "unsuccessful" breath is 1 or 2% satisfying, if even that.  And only one in 7 to 8 breaths is "good".  I've had this condition on and off for over 25 years.  I've searched the internet for "shortness of breath", "air hunger" and "dyspena" without finding much helpful information.  Just a few days ago, after suffering from a worse than usual bout of "air hunger", I decided to look for books on breathing in the hopes that improving my breathing might eliminate this problem.  I came across a book called Breathe to Heal by Yakovleva.  It is about the Buteyko breathing method.  Bulls-eye!  Buteyko was a Russian doctor who discovered that many diseases - asthma, high blood pressure, etc, etc - are caused by "over breathing" which brings too much oxygen into the lungs and blood and decreases CO2.  Insufficient CO2 in the blood reduces the ability of hemoglobin to pass O2 to the cells.  The harder you try to breathe, the worse the condition becomes.  This also increases blood ph and sets off all kids of bells in the brain and nervous system.

JBB1945 hit the nail on the head when (s)he said to hold your breath.  This increases CO2 in the lungs and eliminates the problem - for the time being.  Better yet,  aidan_sage mentioned this site - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hyperventilation_syndrome.  There, they recommend breathing into a paper bag (with possible counter-indications for people suffering from certain lung or heart diseases).  This worked great for me, immediately eliminating my symptoms and allowing me to sleep, which I hadn't been able to do for over 36 hours.  Learning the Butekyo breathing method seems to be the long term solution.
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It's unbelievable that so may people have the same issue. You start to beleive you are the only one. I have had this issues since I was a kid. I am a healthy 47 year old man. I have had every test under the sun but everything always comes out fine. Clear lungs, no asthma, good heart, etc... But I always find it hard to get a good satisfying breathe. I have been told it is anxiety and panic attacks, etx, but I have it everyday. I have also been find that holding my breathe for as long as I need for my body to respond and ask for the breathe makes it more satisfying, so I have to agree with Bairu and Avatar. I has definitely been relaxing me. I am also exercising more and conscious on not allowing myself to over breathe, when possible. I thinks I am on the right track and am happy that others can talk about it and help each other out. Otherwise it would just be the doctors telling us to take meds or that its all in our heads.
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Has she had a brain me I? I have Arnold Chiari 1, chiari malformation. Causes the same symptoms. Its where your brain stem herniated past your skull
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Do you still need help or have you gotten to the bottom of it?
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when I breathe I feel like my breath is cut off so i cannot get a good breath just started happening about 2 weeks ago I am a 14-year-old boy my parents say its probably just  my anxiety so if anyone could help please do
What testing have you had?
Yes omg this has been going on for me for almost 3 years and I am 14 years old. I am always yawning to get a full breath in but I just can’t. I got tested for asthma and I don’t have it, and I went to the doctor and they convinced my parents that I am anxious... but I cannot think of anything that could be making me anxious. It is literally the most annoying thing ever and as I am writing this now I am facing this problem.;(
Yes omg this has been going on for me for almost 3 years and I am 14 years old. I am always yawning to get a full breath in but I just can’t. I got tested for asthma and I don’t have it, and I went to the doctor and they convinced my parents that I am anxious... but I cannot think of anything that could be making me anxious. It is literally the most annoying thing ever and as I am writing this now I am facing this problem.;(
Yeah, 29... Mine started at 26.  Can't yawn, can't take a deep breath at all.

Used to run marathons lol.

No can't ever catch my breath.

As someone with a nursing degree I suggest you see pulmonologist, cardiologist.  Probably congenital cardiologist.

These things are pretty dangerous... I had 3 pe's, asd ( hole in between upper Chambers of the heart) go misdiagnosed for a while.

Let me know if you need help figuring out what tests you may
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I have the same thing - can't get satisfying breath all the time, also have tonsils stones. By the way, doctor say my lungs and heart is ok, oxygen saturation is also good (but it doesnt mean our tissue get enough of it, there are other factors). I live like that about 10 years. I found out, that there are many reasons to have shortness of breath symptom: classical lung, heart diseases, wrong blood ph (raspratory alkalosis and acidosis), thyroid problem (usually after drinking drugs treating hypothyroidism), GERD, hyperventilation (too much oxygen and too low CO2), anxiety, mercury poisoning (teeth filling), Lyme, Babesiosis, drinking soda and even dont remember all of them :) it depends on air hunger type, what exactly do you feel, when its better, disappears, when shows up (lying on the bed, physical activity, night, after eating..). Mine is constant in all situations (every few sec. need to take a deep breath) that is enough rare and is not one of mentioned diseases/reasons :( i think, there is a connection with tonsillitis.
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Not to scare you, but you may want to see a cardiologist.This could be heart related. If the heart isn't getting enough oxygen rich blood, what you're describing is one of the effects.
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I have similar issue been going on for years! Any suggestions?
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the sensation of not getting enough air into my lungs started shortly after a bout of gastroenteritis.  after heart, lung, x-rays, and endoscopies, the only thing abnormal that was found was a hiatal hernia. my question now is, is it the hiatal hernia that is giving me this sensation, or did the stomach bug somehow mess up my nerves - making me more anxious/stressed which triggers this condition. anyone else experience a similar scenario? any suggestions?
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Hi, everyone,
For almost a whole month I wasn't able to take deep breaths, but I can do it now and here's what I did.
All I did was drink a hot lemonade (hot water with lemon and honey bee, only) 4 nights in a row right before going to bed. Do this after brushing your teeth since it's better not to drink cold water after drinking a hot lemonade.
Second natural medicine I took was honey bee, lemon and margarine, all this melt in a spoon, and must be still warm. This may sound bizarre for some people, but since it is all natural, it won't have any second effects.
These 2 things worked for me, so you guys can give it a try and may have you healthy again.
Wish you all the best.
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Hi, everyone,
For almost a whole month I wasn't able to take deep breaths, but I can do it now and here's what I did.
All I did was drink a hot lemonade (hot water with lemon and honey bee, only) 4 nights in a row right before going to bed. Do this after brushing your teeth since it's better not to drink cold water after drinking a hot lemonade.
Second natural medicine I took was honey bee, lemon and margarine, all this melt in a spoon, and must be still warm. This may sound bizarre for some people, but since it is all natural, it won't have any second effects.
These 2 things worked for me, so you guys can give it a try and may have you healthy again.
Wish you all the best.
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Well there are so many causes it's really not even funny.  What are her other symptoms if any?.. tachycardia? BradyCardia? She could have dysautonomia causing insufficient blood to her heart which cano cause severe dyspnea, respiratory muscle weakness, Anemia, gi issues can also cause dyspnea, VCD ( I believe that was mentioned), other blood disorder like (too many to count), PFO shunting I mean there are just so many causes... the basics first how did it all start? Was there a trigger?  How long? Does she have more relief in one position vs. Another? Does she have it on exertion, rest or both?
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I had the same problem when I was 10 and it happened in summer. I felt like this one time all of sudden I felt like I couldn't get enough air. I started panicking and my uncle and aunt started helping me out. They told my parents I would be fine so nothing happened. After a week it really started showing, my parents kept me home while everyone was having fun. My grandma was keeping my in check and was always their for me. Continued to happened 2 weeks. One time I thought I was ready to go on a trip so my parents were really glad but in the middle of the trip I started to feel it again and they send me to the hospital. Took 2 hours and then I got checked. They did all kinds do test and all of them were fine. They started to recognize and started taking me to serveral therapist and doctors. Sent me medication. Nothing worked, until one day my grandpa told me to pray and ask God to help me.I prayed and prayed to God every day balling out crying asking for forgiveness to help me and etc.one day a miracle happened that'll I never forget. It just vanished of that feeling and fear.I was living happy again and just rejoiced. I told everyone of how happy I was and how the Lord helped me. Hopefully you guys find the Lord to help you. He literally helped me from this feeling of not enough air. All you have to do is believe in him. I'm not kidding at all. I'll pray for you. Hopefully the Lord helps you :).
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Look up Babesia - this is a red blood cell parasite (Lyme coinfection) I had it and was treated and it went a way.  It's very odd sensation.  It's called air hunger google that and Babesia and you will find a lot of information.  Good Luck!
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Started recently, have had it in the past on occasion.  Don't feel stressed as such, but have stressful work and have stressful family situation - Living with father with dementia (Mum recently passed away), one daughter just left on a world trip alone, the other has a hubby trying to find a job. Sometimes anxiety is expressed in our body and we don't realise we are suffering from it. I am grateful for some ideas about how to relieve the symptoms. Feel EXTREMELY negative about taking medication for anxiety or other issues. It seems it is not a recognised ailment and the medical world feel that they have to medicate against everything. People, unless you are really ill, try not to put artificial ingredients into your bodies. ... And that is all I have to say about that. :)
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The only things I can think of might be asthma or VCD (Vocal cord dysfunction)
If you suspect asthma, talk to a doctor and see how your daughter does on an inhaler for a 4 week period.
If the inhaler doesn't work, talk to a doctor about the possibility of VCD.
VCD and asthma are closely related, however VCD is often misdiagnosed as asthma. Inhalers and asthma medication doesn't help relieve VCD symptoms and attacks.
Best of luck and hope I helped
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im 17 years old male and im having the same problem. I don't get a 100% breath and i try to yawn to get a better breath. it drives me crazy. it does not happen when im with friends or when im involved in some kind of acrivity. it happens when im alone and think about it. sometimes i think if im gonna die. I have also started to feel some kind of congestion in my cest. i need urgent help. By the way i drink alot of tea and wanna ask if this is the reason.
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I get the exact symptom so many people are describing here --  I've always said, " I can't get air/oxygen". I try yawning, etc, but I only "get air" once in s while.  (the doctor didn't know what it was)

It became clear to me that it's Anxiety.

The first times I remembering getting it were before Christmas every year ( long story --  I ended up doing all the shopping for family members, because they weren't able to, I had so many obligations) --  that's what helped me to realize that --  for me --  the cause is Anxiety

I'm sure certain things like caffeine would make it worse, medication for Attention Deficit...  (So, anti-anxiety medication, like Ativan (Lorazapam) would be good to try...)

Even figuring out that Anxiety causes this "awful feeling" helped me.

       :  )
I'm 17 and I started to have the same symptoms of not being able to get a satisfying breath and yawning a lot and only occasionally getting a good breath when this first started it happened only occasionally now it's happening 24/7 no matter what I'm doing or where I'm at I haven't talked to a doctor yet because I'm afraid if the doctor tells me there's nothing wrong and there's nothing they can do then I'm gonna be stuck dealing with this for the rest of my life
I believe it is an anxiety issue (what causes the anxiety is another question-mine came about through leaky gut syndrome). Lorazapam 1mg tabs(i took as needed-no more than 3xs day eventually tapering off to one or half a day till.i could go right off-I never wanted to use more! ) helped me until I was able to face my fears and work out how to breathe into abdomen-Dr can put you on to a physiotherapist at the hospital who can teach you...apparently most of us don't breathe correctly..we breathe into chest rather than the abdomen.
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Hey everybody! Moral of the story first: I started drinking a lot of water and it fixed my problem. Read on if you'd like.

So I started researching this a few months back as my SOB was getting worse. I am 29 yrs old and I remember dealing with this as a child on and off since then. I am also a nurse so I had a little bit of an advantage in solving this problem for myself and my particular situation. So I went to Dr, they said asthma they said anxiety etc etc. I  am super chill, I don't stress!! I work out all the time to alleviate my stress. So I broke it down to what my body is trying to do and tell me. So if your body is craving oxygen, it likely either means your not getting enough(which I was, I checked my O2 sat at work), or your retaining too much CO2 (possibly). Or it could be metabolic (whole other discussion). Bottom line I noticed I didn't drink as much water at this exacerbated time as I did when it wasn't so bad. Guys, I seriously think a lot of this is simply related to our bodies just being a little too acidic and our bodies are trying to compensate. Oxygen is a base and CO2 is an acid. So if our bodies are trying to suck in more base then we could possibly be acidic.

It worked for me!!! Hope this helps someone!
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I've had the same thing for about a year now.  On and off.  Went to a doc and everything was fine.  He said it could be related to my (g.e.r.d.)  Indigestion can cause it.  And I know now that is exactly what it is.  If I lie down right after eating a meal that causes my gerd to act up.  Especially chocolate or something spicy.  I get the not enough air symptoms.  So I just sit up til it is normal again.  I did the yawning thing too.  Now I just try to relax when it happens, cause I know what is causing mine.
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I came across the below answer will help...

Problem: i have had shortness of breath everyday for three weeks now it lasts usually all day im currently trying to stop smoking i don't get winded when i exercise nor does it wake me up at night i did have a sinus cold that went to my lungs but the breathing problem started a week or two before that? i have no insurance and my doc treated me for bronchitis and gave me 1 breathing treatment but didnt give me any instructions to continue them. it helped for a day but im still not breathing right. should i go on a inhaler? i can run jump get very active and it doesnt bother me but it just appears out of the blue when im home relaxing. i do have anxiety but i still get short of breath even when im relaxed

John Kenyon, CNA - Tue Oct 07, 2008 11:18 pm
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While you have had a recent respiratory infection (bronchitis) and may even have asthma, it seems far more likely you are experiencing perceived, rather than actual, shortness of breath. The reason I say this is that you tolerate exercise with no problem, but only seem to have a problem drawing a full, satisfying breath when you are at rest. If it were a pulmonary problem it would worsen at night (these problems almost always worsen when the patient is horizontal) and if it were anything else it would definitely worsen with exertion.

The second part of my thinking on this is that while you acknowlege having some problems with anxiety, you find this breathing problem happens when "i'm home relaxing." Unfortunately, this is a very common (and extremely confusing) phenomenon in anxious people: they feel anxiety symptoms when they believe they are actually in their most relaxed state. What often happens is that anxious people sigh a lot, something of which they are utterly unaware. When one does this chronically (usually most often when "relaxing") it throws off excessive amounts of carbon dioxide (CO2). Since CO2 is the very thing that tells the brain it should want more air (breathing is voluntary but the urge to breathe is not), if it doesn't get enough of it (due to it being blown off due to sighing or other faulty breathing patterns) it doesn't "think" it needs for you to be breathing so much. The result is that you, being awake, know you should be breathing, but your brain doesn't think so, and the result is you feel as though you're not getting adequate air in, because your brain is actually resisting the reflex to breathe. This feels wrong, so you try harder to breathe, believing you should be (and it's true, breathing really is important -- but when we become unwittingly aware of our breathing it throws the whole process into confusion).

This is a long way of saying your sense of shortness of breath is probably an illusion created by an anxious personality. Learning to be fully aware of this and trying to manage it consciously, sometimes can make things get back to normal. When this happens, try breathing slowly, through your nose. Try to consciously resist the urge to sigh when you're physically at rest and relaxing. You may be surprised at how the feeling of oppressiveness disappears. At least that's the idea.
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Hey everyone. I'm a 14 year old girl expirencing the same problem as all of you. I go throughout the day feeling like my breathing isn't very satisfying. Then sometimes it gets really bad to the,point in which I feel so hopeless that I break down in tears. This all started about a month ago in early August, and began at the same time I had a bad sore throat. I went to my pediatrician and was prescribed Amoxicillin. I had taken the medicine for about a day before I stopped because I thought it was making me short of breath. But, still after the medicine was out of my system I was still feeling this way. I ended up going to the E.R. About four times and was send home being told it was anxiety. Earlier that month I had tried a cigarette , but despite that, the doctors still told me that there was nothing wrong. At this point I was wracking my brain about what could be wrong with me. I was starting to think that I had possibly inhaled some food so I scheduled a bronchoscopy though a pulmonary specialist. There was nothing found in my lungs, and the doctors couldn't test me for Vocal Cord Disorder because I was so sedated. I went home and felt better for about two days. Then it started getting really bad again. Keep in mind, I was prescribed anxiety medicine and it didn't  do anything. About a week after my bronc. , I went to an allergist and they gave me a breathing test and they found that I was breathing better with medicine prescribed to asthmatics. They also referred me to someone who specializes in Vocal Cord Disorder. Along with this I was also prescribed with Nasacort and Zyrtec. The medication has helped me a bit,  but I'm still not able to get a satisfying  breathe at times. I'm so scared. I feel hopeless at times that I will have to live like this forever. PLEASE HELP ME!!
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Hey everyone. I'm 17 I've had  The problem of feeling like I cannot get  enough air or satisfying breath. It started randomly like sometime in January  of 2015. It went on for a few days and I kind of ignored I was hoping you get better then one day it became so bad I couldn't ignore it anymore. I Felt like I Couldnt breathe. I thought I was having a heart attack because my chest felt so tight. I started to freak out and broke down, which made it worse. my parents took me to the hospital and the doctor diagnosed me and sent me home with anxiety. I've been going to a psychologist and psychiatrist and they've been saying that it's just anxiety as well and prescribing me pills that, to be  honest, don't seem to be helping. I feel like no matter what I do I can't get enough air..  Breathing so deeply causes my chest hurt and throat to start to hurt after a while. It can happen up to like two or three times a day and I can go days sometimes weeks without having any of these "episodes". I try breathing exercises but they don't seem to work.  I don't take any birth control and the doctor said it's not asthma. So I don't know what to do! I just feel hopeless..! can someone please help?  
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