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To Grace from HHP! herpes from a wet towel?

Dear Grace,

The other night, I brushed my teeth and then wiped my face on a towel hanging on the shower door.
Well, later that day my cousin  revealed to me that they had had an outbreak years ago, once on their lip and then on their genitals( not sure if these both could be due to hsv1,  or if hsv2 is responsible for the genital outbreak).

However, Now.... Im a bit worried, in reguards to hsv2, and me using that towel on my face. I believe it may have been used earlier. I love my cousin. I am just extremely parinoid that i could have contracted hsv2 from a moist towel as I wiped my mouth and face on it.

Please enlighten me on this topic
Id appreciate your insight as I am sleepless, and worried very much.
5 Responses
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101028 tn?1419603004
nope - you aren't going to get herpes from a toilet seat either.

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I want to ask, I was changing in a locker room at my gym. A friend of mine hit me in the face with a moist towel he found on the floor. He hit me with the corner of the towel. None of my friends in the locker knew who had used the towel, and they had been there for about 5-6 minutes. Im a germaphobe, and I am worried, could I get herpes from this? The towel was cold, but moist. I washed it off my face but the run off water touched my lips. As this is a mucous membrane, would I get oral herpes? Im so scared. Please help me.
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thanks grace again for your speedy responses!

one last final question,( if you dont mind) but in general  can the virus  transmit via a toilet seat? Or is that another myth? I know this prob sounds silly as well. But i am curious.

And. Thanks for doing what you do.  And keeping things lighthearted.

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101028 tn?1419603004
The virus can survive on surfaces for longer than a few minutes. However it transmits best when it's at body temperature plus it takes some heat and friction to transmit it. A towel that's been hanging there - first of all you'd have to wipe on the exact same spot as they wiped their genital area and they'd actually have to be shedding the virus actively at the time ( really you don't shed 24/7 - we aren't walking biohazzards! ).  Then you'd have to use the towel while it's still wet and warm and really rub it well into your face.  Chances of all these conditions being met - slim to none.  

So go drink those lemon drop martini's ( they are so yummy! ) and relax!  

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Hmm Ive never had lemon drop martinis. I've had lemon drop candy though! Thanks for responding Grace. I guess was just concerned as to the moisture on a wet towel...

But, this Is this not a risk factor becuase the virus doesnt live very long outside of the body,and  in actuality it survives only several minutes.( Correct me if im wrong.) Hence (hypothetically speaking i guess) it would have to be used immediately.  

Thanks again Grace for your time!


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101028 tn?1419603004
Take 2 lemondrop martini's and I'll send you my bill in the mail in the morning ;)

You are worrying way too much about this. Of all the things you might contract off of using someone else's towel - herpes doesn't even make the top 20 list!  Now take my above medical advice - the lemondrops will help you relax and if you are a cheap drunk like me - make you pass out and sleep like a baby.  You might need a few more though when you get my bill - I'm very expensive...he he he

You were not at risk.

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