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Has this incident potential for STD?

Hi everyone, Male 28 here!
My "potential expose" is the following:
Early April, I did something with an unknown man for like 10 minutes - he's profile was like married man, and seemed ok he handed my tissues after, was talking properly-. That something included:
-Kissing, but my lip was slighlty dry and had a closed (i think) small wound, and my gums of front teeth were slightly bloody. Also, i bit his lip (don't know if made an injury - I think not)
-Me, licking one ball (i don't think i saw any wound.) but didn't like it after one or two secs, so i stopped.
-He put his man-thing between my thighs (we were facing front to front) and he was going back and forth. (i have one onset hemorroid and at the time i don't know if it was bleeding. I never bleed, just a tiny ("pink" ) drop on the paper  like from "scratch" now and then) I think he didn't touch anus's (um..) portal...
-And finally, he touched with saliva and finger his man-thing's head, and touch my butthole slightly after. (i don't know if there was a precum) - But i was wearing my jacket and my trousers (if i recall correctly) weren't down, so he might rubbed the figner firstly on my skin - till he reached the area. I don't recall it entering, but pressure the area..

Is this exposure for any STD?
(I asked the HIV community :  it's not an incident,
I asked the HBV : there was not yet a reply (i have done the triple dose Vaccine at the age of 9)
I asked my GP a few times : He told me i am too stressed about it..)

Yet i think something is wrong!
Thank you in advance

1 Responses
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Hey man. Ill be more than happy to help. There is NO RISK from anything you mentioned. I will try to break it down.

Kissing - Risk of herpes if he had open sores but thats it. Most people will not kiss if they do as these sores are really noticable!
Hand job - no risk from mutual masturbation. Most bugs die with contact to air and are generally weak.
"man thing" - Im guessing you mean humping? Same answer as above. Admittedly there could be a slight risk of syphilis and maybe herpes but personally I wouldn't worry as it is a very low risk.
Saliva - Same as mutual masturbation.
Helpful - 0
Dear SillyMistake87, thank you for your reply!
I think i mean humping (i didn't know it was that term haha) but front to front
My biggest fear was basically the Hermorroid if it was something to be stressed about it for those 2 actions (Fingering and humping IF there was any precum) and my bleeding gums. And the Hyper-Anxiety doesn't allowed clear mind all the time..

Anxiety is a pain... I know all about that!

Seriously though, I wouldn't be concerned at all. Everything you did was low risk. Like, VERY low risk.
You know, i just feel like something went wrong.. Thank you very much though!! You calm me lots
There's no way you could have gotten anything from this.

Hands don't transmit anything, so the handjob and fingering was absolutely safe.

The hemorrhoid doesn't put you at any risk, either. There are some infections that spread from direct skin to skin contact, like herpes, syphilis and HPV, but those require the friction you get from intercourse. The kind you get from a penis rubbing against another penis or against an anus isn't going to do that.

You really can relax. :)
Dear Auntie Jessi, thank you also, for elaboreting points of non dangerous actions. The thing is that doctor Google gives wholeheartedly PhDs of Stress. And you cannot understand the severity or not of any action, even the most innocent. At some point, you just cross your hands above the chest, and say "that's it. I'm gone"..

Well now, your answer is one of a few that say "nothing happened, all clear". Although i have some symptoms (merely caused by anxiety as my GP underlines everytime)..

Thank you and SillyMistake87, for your answers. Have a nice day
Listen, I'm not a fan of testing for peace of mind, but I do understand the need for it sometimes. If you need to, do that. Don't get a herpes test, though, even if you're offered one. They have loads of false positives, and your anxiety can not handle that right now. It takes weeks, sometimes several months, to unravel that, and often several hundred dollars. If you're not in the US, it gets very complicated.

There is no test for men for HPV, so the only thing left that could remotely be a risk here is syphilis. You'd have had a sore by now, and a rash, which you don't mention, but if it helps ease your mind, get a test.

HIV, gonorrhea, chlamydia, NGU, trich, mycolplasma all require penetration. You didn't have that, so you don't need to test.
Anxiety can mimic alot. Relax and move on! Stop googling and trust the science :)
Yeah, i am in European continent..
About the syphilis, i don't have a rash (just googled it to understand what it is) and i didn't found any sore - anytime from april till now. I found only 2 canker-like things, but my GP told me it's nothing, but rather part of my structure.. The think that annoyes me the most, is a few nights now my body feels warmer (no fever) - and the weather is cold enough - but no skin rash, not even redness, except for a sliiiighlty change of face tone color to pink palette

And yes, "anxiety train" is oscar Nominated Thriller.

Hiv took me long enough to denounce it from the ultimate villain nominee. Now i am up to understand Syphillis and HBV..

We will see. Thank you SO so so so MUCH. You honor your role as a lovin' auntie for sure!!
I might get tested if my head keeps thinking about that..
Almost passed through your reply Sillymistake87. That wouldbea Sillymistake91 of me. (sorry i had to.)

You know, i am either the coolest bud you'll ever see (like now) or at times, and belive me out of nowhere, that i lose any logic and i feel lost! Anyhoo, i am trying to work on it. I just don't have any clue, that's why i am doing these (seemingly) stupid questions. Thank you also!! Once again.
Your questions aren't stupid, and you're funny. Keep your sense of humor and you'll be just fine. :)

I don't know why you mentioned HBV, but you had no risk for that at all.
Yes, i can be identified as a goofball, i reckon.

Well, HBV (and HCV but i sorted this one out on my own) were mentioned, because Google told me so. Uh, Google, the pinnacle of medical Holy Grails. There was so much potentiality (according to it) in everything i searched for, that, you know, i search "can i at least eat?" to be rewarded with "you can potentially choke with your food, even with your saliva, if the circumstances alow it!"
Quack me!!

Good Humor never troubled anyone, potentially...
Thank Auntie! You rock. Hope you are right
Hahahaha Google is an alarmist. None of us would leave our houses if we listened to everything we found on Google.

Hang in there. You're going to be fine. :)
This might be a first on this forum. Someone laughed along those panicked posts!!! Amazing.. Thank you so much for the good vibes! I am not going to use that damned Alarmist Google, i am heading to Bing search! hahahaha

- Although, i am enjoying this surreal convo, i need to ask!  i got troubled about that Syphillis possibility, so i started recalling things - as i told you i had some symptoms but we cased them as pure anxiety. I am going to narrow them down (if the aforementioned "humping"-with that onset Herm & the lick of the one ball for 2 sec are potential (dammit google) routes)

-I never had a rash (still don't), i have, though, a tingling sensation on my footpads now and then. I still check it but no sign.
-i had back then (and now, as i already mention) warm waves on skin, but no fever - like hypertension, my skin felt like fire, but my temperature was at its highest 36.9 (both armpit / mouth measurements, and (as you can already tell, very calmly) 100 measures in 10 days!! ) Specially, when in bed, i fell like i am on the oven, but i am not sweating. i just feel hot. (sometimes it goes away. some times stays put all night. )
- Jaw/mouth lymph nodes got irritated: this is a bit trickie. I had this on/off, for 6 months. Sometimes on sometimes off (even during the day). I even thought i had something more serious and did an CT scan - nothing shown. I had a mouth fungus (candida i think it is call). so we supposed it was that irritating my mouth. No other lymph nodes irritated.
- And some uclers that went away every two - three days. ( i mean lets say, i had one on the tongue, then one on the gum and so on) These were late august, and late octomber.
- Slightly sore throat. (nothing serious, just mentioning it)
and mouth feels buring (inside and lips) sometimes
-muscle pain of the shoulders
ALL of these, were mentioned to my GP, maybe though, i mislead him  with the anxiety. (for HIV, and later for HBV, he ruled out Syph etc.) And started on 3 weeks after the incident. And went on off since then.

On  late Octomber, i noticed those 2 painless canker on my mouth, one on each upper inner cheek side. (I just re-mentioned them)

- and (almost) last but not least. This just got me troubled after your question, that's why i started writing things down (i don't recall the date, but i think it was late June. but i am not sure.) I had seen two small (3-4mm max), skin-colored (a bit pink), with a center - hole, things on penis shaft. I though they were pimples, as when i did something there (e.g mastrubate) due to summer sweat/moist, those points were irritating (slightly pain) when touched, like a broken pimple. Yesterday, i've seen photos on google - boy, did the brought me nightmares- they didn't looked like this. But only one i found (https://redbook.scarletalliance.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/syphilis-MSHC-Janet-Towns-Penile-chancre-12.jpg) . Those were there for 1 week TOPS. (i think)

- Last: (that went with the HBV speculation, but i did Ultrasound (part of re-check for gall's polyp , nothing shown on liver)) but i had a small spot that was hurting on Late November for 2 weeks, close to lungs - liver.

So, sorry for the ultra long comment. I didn't thought previously they were STD nominated symptoms (as i thought anxiety owns me, and most of them were mentioned to GP. - i think i told him about the pimple, but i didn't show him, as it was gone between two appointments)

Do you have an insight on this? The thing is, i did not see any sore on that man. But i didn't took a latex glove out, pour some light and started examing him, either. (i need to be honest. But i touched his penis. Wouldn't my hand had something? no? (stupid question yet again)

I didn't have any fever, rash, no fatigue, no wight loss (i don;t know if that means like many kgs at once) no headaches (that are worth mentioning. i might had one for few minutes)..

I am waiting for your reply! :)

No. the sores on your mouth are totally unrelated. The "chancre" appears at the side the bacteria enters the body. It is it more than a small spot!

Seriously man, relax. Your exposure was nothing to be worried about. Stop googling and stop examining yourself as it will make it worse!
Excuse me. I just filed above an unpublished chapter of "Lord of the rings" and you just tossed it away that easily! WERE ALL THESE STRESS RELATED? Quack me for that characteristic! -.-  Anyway, thank you, I have to accept it. That experience has only a toxic outcome for me. And although i learned a lot. I got also so much stress. LoopHole! Oh well...

You kind stranger are amazing!!!! I love your rational aspect at this.
Okay, I just went back and re-read your post.

I'm so sorry, because I may have misread that. I said that you may have had a syphilis risk based on his penis rubbing between your thighs, but I either missed or forgot that you had pants on? So his penis was rubbing against your pants?

Yeah, if that's the case, you have no syphilis risk at all. You have no risk for anything at all. STDs don't go through clothing.

The skin on your hands is too thick to infect with STDs, even syphilis. That's why handjobs are no risk.

Do you feel guilt over this? Is this your first sexual activity? If it isn't, are you normally this anxious after?

And I am really sorry for missing the part where you had pants on - that's a really important detail and my brain just blanked on it.

I don't know that the gallbladder pains or whatnot are stress related - you could have something going on there. Sometimes, pimples really are just pimples, and a headache is just a headache. Canker sores have nothing to do with sexual activity. Little kids get them, too.

It's a crazy time for all of us, everywhere. I don't know where you are and what covid is like there (and you don't have to tell us where you are, and probably shouldn't mention it if you want to remain anonymous), but a global pandemic is stressful.

It's easy for us to be rational when it's not our bodies. SillyMistake understands anxiety really well. He's been where you are.

Work with your doctor about the pain you have that may be gallbladder or liver or whatnot. It's not related to this. Maybe it's stress - I don't know, but physical causes should always be ruled out first. And maybe talk to your doctor about your anxiety and stress and get some counseling?

(Talk about an unpublished chapter of LOTR! No one has ever accused me of saying too little, I promise.)

You had a right first impression, while reading it. The pants (or boxers) were UP at fingering (but obvisously touched skin - anus - buttcheeks and so on), and DOWN at humping (front-to-front. back and forth he did).

Guilt as it was an experiment, and not "organised" in the wake of the moment, etc etc. So yeah, ultimate guilt -those first days- but then it transformed into fear if i did something wrong and how i am going to cope with this. I never was this afraid before. and also, my body , I SUPPOSE, reacted at this guilt, that's why i am making so much "fuzz" about it, because i don't feel right.  

Hand skin - Ok i got it now.  The gall was unreleated, but it was a perfect (anually) timing examination to check the spot-pains on my liver!  The pimple, cranker, sore, chancre (what it's name was anyway) i suppose it was not suspicious right? (Canker sores was underline by GP -guess what- ANXIETY'S product.... (inner badger scream_ right time to say: google it if not familiar)

I am at Mediterranean area of Europe, decent covid-levels. Quarantine and funny times #not.  I get how everyone has been to that special doomed place of anxiety hell. I have been before - for unrelated matters with Sex. but i got past that, with lots of work. now it's a different kind of Panic - if i am allowed to say this. And it's funny. I am not that open to talk to people. But i did said everything to doctor (but not to friends or parents..) the GP told me " maybe you should consider counseling" and i told him "well, i am here once or twice every month, about this issue... this is counseling." and he pretty much nodded positively.

(J.R.R. whould have been proud for us both then)
I just miss the normality of my body. Look how many "symptoms" i have. Even if they are or not, it's not natural. (Also, i did the regular Blood Test back on september, almost 5+1/2 months from that incident, and they were normal. And the liver Ultrasound i mentioned, showed no scar - while i had a noisy distrubance.)

- As SillyMistake and you AJ underlined already so compassionately, that there was ultra low to zero risk. But, as the meme said "the chances of being killed by a cow are extremely low but never zero." You get were i heading!! My mind goes MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

Okay, I have to say that I did wonder about the rubbing with your pants on, but I don't judge. ;)

So your body and it's symptoms - would you be considering them "symptoms" if you hadn't had this encounter? Or would you say, "This canker sore hurts like hell" and google mouth sores, realize it's a canker sore, and move on?

Guilt does weird things to us. So you experimented. It wasn't organized - whatever that means, maybe not planned? - and it happened. It was the heat of the moment and you went with it. Most of us have at least one (if not way more) encounters that we look back on and say "what the hell was that?" This forum is full of people who have. I know I have.

The chances of being killed by a cow are zero if you aren't near cows, right? I live in the city, no where near a cow. If I'm killed by a cow, somebody better investigate the hell out of that.

I don't agree that your doctor is counseling. You need an actual trained counselor who can help you work through anxiety, give you some coping skills. Yes, we have all been to that special doomed place of anxiety of hell. I don't know what you've heard of covid in the US, but I live in Florida, where it's basically out of control. It's been a rough year.

But you live in a GORGEOUS place on this planet. People here save their entire lives to take trips there. I'm sure it's different living there than what we see, but take some time and relax and distract yourself from all this. :)
Although, i am a member of the movement "Don't judge a book by its cover" I think you should, correction HAVE to judge the book by its cover, paper, theme, title, sentence, punctuation and author. You are critics after all! So judge freely, however and whatever you like..

Well, if the symptoms were here, without the encounter, of course i would be panicked; i would have given the spotlight for other viruses-deceases-syndroms to emerges and have their share of glory. Obviously.. And i am not talking about those canker-sores, rather for the muscle aches and the fever-like *beep word*.

And if by any chance we were at the 80s, your glorious Cow-ed death, would make such a great thriller movie scene. "The mown of the moo Cow" isn't it kind of cult?!

I know it's gorgeous here at this condinent, as it is at yours too. And people form here, would live to travel at your place (not Florida specifically). Isn't that a Paradox??

Well, i need to get past that event, and quickly. We have a life to live (theoretically speaking - inner laugh). If the symptom-like conditions and the irrational thoughts still walk around, i will probably get tested.. And over.

So, all jokes aside, thanks again verymuch, both of you. And hope you stay safe with this pandemic.. (what is happening in florida!!)

P.s. Today i slept more than 3 hours continuously (9 hours), without waking up from heat. That's good.
I'm glad you got good sleep, and remember that you have no actual need to test. If you panic at the sign if symptoms, please do get the counseling.

Florida is just a really weird state. If you ever want some fun, google "Florida Man". I don't know what kind of results you'll get where you are, but it's just strange here lol. We are known for great beaches, Disney, and strange people.

Hang in there, okay? You're going to be fine. :)
Just try to relax :)
Thank you both so much!! I will try to calm down!
Also, i know about florida man.. There is a challenge "Florida Man Birthday Challenge" that claims there is a surreal Floridean event on your birthday... It's kind of fun (when you are outside of that )

Adios strangers, it was a pleasure to have this conversation with you !! hope you stay safe :)
Well, that's fabulous that people in the Mediterranean know about the Florida Man Birthday thing. *eye roll*

Take care of you!! :)
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Herpes spreads by oral, vaginal and anal sex.
Herpes sores blister, then burst, scab and heal.
STIs are the most common cause of genital sores.
Millions of people are diagnosed with STDs in the U.S. each year.
STDs can't be transmitted by casual contact, like hugging or touching.
Syphilis is an STD that is transmitted by oral, genital and anal sex.