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Vaginal Cuts and Herpes


I have recently been diagnosed with Herpes 1 (not a suprise) and Herpes 2.  Since then, I have poured over the doctors and others comments on false positives, symptoms (or lack there of), etc.  I have been married for the 10 years and with my husband for 13 and feel very strongly that he has not cheated on me.  So I'm figuring if I do indeed have it, then I've had it for at least 13 years.  I'm definitely coming to terms with it after the inital shock, but there are many questions still lingering based on all that I've read and understand about this very complex STD.  Here's my "story": For many years, I have struggled with "paper cuts" in my labial folds (always right on the crease)that have seemingly become more frequent and more uncomfortable in the past few years. Some heal quickly, others not so fast. During these times, my labia is often swollen, the interior red and it is often accompanied by itching.  My husband, on the other hand, has never had a noticeable outbreak.  My husband told his Doc that he may have been exposed, but was told if he's never had an outbreak than he doesn't have it so don't worry abou getting tested.  We're going to test him anyway through my doctor, but here are my questions and test results from the Herpes Select Test.

Results: Herpe 1- 5.2, Herpes 2- 3.0

1) Does it seem strange that my husband hasn't had a noticeable outbreak after all these years?

2) If he tests negative, would it make my positive result more likely to be a false positive after 10+ years of unprotected sex?

3) Why, if the tendency is to have less outbreaks over time, do I seem to be having more? (Do my kids really give me that much stress?? :)

4) Should I be retested along with my husband or just wait for his results to come back and then decide?
44 Responses
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Yes ladies I am the one with the cuts and irritations for yrs and the pos results. I have become a regular the past few weeks only and have never known or been aware of these boards before now. Yes, I thought what the hell with the darn cuts and low and behold my suspicions are right. We need to talk. No, my husband is hsv 2 neg. Pos for 1, thanks to his mom who gave it to the whole family. Wow, what a smart mom, eh? Not! Anyway, going through it too and here for you if you need me. I am on Acyclovir and hoping for no more of these dumb cuts. Let's talk and support eachother. This board is my life saver. No one else to talk to about this, trust me. My husband gets bored and frustrated with my continued obsession. I am here to help. Lord knows I need help ladies. Back atcha soon, Estrella
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Here is what I do to cure the cuts: lay down in the bath tub and mix baking soda and water until it is a runny paste and apply to the entire vaginal area (inside and out), let it sit for a few minutes and then rinse it off. Do this twice a day. It had never taken more than three of these treatments to cause my cuts to go away.
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207091 tn?1337709493
This isn't sounding like herpes, but sounds more like a fungal infection.

Is there a free clinic you can go to or low cost std clinic?

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Hi guys, I'm scared that I might have herpes.  I've been to a couple different doctors, tested for other things, and everything came back negative. No one noticed anything weird, and they told me that I shouldnt' worry. But I have dry white skin around the crease, it sometimes busts open if I try to examine my parts. I've read that the blisters (which I never get) last from 2 days to 4 weeks, but this has been goin on for a while now...I don't have the money to go back to the doc, any suggestions?
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207091 tn?1337709493
I answered this in your own thread.

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So I don't really know where to begin. I've been in a monogamous relationship for almost five years and have only slept with two men in my life. About a week ago i started feeling some burning and itching in my vaginal area. I thought maybe it was the bodywash that i had just bought causing some sort of irritation but it never went away even after i stopped using it. Also i noticed that the area started to get sore along with the itching so today i took a mirror just to check things out. i noticed three small tears, cuts, abrasions...i'm not really sure. they're small but there is one right above my clit and one on either side of my labia major. they aren't open wounds as far as i can tell, they aren't leaking but they are red and look like some skin is missing...you can definitely tell that they are there...anyways i'm wondering if it sounds like it could be herpes...i have no vaginal discharge or any other symptoms just the cuts and the pain...i was tested for herpes before and it came back negative but i'm wondering if somehow it could have been a false negative. If it doesn't sound like herpes any other ideas of what it could be...i just noticed the cuts today but have had the other symptoms for like a week now...please help because i'm freaking out.
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i too have the cuts but I didn't actually know for years. i use to get a prickly feeling now and then. its only after reading this forum that I have become more aware and had a look. And lo and behold cuts. What i want to know is how often do these cuts come. Does one also get the classic symptoms of herpes. its real strange for me because all this time i really did not realise. its amazing what having a peek can do,

I also have slight pain in my legs. I workout most days and would usually pass it as my over zealous worouts. but now because of this I tend to be blaming everything onto it.

I would just like to now more about these cuts. I now years ago I was diagnosed with herpes. But i was never told which type. Is it possible to be reinfected? I was diagnosed around 26 years ago. and I would say that i got to the stage where nothing much was noticeable. but I have a feeling that i was reinfected if possible. Are the cuts from HSV1 or HSV2?
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got the results back (waaaahhhh) popped pos again on herpes select for type 2 hsv. Well, what else would cause the cuts all these yrs?? Plus, the acyclovir seems to be working as I haven't had any irritations since I started taking it close to two months ago. You? Retest! Feels better to know you tried again, just to  make sure. back atcha soon, EB
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yeah, I saw that post and saw Grace's response.  Can't believe people try to get rich in these ways.  I have to say though, I am not opposed to using holistic methods if others aren't working.  You just have to be careful how you go about it that's all.  I did see something on the internet claiming it had the cure(based on bible verses, etc.)  And all you have to do to find out the herb used to cure it was pay $24.95 or whatever it was.  Whatever.  Check ya later.

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That is just not cool. Judgemental and awful. Report it. Hey, seriously, go to planned parenthood and have the herpes select done. They are professional, confidential and you don't even have to mess with going through your own doc. I think I will hear in another few days on my second test result. It takes 3-5 days from what they say. They pissed me off the first time, or I should say the nurse practitioner pissed me off as she said she would call me with pos results and the sooner the results come back the more likely they are pos and the longer it takes the more likely they are neg. Well, two weeks went by at least and I didn't hear. I was so busy that I really didn't care and just waited patiently and figured no news must be good news. Sure enough, I get a message on my cell phone and my heart dropped to my toes. I called this NP back and she said your result is pos for type 2. She said she could not reach me. Bullshit, I gave them my home and cell numbers. Anyway, I told this other branch office and NP to please call my cell right away when they get the results. She said she would and I told her what happened and how here I was thinking I was fine with no news being good news and then to hear I am pos afterall two weeks later. Just kindof pissed me off. I do think it will come back pos this time as what else explains the swelling, tearing, redness, itchiness, etc?? Anyway, try planned parenthood. It will be confidential and professional. The first time the test was $100 and second time only $66 as I was not a new patient anymore. Trust me, I will let you know as soon as I know what test #2 shows. Yes, I feel supported here too and like to check in daily. Check out my post on Kevin Trudea and see what you think. I put it on during the weekend. Ok, take care and back atcha soon new found friend, EB
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yeah, that's funny, huh?  me...pacific time!  :)  this site is like a daily ritual now...look it up, see if there's anything new from my "new friends".  Crackin me up.  How many more days til you get your results?  and...do you know the reliability of a site called www.stdweb.com?  Someone suggested it in an old post.  thinking about ordering up a biokit test.    I know I could go through my dr and all, but i'm just feeling like they'll think I'm being a freak or something.  Not to mention, I want to make sure I'm getting the best test for the situation since she didn't seem to convinced that it could be a false positive even after I gave her the info from HHH.  I guess I'd like to have it done, and with any luck, go back in and say, "oh, BTW, it was a false positive.  Now, why am I getting these cuts??"  Not to mention I'd like to stick it to the office manager that was totally convinced my husband gave it to me...hinted at a possible affair, etc.  b/c, after all, he is military and they "get around".  I really resented that little comment.  And if I didn't trust my husband as much as I do, she really could've had me going, but I was more pissed that she lumps all military into one promiscuous corner. Anyway, I'm rambling.  I'll get off my soap box now!
talk to you soon!
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mountain standard time and you? Curiousity is killing me but I know we need to protect our privacy. We will figure something out hopefully to be able to talk. EB
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yeah, that would really be a fluke since I'm a stay-at-home mom.  hee hee hee.  What time zone are you in?  :)
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Sorry. I had the screen up and the neighbor came over and I had to wrap it up and click outta here in a hurry. Well, I will let you know what my second test says. Are you going to get a second? Get your husband tested for your own sanity. It doesn't matter but still it is nice to satisfy your curiousity. Ya, I read the tear forums before. Lots of folks out there like us, aren't there? Back atcha soon. We will figure out a way to be in touch somehow without making it all public knowledge. Wouldn't that be weird if we were coworkers or some fluke like that? Ok, look forward to hearing back from you soon. Take care, EB
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Ya, no kidding. I read over the womens forum with the cuts, tears, topics and I do remember that I have read them before. I feel so dumb answering peoples postings with herpes, yes, it is herpes, etc. but I guess I was told the same bull **** for yrs only to find out I was hsv 2 pos myself. I will tell you as soon as I know about the darn herpes test, trust me. I mean the repeat herpes select test. No condoms. My husband has no fears after all these yrs and he is really thinking how could I possibly have it and if I did, he would. Which really only makes sense. I think we could call at a pay phone or something and then exchange phone numbers or something but how would we know we were there?
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anxious to hear your results.  So here's a personal question....are you and your husband using condoms now, or is he not worried since he hasn't gotten it in the last 14 years?  Still haven't got a test for my hubby...he's out of town right now, but I may suggest getting a test at Planned Parenthood when he gets back.  Things haven't been in tip top shape down yonder (as Grace would say!  :) anyway, so sex isn't something I've been craving...well, not totally true, but you know what I mean!  Think I need to order that lube that Grace recommended.  Don't know if you had a chance to read over those old forums yet, but I related to the girl that said the KY really didn't feel very good.  I tend to get a burning sensation with the stuff and she seemd to have the same trouble.  Interesting.  Too bad we can't have a "My Vagina Feels Like ****" Conference and get us all torn-up vagina people together!  :)
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I would like to get in touch somehow....I've been trying to figure that out.  What about yahoo messenger?  Perhaps we can sign on under the same "handle"?
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Once again. I agree. We are so much alike. Well, I had another herpes select test done at the planned parenthood closer to my house. I do believe I have it as what else would explain all of these tears and irritations for so many yrs. still think it is awful weird my husband doesn't have type 2. As I said, he has 1, thanks to his uneducated mom. I think she is  better now and she knows she better not kiss my kids with a cold sore. Anyway, I will let you know what my results are the second time around. If pos, I won't freak as I already did that recently when I found out. It is all so dumb as I have always wondered for yrs, with all of the irritations I have had and I had heard here and there that herpes can appear as cuts, nicks, tears, scratches, rashes and abrasions. Mostly heard that stuff online. Anyway, I think you can get a western blot through Quest diagnostics (a lab) and or go to planned parenthood, your doc or a clinic and get a repeat herpes select type specific test. I will read up on some of the stuff you gave me with regards to tears, yeast, etc. Yes, to answer your quest, I do think the acyclovir is working or maybe it just is not time for cuts, tears, redness, swelling and irritation yet. I will let you know what my second test reveals. I am thinking it will still be pos as they say it is 97-100% accurate or more. Will be in touch. Hope we can talk more frequently but sounds like we are both so busy with fam, work, life, etc. Look forward to hearing back from you soon. Good luck and take care, EB
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p.s. Maybe we should start a new posting to post back and forth or at some point figure out a way to reach eachother without having it be public knowledge, before this post ends up in archives and difficult to dig out. Let me know what you think. So glad I have you to relate too. Sounds like we have so much in common and feel the same about it all too. Take care, EB
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Here's the other old site:


No real answers, but at least some possible temporary solutions.  Was talking to my good friend the other day and she said to stop checking things in the mirror! Give myself a break from it.  I figured she's probably right...lets see if some of this itching is psychosematic...kinda like if you think about head lice, your head will itch!  I had a good couple of days.  Everything looked and feeled a little healthier down there. (o.k., so a snuck a peek here and there).  But today....ugh...feel so dry, the inside is red and irritated.  One cut that cropped up late in the day.  Trying to drink more water...so hard.  How's your meds working?  I ordered up my suppressive therapy.  I'll take it for awhile to see if it helps.  If not, I'm headed back to the Dr.  I wonder if that Western Blot Test is easy to get.  Do most labs do it?  So much talk on those old forums about yeast, the occurence of cuts around monthly cycles, birth control...wonder if my BC has anything to do with it. Wish I could remember time lines.  I just started taking this pill in October of 2006.  I've been taking it continuously (without having a period) to see if it helps ward off the monthly migraines.  Seems to lessen them to every other month instead of every month.  Who knows, there always seems to be someone that shoots down each possible theory.  I do think that hormones play a part though.

Take Care!

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Hey girl,

I was reading this old post:


There's another one too.  Let me go back and find it.  Hope all is well with you.  Will write more later...gotta get these kids to bed!
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Yes and right there with you on your whole post, trust me. I was going to break down too and spend the $15 for an MD posting/question. I think we both ought to go get a second herpes select test for one thing, even though, at least in my case, it probably is herpes. I have googled tears and cuts too off and on for so long and yes, read up on other things it may be so I hear you there. Unless it is in my mind the acyclovir seems to be working (knock on wood). I had one episode prior to my diagnosis, I think, where I was swollen and itchy and had several tears which actually burned when the shower hit them and the hardly ever do so I thought to myself then, ya, I have to have herpes, I just know it. When the NP saw me, of course she thought minor skin irritation and commented on my hands, skin and hair being so dry too. When the test was pos for 2, she herself was really shocked. I do think we ought to post our quest to the doc, get redraws on our herpes select type specific tests and continue to compare notes and provide support for eachother. What do you say new buddy?? Stay in touch. Back atcha soon and good luck to us both, eh?? Sincerely, Estrella
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I went back and read that post which Dr HHH answered in the forum on 5/22 (and I replied too) about the herpes and itching. What kind of Doc is he? Herpes causes extreme itching. As a nurse I have always known that, with the amount of research I have done, I know that and the NP I saw after my blood test was pos as well as another NP at the Planned Parenthood clinic said yes, it causes extreme itching an an awful lot of cases. Sure some are very mild or even asymptomatic but herpes definately causes extreme itching. Is this a real doc? Makes you wonder. Sometimes the itching I have makes me want to leave my body it gets so bad. I think that is why in the back of my mind, I have always thought I probably had it. Kindof wish my intuition were not true but hey, at least I can take antivirals now and try to keep outbreaks away. Ok, back atcha soon pal. It is hard to not be obcessed with this stuff, isen't it. Responding to others posts for some reason kindof helps me deal with it better myself. Husbands aren't much better. They are like, hey I would have had it by now and it is not going to change a thing now let's have sex. We women on the other hand are like, no way, you are not in my skin and after this diagnosis, at least as far as I am concerned, sex? No thanks. Not to mention work, kids, etc. I am sure you are on the same page with me on all this as so far we seem so much alike and have almost identical stories and backgrounds. Write when you can. Always look forward to hearing from you. Take care, EB
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Hey,  first of all, sorry for forgetting the "b" part of your nickname each time! ;)    I googled "vulva skin splitting" earlier and came up with a few new sites.  (God only knows how many times I've googled "Vaginal Tears, Cuts, etc").  Several things came up for vulval lichen sclerosus and the like...which I've read a little on.  When I mentioned this to the NP at my exam, she immediately said, "Oh no, I've seen that before, you don't have that."  Similar to my doctor saying, "No, that doesn't look like typical herpes" prior to my diagnosis.  I question whether I should call my doctor and say, "Its still here!!  Are you sure you don't want to look into what else this could be??"  The only thing that stops me is I really don't feel like paying for another  Dr visit if they're not going to do anything more-or possibly worse-think I'm a hypochondriac (though it has crossed my own mind over the last several years!!  The only thing going for me is there actually is evidence of something being wrong! )  I noticed you read that one post on the Dr Forum about "burning and itching" on 5/22.  Found it interesting what the dr said regarding the non-response to Valtrex.  If the Valtrex isn't helping her symptoms now, then it must be something other than herpes.  Also, that "herpes doesn't cause such itching anyway".  What???  That's half my problem!  1/2 Itchy, 1/2 Tearing!  So I've gained two things from that post, that Valtrex should have taken care of my outbreak and this problem I have shouldn't itch.  I'm about ready to pay my $10 and ask him what the heck is going on with me!  Hope you had a good weekend...assuming you're in the US and celebrate Memorial day!  :)
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Herpes spreads by oral, vaginal and anal sex.
Herpes sores blister, then burst, scab and heal.
STIs are the most common cause of genital sores.
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STDs can't be transmitted by casual contact, like hugging or touching.
Syphilis is an STD that is transmitted by oral, genital and anal sex.