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Please help! STD- kissing, unprotected BJ and protected vaginal sex


3 or 4 years back,i had received 8 unprotected blowjobs from messeurs and random hookups which ended in protected vaginal sex.I also engaged in kissing before BJ. Performed cunnilingus couple of times on the clit (less than a minute) I have had no obvious symptoms these years but seasonal common cold, sore throat and flu.I have never had any HIV or STI tests as i didn't have any symptoms and maybe I was a bit naive on STI risks back then. I am not sexually active for the last 3 years. I'm now going to enter in to a romantic relationship with someone i like but those encounters leave me with lot of questions. I have decided to go ahead with screening

1. Should I get tested for HIV? I understand the risks are statistically low. Correct?
2. What STI tests should i be taking and why?

Thank you.
1 Responses
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207091 tn?1337709493
This is going to be long, but I've broken it up to hopefully make it easier to read.


First, kissing is not a risk for any STD. You could transmit or get hsv1, but that's not considered an STD when transmitted by kissing. Half the adult population has that, though the huge majority never gets symptoms.


Performing oral sex on someone with a vagina is very low risk. Doing it for less than a minute wouldn't result in the transmission of anything. I wouldn't worry about testing for anything orally.


So receiving unprotected oral sex puts you at risk for syphilis, genital herpes type 1, chlamydia, gonorrhea and NGU. You are not at risk for HIV from receiving (or giving) oral sex.

I’ll explain all the risks for everything, but most experts don't think a single act of oral sex warrants testing. You're testing for a partner, so test anyway, but you can expect these tests to be negative.

Syphilis isn't that common, and your partner would have had to have a sore in their mouth to transmit it. You wouldn't see symptoms of this for 10-90 days, but the average is 21 days, and you'd get a sore called a chancre. This doesn't cause burning, pain, discharge, etc. You can test for this at 6 weeks. If you get symptoms, but test negative at 6 weeks, test again at 90 days, and get to the doctor as soon as you see symptoms.

If you don't already have herpes type 1 (think oral sores, like cold sores but not canker sores), then you could get genital herpes type 1 from receiving oral sex. This can happen even if the person performing oral doesn't have a sore, but it's more likely if they do. The time from infection to symptoms is usually 2-12 days, but the average is 4 days. You can test for this now, and then again at 4 months to make sure you don't have it. If you test positive now, it's a pre-existing infection that you had before this encounter. About half the adult population has this, and 90% don’t know it. Ask for a type specific hsv1 IgG blood test. You don't need a type 2 test, and that test has some false positives on it, so avoid it if you can.  

You'd see symptoms of gonorrhea at about 2-5 days, and this would usually be a discharge, burning, etc. Some people don't get symptoms. You can test for this as early as 3 days, but 5 days is better. You can have a urine test or a swab test.

Oral chlamydia isn't common at all, so getting chlamydia from receiving oral isn't likely, but has happened, so I mention it. The symptoms and time frame are similar to gonorrhea. A chlamydia test is usually run at the same time as gonorrhea, but make sure to ask for it.

NGU (nongonococcal urethritis urethritis, sometimes called NSU, for non-specific) is an infection in the urethra that is caused by anything other than gonorrhea . This can be caused by normal mouth bacteria entering the urethra, and other germs, like strep, adenovirus (usually causes upper respiratory infections like bronchitis), and the like. The symptoms and testing times are the same as gonorrhea and chlamydia.  


You had protected sex, which offers full protection against HIV, gonorrhea, chlamydia, NGU, mycoplasma and trich. It offers significant protection against syphilis, herpes and HPV.

After all this time has passed without symptoms, I would be very surprised if you had anything.

Helpful - 0
Thank you auntijessi! Much appreciated and obliged

Recalled another act-sucking on nipples. Does it increase risk profile?

Not a risk at all. The only things that are risks are mouth to genitals, genital to genital and genital to anal, all unclothed. Most take penetration or the friction required with penetration. For example, HPV is spread by direct, unclothed contact, but it won't be transmitted with a quick touch of your penis to a vulva. It would take some decent friction to transmit.

Hope that helps.
Thanks again auntiejessi!

Had a sleepless night thinking about all the potential risks. What are the odds in % of contracting HSV1 oral or genital in my case of oral sex. I didn't see any visible core on partners mouth as far as I can remember. Can i get symptoms after 4 years? Please advise.
And auntiejessi - if a generic urinalysis says no bacteria detected, will that likely include any of the STD bacterias?
You could have had oral hsv1 since you were a child and not known it. You literally have a 50% of that if you're an adult. If you have it already, you can't get it again.

If you don't have it, and haven't had sores, I wouldn't spend another minute worrying about it. Even if you got it and have no symptoms, you'd just be among the 50% of adults who have it orally and don't know when they got it.

If you got it genitally, you're more likely to have had symptoms, so I wouldn't worry about that, either. Even if you had it genitally, it's unlikely to ever transmit. Hsv1 doesn't "like" the genital area, so it sheds a lot less there, and recurs infrequently, so unless you had symptoms, you wouldn't transmit it from your genitals.

A generic urinalysis isn't going to find STDs. You need actual STD testing.

I'm far more concerned about your anxiety over this than your chances of actually having an STD. Is this level of anxiety normal for you? Do you typically lose sleep over things? You should talk to your doctor about that.

Don't forget that your new partner may have things that may affect you. While you're freaking over your past, have you all had an STD conversation? Is she also going to test?
Thanks again! Less anxious today as i got negative HIV result from a self test kit which claims be over 99.7% accurate for negative results and mainly due to your response. Education either creates curiosity or anxiety depending on the situation and it was just one of those instances. My partner is long distance at the moment but soon she will move-in. Will definitely ask her to get tested but for my reassurance, Im testing this weekend.
You had no risk for HIV, as mentioned, so it's not at all surprising that your test was negative. I'm happy you have peace of mind, though.

Hi auntijessi,
Wanted to share my results if that helps anyone

Glad that all came back negative or not detected:

Syphilis - negative
HIV 1&2 Abs/P24 Ag -Not detected

Urine culture PCR: Chlamydia, N Gonnorhea, mycoplasma genetalium, Ureaplasma species, Trichomonas, Gardnerella,

Urine culture DNA: HSV 1/2

My question: I provided Urine samples 1 hr and 45 minutes before my last urination. I later read that its ideal to not urinate for 3 to 4 hours before taking samples. Is this any cause for concern interms of distortion of volume of bacteria present in my sample? If so, does the fact that my encounters have been 3 or 4 years ago mitigate this cause. If the bacterias have been inside the system for 4 years, it definitely must have had high load and should have been detected.

Thanks again!
No, an hour is fine. You don't need to wait for 3 hours.

And it doesn't matter if it's been a few years since your last exposure - the tests are accurate.

A note, though - the urine culture for herpes isn't reliable to tell you if you have herpes or not. It's great if you have symptoms of an outbreak in your urethra, but if you don't, you should expect it to be negative. You can get a type specific IgG blood test for herpes, but I don't think you need to - you are very low risk, and have no symptoms, and there are a decent number of false positives on the hsv2 test.

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STDs can't be transmitted by casual contact, like hugging or touching.
Syphilis is an STD that is transmitted by oral, genital and anal sex.