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A question about prostitutes

i NEED TO KNOW ALL ABOUT WHAT STREET PROSTITUTES DO WITH CLIENT. I MEAN HE PULLS UP SHE GETS IN AND WHAT?? SHE TELLS HIM WHERE TO GO PARKING LOT STREET ALLEY WHEREVER AND WHAT DO THEY USUALLY TALK ABOUT ON WAY AND WHILE THERE IN CAR AND ON WAY BACK?? cHARGE FOR SEX AND TIME IT TAKES. i FOUND OUT MY HUSBAND OF 55YRS HAS BEEN TO YOUNG BLACK STREET PROSTITUTES. oNE TIME 2 PULLED UP AND HE GOT IN THEIR CAR WENT UNDER A BRIDGE AND ACCORDING TO HIM ( ha ha ) only 1 did sex the other got out and stood lookout. Doesnt seem true to me cause arent they out there to make money and time is money. Only 1 made money!!!!!  What do they charge and time it takes i want to know it all because i can't trust what he says. He said they come to tuuck and yell they want to do whatever and they tell him how where to wear a condome. Is that right , I thought the client told the prostitute what to do. Please help me I am broken hearted and feel i must put him out but i want to understand. Thank You   annie
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Prostitutes are out there to make money and their job is to make sure that the client gets whatever they pay for so everything is up for grabs. Inexperienced prostitutes might look out to make sure that they will not get arrested for their illegal activity. It depends on the person but they can charge from 50+ for simple things such as blow jobs, or with sexual activity it can range from 50+ a hour or more. Not all people wear condoms so I would get tested.

This is not from my personal experience just information I know from living close to a bad neighborhood.
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I know I sound crazy and I feel crazy but I must understand this mess of street prostitutes. Wherer are they? Why would an old perverted man go to them when he knows they carry disease and are on drugs. He claims they told him what to do, where to get in his car, where to go to parking lot or alley or wherever. Some insist on condom, thank God. I thought the client told the prostitute what to do, where, how and all that stuff. I am talking about Street Prostitutes in car or truck. Several times they drove up to the bad area and 4-5 were in a car together. Several times 2 got in his truck but only 1 performed according to my husband, the other sat there and watch.. I have horrible pictures in my mind of all of this.I hear horrible things they say and do to and with my husband. I cant bear this. I want to know EXACTALLY what was said and done from begining to end and why. Dont prostitutes realize the clients use them like a toilet. Take a piece of their soul. How must they feel later when they think about it all. They should cut off all men's privates that are caught and I bet that would make a low life man think twice. I am so angry and hurt over this.  I totally blame my husband, not the prostitutes. They are so sad  so harmed. Ihave been a good wife for 55yrs and raised 7 sons with this pervert. I feel I dont even know him. Please if there is a street prostitute out there reading this helpme understand this. hank You  Annie
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All of this varies, like the above poster said. Men go to prostitutes because they get what they want and there are no strings attached. Your husband is playing such a dangerous game though. He could get an STD, be arrested, or worse, get AIDS. Many of these young women are run a ways and on drugs. The pimp takes most or all of their money. I've watched many documentaries on this sort of thing and it's very sad. If there were no customs like your husband there would be no prostitution. Have you talked to him about getting counseling? You both need to be tested and right away. As long as he's doing this you should probably not have sex with him.  
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Thank You both for your answers. I talked to my sons and they put him out. They told him to get help and then we would all talk. They found out he was going to underage street prostitutes, all black. I feel like he used them like a toilet. He took a piece of their soul. He thinks it's ok because they are out there. I can't believe I married him. It's been 55 yrs. and  7 sons later. He has been doing this and other twisted, perverted activity through the whole marriage. Oh my gosh and I was so busy with kids and grandkids I did'nt see it. Everyone thinks he is just wonderful and charismatic. A church goer!! I am so sick of him. I want to go to place where people help, especially young girls, off the street and prostitution. I mean HELP THEM. They are all victims. I told him he must pay money to help whoever helps them. The men need to go to jail and have their privates cut off so they can never do it again. I feel so angry and I'm going with it because I feel better. Thank You again
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I could'nt agree with you more. You're husband needs to get in to counseling. Right now or he won't stop what he's doing. You are so right about these girls. Many are under age, on drugs, and the guys beat them and take all of their money. It is a very sad thing. Of course you're angry. How could you not be? To be married for so long and not even know your husband is doing this. I would recommend counseling for you too. It will help with your anger. We're here to help anyway we can.
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Thank You, I feel better just being able to tell women about this. It does make a difference. My sons have also been so supportive. I was ashamed to tell my sons but they certainly rose to the ocassion. They moved their Dad out and told him he was not to try to come back until he proves he is in intensive therapy and gets tested for everything there is that he could have contacted.  I went today to be tested. I can't believe this is happening. My doctor, a woman, was furious with my husband. All this good support, and I do so appreciate it from everyone. Again, THANK YOU
Annie Sue
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Your sons sound wonderful and very protective of their mother. I know a little about this from friends and such. It almost never has to do with the wife. She can be the most perfect wife in the world and the husband can do this. I hope your husband does get in to therapy soon. Have you thought about therapy for yourself? I really do think it would be a good idea. I know I mentioned this earlier, I just think it would be good for you. I pray that your tests come back fine. I'm here most everyday if you want to talk, okay.
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I did go to KU and get tested. I hsd aids test also. If I would have something, anything, I hope he goes away forever. I actually am going to see someone at KU that deals with this type of thing. My primary care dr. set it up..She is so good to me for many years now. Did I mention I have had a liver and kidney transplant and thats when he decided to tell me all this garbage. I wasn't sick enough and at one point I was ina coma and when I woke I didn't know anything until I had my transplant. I was so toxic I thought it was in 1800's . Well enough of that. You are right I have awsome sons. I am so grateful for them. Two sons are married and two have lost their wives. The others said there to young to get married. They range from 53 to 45. I do appreciate you talking to me. I'll be back later. Bye for now. Annie
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I'm really glad you went to get tested. You should get some of the results back pretty soon. Your Dr does sound wonderful.
No, you did'nt tell me about the transplants. How awful for you! Thank goodness we live in the age we do though with all of this medical technology. He told you before or after the transplants? I wonder if the guilt was getting to him? I wish I could tell you why some men do this. There really could be so many different reasons. That's why he should get in to counseling.
When is your first appointment? I am so glad to hear you have this set up. You need help and support right now.
How many sons do you have? I think you mentioned 7 if I'm correct. I can't imagine having that many boys. I have an only child, a daughter.
Talk to you soon and take care.
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I am going to see a therapist this coming Friday. He told me after the transplants. My Dr. thinks he's a sociopath. I think he knew I was trying to recover from the surgery and hoped it would either kill me, get me to leave, or someone knew something and he was afraid of being told on and decided it would look better for him if he confessed. I don't know, these are just my crazy thoughfs.
I do have 7 sons. It's been an exciting life with all 7 of them. What one didn't think of to do the others did. They have been pretty good sons all in all. One of mysons has been career military and he just retired so he's going to stay with me. All of them have always been very good to me. I am blessed.
There Dad has been trying to talk to them and explain but so far they wont listen. I kinds hope they do and find out why. I just want to know everything in detail. I wish I could walk on and not care but I am stunned, outraged, hurt, angry, all kinds of crazy thoughts. I hope the therapist can help me.
So you have a daughter. That must be wonderful. I tried several times for a daughter but to no avail.After 7 boys a girl wouldn't have a chance. We always had male dogs, cats, pets. Male, male, male. It was a joke with my boys that someday I would accompany them!!!I told them no way. When I got the kidney and woke up in icu they were all standing there smiling great big and I thought it was because I made it. Instead they said Mom you WILL accompany us now, you have a male kidney. LOL They thought that was so funny. Like I said I am blessed to have them. I am going to try to dwell on all the things I have to be grateful for. I am going to take a class or something or maby find who helps the sad street prostitutes and offer to help any way I can. I must stay busy. It's so nice to talk to you. I'll be talking to you soon. Annie
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You may never get a straight answer from your husband. He might not even know why he does this. That's why he needs therapy too. But, right now you have to think about you and your mental and physical health. Of course you have all of those feelings. You have every right to. I really am so glad to hear you have an appointment Friday.
That's so great that one of your sons will be staying with you. They all sound like awsome boys.
Yes, I have one daughter. She is not only my daughter but my best friend. She is the only daughter, only grand daughter and only niece in my family. My two sisters both have boys.
I think helping women in need is a great idea. They sure do need the help. It would help you with your healing too.
Did your boys really say that? Oh my gosh, that is great! Yes, you did finally did get to accompany them with a male kidney.
You have a wonderful attitude and you will make it through this.
It's really nice to talk to you too.
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Sorry haven,t answered sooner but had to take an unexpected trip to KU. My kidney started to cause me a few problems so before it got to out ocf hand I decided to go. I told my boys it,s all because it's a male kidney. LOL
I bet it's wonderful to have a daughter. I have grand and great granddaughters and I sure enjoy them a lot. My granddaughter Sarah just had a baby boy the 16th. She has a 5yr old girl and it's going to be hard on her because she has been #1 for so long and now it will change. She told her mother the baby boy was nice but could they leave him there because he made to much noise and gave her a headache!!  Shes not wanting him right now. So funny.
I did go to my therapist and she was so kind. I do everything at KU so I saw her yesterday before I was discharged. She told me I have a good sense of humor and I'm centered so her and I will work through this. I will be just fine. I was enraged and words I can't even use here when I found out all this garbage. I don't like it at all but I know I'll be ok. I think the very worst of it was knowing he cared so little about me that he risked diseases and God only knows what else. I have no immune system and I would have been in real trouble had he given me somthing. Let me say also that he would have been in worse trouble, believe me. He has been checked and so have I. So far all is ok. GOD is so good. I will be talking to you later. For now have a good turkey day.  Annie
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Did everything check out alright with your kidney? I sure hope so. Ha ha! Your comment about it being a male kidney is so funny. You do have a great sense of humor. And I agree with your therapist, this is one of the things that will get you through all of this.
Aw! Congratulations on your new great grandson. Your little great grand daughter will get used to her new brother in time. What she said was so cute though.
Did you set up another appointment with your therapist? I was really happy to hear that you would be going to one. It's something you need to do for yourself.
Yes, thank goodness all tests came back clear. Take care. Remar
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My kidney is 3rd stage renal failure and it's, of course, a transplant so I'm a bit worried but not to much. I did test out perfect and it will take a bit for hiv test to come back. You know, I forgot I am tested every 6mo. for everything because I am transplant. I have been so angry and upset that I forgot it. I do have an ongoing appointment every friday to see my therapist. My husband came by after church today and wanted to talk. I felt sorry for him. He has aged. He has always been a good looking man but he sure looked older. I told him I wasn't ready to talk to him and didn;t know if I ever would be. He started to cry and I just hated that. My sons were here and told him they would talk to him but to leave me alone, that I was just starting to calm down. I don't know why I felt so sorry for him. I'm the betrayed one not him. I ask God to let me just not care about him at all anymore. It's hard. We have a long history and quite a story. Well again have a good turkey day and I'll be talking to you. Annie
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I think you felt sorry for your husband because you are such a caring woman. You need time for you right now though. I'm glad to hear you have a standing appointment with your therapist. This is going to take time. And like you told your husband, you may never be ready to talk to him. Maybe one day you will though. I think you both need to be in therapy and then possibly couples therapy. Even if you don't get back together the couples therapy may give you the answers you really need as to why your husband did this.
If you get tested every 6 months you're probably fine. It was smart of you to be tested again though. Take care. Remar
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Oh my gosh, I had a wonderful Thanksgiving. All my boys were there. I went to my #2 son's house and the rest were there. Yes, my husband came also. I felt sorry for him. I guess he's losing his memory. I had noticed he would lose keys every day and we think he's in first stages of alzheimers. My son is going to take him to KU tomorrow for a check up. I can't even be angry at him now, just sick. My son told me he got a call the other day from an old neighbor that he was wondering around looking lost. My son went to check on him and he had lost his truck and did'nt know where he was. I am concerned about all this and yet I don't quite know what to do. Can't wait to talk to my therapist Friday. I feel upset over everything but I know somehow it will all work out.
Enough of me. How did your Thanksgiving go. Really great I hope. I'm thinking you spent it with your dear daughter. It must be great to have a daughter to share with and communicate with. Not so easy with boy's. Well I need to get off here and get ready for tomorrow. I decided I'm going to doctor with my son and husband. I'll be talking to you later. Hope all is well with you.  Annie
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I'm so glad you Had a wonderful Thanksgiving with everything you've been through.
You're quite an amazing woman to still care about your husband. Hopefully he does'nt have Alzheimer's. The forgetfulness may be caused from stress. I'm sure the Dr will do testing on him.
How are things going with your therapist? You seem to like going and that's really great.
Yes, I love having a daughter. I must admit, when I was expecting I of course like any mother wanted a healthy baby. I did hope for a little girl though and that's what I got. She's an amazing young woman and we are extremely close.
We had a nice Thanksgiving. I'm the oldest of 3 girls and it was the first year my husband and I had it at our home. My mom has done it for so many years. It's time to give her a break from all the cooking and just have her show up with everything ready.
Please let me know if you get a chance, how everything went at the Dr. Take care. Remar
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I sent you a friend invite. I thought I had already done that but checked and I had not. It's sent now though.
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It must be so great to have your MOM here. I love it. I went to therapist today and talked about my husband, of course, and the problems he's having. The therapists, there are 2, said they would support me in whatever decisions I might make. I ask them to see my husband and that's the plan. One is a profiler. She once worked with the FBI but retired and came to KU part time. They are both past 67 so they have old day standards for sure. They are awesome. They both deeply believe in God and that matters much to me. I will tell you I am Mennonite, but not such a good one. I met my husband at church. Thought we were sooo compatible but what do you really know when your 14??? Nothing!! After all this I still feel like I know nothing. I'm just taking every day, day by day.
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I hit the wrong place and it sent my reply before I was ready. I wanted to ask you what is a friend invite?? I am no good on this computer. I mess it up all the time.LOL Anyways I'll be talking to you later. I have a big day tomorrow. It's supposed to be a surprise but you know we moms have our secret ways to find things out. LOL It's my birthday, I'll be 70 and I feel it right now. Always glad to hear from you.  Annie
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Happy Birthday! You are 70 years young.
Will your husband go to see the therapists? I really hope he agrees to do this, for you and for himself.
I met my husband right before I turned 14. We just celebrated our 36 anniversary on the 27th. I was 15 and he was 18 when we got married. You and I both may have been extremely young when we got married but it sounds like we both took those vows very seriously.
Look on your home page around the top left. It will say you have a friend invite. Click on that and it will be from me. It will say to accept or ignore.
All you can do right now is take things day by day. You have a great attitude and already know this. It's going to take time. Some things in life are just not easy. I do hope you and your husband can work things out. He has a problem, a major one, that he probably does'nt even understand. The therapists will help him to understand why he's done what he's done.
I really do hope you have the most wonderful birthday. Talk to you soon. Remar
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first of all, not to be rude, but your completly wrong.  Yeah money is the main objective of a hooker, but money is also the main objective of anybodies career! To provide for their families, and live.  Safety is always the #1 concern, so your wrong ! ANYTHING IS NOT up for grabs.  Hookers have set boundaries and rules that they follow, just as anyone in a field of work might have.  Would you say "anything is up for grabs" while your clocked in at your job??  Or would you only do things that aren't harmful and try your best to be safe while your on the clock??  Same thing with hookers.  Watch the news now a days.  High end hookers are getting paid $4,000--$5,000 for a night with a older man.  Who most likely is so old, that they can't even get it up.  So wow a hooker made more than you probably make in a whole month in her one night.
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Oh my gosh, did you read the note that I got?? I sent an answer but I don't know where I sent it. LOL I am so upside down on this computer that it's sad. I never ment any hurt or upset to anyone. I was venting my anger at  and about my husband. This lady talked about high end hookers and I was talking about sad little street girls. My husband used them even if he paid them. Thats what I find so sick that one human can use another like that with no worry about it. All's good in their world for a minute. But when he stands before God well I just wonder. Do you think she is a hooker? I thought maby she might be and felt I was disrespecting her but that is not the case at all. I feel so sorry and sad for any woman or girl that finds herself out there like that. God help them ALL. Tell me what you think.  Annie
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Well I did it again. I read the whole thing again and see where this was sent to a Kellie Smith. They will know I'm silly now. If they see this I hope they know I thought this was for me.  Annie
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