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I can’t help being in love with my uncle

I know that most of you are going to say how nasty and sick I am, how I need to get help, and I really understand. But I’m not writing this to get you acceptance, I just need to tell some one. I really am sorry if I offend you, but I cant help being in love with my uncle, and he’s in love with me too.

First I’m 24 the oldest of my moms 4 kids, I was never molested, never abused, never raped. Nothing like that. My uncle is the youngest of my grandparents kids, he’s 28 12 years younger then my mom.

Even though he is my uncle its only in a biological way, we had never met once in our lives. My family is spread all over the country. We ended up meeting last year, I just came home from Uni, and he was staying in the guest room for the summer, he had a bad accident and my mom wanted to help him with his physical therapy, that’s what she does.

After a week together, eating meals, going for walks, playing x-box. I was rather shocked to find I was rapidly falling in love with this man. Even knowing he was my uncle I didn’t think of him as such and still don’t. We are both so very much alike, I get on better with him then anyone else, he has told me the same thing several times.

Two months pass and I am going crazy because of my feelings for him, but I don’t want to freak him out or push him away, because we are best friends, and I never act on these feeling because I know they are wrong and I feel he can’t possibly share them. I have never been more wrong.

We where on one of our movie dates, and I noticed he kept looking at me, when I asked him why he was he just said I was beautiful. I blushed and thanked him, he blushed too, and we went back to the movie. Three days later we where walking along the trees that line our property, he had been acting strange since the movie, and it was nice to have some time so I could ask him what was wrong.

He said he was in love with me, and then he kissed me, not chaste either. After the kiss I started to sob, from relief, joy, fear, and a heavy dose of shame. But I kissed him back and told him I loved him as well.

It’s been a year now and he is almost completely through his therapy, we both decided that we are going to get a place together. Our family thinks it’s a great idea, of course they don’t know we are lovers. I know what we are doing is very taboo and morally wrong to many but I love this man, and I always will.  

Again im sorry for offending you, but having written this down, I feel like I can breathe again. Thank you.

27 Responses
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93654 tn?1247499334
Well it DOES matter what the law says. Sure love is blind (and ignorant in many cases), but would you really want to risk your freedom for it? I know of a case here where a man had a sexual relationship with his adult daughter. He got sent to prison for 10 years and she got 10 years probation. They both have to register as sex offenders for an additional 10 years after their parole/probation is over. Neither of them would say it was worth it now. I said before that I don't know the laws where the OP lives, but I believe that sex between an uncle & niece or aunt & nephew is illegal in every state.

I mean c'mon, people! I really doubt that her uncle is her soul mate. Stella, I would let this go. Get out and about- find some hobbies that will bring you into contact with interesting and nice men who are not related to you. I can't believe the idea of incest and inbreeding is romantic in some people's eyes. Now, if the world implodes and we find ourself starting over and needing to populate the land, by all means- keep it in the family if that's all you have.
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so you love him.... Blind love,,,,,

As you know what is wrong  and right..  So there is no need to explain you. But i would put some light of other consiquences of life...
Consider yourself and you uncle in Big Beautiful world. You have what you want... But both of you are the only people in that world or city or jungle... No one else exist... except both of you....  But what happen  when you need to share you feelings, your happiness  you use to share with your Sister, Mother, Brother, Father... You would also loose your friends too...  Remmber God created the world with everyting you need..  So you need everybody all your relatives, Friends, Parents..    You would get your love ..But you will always have a Flaw  a Big Big Big Flaw in your life,,,,,,,

And announcing this to everyone would be even more worst
First thing  you will not have same feeling because of sarrow.. you mind will always give you blink that you lost your familly... so you would be hurt..
Second   Announcing this news to other.   you are making a sin... Because Other People might think of doing this..  So you are kind of executing other people to do it....

Think about it... I would say away from this incest... You do need Every body in your life...
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93654 tn?1247499334
Research the sex laws in your state before you take this any further. In Texas, it's against the law to engage in sexual intercourse with someone who is "the parent's brother or sister of the whole or half blood," and vice versa, meaning it's illegal for you to have sex with him and illegal for him to have sex with you. I don't know what the law is where you live, but definitely look it up and make sure neither of you can get into trouble for this relationship.
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Hello again, after reading the responses my sweetheart and I thought long and hard about weather we would be telling our family. We both decided that we will tell my mum and go from there. neither of us expect her to embrace this enthusiastically, but knowing my mum I know she will only want our happiness. So I have faith that once we explain every thing to her. once she can see how happy he makes me, and how happy I make him. I really think she may accept our relationship.

And again thank you for the people who understand my feelings, and for the others who want me to get over it. Well I am far to much in love with this man to just get over it, let alone feel this way for another.
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152852 tn?1205713426
Regardless of what is socially acceptable in other countries or many years ago in this county or the fact that you didn't know each other growing up, I agree with treazzure 100%.  I can't see your family ever accepting this.  Regardless of YOUR relationship with EACH OTHER--your mother has relationships with both of you (she's seen you both grow up from babies and has strong familial and appropriate bonds with both of you) and to her, this will be unbelievably horrific.  I know I would be horrified if my brother and daughter were ever together--I don't care what the circumstances.  It would be devastating.

It couldn't be too difficult to live away from each other since you managed to do so for 23 years.  I would separate and hopefully your own pain of longing when you occasionally see each other at family weddings and deaths will be the only pain this family experiences as a result of this.
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i think your emotions is not bad to love anyone in ur family, u can love your father but this doesnt mean that u will have sex with him because this will be incest
think about it and tell ur self that u r going to do incest , tell ur self that he is ur uncle and he is like ur father and u love him innocent love like u love ur mother or father or brother please put this picture in ur mind , tell ur self that u cant have sex with ur father or brother although u love them very much

love is a great emotion , u can love ur uncle and be just best friends and this will be great but dont make any step forward more than this,and i advise u to stay away from him until u  get married or have a new bf

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