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Worried about penis please help!

erm a while ago (about 2 months ) i seemed to get a tear in the skin that connects the head to the foreskin, after this i had strange sensations in my penis that i was worried about so i went to the doctor and he told me it would go away. i waited and it went in a way, but there was still a bit of slight (very slight) pain. then i began to get these red dots on my penis every time i ejaculated which worried me even more!! so i went to the doctor again, this was just a few weeks ago, and told him about all of this and the fact that it seemed the veins in my penis were getting bigger. he took a look and still insisted it was nothing and i was fine. I asked if he could send a urine sample for urine infection or something (because i know SOMETHING is wrong here!) but the test cam back negative (though i don't know if they were just looking for urine infection or if they would have done a full test?)
anyway i am freaking out because there are veins becoming more prominent in my penis and it's worrying me a lot! i don't know why this could be happening and anyone who can shed some light on this would be much appreciated! i'm 20 years old and this is really affecting me! i assume the big one at the top is the dorsal vein? what is this supposed to feel like? hard or what? getting very worried with all of this! i have posted this before but i need to say aswell i can feel a vein on the bottom side of my penis, it's very seeable and feels hard, is this something to worry about?
3 Responses
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1331120 tn?1276484496
you should avoid any sexual activity like masturbation and sexual intercourse. then observe yourself if this still persist then most probably that somethings happening to you.try to seek other professionals advice and consult other doctors and compare their opinions.
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1305762 tn?1311548999
Sometimes veins are prominent on penises. Sometimes they're not. If your doctor isn't worried about it and the test came back negative then I wouldn't worry about it too much.

Regarding the red dots this sounds a lot more like an allergic reaction to something.. condoms, lubricant, etc... then an STD. Don't make the connection between ejaculation and the red dots as I don't think ejaculation itself would cause a reaction as much as whatever you're doing to cause the ejaculation. Follow?

Again, if yor doctor isnt worried then I wouldn't be either. You can always ask him to refer you to a doctor that specializes in the male reproductive system or STDs if you want a second opinion. Or, go to the emergency room or your doctor when the red dots are visible so they can have a look at it and see if they can't make sense of if then. IF your foreskin is torn it might not be a bad idea to have it removed to prevent further tearing and/or infection.

It's unlikely you have an STD if this is you and your partners first times although I guess its not entirely impossible. However, your doctor would probably have thought of this so it doesn't seem like anything you're describing or anything he's seeing is making him think it could be an STD.
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ok there is also a vein that comes off from the end of the dorsal vein and makes a full circle around my penis then back, this one seems as though it may be swollen? ah i'm freaking out! should i see a doctor for a third time? btw me and my partner are each others first sexual partners, so this rules out STD right?
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Millions of people are diagnosed with STDs in the U.S. each year.
STDs can't be transmitted by casual contact, like hugging or touching.
Syphilis is an STD that is transmitted by oral, genital and anal sex.
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