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anal and vaginal

I had anal with my girlfreind for around a minute but prior to that i made her wipe it and when i removed my penis there was nothing on my penis, so i put it in her vagina for a little while what will this do if anything?
26 Responses
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571167 tn?1223214465
A gelding is a male horse that has been snipped and clipped. You know, no more baby ponies.LOL By doing this it stops them from trying to get it on with every mare(female horse and rabbit in sight)!LOL It calms them down alot!
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513175 tn?1222957502
now that i understand your meaning behind the post, it doesnt bother me so much!! :) like i said, again, i apologize for my rude comments.
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177641 tn?1189755837
That's good. Now that you know there is a risk of causing illness, just use condoms (and lots of lube) next time to keep it clean and healthy. Hopefully nothing develops over the next couple weeks and your girlfriend stays healthy.
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You're right, may be I just read too much beyond the question. I felt that the original post sound 'uncertain' about what he was doing ,while I considered this anal is giving risks to women not only in pain but also getting another disease like HIV or problem with bowel movement easily by doing this way- so I just jumped in and try to remind him.
When I said that man shouldnot do anal to his gf/wife if he loved her even if she asked, that goes in the same context as I mentioned  that he shouldn't   taking risk for  her wife's health while he  can do it in another safe - usual way .

Best Regards.
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I never did find out what gelding was.  Wickapedia, Webster nobody knows???
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513175 tn?1222957502
fung, i completely understand that you are having "culture shock" as you put it. and i understand that EVERY person has views on sex in different ways. I did not mean to come off as rude. (to be honest, i was having a very bad day, i know, not an excuse, but it is the truth.) and i do respect your views. my only case was that you were making this sound like it was dirty, which in your eyes it is; and you were saying that if a man cares for a woman he should not do this, even if she wants it. that to me is wrong. my husband cares for me very much. again, i think this comes down to cultural backgrounds and beliefs. so i am in no way saying that YOU are wrong, just maybe wrong in this post. he was simply concerned about getting his girlfriend sick. something that i admire in a guy, thinking about something he did, that was probably not the smartest thing, and trying to make sure she will be ok. again, i apologize. i did not mean to sound rude or that i was attacking you. i do stick by the fact that people should stick more to the topic at hand when commenting on a post. not just you, but everyone. MedHelp did not set up this site for people to cast judgement, but to give advice. (again, that is directed at people on this site in general, not you in particular.) Hope there is no bad blood between us. i have seen some of your other posts and you are usually spot on with your remarks and i usually agree with your answers to peoples questions.

Ssam, i do understand the culture shock point of this and the fact that English is not Fung's first language. i was simply stating my opinions as does everyone else. I was having a bad day, and now that i re-read the posts i put up, i do realize i was a LITTLE sarcastic (lol...no, way sarcastic) and i did not mean to sound so rude. The main jist of her posts, though, were "if a man loves a woman, he will never do anal" and again, i understand that this has a lot to do with her cultural background, but i have to say that making that general, blunt statement did bother me. i know that my husband cares and loves me dearly, despite what we do in the bedroom.
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To tell you the truth, at first I didnt look into your profile , I'm sorry if I didn't read your 'very much female' in your writing. I still stand  by most of my words before, but may be I should refer it to women with the same cultural background as me. SSam  was right, it's kind of culture shock for me since I learn about this and so was my friends when I told them .If I may explain,  for us who live with  east tradition, vagina is kind of sacred to a woman , while anal is for dirty purpose. So, it will be very humiliating for a nice girl to use anal while having sex.

To. SeriousSam
Once again i lift my hat to you for understanding my point. I dont mind teaching you my  language if you like ;-)
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You were kind of rude in the context that fung is from a different culture and is trying to wrap her mind around foreign concepts written in a language that is not her primary language, and is considered the most difficult on the planet.

If you take that in consideration I think you will find she was not trying to be rude but was rather more instilled with a sense of culture shock.

Personally while I do not agree with everything that fung says I find her to be one of the more charming, and refreshingly honest people on medhelp.  It almost makes me regret that hers is not one of the seven languages that I am trying to teach myself before my 50 th birthday (I still have at least a decade to go lol).

I thought, personally, that you were rather sarcastic.  A trait that I actually admire, but feel it is best directed at people whose languages or cultures better equip them to appreciate that skill.

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513175 tn?1222957502
Not really sure what was rude about my comments. i was only stating facts. if you would have looked at my profile, you would have seen that i am female. That is all i am saying. we are all entitled to our opinions, and i was only giving you mine. the fact that you think anal is such a BAD thing is your OPINION. Like i said, not meaning to sound rude, but you are trying to tell everyone here how bad anal is and that if a man loves or cares for a woman he should never ask for it, even if she is willing, or even if SHE is the one who asks for it he should deprive her of that. that has absolutely nothing to do with the original post!! i cant help but get a little confused and upset by that. it is like you are saying that any man who does this with a woman does not love her. EVERY persons sexual preferences are different. if you do not like something, does not mean that others dont. if you are strictly going to respond to someones post i think is should stay on the topic at hand, not your personal views on the sexual acts they perform. too many people on this site cast judgement. if you dont like what someone does, please just dont respond to the post.
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thing is shes had no symptopms or complaint of any illnessses?
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Your comment is very rude , but I dont want to make it any further. I explained  enough on my last post.
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513175 tn?1222957502
I'm sorry to say, but i am NOT a man. i am very much female. been with my husband for almost 6 years, and i am a mother. i think being a mother does make me female right? the fact that all my reproductive organs are inside me means i am medically female right? anyways, this quote from your post "Finding what he likes and do it , fake it, anything to make him pleased. If you pleased, I pleased too. You are a man, you might never know what women think. It's the nature."....Sorry, to burst your bubble again, but i am female. that could not be farther from the truth in my case. i do enjoy anal. not on a daily basis of course, but i do experience the most INTENSE orgasms during anal. whether or not you want to believe it. you sound very close minded and that is a shame.  
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I browsed www.****.*** and find out how outdated I am about this things.  so I brought this topic into discussion among  my friends yesterday - 10 women age 30 - 45 - and turned out they had the same thought as me ,  some even considered it as humiliating to woman and unhealthy as well.  We come from east part of this world , and this opinions might be mostly influenced by our culture . I may  be wrong about the nerve things,  but surely that wouldn't change my sex habits   ;-)  Sorry to bother you guys with this silly things of me
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To those that believe that there are no good-feeling nerves involved with anal intercourse, both men and women, ask yourself how having a bowel movement feels.  Sorry if I'm grossing some of you out, but that's the way it is!  
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Hate to say this but there are thousand of sensitive nurves in and around the anus...
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But women can have an orgasm from anal sex, my girlfriend loves it. and believe me she is not doing it to please me. as for what you said about their being no nerve ending in the anus thats completely wrong, and why does lubrication have anything to do with having an orgasm. Trust me Fung, women can have an anal orgasm purely from just anal stimulation.
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oooops sorry, I meant to send those 2 posts to you
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What I meant is, if you do love your partner, don't ask for anal. If she is offering you ,let her know that you would not do that because you dont like it either.  
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I just  read the other thread and find out -like you said- that there is anal orgasm?I dont believe it.  I never once read the science-based  explanation about that... or is there any? How to aroused if it hurt? You even need lots of lots of lubrication. . Anal cannot make you enjoy sex because there are no nerves for it.  I watched some porn movies showed that when doing anal, the woman also touched her vagina , and may be that's  how they get orgasm. . Based on  psichological explanations,  most women wish for long term relationship when they love her partner or comfortable with one . For some women-that means doing anything  to make him stay. Sacrifise is part of women's insting . Finding what he likes and do it , fake it, anything to make him pleased. If you pleased, I pleased too. You are a man, you might never know what women think. It's the nature.
Just my opinion...
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513175 tn?1222957502
you should always, always, ALWAYS wipe yourself before moving from the anus to the vagina. even though you don't see anything on your penis, bacteria may still be there. if she does get an infection, she will have to go to the doc and get on some antibiotics/anitfungal (depending on the infection) and will be fine. still...make sure you clean YOURSELF before "switching holes" just to be safe.

FUNG- many many girls enjoy anal sex as there is a g-spot in the anus and they can achieve very intense orgasms that way. if they partner is caring and listens to her, the pain is very minimal. i am wondering where you got your information? if this is from personal experience or what?? i am just curious. it does not make the man selfish. the woman has to be a willing participant, so if she is willing and is enjoying it, how is he selfish??
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I kow..I know.. I just cant help it saying..But I still believe that basically women do it only to please her man, like if she didn't want to get pregnant but imposible to say no to sex or for any other reasons
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Some women prefer to cut the risk of pregnancy to zero.  Or just like the whole fetish of doing something "naughty"

Not my thing but people are people.
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I've been requested to do anal more than a few times. Some girls like it. I actually had no interest in it, but she wanted it. Everyone is a little different.
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Why anal while she has vagina? If this is not about cultural problem , I think a man who were doing anal to his girl must be a very selfish person . He should have known that it is not only hurting the girl ,but could  causing infection as well.
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