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excessive vaginal wetness when aroused

I am in my mid twenties and have had excessive vaginal wetness (aka large puddle on the bed, needing to take a break during intercourse to wipe off)  when I become aroused as long as I can remember. I don't think most people understand how annoying and sexually dissatisfying this is. I am so frustrated every time I ask for help most people just say how lucky I am (definatly don't feel that way). Its very messy, I have a hard time feeling anything during intercourse, and quite frankly not much fun for me or my partner.

I know I have no STD's, or infections. I've tried multiple birth control pills, antihystamines, and "just keeping a towel handy" as my OB offered isn't a viable option. I've done some research and heard of some drying powder, but that seems like an infection waiting to happen. Not to mention the main ingredient is corn starch so that would be like making vaginal gravy, not to sexually appealing either.

Any ideas, I vaguely remember hearing about vaginal laser surgery?
62 Responses
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I absolutely know what this is and it took me YEARS to find out!!!  Excessive wetness during sex is caused by ONE thing - too much estrogen in the womans body!  That said, there are often other signs of excessive estrogen such as heavier menstrual periods, bloating, insomnia, etc.. which we just ignore, try and deal with or don't attribute to excessive sexual lubricational discharge.  I suffered with this problem for many years until I stumbled upon my need for progesterone cream when I finally became peri-menopausal.  Even in my 50's I was excessively wet when aroused but this cream saved my life.  I apply it twice daily (inside my wrists or thighs) and it takes about 3 months to work effectively.  Not only did my other symptoms go away but I'm not a "juicy Lucy" during sex anymore!!!
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When I was in my 20's and 30's, I did not have problems with wetness.  I started having problems with dryness after the birth of my second child at age 37.  It takes a lot of foreplay to get me there, but I eventually get wet enough.  When I was in my mid 30s, I briefly had to take Doxycyclin - it totally dried me out down there.  For those of you with too much wetness, ask your doctor about taking intermittent courses of Doxycyclin - it's a relatively harmless antibiotic.  It is often prescribed for bad acne because it dries out the overproductive oil glands in your skin.  I guess it has same effect on vaginal secretions
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15512119 tn?1441053630
Try alum. You will find that its the main ingredient in tightening creams and such. Here is what you do. Mix a tiny bit with water in a cup, bowl, what have you. Soak a cotton ball and insert. Wait a few minutes and remove. Secretion diminshed.  How much alum is up to you but be careful not to over indulge as you may get too dry. What are the side effects? Ask your doctor who would probabaly use complicated jargons like, FDA, pharmaceutical, infection. What I do know is that alum is cheap, located in the spice section of just about every grocery store, and my aunt (she taught me this as a way to fake being a virgin over and over again) and the other women in her community have been doing this for ions and are just fine. Oh also you may wanna give lime or lemon a shot too. If those I would recommend organic or non processed lemon/lime. Buy it and slice it yourself, not from a bottle. Slice transverse section, lay on back, and squeeze the juice into your twa. Astrigent. So two local recipes used in African and Asian cultures so before we get on our western high horses please remember that you are not being forced to try this so please do not try it. But in cultures, where female horniness is frownned upon, a wet vagina is a serious problem and so they take the art of drying it up very seriously.
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Hi Ladies,
I am a doctor (GP) - My rather embarrassed 25 year-old daughter asked me what she could do as this problem was ruining her sex-life. I have done a quick internet search and it appears that some vasoconstrictors may help reduce vaginal secretions. One research paper suggested Propranolol (a Beta-blocker which has both beta-1 and beta-2 effects) and was found to be beneficial (when tested in rats) - I would suggest 20-40mg taken an hour before sex - ask your GP for a prescription - Beware - not suitable for asthmatics as can cause bronchoconstriction (acute asthma-attack). Ironically, this medication can cause impotence in men.
Another non-scientific article suggested nicotine, which is a powerful vasoconstrictor - the recent availability of e-cigarettes means you will not have to 'take-up the smoking habit' and a puff just before sex may be worth a try.
Best of luck ladies.
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So now I'm imaging that poor grad student who gets to check rats for vaginal wetness.
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Hi there ladies,
So, I tried the magic stick and I must say it works! I managed to have sex 3 times this week ( I know, mediocre but I wasn t getting any) and both boyfriend had bags of pleasure! I must say that on the second time I used the stick was only one day after I had firstly used it and as I result I did get very dry and tight making penetration nearly impossible.. I laugh as I write this but we had to use a lubricante. My boyfriend knows nothing about me using this product but was polite enough not to mention the differences.. On the third time I didn t need the stick as I was still pretty safe down there. A little bit of the product came out during sex but looked like a thick secretion and he payed no attention to it. I was over the moon with my new found sex life, but I must confess to u ladies that I ve been experiencing a really bad thrush these last 3 days and don t know if is from the product or from hurting myself by having too dry sex! I haven't given up yet, as soon as I get better I will use the priduct but will probaly try to wash it off afterwards. Will post more once I go through it again.
Take care all
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Hi girls, I am in my mid twenties and also am on the wet side = /
I used to be 'nomal' and then after starting in a new pill I started experiencing the abnomal wetness... my relationship ended and I blame the crap sex life. Now I have been in an one and a half year relationship which is also reaching breaking up point. My partner insists there is nothing wrong with me but the reality speaks louder; he hardly looks for me in bed, does not ejaculate 90 percent of the time and sometimes, after 30 min of feeling nothing (as i feel nothing i assume it is the same for him) he loses erection.
I have been living in such a despair.. we used to love each other so much and sex as shallow as it sounds, is seting us apart.
I tried changing my diet as avoiding stimulating things such as coffeine but had minimal success. I have also noticed that with my actual boyfriend feels way worse than with the previous one and it is due to him also secreting 'stuff' during the sexual act. so it is, that if we wear a condom from the start before penetration, sec feels better, less wet.
The point, I came back to the internet to see if anything new was out there in the market. been to bags of doctors, froze the ligning of my womb but never wanted to try silly powders and creams due to mix reviews.. However today I found this new product with very good reviews through out and wasted no time in buying it. I haven t tried yet but am positive that it must really be good. The products name is 'the magic stick'. It is basicly a 'stick' made of a combination of ingredients known to reduce lubrication. the stick should be inserted (vagina, case someone is wondering) at least 30 min before intercourse for 2  to 3 minutes. Some ladies even complained that they got so dry that penetration wasn t possible!!! for me it sounds like the perfect product. the stick can be used for up to 25 times aparently. reviews also say that the dryness and tightening sensation last for hours. some also reports that by continuasly using it, reduces lubrication and the product less and less often needed. I should be receiving mine this week, and providing I still have a boyfriend by then and manage to engage him in some sexual activity, I will be posting the results in here.
I am sorry all of you. I know how horrible and how little of a woman you all feel. I feel suicidal!!!
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Well, I could have written that post myself. But I asked a doctor, not my gyno, about it, and she prescribed me glycopyrolate, which is prescribed for people who sweat too much- it worked!
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Have you tried Sudafed or the equivalent? It is known to "dry up" not just the sinuses but the whole body. As a fellow "wet one", my first husband hated it but my second one is thrilled. The whole multiorgasm-excessive wetness things seem to go hand in hand. I hope this helps.
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I have a different, new experience. Using my clitoral pump I did not have much wetness. But then I purchased a g spit vibrator and I was soaked. I wonder if the excessive wetness is due to g spot stimulation. It shocked me. I would be embarrassed having this occur with a partner. Iam single and hope to have a partner. I had to put a towel under me when using the g spot vibrator.I was unaware of this phenomenon til it happened to me last week. These posts assure me it's normal.
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what types of products
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Last time I went to the GYN for a check up she told me she could give me something for my excess wetness. Touch triggers the wetness for me, overly sensitive.
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I have just experienced this at 17! never had it before and have been active since 16, any ideas?!
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excessive vaginal fluids is never aproblem but rather to some cultures its ablessing.Forexample in East Africa,Uganda in particular western part of the country especially cattle keepers,have this as ablessing not aproblem because,Actually most people other side of the country long for such lady to witness of what normally happens.
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Actually, the many women who have commented here that it IS a problem would signify that it IS a problem.
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If you don't feel anything for lack of friction, he can satisfy you orally. All women like that, right?

IF he's creative and has good technique, enjoys doing it, is not in a hurry, so you're totally relaxed, in the 'carefree' zone - and as long as he is as if on a mission, committed to the goal, on-target and relentless in his approach, and you know how once he starts working on you he's going the distance, won't stop until you surrender, give in, give up, give him what he's wanting to get...more wet from you not less. The best that you produce.  Your sweet clean grade-A c**. What he needs to quench his thirst. Your fresh spring flowing. Swallowing your essence. Savoring your passion. Transcended... drifting along on your sea of love. To the shores - desert island paradise, once lost, now found.
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"over come"
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Im a suffer also what kind of pills are these and where can i get them
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The only time my vagina is less wet, is when Ive already masturbated at least once. The problem is, I can't be doing that all the time and  i might not even have time to masturbate in several occasions..
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HI there,
What is the name of this 'magic stick'?!! I'm suffering terribly and am desparate to try anything that may help!!

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I'm having the same problem and I'm 24,but only since I've had my kids and my sex life is a mess boyfriend left he thought I was cheating because I was always wet.. I wouldn't have sex for up to eight months and he would jus slide in wen we do
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What a comment...

My sex life is pretty darn amazing :) I am 100% satisfied by my partner and multiply and squirting.... I can go on. However this is not a perceived problem. it is real. So perhaps know what you are talking about before telling people to fix their mental state. It is a real physical problem that has a negative impact on my partner and on others partners.
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Yes! Thank you!
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I am completely in the same boat, minus the kids... This is not a fun problem and we are "not" lucky. It is horrible to know that your partner is not able to get off because it is too wet and yes you feel like a horrible failure. It also becomes not fun for you, as you can't feel anything. Everyone keeps mistaking it for a "tightness" issue do Keigles... Let me tell you no amount of keigles changes this... Hoping to find some solution... :(
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I get very wet and my guy has no problem with staying hard or ejaculation. In fact I feel him just fine. Before him my sex life has never been a problem. I have been like a waterfall since I can remember. This is the first that I am hearing of it being a problem. I have always heard ppl complaining of the dryness. I really hope you find a solution.
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Embrace the wetness people. If you actually stop focusing on yourself, your perceived short comings, or whatever, and get out of your heads, you'll find the whole experience much more pleasurable. Sex is supposed to be messy. It's animal and raw and generally most exciting when you're not over thinking it. Connect with the emotion and what's happing in your body. Everything else doesn't really matter. Your partners probably find difficulty in climaxing during intercourse because they can feel that you're tense and uptight about your body. They've lost you because you've gone into your head worrying about things.
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Wow, way to minimize a real, physical problem! I have the same issue, I'm not tense during sex, quite the contrary, and it's a big issue for my partner, as the friction gets less and less the more we make love. Try possibly being more empathetic, and less demeaning. Nobody is overthinking it, it's an actual, physical problem.
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i have the same problem but im also prowd of it i feel like a hot founten and feels verry healthy and spiritual
plus i have a salution: let your partner lick you verry well and  fingir you  as many fingers it goes well with his thumb and pinkiy together like a triangle

then when you feel satisfied lay back and rest a little youll get a hot cold
shivirng sensation he can wipe you down as well after he playd with you you might not need it you dry from the air and from inside
then you naturaly dry up a bit then he should pnatrate without you asking

a man wants to give the woman its in his nature
suddenly youl feel amazing and you might yell out from pleasure and he'll also start yelling out you might orgazim together in bliss
he can wipe you down as well after again and himself aswell and after som rest start again this time you can press his **** hard and lick and suck

there hope even if your a natural spring
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Millions of people are diagnosed with STDs in the U.S. each year.
STDs can't be transmitted by casual contact, like hugging or touching.
Syphilis is an STD that is transmitted by oral, genital and anal sex.
Discharge often isn't normal, and could mean an infection or an STD.
STDs aren't transmitted through clothing. Fabric is a germ barrier.
Normal vaginal discharge varies in color, smell, texture and amount.