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tingling sensation in penis for 8 weeks.

I had unprotected oral sex with a sex worker on the 2nd of October. Around 20 days later I started having a tingling sensation, pain and irritation on the left side of my penis. I visited the doctor on the 1st of November. He said it's nothing and advised bixigard tablet and terbiforce ointment for 10 days. The pain hadn't moved an inch till then. On 15th November, I underwent blood and urine tests and were negative for HiV , VDRL. The usg scan for penis, abdomen and Doppler for scrotal were normal as well. I masturbated once after that and had intolerable pain on the left region of my penis. Recently I had tests for herpes and HIV by prc method and the results were negative as well. When I retract the foreskin, I can see a minute trail ofwhite dots. It has been almost 45 days since I am having these symptoms of tingling sensation, mild pain and discomfort. Could you help me out ?
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4851940 tn?1515694593
The condition that you now have is called Balanitis.  It is very important for you to have good hygiene, wash with water and not soap and dry gently.

Make an appointment to see your doctor as soon as possible in the event that the antibiotic did not get rid of all the infection.

Best wishes.
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4851940 tn?1515694593
A cystoscopy is done for various reasons.  And it allows a doctor to  look into the bladder with a special telescope called a cystoscope.

It is important that you have a good diet with fresh fruit and vegetables, and drink water.  Eating natural yogurt will help too against fungal growth. Cut out or cut down on sugar foods and drinks.

You have recently finished a course of antibiotics and that can bring on thrush problems.  Ask your doctor for a prescription for Fluconazole 150mg, this is a one single oral dose to treat thrush, but waiting to get laboratory results would be a good idea to make sure that the problem is a fungal one.

It is also important for you to wash yourself with water and gently dry yourself. Don't use soap.   Good hygiene is very important.  As the cream the doctor gave you is not helping, make an appointment to get a different medication.

It would be a good idea for you to make an appointment to see your doctor again to get a swab taken to be analysed a the laboratory.  This would show what type of bacteria or fungus that you have.  If you are able to get an appointment with a urologist without a doctor's referral, then do do that.  The urologist will be able to find out if there is a problem with your urethra.

Best wishes.

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Could you please help?
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Thankyou for detailed reply. Despite of taking the anti acidic syrup (Citralka) for 4 days now, the redness hasnt subsided. I can also see white deposits on the reddish region now(the 2 lips from which urine excretes). The irritation, burning sensation and tingling pain is also around it. It has been 60 days that I am having discomfort in my penis. There has to be a problem but the tests are not able to trace it down. What would you suggest? Should I visit an urologist and go for Cystoscopy? I had undergone USG for penis and scrotal sac 6 weeks from the incident and the results were normal.
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4851940 tn?1515694593
Here on MedHelp if you look for  Popular Resources which is at the bottom of the page when you scroll down try and find the article that is called: 16 Things You Need to Know About STDs.

You may also find looking at the web page below has more answers and information for you:


Best wishes.
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4851940 tn?1515694593
Well the tests that you had came back with negative results.
The  bixigard tablets that I presume the doctor prescribed for you, and depending on the strength of the tablet/s, this would treat gonorrhoea.  

VDRL test is a screening test for syphilis.

CBC is a complete blood count that measures the state of your health and
diagnoses various conditions, such as anemia, infection, inflammation, bleeding disorder or leukemia.

You already know about Herpes.  This is a virus that lies dormant in our body and depending on which type you have can be transmitted sexually when someone is having sores and is contagious.

Because of the blood tests and the antibiotic that you have had, I do not think that you have an STD.

Because you have been taking the antibiotic, it is likely that you may now have thrush and that will explain any white dots that you have, thrush can also cause soreness and itchiness.  

I would suggest that if you are not feeling any better over the next few days after using the Citralka, is to make an appointment to see your doctor and ask for a referral to the urologist.  I could be that you may need further investigation to find out what is causing your problem, this could be having an ultra sound scan or other procedure to help the urologist find out what is going on.

You have been prescribed with Terbiforce and this is an antifungal cream.  If your condition is slowly improving, you should carry on with your treatment.  If you find that it is not working, then again the doctor may be able to prescribe a different type of antifungal and also a one single dose oral capsule called Fluconazole which also helps with fungal problems.  the Fluconazole can be purchased at the pharmacy without a prescription, but I would suggested you follow your doctor's directions.

Make sure that you still keep drinking plenty of water and using the anti-acidic syrup that your doctor prescribed for you.  It is important not to get dehydrated.

Best wishes.
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Could you please help?
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Thankyou for replying to my endless queries. The doctor examined the swollen urethral tip and advised an urine report. All was normal except for the ph level. It was 5.5 - acidic. So the doctor said that was causing it. He advised Citralka (anti acidic) syrup. The pain, tingling and discomfort has somewhat reduced but has not gone completely. Here are the tests I have undergone:
1. CBC and VDRL - negative (6 weeks from date of incident)
2. Herpes(1 and 2) - negative (8 weeks from date of incident)
3. HIV by prc method - negative (8 weeks from date of incident)
Do you think, that I might still have an STD?
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my urethral opening has become red and swollen. I feel some kind of fluid movement specially before and after I urinate. What are these?
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4851940 tn?1515694593
The scratchy feeling that you experienced may be kidney stones.  These can be very tiny like grains of sand, but they can still cause problems.

Keep using the cream that your doctor prescribed for you.

It is also very important to drink plenty of fluids and especially water.  This will help to flush out the bacteria.  I know that it may feel uncomfortable for you to urinate, but you must drink.  About 2-3 litres of water per day is recommended.  Don't drink more than that as too much can be just as bad as not enough.

In a glassful of water you can mix 1 teaspoonful of Bicarbonate of Soda and drink that.  This will neutralise the urine so that it will not cause aggravation.  You can do this 3 times with 1 hour in between each drink, no more.  If it is kidney stones passing through, that will not help.  It will only help if your urine is very acidic.

Best wishes.
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Thankyou for your help. One recent development that I can see is that my urethral opening has become red and swollen. Along with it the discomfort and the scratchy feeling hasn't subsided. The scratchy feeling can be felt coming from within the urethral pipe and my left region of the penis. On my glans there are a few minute white protrudings as well. Could these symptoms be something ?
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4851940 tn?1515694593
Augmentin is an antibiotic.  Unfortunately, antibiotics can encourage yeast growth because they not only kill off the bad bacteria, but also the good bacteria.

The Fluconazole should take a few days to a week before you feel any benefit.  

Do not wash with soap and shower gels as these will dry your genitals and aggravate the skin.  Use soaps that are not perfumed and those that have a pH level to suit the skin.  Baby washes will be fine too.  

Wear cotton underwear and nothing tight.  

Make sure that you have a good healthy diet and cut down on fizzy drinks, and processed and sugary foods.  Fungus loves sweet.

Make sure that you wash your hands after using the toilet and wash your hands before touching your genitals.

Keep on using your antifungal cream as directed, but if there is no improvement after a week or so, make an appointment and see your doctor again.  

If you get desperate, you can also apply natural live yogurt to your cleaned and gently dried genitals.

Best wishes.
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Is there something serious going on within my penis?
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I have started using the antifungal cream called candid. Also took the oral tablet called flucanozole. If it is a yeast infection, how long will it take to subside? The creams that I've used before were antibacterial and didn't have antifungal properties.
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I have started using the antifungal cream called candid. Also took the oral tablet called flucanozole. If it is a yeast infection, how long will it take to subside? The creams that I've used before were antibacterial and didn't have antifungal properties.
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I really think getting a swab would be a good idea. It would tell if you have a bacterial infection or not.
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He didn't take a swab but just looked it at visually. Should I go for a swab now?
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If your Dr thinks it may be a bacterial infection he should have taken a swab. Did he do that? He needs to know exactly what's going on so he can prescribe the right meds.
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Yeast infection no. The doctor said the pain maybe due to some bacterial infection. He prescribed tablets such as augmentin 625mg , citizine and gabantin for the itch. And an ointment called soframycin for local application. The symptoms haven't disappeared as of now. What would you prescribe?
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Were you checked for a yeast infection? This is not very uncommon in men who are not circularized.
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Millions of people are diagnosed with STDs in the U.S. each year.
STDs can't be transmitted by casual contact, like hugging or touching.
Syphilis is an STD that is transmitted by oral, genital and anal sex.
Discharge often isn't normal, and could mean an infection or an STD.
STDs aren't transmitted through clothing. Fabric is a germ barrier.
Normal vaginal discharge varies in color, smell, texture and amount.