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369941 tn?1218656774

Mind awake, body asleep?

For the past few months, since Nov, I've been having this problem with waking up. It just started suddenly and happens a few night a moths, once to three times in the same night.
Usually its morning, after a full nights sleep, when it happens. My mind will wake up. I'll be compleatly conciouse. I can think, remember, everything as when I'm fully awake, but my body stays asleep. I feel literaly paralyzed, in a coma. Everything is dark. It's just like I'm laying there with my eyes closed but I can't move or screem now matter how hard I try. Usually I freak out and lay there for a while trying to wake my body up somehow till my husband hears me wimpering, cause I'm trying to screem for him, and he wakes me up. I know it's not just a bad dream and I'm scared my body might never wake up one day. Can anyone help on what this is or advice or something?
67 Responses
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I have had the same problem my whole life as well it happens when im asleep and i can hear someone while asleep but can not move or anything but dont worry this will work to wake you up
1- dont panic
2- think to yourself this is only temporary
3- try to move a toe cough scrunch your face or ball your hand into a fist
4- if you have a lpved one who sleeps next to you have them help you through it its important to have someone who can talk you into a state of calm.
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hello my name is shekhar from kolkata city india.   sorry my english is bit little poor. yesterday when i was sleeping suddenly my mind got active and i was able to think whatever i want and then something flashed not in front of my eyes (because my body was sleeping) but  in my mind  that i am in my relatives home and then i thought i was not there because before i slept so shouldn't be here and then i started to move my body sorry that would be a wrong statement i tried to move my body but it was like like i can't  (because i think my body was still inactive and it was sleeping ) then i tried my best to make me awake and it takes 10-20 seconds to make myself awake ...it happened to me 3 times yesterday night i never thought these kinds of things exist in this world but when i suffered from this then i started searching about it on google and i find out this page and different people having the same problem now i'm okay and dont know whether i'm gonna have this same problem or not . so i'm waiting for tonight ...and that thing when my mind got active while i was sleeping it happened for just less than 2 minutes .. not for too longer but as i am indian i started thinking about ghost and all that but now i'm okay.. thank you so much guys for writing this post really appreciate it :)
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Hey my name is Damini i am from Delhi this is exactly happening with me.. but only if I sleep at afternoon.. it was the worst situation I can hear everything but can't move .. my mother says that this is because you use mobile phone or u take stress but I dont know if it is because of mobile so why dont it happens at night .. I am facing this from last 6 years don't know what to do .. today yesterday I suffered from same and thats y wrote here.plz help if anyone can
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Hey I to have had these episodes more times then I can count, so much so that I've begun to notice when there about to happen and can wake up before paralysis sets in. Sometimes I'm just to darn tired and will fight through a few back to back. I have heard try not to sleep on your back but I get them even when laying on my side. I went to a doc about it to see if they knew what it was or how to stop them but I just got looked at like I was nutz): if anyone knows more info about this or has any questions for me I would love to hear from you about this topic.
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Hey I to have had these episodes more times then I can count, so much so that I've begun to notice when there about to happen and can wake up before paralysis sets in. Sometimes I'm just to darn tired and will fight through a few back to back. I have heard try not to sleep on your back but I get them even when laying on my side. I went to a doc about it to see if they knew what it was or how to stop them but I just got looked at like I was nutz): if anyone knows more info about this or has any questions for me I would love to hear from you about this topic.
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Same here bro, I'm too tired at times I just fight through them. Do you ever get the feeling like "I hope no one try's to bother or try to move me" cause when I'm experience in it, it's hard to breath and I have to fight deep breaths and fight to wake up, also every time I'm experinceing it, I can hear everything very clearly and feel very awake until I wake up and I wake up very tired and just want to sleep again
612876 tn?1355514495
You are experiencing Sleep Paralysis. This is completely normal, and happens even to healthy people from time to time. You can decrease the frequency of these episodes by avoiding sleeping on your back, and instead sleeping on your side or your stomach. I understand how scary these episodes can be! I've been having them almost every night (sometimes several times a night) since I was 5 years old, due to an autoimmune disease that started when I was young.

If these episodes become very frequent or start to interfere with your ability to work, go to school, socialize, or take care of yourself (cook, eat, clean, etc.) then you should discuss your Sleep Paralysis with your Primary Care Physician as frequent, troublesome episodes of this can be symptoms of an underlying sleep disorder. There are treatment options available if a sleep disorder is identified.

Best wishes,
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It's very scary to the point I put my hands by my eyes because I find if I can peel my eyes open it helps me get out of what I call a waking coma.  It seems to happen during an afternoon nap when, yes I have had a great nights sleep and yet need to sleep again. I'm not sure why or what it is but am glad to know I'm not crazy laughing out loud!
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612876 tn?1355514495
I was wondering if you might help us out by answering a one-question survey?  If you have a moment, go to the front page (hit the back to community button at the top of this page) and locate the poll about sleep topics. I would love to have your feedback. Thanks, H.
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612876 tn?1355514495
It is natural to be in a state of flaccid paralysis during REM sleep (the dream phase of sleep). Occasionally people will wake up whilst the body is still in the REM state, usually due to sleep deprivation, and this is called "sleep paralysis." Most people will experience sleep paralysis at least once in their lives.
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Hi, Just read this post from long ago and it brought back memories of the times I have experienced similar feelings. Since then I have learned a lot about how my body functions thanks to the internet and caring people like those who have replied.  I have been told I had demons, crazy, possible brain damage and all kinds of goofy stuff.
I came across some information about why men get aroused in the middle of the night and it shed some light on lots of scary night time activities. I have come to realize our brains operate like a computer.
When we think about how our computer functions when we have clicked the mouse to many times/ when the fan goes on because the computer is working hard/ the computer runs slow/ acts like it has malware or a virus/ or just doesn't want to turn on, refresh or even wake up!!!!  Once I realized this then I could understand my brain better.  We defragment, clean our hard drives, delete unused files, learn to care for our computers and even take them in to specialists when we can't figure out what is wrong with it.  I hope you can see the correlation I am suggesting. This simple understanding has helped me live easier and reduce my anxiety, and understand life in a whole new perspective.  Now back to the post that I alluded to about men being aroused in the middle of the night or in the morning. The post said the brain goes through updates just like our computers, phones and even cable provider. Basically your brain is checking to make sure all systems a working properly. Well when a man get's aroused then the physically anatomy changes in a very sensitive area, thus it is "wake up" time unless the person is really in a very deep sleep. Now for night paralysis I believe that our extremities are kind of just hanging out there and our core are more important functions. The brain expends more time testing our torso than our arms, fingers, legs and toes at certain times. Normally we don't realize this unless we wake up on our own and disrupt the brain's processing mode. Just think when we want to use our computer and it is doing an update. Some people freak out and think they have been attacked by a Trojan.  Knowledge is very healing . I am bipolar and my first experience was when I was in a mental hospital. You can bet your "biffey" I am going to learn how to be that scared never again.
Peace and well wishes to you all.....Need to go to sleep mode....processing over and out, lol
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The same thing happens to me Im only 14
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Hi, so it's currently past 2 AM as I type this. At about an hour ago, I woke up from such a thing that many of you are relating to and having. This isn't the first time it's happened to me before. This has happened to me many times in the past, but the thought of it really being a problem never surfaces up. Well, the topic actually has before and as always for me being a little research fad, I did look through to it once except I didn't care enough to the extent where I'm kind of worried. Whenever these things happen I never look into it because I already know that I'll wake up each time, but this time when I woke up I began to question things. In my experiences, I sometimes have my eyes open, but I mostly have them closed. Even though I say I know I'll wake up there's still, of course, that worry about never waking up so sometimes I try really hard to move, but when I do I feel this sort of pain and there's always this strange sort of buzzing noise whenever I move. I don't think I hallucinate during the process, but eh. Anyways, what I find really interesting about myself is that I don't always wake up the same. I could either open my eyes right away and be fully awake by actually preparing myself to wake up like in my mind screaming 'wake up' or just the usual trying to nudge myself out of it. Honestly, this just irritates me a lot and sometimes when I wake up I feel to exhausted to get up, but then it happens again like I just seriously am so done with this. I'm a 14 year old girl in High School, but this has been happening for years and I just want clarification if I really do have sleep disorders. On top of that, there's many other disorders much like BPD I'm concerned of having.
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I've experienced this, its really anoying, and I just overthink and just couldn't sleep from overthinking and worrying, fearing it would happen to me again. I experience the same problem .. My mind wakes up, I can think, I can hear, but I can't move my body, and at the same time, I feel my heart is stopped, I can't breathe .. I keep fighting and trying to wake up my body and move, and then I wake up at the last breathe ! This is gettin me really worried and depressed, any suggestions please ?
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You might be onto something here ,and yes there are some people who do welcome it . This is where the body is completely relaxed but the mind is awwake . I get those quite a bit sometimes four days in a row . I do not try to avoid them @ all i welcome them as a blessing .
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I have the same problem.  Im 22 old now and im suffering from it since I was 7. Maybe it happened a th0usand times and Im still afraid when its happening. Im worrying that when I get old thinking if i still can fight to wake up. Really need knowledge to prevent or avoid paralysing when sleeping. Im normally sleeping around 11pm or 12am and sometimes 1am to 4am. But when im sleeping 8 or 9pm its happening. I cant explaine the ache in my head before it happening. And it happening 3 to 5 times when i experiencing it. This is how i fight I just strongly moving my toes again and again till I wake up. But you know its funny because sometimes I am not forcing myself to wake up instead im thinking to sleep eventhough im paralys. Sometimes its not working because i feel im dying. Anyone help?
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hi, email me if you want? iam trying to figure it out.
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It is living in 2 world as you said. however. i've now got really interested in it. does it happened often to you? when it happen, do you remember if you slept on ur back, front or side that caused it? some can level it up i believe. but a frighten "things" is what you all call cause that it never happens. i need information on when it happens? and on what position do you sleep?

i really did like to see if it works on me 2. or is it just some of human that have this ability. but i believe also everyone can. however. could you please repeat?
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I remember this happening to me when I was bout 5 years old
Waking from a nap
I could here an see my family members
  but they couldn't  here me as I called out
I couldn't move (paralyzed)
Keep happening over the years just more an more frequent
Today was just awful
I've started to have panic attacks
I hav high blood pressure could it be related to
When I was a kid i took a relative Thorazine medication I wonder if that's a contributing factor o well I'm thankful
O I'm 35  and graying like crazy
I'm school bus driver so could it b stress
I wake up with headaches hmmmm
I just know it scary
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4669046 tn?1357771849
thank god i am not on my own. i suffer this nearly every night. locked in syndrome awake but also controling my dreams ,can not wake up but when i here a noise or voice from my family it triggers panic. its like living in two worlds. i need help can any of you help me. i think i am going mad please help! xx
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I too suffer from the same feeling only I'm wide awake.  I can see, hear, and feel everything going on around me.  Recently, during this experience, I started having seizure like symptoms.  It really freaked my boyfriend out.  I could hear him calling me and tensed up as I shook but could not respond. My eyes opened, closed, and moved quickly.  I usually only experience this when I am really tired falling into sleep like I am in between sleep and being awake.  I don't know what to do about this, any suggestions?
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Hello folks, just adding on, the feeling of full consciousness, while your body lays motionless, would most likely be sleep paralysis. A licensed doctor can tell you more officially, some advice for waking from this would to be calming your mind and focus on your movements. When your laying down, try to jolt an arm up with concentration, control your breathing and don't panic. Try sleeping on your side there after, don't be afraid to sleep because of this. Besides having a stress related trigger, I have been told some foods can make you have these experiences, I wouldn't take any kind of medical drugs for this, just a cool dose of RELAX during your awake hours and if you have unrelaxed people around you, you also tend to be unrelaxed. Hope this helps someone, if not fixing the problem then an understanding of it, Peace =)
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mine begins with a humming noise as i am on the brink of sleep, the noise becomes waves and it pulls me under. I know at that point what is happening as i am semi awake and aware but it is to strong it pulls me in. I reason with myself that i can get out of this but when i do it can pull me right back in several times. It is horrific, what i have felt and saw under that hypnotic state stays with you. Trapped and alone. I think it is just a place some people get caught in just as they are on the brink of sleep and as awful as it is it is just part of how we work and how complex the human form is.
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Wow, I have this too- never knew if it was officially sleep paralysis because I don't get the feeling of demons or something sitting on my chest.  This is the first time I hear many people describing exactly what happens to me!

It happens when I nap or if I "sleep in" too late.  I just can't wake up and even though I know what is happening I am terrified and think I will be stuck in sleep forever or die.  I think I am screaming, think I am moving, but I am not.  Sometimes I think I woke myself up and began walking around, only to realize I am still asleep.  I live alone so it is extra awful!  No one to get me up!  I usually wake up drenched in sweat.  Like someone said before,  sometimes I start to wake up (or at least I am thinking I am starting to wake up) and I am pulled back into sleep.  It's awful- fighting to wake up.

I do suffer from anxiety and depression and am sure its related to anxiety.  On meds though.  The only thing that helps is trying not to nap or sleep too late.  If I go down for a nap I try to remember to set an alarm for a limited nap time.  This way I know the alarm will go off and get me up, and an hour nap makes this nightmare less likely to happen than a three hour nap which could happen if I did not set the alarm.  

I think I sleep on my side mostly but have heard the back sleeping connection too.  Maybe I roll, idk.
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I have the same problem as well but its when I fall asleep on the couch during the day..I have wondered for months why this happens and just now decided to do some research.  Some people say that they would love to have this experience but honestly it scares the crap out of me..The first time it happened I honestly thought I was dead because I could hear everything that was going on around me and could even get up and walk in a spiritual like state..I actually remember yelling at my body to wake up.  I have learned to just force my body out of this but i still panic every now and then because of it.  Are there any known remedies?  Im guessing its due to stress because I am a full time student in my 30's, single father of two kids and work 3 part time jobs.
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Last night was the first time my paralysis began with a nightmare - i was supposed to die on a scaffold with other people, but like the final destination movies we escaped - then death started chasing us and i saw everyone that was on the scaffold with me being hit by cars, murdered and beaten, things falling on them, and then finally being chased and strangled. I thought to myself that if I pretended to pass out the person would stop strangling me. They did stop but then I woke up and realized I had been having a nightmare but couldn't open my eyes. I can even think very clearly during these episodes. I thought to myself oh no not again - and i even talked to myself to stay calm, i knew my husband had already left for work, and i was alone - i started yelling to my self 1-2-3 WAKE UP and then i will my eyes to open - most of the time this works for me - the worst was when it took three different counts to finally wake up - i had even started crying to myself that this was the time that i wouldn't wake up and that i had died and was experiencing death - infinity in this state - this is the most horrifying experience i have ever had and do not wish it upon anyone - i also wake up gasping for air and wonder if i have stopped breathing and am indeed dying - i also have a rapid heartbeat due to being terrified - i appreciate reading everyones comments and knowing im not crazy
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